"So does that mean Sting has something to do with the dragons?" Natsu asked with a neutral expression.

"I don't know my visions are never clear" Carla admitted it was at this moment Lucy walked back into the inn looking tired everyone decided to go to bed and think on it another day that was until they heard a knock on the door the opened it to reveal Yukino standing there with a suitcase a tear stains down her face, Natsu couldn't help but go on guard.

"What are you doing here Yukino?" Mira asked it was then Yukino broke down in tears again.

"Yukino what's the matter?" Lucy asked.

"I'm sorry" Yukino said composing herself. "I've come to ask a favour" she finished.

"A favour what is it?" Lucy asked guiding the upset mage to a nearby chair, everyone else followed to sit around the table Wendy Master Makarov and Carla went to bed guessing this had nothing to do with them, Yukino took a deep breath and took her celestial spirt keys from her pouch and placed them on the table.

"I want you to have my keys" Yukino said.

"But Yukino without your keys you can't compete in the games" Lucy pointed out.

"I won't be playing in the games any longer thanks to my loss, I've been expelled from Sabretooth" Yukino said as her head dropped.

"What how can they do that are you ok?" Lucy asked in shock everyone else was surprised while Natsu who was sitting further back his expression was easing.

"I don't care that I was expelled it was the manner in which I was, Master told me time strip down in front of the entire guild and remove my own guild mark" Yukino said trying to hold back her tears, Natsu started to look angry.

"Is there anything we can do" Lucy asked.

"No I'll be ok thanks" she replied "But will you take the keys?" Yukino asked not looking at the group.

"I can't take you keys Yukino, the contract we make with our spirits is a promise and I know if you were thinking straight you wouldn't want to break that promise" Lucy said, While Yukino sighed.

"Your right I guess I was so wrapped up in the prophecy I wasn't thinking how my spirits would feel" She explained.

"What Prophecy?" Mira asked.

"Its an old story my mother told me, when I was a child. If all twelve gate keys are under one owner the celestial gate would open" she explained " I guess with the dramatic drop in celestial wizards I thought the prophecy might be coming true, but I must of been wrong"

"I'm sure fate will bring the keys together when it's time, but for now keep the keys" Lucy assured.

"OK if will for now thank you for your time" Yukino said standing up a bowing slightly.

"Its not a problem" Lucy answered.

"Do you need a place to stay?" Mira offered.

"No thank you I have been offered a place in the rune knights for the time being, I wish your guild luck in the next few days" Yukino said as she left, Mira and Lucy were shocked how can a guild do that to one of their members.

"We should get some rest it's been a long day" Mira said after a few moments, she turned to see Lucy nod her head she then turned to where Natsu was sitting to see nothing but an empty space.

"Where did he go?" Lucy asked.

"Its ok I'll sort it out you head to bed" Mira smiled, she had guessed where he went and sighed.

Meanwhile out on the streets of Crocus Yukino was asking towards Mercurius absorbed in her own thoughts until she heard someone calm out her name.

"Yukino hey wait up" the voice called, she turned to see Natsu running towards her. " Phew I managed to catch you" he said as he approached.

"What's wrong is everything OK?" Yukino asked she had seen how Natsu had looked at her while she was explained and assumed that he didn't trust her because of the guild she was from, not that she blamed him.

"Yea, I just wanted to apologise" Natsu said trying to catch his breath.

"Apologise for what?" Yukino asked confused.

"I wanted to apologise for misjudging you I can see you a nice person and I thought you were like the others from your guild" Natsu explained, and with that Yukino broke down in tears again. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry" Natsu panicked but Yukino assured him he had done nothing wrong and with that they pared ways Yukino carrying on her way to Mercurius while Natsu had a different destination in mind.

Explosions could be heard throughout the Sabretooth hotel, as it shock wizards from the entire building woke up and headed straight for the bar area to group up against the attackers, the Explosions moved closer and closer as the majority of the guild stood ready, staring at the doors daring for someone to break through. There was silence then the doors blow off their hinges with fire poring through and a single person blown back, as the smoke cleared it revealed a single person standing arms alight, his face angry with his sights set on the master.

"Jiemma" Natsu shouted.

"You've got some nerve braking in here" Master Jiemma spoke highly stepping in front of his assembled guild, Natsu remained silent. "So what do you think gives you the right to come barrelling into my guild"

"I've come to teach you a lesson on how you should treat your guild members" Natsu said starting to slowly walking forward.

"So I've offended one of your high and mighty ideals, I don't care" Jiemma said coldly.

"Then maybe I should beat it into ya" Natsu said breaking into a run.

"As if I would fight you, your not even a guild master anymore, Dobengal deal with this waste of magic" the master ordered, out of nowhere a mage dressed as a ninja appeared.

"At once" Dobengal replied as he began to charge Natsu.

"Don't hide behind you flunkeys" Natsu said.

"You would be unwise to dismiss me so easily, I may of been top pick for our guilds team but I'm just as strong" Dobengal boasted as he effortlessly leaped into the aor

"I Don't care" Natsu replied as he easily dodged Dobengals attack, Natsu countered by grabbing the mages arm and giving a flaming fist to the gut which sent him flying across the guild, Natsu stood their for a few moments staring I to Jiemmas eyes.

"I guess I shouldn't of expected less from Fairy tails old master" Jiemma said calmly.

"Master let me, I can take him" Rouge said stepping forward.

"You'll do not such thing" Jiemma said bringing his arm forward to stop the dragon slayer.

"Finally fighting me one on one huh?" Natsu said as he began charging again.

"Like you could ever take on someone like me" Jiemma boasted, he brushed himself as Natsu's flaming fist which at first seamed harmless until moments later when his fist exploded knocking Jiemma back several foot, they glared at each other before both launching a paunch at each other but moments before they were to hit they both felt something pushing them back the dust cleared reviling Minerva standing between them.

"Hum what would the judges think of this unprovoked attack on our guild" she taunted "You can leave now and we'll forget about this little incident" Natsu wasn't thinking straight and was about to launch another attack.

"Natsu" called a familiar voice he turned to see Mirajane standing by where the doors used to be. "Come on we should be heading back" she said strictly, he looked at her for a moment before nodding and walking towards an exit.

"A wise choice" Minerva said highly, Natsu stopped and turned his head slightly.

"A guild should treat it's members like family not like some sort of army fairy tail will show you that before these games are through" Natsu said before carrying on walking and the two left towards their inn. It was silent for the first part of the journey until Mira spoke up.

"You know you could of got us kicked out of the games" Mira said calmly.

"Yea I know I guess I just wasn't thinking straight" Natsu replied.

"Hehe silly" Mira giggled as she gave her husband a peck on the cheek, Natsu was just confused.

"What was that about I thought you were about to give me a lecture?" Natsu asked.

"There's no point you've already told yourself it" Mira replied with a smile. "Besides I thought it was sweet what you did for Yukino" Mira said walking with her hands behind her back taking deliberately long steps, Natsu just looked at his wife and smiled.

"What would I do without you?" Natsu asked laughing to himself.

"You're welcome" Mira said as she took her husbands hand. "Now come on we need to get some sleep before tommorow" and with that the two headed back to the Inn and called it a night.

"Welcome to the third day of the grand magic games I hope you ready for more action because we have it in spades joining me today is Lahar from the magic council " Chapati announced

"Its good to be here" Lahar said simply.

"Let's have a look at the scores after yesterday"

Raven tail 1st 27 points

Mermaid heel 2nd 21 points

Sabretooth and Lamia Scale 3rd 20 points.

Quattro Cerberus 5th 19 points

Fairy tail B 6th 17 points

Blue Pegasus 7th 15 points

Fairy tail A 8th 10 points

"Now without further delay let's head down to the arena where Mato will introduce the first part of today"

"Thank you Chapati, to say we'll be playing Pandemonium, will the teams please chose their select members" Mato announced, the teams deliberated for a few minutes before agreeing, Raven tail sent out Obra, Mermaid heel sent out Millianna, Hibiki from Blue Pegasus, Orga from Sabretooth, Nobarly from Quattro Cerberus, Jura from Lamia Scale, Erza from Fairy tail A and Mira from Fairy tail B. "Wow looks like we've got some powerhouses today" Mato said excitedly. "Now on to the game" as he finished speaking a giant floating castle appeared out of thin air " Pandemonium is simple, I side the castle there are one hundred monsters ranging from S-class down to D-Class each competitor will take it in turns choosing a number of monsters to fight if they win they get that many points if they lose then they'll be out of the running's and with that let's draw lots to see who's going first" Mato explained as he pulled a jar full of numbered sticks Erza pulled one while Mira pulled eight.

"Well looks I'm first, that's an advantage" Erza said.

"Well your did better than me, I got last" Mira sighed.

"Don't worry Mira even if you were second there wouldn't be any left for you anyway" Erza said.

"What do you mean?" Mira asked but got no reply.

"Well looks like you got first pick Pumpkin" Mato said while looking expectantly at the Knight.

"In this castle of one hundred monsters, I will challenge all one hundred" Erza asked said determinedly.

"What there's no way you could beat all hundred, even a Wizard saint would have trouble" Mato said trying to reason with Erza.

"Are there any rules against it?" Erza asked.

"Well no.." Mato said in defeat.

"Then my challenge stands" Erza said as she began walking towards the entrance.

"Do you think Titania can do this, she took a hell of a beating yesterday?" Gajeel asked.

"She'll be fine Erza's tough, of she picked the hundred she knows she can beat them" Natsu said smirking.

"I hope your right Salamander" Gajeel said reluctantly.

Inside the castle was dark and dreary the main hall was beaten and broken with many hall ways leading elsewhere by the entrance stood a lone woman in armour patiently waiting she could hear sounds of the monsters getting closer and closer until a small horde of D, C, and B class monsters came into view.

"So it begins" Erza said simply Requiping in to her Heavens wheel armour "Dance my swords" She called as many swords appeared one for each creature, they hovered in the air for a moment before speeding towards their mark all hitting but killing none. Erza flew in getting close swiping at the bulk of the horde taking out a large portion of the D-Classes.

"Cleaver using a minor attack to judge her opponents strength" Ultear complimented.

"She always has been a genius know the battle field if only I was smart enough back then to listen" Natsu sighed.

"Hey we were all knuckle heads back then" Laxus said sadly.

"Yea luckily we all outgrew that" Natsu said he then glanced over to teams A both to see a shirtless Gray and Lucy arguing with Wendy and Juvia trying to calm them down. "Well most of us have" Natsu groaned.

Meanwhile back inside Pandemonium Erza was skilfully fighting the monsters, it was graceful each of her strikes perfectly timed, her movements fluid, her requips instant and ever-changing depending on her opponent but unfortunately it soon all came tumbling down. She had deafened all D and C-class monster along with most of the B-Class and one of the A-Class but it was then she felt a excruciating pain in her left shoulder from where the dark Sting hit her yesterday this caused her to drop her guard which allowed the monsters to get a few heavy hits on knocking her into a nearby wall, she managed to climb out before the monsters continued their assault. Erza was visibly tired now her breathing was heavy and her magic was getting low but never the less she carried on Requiping her two swords to one Katana in her right it wasn't her favourable side but she'll make do. Erza kept fighting until there was only one left the S-class, Erza began looking but found nothing until she came across a small four legged eye.

"Of course makes sense" Erza said to herself getting ready for combat, the crowd was confused. Then the small creature stared to glow and began growing to bigger than the room through ceiling began to fall bit the scarlet haired mage used this to her advantage jumping up the bits of rubble to reach the monsters eye her sword began glowing red with raw power as she leapt past slashing at its single eye skilfully landing on the floor above the creature screamed in pain shipping up destroying the floor above and knocking Erza onto a neighbouring towers roof, she landed on her feet and dodged just in time as the S-class monster landed on the same roof.

Outside the arena the whole of Fairy tail was watching along with a stranger who was on the roof of the Coliseum watching with a sad smile, silently willing Erza on.

While in Fairy tail B's balcony Takara was overly excited to see Erza fight she was jumping for joy on the arm with her father making sure she didn't fall, the young girl found Erza beautiful in every aspect she had heard the stories of Erza's battles but to see one so epic for herself was a treat and one she adored.

Despite all odds, despite the challenge that faced her the scarlet haired knight managed to overcome the S-class standing tall on what remained of the formidable beast with her sword stretched into the air she was battered am beaten but she survived and beat the overwhelming odds. Erza was teleported back down time the stadium floor as her team came rushing out to her.

"Erza that was amazing" Wendy complained.

"I wasn't sure you would do it" Gray said in shock.

"You doubted me?" Erza said still managing to be menacing.

"No not for a second" Gray said waving his hands in front of him trying to act innocent.

"If Fairy tail A would please leave the arena the judges have decided what to do for the rest of the competitors" Mato announced as Erza and he team left the arena so Erza could head to the infirmary. "Now the judges have decided to use the magic power finder to rank the rest, the magic power is a device that measures a wizards magic power and converts it into a number, we shall proceed in the same order as we would have for Pandemonium"

"That means I'm next" Millianna said as she walked up to the machine. "Kitty blast" she said as paw shaped ropes launched from her hand and hit the target it read 395, the audience didn't know weather that was a good score or not.

"Perhaps I can put things in perspective, a passing grade for becoming a rune knight is one hundred, so with a score like that Millianna could make squad captain" Lahar explained.

"Wow what a bench mark" Chapati exclaimed.

"Next up is Hibiki" Mato announced, the ice Wizard stepped up he cast his spell and '56' appeared on the meter which caused him to brake down in fake tears and seek comfort of the nearest attractive woman which in this case was Mira.

"How can I be so pathetically weak please comfort me" Hibiki cried while trying to grab her arm, Mira tried to be kind and push him off but it didn't work.

"Papa whys that man grabbing Mama?" Takara asked.

"Because he has a death wish sweetie" Natsu said trying to be calm, but he didn't get a chance to lose it.

"Remove you hand before I remove it from you" Mira said in a sickly sweet tone with her demonic aura surrounding her, Hibiki looked and saw her eyes they were dark and demanding he quickly let go and ran while constantly apologising, Natsu instantly calmed down and smiled.

"Damn playboys" Natsu said quietly.

"Moving on, the next competitor is Obra" the masked man stepped up earning hateful gazes from Fairy tail as he was suspect number one for the one who attacked Wendy. He stood there for a few moments before a small creature leapt out from his cloak and hitting the target, '4' appeared on the display.

"That's definitely the creature that attacked me" Wendy said quietly but Erza heard her.

"Are you sure Wendy?" Erza asked to be safe, the young dragon slayer simply nodded, Erza gritted her teeth and made a note to tell everyone so they could come up with some sort of a plan against them.

"Next up is Nobarly" Mato said, the Quattro Cerberus member activated his magic and aimed it straight for the target, it hit as the display read '124'.

"Totally not wild" he said to himself walking away.

"Next up its last year's winner Sabretooths Orga" the gulf of a man walked up and stretched his arms in front of him bringing them together as black lightning started to form between his hands.

"120mm black lightning God cannon" he called as a beam of jet black electric fired hitting the target, the display read '3964', the crowd was stunned meanwhile Laxus was intrigued.

'So he's a lightning God Slayer' he thought to himself 'This could be fun'.

"No way he's ten times stronger than me" Millianna shouted.

"He's stronger than his master" Natsu said to himself.

"What was that?" Ultear asked she thought she headed but wanted to make sure.

"Uh nothing" Natsu said quickly correcting himself, while making himself busy fussing over his daughter.

""The Next competitor is Wizard saint Jura Neekis" Mato shouted getting more excited, leisurely the Wizard saint walked up and stopped by Mato.

"Is it OK for me to go all out?" He asked.

"Of course" Mato said like it was the most obvious thing on the world. Jura readied himself and placed his hands in a prayer motion closing his eyes and stood silent for a few moments confusing the crowds, his eyes then shot open as he shouted.

"Rumbling mount Fuji" he called as a puller of pure magic energy rose out from beneath the MPF and high into the sky. Eventually the power subsided revealing the display it read '6436'.

"Wow what a result smashing all the pervious competitors showing the Wizard saints aren't just titles" Chapati announced well overexcited, the crowd went wild for the Wizard saint as he calmly walked away.

It's going to be close" he whispered to Mira as he past her.

"And lastly we have Fairy tail B's Mirajane Dragneel" Mato shouted.

'Yay go Mama" Takara shouted, Mira turned and waved at her and her husband she then turned her attention to the MPF.

"Sorry you've got such a high number to beat" Mao apologised.

"Oh it's no problem I'll just do my best" Mira said sweetly shrugging of the mountain she had to climb. The arena went silent as Mira changed into her Satan soul: Sitri, the demon started letting off a deathly aura which spread around the arena people were shivering in fear except the fairy tail members who seemed immune to it for some reason. Mira was charging up for something as her hand were brought in front of her one above the other as dark energy starting gathering in her palms, it grew larger and larger until it was as large as her. "Soul eraser" Mira said in a dark tone completely different from the tone she used minutes before. The massive ball of energy fired towards the magic power finder and beyond hitting the coliseum wall making a massive hole thankfully the arena was high up so the attack didn't destroy anything else. The she-Devil stopped her attack to look at the MPF it read '6437'.

"Unbelievable Mirajane has managed to beat the Wizard saint by one point earning Fairy tail B second place" Chapati announced, as fairy tail celebrated.

"Wow Mirajane has certainly gotten strong" Erza said appearing next to Lucy, wrapped in bandages.

"Yea she sure has" Lucy said absent minded "Wait shouldn't you be in the infirmary?" Lucy said when she realised who she was talking to.

"I'm fine, besides I didn't want to miss a chance to see how powerful Mira has gotten" Erza said simply, Lucy just sighed.

Mira undid her takeover and smiled walking back towards her team and daughter how were high fiveing and celebrating Natsu simply smiled down at his wife glad to see her vastly different from seven years ago. Mira smiled back and raised her hand in the traditional Fairy tail symbol and the rest to of the guild followed suit as she disappeared into her teams tunnel. The scores appeared on the screens reading.

Raven tail 1st 27 points

Lamia Scale 2nd 26 points

Fairy tail B 3rd 25 points

Sabretooth and Mermaid heel 4th 24 points.

Quattro Cerberus 6th 21 points

Fairy tail A 7th 20 points

Blue Pegasus 8th 16 points

After the scores were shown there was a small interval between events and the Dragneels decided to see how Sting was doing and see if had woken up yet. Natsu needed some answers if it really was the voice from the vison then maybe he can stop what ever is coming. They arrived at the familiar room which they had visited everyday since the games began and sure enough Sting wasn't awake yet and by his bed side was Lucy who had beaten them there, Mirajane made a note to tease the blonde at a more appropriate time.

"How is he?" Mira asked holding Takara's hand.

"Porlyusica said he should wake up anytime soon" Lucy replied.

"He should yes, the wounds he sustained have mostly healed he just needs rest for now" the elderly healer side walking from the back room.

"Thank you Porlyusica for everything you've done, we'll try to make sure no one else ends up in here" Natsu said smiling towards the usually people hating healer.

"I would hope so bit you fairy tail mages always end up in trouble" she said with a small smile.

"Only if we have something to prove or protect: Natsu half laughed. "Can you let us know when he wakes up even if the games have resumed please?"

"I'm sure I can do that for you" Porlyusica said "Now go leave my patient know peace" She said quickly changing her attitude and pushing everyone out the room.

"There's the old Porlyusica" Lucy sighed she started to think the healer had changed over the years she was wrong.

"Yea she's still the same old human hating person she was" Mira laughed.

"Papa is Nanny Porly mad?" Takara asked.

"No sweetie she just wants to make sure Sting gets better" Natsu replied ruffling her hair, Takara just nodded.

"Nanny?" Lucy questioned.

"Its the hair" Mira replied while Natsu was making a fuss over their daughter. "She even considerers Meredy her sister" Mira giggled. Lucy smiled still the weird family in front of her as Mira turned to lightly scaled Natsu for messing up Takara's hair.

'Only you could still be the lovable idiot but somehow keep the guild afloat' Lucy thought.

"All teams to report back to the arena for the battle portion of the day" the speaker echoed as it brought everyone out of their own little world.