Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, the anime or the manga, or any of its associated characters!

A/N: The last chapter is finally here! I really hope you liked the story. Fair warning, this chapter is explicit! So if you are underage or you prefer to skip those sorts of scenes, skip past the first scene (also vote in the poll on my profile; that dictates how I handle mature content). Enjoy!

Welcome Home

Chapter 9: Yours

Sasuke followed Naruto's guidance and moved smoothly to straddle him. Naruto ran his hands over Sasuke's chest, and back, and through his hair, and—ah…

Sasuke had moved down to kiss his neck, sending electricity shooting through his body. He arched into Sasuke's touch, feeling the Uchiha smirk against his skin—probably in response to the noises he was making, but as if he could help it—and pulled him up for another kiss. Their kisses were hungry—desperate—as if both of them were sure they would never get another one after it ended.

Sasuke's hands pushed up at Naruto's shirt, memorizing the skin underneath—Naruto responded by grabbing Sasuke's shirt at the bottom and pulling, giving Sasuke just enough time to break the kiss before his shirt was lost to the floor. Naruto's shirt quickly followed, and by then, they had been apart for far too long.

Sasuke made it his mission to lick and suck every part of Naruto's exposed chest, taking some extra time, when he was feeling particularly bold, to trace a path from the blonde's belly button, to the hem of his pants. He kissed alongside the fabric, holding Naruto's hips down all the while.

"F-fuck, Sasuke," Naruto moaned, and that was all it took. Sasuke had Naruto's dick in his mouth within seconds.

Naruto's eyes widened and he grasped wildly around himself, desperately trying to find something to cling to—anything to control himself. Sasuke reoriented his grip on Naruto's hips, savouring the way it felt to hold this sort of power over him. Each shudder sent a thrill down his spine—he wasn't exactly surprised that Naruto was vocal in the bedroom, but he had severely underestimated what it would do to him, knowing he was the source of those sounds—hearing his name come from those gorgeous lips…

He paused to tease the tip of Naruto's cock, mainly so he could get a better look at him. Naruto's eyes opened—the normally bright blue now hooded with lust and desire—and Sasuke smirked, and took Naruto in his mouth fully. Naruto groaned, and collapsed back against the pillows—

"Sa—ah—Sasuke," he gasped, "I'm not going to be able to—it's—too much, I—"

Sasuke's only response was to tighten his grip on Naruto's hips, his excitement feeding off of Naruto's, moving in rhythm faster, and faster, until—

"Sa—I—oh god, oh god, yes—fuck yes!"

Sasuke let out a moan—stifled by Naruto's cock—and moved in time with the pulses he felt—once, twice, a third time—

Naruto shuddered, and collapsed into the bed, watching Sasuke as he swallowed and crawled over top of him.

"Move with me," Sasuke whispered in his ear, and Naruto could only obey.

He could still feel the echos of his orgasm surging through him. He pulled Sasuke down to kiss him and wrapped his legs around Sasuke's, forcing their hips together.

Sasuke's kisses spiked in intensity as soon as they started moving—he kissed desperately, ferociously—Naruto loved every second of it.

Suddenly, Sasuke pulled away—just enough so Naruto could look at him properly—his dark eyes widened, and he gasped for air, digging his hands into Naruto so hard it hurt—

And then, it seemed, he couldn't hold on for any longer, and he collapsed forwards with a low groan. Naruto held onto him and kept them moving as he felt Sasuke's hot liquid splash onto his stomach—each thrust together was another sigh of pleasure, until Sasuke's arms shook, and he let himself fall on top of Naruto.

For a few minutes, they just laid there. There was something perfect in that moment, and neither of them wanted to break it—content just to catch their breath in each other's arms.

But, far too soon, Naruto started feeling itchy and uncomfortable—and apparently Sasuke did too, because he pulled up as well.

"We should get cleaned up," he said quietly.

Naruto gave him a tired grin, not moving.

"Then clean me," he said, spreading himself out like a starfish on Sasuke's bed. Sasuke looked at him with an expression so full of warmth that his breath caught, and he was struck with such an overwhelming urge to kiss him that his body almost moved on its own.

"You're going to get my bed dirty," he said, once they pulled apart.

"You're going to get your own bed dirty," Naruto waggled his eyebrows.

Sasuke blushed, and Naruto grinned in victory, and then swaggered off to the bathroom. It took about thirty seconds for Sasuke to follow him in.

Naruto gave him a bright grin, about to step into the shower.

"Wanna join?"

Sasuke didn't need to.

He did anyways.

After a shower that took far longer that it ought to have (due to all the wet, naked kissing), it was something like two or three in the morning, and in spite of the adrenaline and excitement, both boys were yawning.

It went unspoken that they were staying the night in Sasuke's bed. But even after they laid down together, set their alarms and pulled the covers up—neither of them could seem to sleep.

Naruto rolled over to face Sasuke, whose eyes were already open, watching him. A bubble of happiness erupted in Naruto's chest, and he smiled so wide his cheeks hurt. He couldn't help it. This was—this was more than he had ever dreamed of. So much more.

"Dobe," Sasuke whispered. Naruto stuck his arms on either side of Sasuke's head and kissed him—on the lips, his cheeks, his nose—he felt Sasuke smile under his kisses, and he pulled back to rest their foreheads together. He loved seeing Sasuke smile.


There was a beat.

"So me and Sakura, huh?"

Sasuke pulled away, groaning. Naruto snickered.

"Shut up," Sasuke mumbled, hands over his face.

"Wait," Naruto's eyes opened wide, "you said you weren't interested in anyone!"

"Did I?"

"Yeah!" Naruto's expression was teasing, but his eyes were serious, "when I asked you if you had a crush, or…"

"Mhm," Sasuke acknowledged, "and what did I say?"

"You…" He sat up, and leaning over Sasuke. Dark eyes met his own, and they urged him to continue.

"You said you…" Naruto furrowed his eyebrows. "Weren't you being sarcastic?"

Sasuke couldn't bring himself to look away from those eyes. He stayed quiet.

Naruto leaned in closer to him. "Are you madly in love?" He whispered.

Sasuke refused to look away. Naruto's held such intensity that he didn't think he could.

"Do I drive you wild with desire?" He smirked—and it was such a good look on him that Sasuke couldn't wait a moment longer, and pulled him down for a kiss.

It was a good thing they didn't have to work tomorrow—by the time they collapsed together, all of their energy spent, the sun had started streaming through the blinds. Naruto kissed Sasuke's chest one last time, and then promptly passed out, with half of his body still on top of Sasuke. Sasuke fell asleep feeling warmer than he ever had before.

When Naruto awoke—alone—he was half-convinced the entire last day had been a dream. Only the fact that he was in Sasuke's bed convinced him otherwise. Yawning, he got out of bed—he had no idea what time it was, but he needed to talk to Sakura.

"You—wait, say that again,"

"Uh," Naruto swallowed, "well I didn't like—officially ask him out or anything, but, uh, we—"

"You hooked up, oh my god,"


"Fucking FINALLY!" Naruto cringed and yanked the phone away from his ear.

"Ow," he muttered.

"Thank god! Oh, I have to tell Lee," she sounded breathless. Naruto panicked.

"No! No, don't tell Lee!"


"I—Lee will tell everyone. I don't—I haven't talked to Sasuke about—I don't even know what—"

"Relax, Naruto," she interrupted, "I get it. This is all pretty new and you need to let it sink in a little."

"Yeah," Naruto said, relieved, "yeah, exactly."

"And you're worried about scaring Sasuke away."

"…yeah," his voice was almost a whisper.

"You're an idiot."


"You are. You—" she sighed, "no, you should talk to Sasuke about this. All of it; everything you're feeling."

"R-really? Sasuke's not really the…talking type…"

"Not when it comes to the rest of us, no," she conceded, "but it's you. I think you'll be surprised."


"I think he really likes you, Naruto," she said. "I've always told you that."

"Yeah, you have."

"But you still don't believe it."

There was a pause.

"I want to," Naruto said finally, "I really, really do. But—it…it just seems…"

"Too good to be true?"

"Yeah. Exactly. It's—it's impossible. He could—he could have anyone, and I'm…"



"Talk to him. Please."



"Yes, I promise. I'll talk to Sasuke."

"Talk to me about what?" Naruto spun around, nearly dropping his phone. Sasuke had chosen the perfect moment to walk in.

"Sasuke! I—uh,"

"Is Sasuke there?" Sakura's voice echoed from the phone. "I'll go then. Keep me updated, Naruto!"

"Ah—okay, I will. Thanks, Sakura."

"Of course."

They hung up, and Naruto put his phone on the table, looking at Sasuke nervously. The Uchiha simply leaned against the wall, arms crossed, one eyebrow raised.

"Uh," Naruto swallowed nervously, "I just wanted to…talk to Sakura—y'know, to tell her about…us," his eyes flickered to Sasuke's, gauging his reaction. Sasuke looked impassive, as usual.

"She knew about my, uh, feelings—for you," Naruto scratched the back of his neck, "she's who I went to about that stuff. I—hope that's okay."

"You called her to talk about your feelings for me?" Sasuke smirked.

Naruto blushed. "Something like that."

"Hm," Sasuke moved closer, "so why did she want you to talk to me?"

"That—oh," Naruto smiled nervously, "I wanted to check—with you, before I started, y'know, telling people stuff…about us…"

"You wanted to check what? What you could say?"

Naruto nodded.

Sasuke shrugged. "You can say what you want. I don't mind."

"O-oh," for some reason, Sasuke's answer left Naruto feeling disappointed. "Okay. Thanks."

Naruto went to move past him through the doorway, but Sasuke stopped him.

"As long as you make it clear," he moved close to Naruto, gripping his sleeve, "that you're mine."

Naruto's breath hitched. Sasuke let go of his sleeve, and moved past him, feeling awkward in the silence.

"O-oi, teme," Naruto reached out and spun him around, "you're mine too, you know!"

Naruto's eyebrows were furrowed and he looked oddly serious.

"Idiot," Sasuke leaned forwards and kissed him, "I've always been yours."


A/N: And that's it! There are a few places I could go with this story, but it would feel like dragging it on a bit too far, in my opinion. I am always open to little extras, though! I really hope you enjoyed this one :)

And with that, no more daily updates! But keep an eye out; I have two in the works and one of them is almost ready to be posted.

Until then,

- Kinomi