I should probably apologize buuuuuuut, I did this for you, sorry if the 'smut' is crap, I don't even know if could be considered smut, it's crap. Sorry, read it, love it, BLEED IT. Just kidding, don't worry, Christmas break is upon us and I will be posting like no tomorrow...don't hold me to that..ENJOY! (also you guys are way to fking nice to me in your reviews)

Alfred woke up with a smile, alright, all he had to do today is distract Ivan all day, bring him to the flower shop later, and boom, best birthday ever. He had been nervous when Ivan had first walked into his apartment, but he ended up liking it, even if it 'was rather unclean' who even talks like that? Alfred made sure to wake up before the Russian, he flipped out his phone to call Elizabeta, "So it's still on for five right?"

"Yup, make sure he doesn't get here before five, no matter what!"

Alfred smiled, "No prob, bob." Elizabeta laughed and hung up soon after.

Alfred looked at Ivan's sleeping form, they had slept in the same bed, and it was much more comfortable than his dingy couch. Alfred stretched, wonderful day, wonderful boyfriend, wonderful plan! Then the plan was ruined.

Ivan clapped a hand on Alfred's shoulder, "Ah, good morning, dorogy, I was thinking that we could go to the flower shop today, sit, chat, maybe grab some coffee from-" Alfred turned around and grabbed his shoulders, "NO! I mean….we can't, let's just spend today here!" Ivan raised an eyebrow, "Unless you have more...recreational ideas of what we could do, I'd say that was rather boring."

Alfred blushed, "No that's not...I-It's just...gah, hey let's play two truths and a lie!"

Ivan looked confused.

"Yeah, it's where you tell two truths and one lie! The other person has to try to guess the lie and if they don't then they have to do whatever the other person says...like strip poker but without the stripping, well, not necessarily, but you know what I mean!"

The two had plopped down on Alfred's table, sitting in two of the three chairs Alfred owned.

Ivan laughed, "Ok then, I will go first….I've never owned a pet, I have three sisters, and my favorite color is red."

Alfred crossed his eyes, uh hasn't Ivan said something about multiple sister's before? Alfred nodded, "Yup, the lie is 'you'd never had a pet'." Ivan smiled, "Nyet, I only have two sisters, not three, hm, now we leave." Ivan grabbed Alfred's arm, pulling him up and heading towards the door. Alfred groaned, "H-hey not fair! Uh...uh." shit, distraction, distraction..he couldn't let Ivan leave! Ivan was just opening the door when Alfred forcibly turned him around, kissing him. Hard.

He pulled away quickly, just in time to see Ivan's face contort into one of confusion, then smugness, then his view was obstructed when Ivan moved in to recapture his lips. Alfred gasped, Ivan grabbed his shoulders and pushed him against the wall, placing his hands comfortably on the front of his hips, hands a little too close to a certain spot.

Ivan moved his head forward and blew a breath over his ear, licking the shell seductively, "I thought you said...you didn't want to participate in such activities, eh, Fedya?"

Alfred pushed at his shoulders, "Oh, uh, y'know..I don't...hey dude maybe we we should go out to eat or something...actually." He paused, "The Hero needs food after all."

Ivan pulled away, bumping his nose with Alfred's, "No, you brought this onto yourself." Before Alfred could even offer a rebuttal, Ivan had pulled him onto the couch, pushing his head almost painfully down into the armrest. Alfred cringed, bringing his head up as much as possible with the large man straddling his hips. "Hey that hurts-!" Alfred's protest was muffled when Ivan once again pressed their lips together, it was softer than before and Alfred found himself easily able to get into it. He awkwardly placed his arms around Ivan's neck.

Ivan smirked at the small triumph, placing his hands on the small of Alfred's back. Alfred moved his hands to the back of Ivan's head. He suddenly yanked him down, falling back as far as he could go.

Ivan let out a muffled yelp at the new position, He pulled away, breathing heavily on Alfred's face. He ghosted his hand across his cheek, "You are beautiful…" Alfred chuckled, his eyes crinkling, "You're not too bad yourself!" Ivan smiled. He kissed his jaw, softly brushing his lips over the softness of Alfred's skin. He licked and kissed along his collarbone until Alfred let out a small gasp, Ivan latched onto the spot, clasping his teeth a little too hard on the juncture where his neck met his shoulder.

Alfred yelped, jerking slightly at the sensation, Ivan firmly kept him down, growling against his neck. He sighed contently as Ivan sensually rubbed his tongue into the small indents his teeth had made. Alfred let out a mewl, if he wasn't expecting the bite, he certainly wasn't expecting the firm hand that cupped his crotch. Ivan circled his hand, palming him through his baggy jeans. Alfred's face lit up, bright red. He could feel heat radiating off his body, bracing himself as much as he could against Ivan. With his mouth still lavishing his neck and his hand placed firmly on his crotch Alfred was feeling way better than he had in a long time.

With a satisfied sound, Ivan pulled away and examined his work, tracing the little indents he made with child-like fascination. He focused on Alfred's face, his truly beautiful face scrunched up in an adorably gesture of attempting to hold back. Ivan captured his lips in a passionate kiss, soon turning rough as he bit Alfred's bottom lip. Not quite enough to draw blood but enough to get the message true of who was really in charge. Alfred chuckled, opening his mouth to allow entrance. Ivan jumped onto the chance, still slowly rubbing his hand to stimulate Alfred, he focused on the battle his tongue was occupying within Alfred's hot mouth.

As the kiss turned more aggressive they were soon knocking teeth, sloppily trying to dominate. Alfred groaned when Ivan pulled away. He sat up, and clumsily focused on undoing Alfred's pants, Ivan slipped his hand into the American's patriotic boxers. He grasped his fully hard member, laughing at the eagerness.

Alfred moaned at the feeling, letting out high pitched mewls and gasp when Ivan moved his hand steadily, teasing the sensitive head with his thumb. He brushed the pads of his fingers tantalizing across the base. Ivan lurched up, unable to stop himself from bucking up into the sensational feeling. Alfred stopped, looking to the side in embarrassment and making a low 'hmph' sound.

Ivan chuckled at the cute display, continuing his ministrations. Soon he had Alfred gripping the couch and moaning in tandem with his languid strokes, Alfred gasped, looking helplessly up at Ivan, his mouth formed into an almost surprised 'O' shape as he came, realising the hot liquid inside his boxers and over Ivan hand.

Alfred fell back, sighing contently as he started to catch his breath as he stared at Ivan's hulking form. Ivan had retracted his hand, he stared at the smaller man's substance. Ivan sniffed his hand curiously before moving it to his mouth, he licked it off his hand, pausing to consider the taste, it wasn't bad, the slightly salty taste was almost pleasant.

Alfred scrambled away, drawing his knees up and away from Ivan, "EWWWW! Dude, you didn't have to do that!" Ivan laughed, "I know I didn't have to, I wanted to." Alfred stared at him, then at his obvious arousal, he blushed, "I could...uh take care of that for you...if ya' wanted."

Ivan considered it, before shaking his head, "No, it is fine, It will go away I have amazing self control, go change." he gestured to his soiled boxers. Alfred's face burned, he yanked up his pants, retiring to the small room that was the bathroom to change.

Alfred threw his boxers into the tub, pulling his mostly clean pants on. He gently laid his head back onto the wall. Crossing his arms and taking a deep breath. He stared up at the ceiling, contemplating what had just happened. It had felt good, really good, but had he seriously just had...almost sex with a man he met like..a week ago! In fact was he really basically living with a man he had just met a week ago? Alfred shrugged, checking himself in the mirror, he was just about to leave the bathroom before he placed himself back in front of the mirror, pulling his shirt down to reveal a large, dark purple mark, it was tender and incredibly noticeable if his shirt was pulled down even slightly. He frowned before putting his shirt back into place and straightening his clothes. He pointed at himself in the slightly smudged surface of the mirror, "You, are one hot guy." He winked at his reflection before leaving the bathroom. "Yo, Ivan, let's take a nap!" the clock read a satisfying twelve o'clock.

Ivan looked up, he had almost dozed off himself while sitting on the very comfortable couch, "Ah that should be fine but...you didn't change?" Alfred laughed, "All you need to know, is that I'm mostly clean." Ivan stared at him, before deciding it wasn't something to argue about. He patted the spot next to him which Alfred gladly took it, plopping heavily on the piece of furniture. He leaned on Ivan's shoulder, yawning, "Let's go to sleep."

Ivan pushed him down and circled his arms around him, hugging him close and resting his head across his neck, "Da." Alfred sighed, and settled into the glowing warmth, moving around slightly before settling into a peaceful sleep.

~Line break thingie~

When Alfred opened his eyes, it was almost six O'clock. He scrambled out of Ivan's tight embrace, albeit with some difficulty, that man was strong as fuck. He shook Ivan awake, "IVAN! Wake up you ass we have somewhere to be!"

Ivan lazily opened his eyes, sitting up and rubbing them in an incredibly cute gesture, had Alfred been paying attention, would have fawned over. "Where do we have to be?" Alfred froze, shit it was still suppose to be a secret, "NOWHERE! Get in your car and drive to your goddamn work!" Ivan looked up at him, he stood up and stretched his tired limbs out. He grasped Alfred's shoulders, "Calm down, just hold on and I will take you there, yes?" Alfred began butting up his heavy coat and fixing his scarf. Alfred was still stalking his small apartment. Ivan stopped him, pulling at his arm. Alfred snapped at him, "What?!"

Ivan looked taken aback, before he smirked, pulling down the shirt he was able to catch a glimpse of the mark he had left. Alfred caught on and jerked away, "No! We don't have time for this, you sadist. Alfred grabbed his arm, pulling him toward the door, "Hope you have your keys!"

Ivan did, indeed have his keys and allowed Alfred to pull him out the door and in front of his car. Ivan contently opened his doors and sidled into the driver's seat. Jerking and hitting his car into submission to start, he rumbled from the driveway, heading towards his work. Ivan smiled at the empty, slow stretch of road in front of him. Alfred was furiously texting away on his phone.

Alfred was apologizing and informing Elizabeta that they were on their way, she seemed angry but Alfred was just gonna assume she really, really liked using excessive exclamation points. He leaned back into his seat, "Sooooo, Ivan, about earlier, uh, it was..cool." Ivan laughed, "Da, it was very 'cool' if that is how you say best experience of your life." Alfred rolled his eyes, "I'm not gonna give that to ya' you're starting to sound like Gil." Ivan gasped in mock astonishment. They pulled up to the shop, sputtering to a shaky stop. Alfred jumped out of the car, Ivan was just getting out when he was once again grabbed by the energetic man. "Come on we have to goooo!"

Ivan stared uncertainly at the dark shop, "Ah, I believe it is closed." He pointed at the darkness of the building, why had Elizabeta not called him in if she couldn't find anyone else to work?

Alfred shook his head, "Whatever, let's just go in." Against better judgement, Ivan stepped in after Alfred. He looked around skeptically, yes just as he thought, there was no one there. "Look, Fedya, let's go.." The lights flicked on and several loud popping sounds followed by mult-colored paper littered the air. Followed by a loud proclamation of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" After regaining his sight Ivan was severely confused. He smiled, "Oh, my birthday, yes that is today." Alfred had left his side and was standing with his arms spread out in the middle of the store. "What do you mean, 'yes that is today' I stalked you for like...five hours for this!"

Ivan frowned. "That's what that was about, you could have just told me." Alfred gaped at him, "No, I couldn't of, it was a SURPRISE party!" Ivan shrugged, "Yes, thank you." Alfred sighed and sat heavily on the white, porch-like table. "Yeah, you're welcome, dude."

Elizabeta, Gilbert, Francis, Arthur, heck, even Matthew was gathered in the small store, along with Antonio, the Vargas brothers and Ludwig. Roderich had to skip because of pressing work.

Lovino rolled his eyes, "For the record, you were an hour late, you asshole, you could've at least been on time for your own party."

Ivan frowned, "We were sleeping." he pulled a chair out of the break room and sat down close to Alfred, examining his sullen expression. Matthew frowned from his place next to Gilbert, he narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean by 'together?'" Alfred jumped out before Ivan could say anything, "OH! Y'know, like, just chilling, far away...in the same bed is all bro!" Matthew nodded slowly. Alfred sighed in relief, and people thought he was overprotective, Matthew had almost set Arthur's house on fire when they broke up. True story.

Elizabeta clasped her hands together, "Wonderful, time for cake!" Feliciano reemerged with a wonderful cake, all frosting and chocolate goodness that Alfred could not tear his eyes away from.

Ivan smiled, it was fine by him if he didn't want people to know of their intimacy yet, Alfred did seem pretty conservative to him. He would wait till they did the deed to officially tell everyone. He laughed as Alfred fawned obsessively over the cake, Feli was attempting to keep him off of hit, Gilbert was talking to Matthew who was shooting rather distrustful looks his way. Ludwig was watching Feli in much the same way he was watching Alfred and Lovino was bitching to Antonio about some stupid topic. He locked eyes with Elizabeta, cracking a smile. Elizabeta smiled back.

Right then was probably the happiest moment in Ivan's life in years, and he could contribute that to his wonderful American sunflower. He leaned back into his chair, a peaceful expression settled onto his face, now everyone seemed to be fighting for a lighter. Ivan blanched and got up to settle the problem, yes, one of the best days of his life indeed.

HEY HEY HEY, sorry if im getting lost with my own points or something...don't hate me, hope you like whatever the fuck that was.

Question of the day: What is your favorite color?
Fanfic of the day: Sunder of AO3 it is truly a Gorey murder, wonderful mess of great writing.

Song of day: Third Wheel by set it off.

Hope you like, enjoy. As always, R&R. ALSO WISH ME LUCK I'LL BE ON THE ROADS IN WISCONSIN TOMORROW DRIVING FOR MY LAST TIME UNTIL I CAN GET MY LICENSE...be safe and hope to god you don't cross my path.
