A/N: Two chapters in one week! Who would've thought?

Just a small reminder. English is NOT my first language, and I don't have a beta. Therefore, if there are any mistakes: spelling, grammatical, or otherwise, please remember that. I appreciate the reviews pointing out mistakes, but please do it kindly without being condescending. Also, please sign in so I can thank you for helping me out!

Chapter 12


"Indeed, asshole." I say as I stand up, making him take a few steps back until his back hits the wall separating the living room and the kitchen. "You're fucked."

"How did you find me?" He stutters, but doesn't leave the spot he's found refuge in against the wall.

"You're asking the wrong question, boy." I say as I tilt my head at him. If he were anyone else, I would feel sorry for him for being so terrified. "The better question is, what are we going to do with you?"

I see Taylor open his bag as he pulls out a smaller bag with a set of enhanced interrogation equipment, and Jose's eyes quickly follow mine to see the same.

"Oh shit. Fuck!" He swears as he tries to make a beeline to the door, but Luke grabs him by the throat and slams him against the door.

"You're not going anywhere, shit face." Luke hisses as he brings his face close to Jose's. "You might want to cancel any plans you've made for tonight, because you're going to be spending the night with us."

"How…" Jose tries to say, but Luke tightens his grip on his throat, making him cough.

"You don't get to say anything unless it's answering our questions, got that?" Luke says, but when Jose doesn't say anything, he slams him against the wall again. "That was a question, asshole."

"Ye… Yes." Jose stutters again. Luke lets go of him, making him fall to the floor in a fit of coughs as he holds his throat.

"Why don't you take a seat?" Taylor asks, his tone dead calm. "I'm hoping I won't have to use any of these. I haven't used them since my days in the war, when I was dealing with terrorists."

"I'm sure you won't have to, T." Luke says from where he's still standing over Jose. "I'm sure shit-face here is going to cooperate."

"I say we take this into the kitchen. The cleanup will be much easier." I suggest, making Jose's eyes grow wide.

"Clean…. Cleanup?" He asks, his voice coming out in rasps.

"I'm not in the mood to clean blood off a carpet, and I'm sure that Taylor and Luke here will be too tired to do so after they finish with you." I say, and I can swear that Jose is just seconds away from fainting.

Or shitting his pants.

"Did Ana ever tell you what group of the Army the three of us were part of?" I ask, as Luke pulls Jose off the floor and pushes him into the kitchen, making him slam against the kitchen table.

"He asked you a question, shit-face." Luke says, pushing him down to sit on one of the chairs forcefully. "You will answer all of Ray's questions, and you will address both him and Taylor as Sir. Got that, asshole?"

"Ye…Yes." Jose says before he looks at me with terrified eyes. "N…No, she didn't, Sir."

"Well, let me enlighten you for a second before we start asking you our questions." I say as I pull up a chair and sit in front of him. "Taylor and Luke served in the 10th Special Forces Group, while I served in the 7th. Do you know what the Special Forces Groups deal with?"

Jose shakes his head silently before he swallows on his own saliva.

"These group deal with many issues, but the most important of which is counter terrorism." I say as I lean back in the chair and rest one leg over the other. "That means, the three of us here have received very special training on how to extract answers from terrorists. Terrorists who have been trained on tolerating the utmost levels of pain, who would rather give up their lives instead of answering our questions. Do you know what that means?"

"That means that we had to get very creative." Taylor says before Jose has a chance to answer my question. I see him bring his small bag of equipment and places it on the table right in front of Jose's eyes, then he brings the big bag and puts it on the table as well. "See these?" He asks and points on the set of scalpels and knives he has. "These are nothing compared to what I have in the bag. It's up to you if I use them or not, and it's definitely up to you if I have to get out the big stuff from the bag."

"Th… This… This is illegal!" Jose says as he attempts to sound angry. "You can't do this!"

"And what you did to Ana is perfectly legal, isn't it, shit-face?" Luke says, putting his hands on Jose's shoulder and forcing him to stay put.

"I think we're going to need some music, don't you?" Taylor says as he examines one of the small scalpels. "Why don't you see what shit-face's taste in music is like, Luke? I'm sure the neighbors would enjoy the music more than his screams."

"How much you wanna bet that his taste in music is as shitty as he is?" Luke asks as he walks to the stereo set in the living room. He presses a few buttons, and the most obnoxious music comes blaring through the speakers. I can't even try to understand whatever is being said, because whoever the singer is, is speaking too fast.

"On a second thought, shut it down." Taylor says, and for a split second, Jose actually sounds hopeful. "Christian had the apartment sound-proofed when he and Ana were dating."

"I didn't need to know that, Taylor." I say with a wince, but inwardly, I'm thanking Christian's love for privacy.

"Sorry, Ray." Taylor says with a shrug, but he doesn't sound apologetic at all, and I can't help but smirk at him.

The anger that flashes across Jose's face at the mention of Christian's name, and their history, makes an idea flash through my mind, and I decide to go with it.

"You're not sorry at all. You're counting the days until the two of them are back together." I say, making Jose jump to his feet with anger.

"Ana is mine! She'll never get back with that asshole! I'll kill her before she does!" Jose screams, making Taylor punch him without a second thought, throwing him back into his chair.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. You're in no place to make any threats." Luke says as he reaches for Taylor's bag and pulls out a rope. He quickly ties Jose's legs to the chair, and then grabs one of his hands and places it on the kitchen table right in front of me.

"You do realize that you're never touching Ana again, don't you?" I ask as I study his fingers, the fingers that beat my daughter and made her bleed.

The fingers that almost killed her.

"Fuck you!" Jose snaps at me, spitting up blood from the cut lip Taylor gave him. "Ana loves me. She'll get around and drop the charges, and when we get back together, you all will regret doing this."

"Is he acting stupid or is her really that stupid?" Luke asks, looking at me then at Taylor.

"I'm guessing it's a mix of both." Taylor says as he pulls out a pair of plyers from his bag. He looks at them, then at Jose's fingers, then back at the plyers, silently telling Jose what he's planning to do with them.

"Do you really want to get blood all over the place, T?" Luke asks before he takes a look at the kitchen sink. "The sink over there is low enough for water boarding. Less mess to clean up."

"Great idea, Luke." I say, watching as Jose's eyes grow with horror. I know that he's terrified of water, so the idea of water boarding must be more horrific to him than anything else.

"No, no!" Jose says as he tries to get off the chair, only to fall face first on the floor since his feet are tied. "Please, no water. I'll tell you anything you want to know, just don't drown me."

"Damn, this was easy." Luke says, almost sounding disappointed, as he pulls Jose up and slams the chair down.

"Don't get disappointed yet, Luke." I say as I pull my chair closer to Jose. "We haven't started yet."

"I swear, I'll tell you everything. Please." Jose says, now trembling as he speaks.

"Ok. Let's start with an easy one." I say and lean back in my chair. "How long have you been stalking Ana?"

"Stalking? I haven't been stalking her! I love her!"

Hearing that, Taylor punches him again, so strongly that he falls to the side along with his chair.

"Try again, bitch." I say, raising my eyebrow at him as Luke fixes his chair into an upright position.

"Fucking hell!" Jose gasps as he spits up more blood.

"Let me rephrase my question, asshole." I say as I remove an invisible piece of lint from my pants. "How long have you had Ana's email hacked and phone cloned?"

Hearing this, Jose's eyes grow wide in horror, obviously not having expected that we would have found out about his supposed electronic genius.


"None of your fucking business, now answer the question." Luke says as he pulls out his gun and places it on the kitchen table.

"Two months after I first met her in college." Jose quickly says, his eyes never leaving the gun. "I only wanted to keep an eye on her, keep her away from all the creeps."

"That's rich." Taylor says as he rests his ass on the kitchen table and crosses his arms across his chest, making his muscles bulge out and making him look even more menacing than he actually is.

"Next question." I say, making Jose look at me with terrified eyes. "What's your connection to Elena Lincoln?"

Once again, Jose's eyes grow in shock, and I'm starting to believe that the jerk actually believed that no one could find out anything of what he was up to.

"Save us the time and effort and stop looking so shocked, shit-face." Luke says as he reaches for one of Taylor's scalpels. "We know you've been in contact with the bitch-troll even after she went to jail. No spit it up. What's the connection?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jose tries as he averts his eyes from us.

"Grab his hands, Luke." Taylor says as he grabs the pliers.

"With pleasure." Luke says, and the smile on his face gives me chills.

Damn, he must've been good with the terrorists.

Jose struggles against Luke's hold, but eventually stops when Taylor slams a metal ball he grabbed from the bag on his left hand, earning a loud scream from him.

"Wanna give it another shot?" I ask once his scream quiet down into weak whimpers.

"Fuck you!" Jose snaps, holding his now broken hand against his chest.

"Wrong answer." Luke says and grabs his right hand, intending to do the same to it as the left.

"Fine, fine!" Jose yells, pulling his right hand back. "She approached me!"

"Details, shit-face." Taylor says as he brings his face close to Jose's. "Give us the details or I swear to God, you'll regret the day you were born."

"Ok, ok!" Jose says as he takes a few deep breaths. "A few months before Christian and Ana broke up, I got a call from Elena. She wanted to meet. I didn't know what she wanted, but I was curious to find out. We agreed to meet at her place. A few days later, I went there, and she asked me to do a photoshoot in exchange of some money."

"How much money?" Taylor asks, even though I don't see the point of knowing the exact figure.

"10 grands." Jose says, and it's my turn for my eyes to grow in surprise.

"And that didn't raise any red-flags with you?" Luke asks as he smacks Jose upside the head. "What kind of person offers 10 grands for a photo shoot?"

"I needed the money, so I didn't ask." Jose says with a shrug. "But then she explained what she wanted the pictures for. She said she wanted them to break up Christian and Ana. She told me that she knows how much I love Ana and want her away from Christian, and she said that this would be the perfect idea to break them apart."

"So, you're the one who took the pictures." Taylor states rather than asks, making Jose nod.

"Yes, but you had to go and fuck things up by sending Ana to Italy." Jose spits at Taylor, making Luke backhand him across the face. "She was supposed to turn to me for comfort. That's what Elena said."

"Well, Elena lied, like she always does." Taylor said with a humorless chuckle. "I'm sure she's enjoying her fairy tale lies in jail."

"What happened after that?" I ask, barely keeping a hold of my nerves and keeping myself from strangling Jose with my bare hands.

"I used the money Elena gave me to follow Ana to Rome." Jose said with a shrug.

"You cut her out from all of us, keeping her away and giving her only you to trust." I state as I glare at Jose. "You took advantage of her broken heart."

"I didn't take advantage of shit." Jose snapped, spitting up more blood as he did. "She loves being beaten around. It's how Christian always treated her. I've got the contract they signed to prove it if you don't believe me!"

"That was a consensual relationship, fuck-face!" Taylor says before he punches Jose again, this time knocking out a tooth. "What Elena did to Christian and God-knows how many others put her in jail, and what you did to Ana is going to put you right there with her!"

"Like fuck it will! I'll prove it at court that she wanted it." Jose says, and I actually can't help but chuckle at his confidence.

"What makes you so sure that you will make it to court, boy?" I ask, my voice menacing and borderline threatening. "What makes you think you're going to make it out if this apartment alive?"

Jose stares at me for what seems like an eternity, and I can see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"You… You can't do that." Jose stutters. "People will find out!"

"Did Ana ever tell you about Morton?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, receiving a negative head shake from Jose. "Well, of course she didn't, she didn't trust you enough to tell you about him. Only Christian and I know about him."

"She trusts me!" Jose snaps, earning another punch, this time from Luke.

"Shut the fuck up, fuck-face."

"That's not the point here, boy. The point is, Morton hurt Ana. Many years ago, he dared to touch my baby girl and make her cry." I say, my tone calm and calculated. I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees and looking at Jose right in the eye. "One day, he disappeared. No one knew where he went, and no one cared."

I reach for one of the bigger scalpels in Taylor's set, and I bring it up for Jose to see.

"Even if anyone tries to look for him, they'll never find him." I say as I hold the scalpel against the light, making it reflect in Jose's eyes. "No one hurts my baby girl and gets away with it."

"Christian hurt Ana too!" Jose says, as if trying to divert my anger towards anything else but him.

"Lovers break up, that happens every day." I say with a shrug. "You, on the other hand, you tortured her. You abused her physically and mentally. You broke her."

"I love her!" Jose says in means of defending himself.

"Tough shit, asshole." Luke says as he grabs Jose's shoulders, forcing him to sit still.

"Now, I can make this easy and quick, or I can make it as painful as possible." I say as I run the scalpel against his leg, so gently that he doesn't even realize that I've cut the fabric and that the metal is now touching his flesh. "Tell me Jose, what do you know about the will of terrorists?"

"Huh?" He asks, obviously confused by my question.

"Terrorists, the ones who are willing to bring down regimes and leaderships for their beliefs. The ones who don't care about anyone else but themselves, no matter who dies in the process." I say, pushing the scalpel down a bit and cutting Jose's flesh in the process. "What do you know about them and their mental strength?"

"No…Nothing." Jose stutters and hisses as he sees the blood on his leg.

"Let me enlighten you." I say before standing up and walking around the table. "Terrorists, whether they follow a religious agenda, or one for social chaos, are very strong believers of what they were taught. They are willing to give up their lives for their beliefs. Do you know how much mental strength it takes for someone to put on an explosive vest, walk into a very busy street, then blow themselves up?"

Jose shakes his head, obviously too afraid to word his answer, while I start digging through Taylor's bag of equipment.

"It's terrifying. If they weren't terrorists, I'd actually admire their strength in their beliefs." I say as I pull out a small electric engine with two wires attached to it, and at the end of each wire are patches that get stuck to the body. "However, Taylor, Luke and I were part of very special group. A secret group that no one even dares to talk about. We may not have served together, but we were trained under the same people, learning the same skills. Do you know what skills those are?"

Again, Jose only shakes his head as he looks at me with terrified eyes.

"The skills to break the strongest of minds, to get the answers that we need."

"But I already told you everything!" Jose yells as he tries to shake off Luke's hold on his shoulders.

"That would work if the person standing in front of you was Sergeant First Class Raymond Steele." I say as I approach him. "Right now, I'm Ray Steele, Ana's Dad, who only wants revenge for what you put his daughter through. It only happens that I come with a deadly set of skills."

"We still have a few questions to ask, Ray." Taylor says, making Jose sigh in relief. "Once we have all the answers we want, you can do whatever you want with him."

"Make it quick, T." I say as I sit on my chair again. "Or don't. I could use the time to let my imagination run wild with what I can do with this bag of shit."

"Please, I'll answer everything. Just don't kill me." Jose pleads as he looks at Taylor then back at me. "I beg you."

"You don't get to beg, shit-face." I say as I deliver a quick punch to his mid-section. "You didn't stop when Ana was begging you to stop, so why should we?"

"Ray, we need our answers." Taylor says sternly, and I can see in his eyes that he wants me to take a minute to calm down.

"Fine. Knock yourself out. But he's mine once you finish!" I say, pointing my finger at Taylor, and earning a nod from him.

"How did you gain access into this apartment?" Taylor asks while Luke keeps his hold on Jose's shoulders.

"Ethan." Jose quickly says, and before Taylor has a chance to ask anything else, he explains. "Ethan discharged himself from rehab a week ago. I ran into him at one of the underground clubs and asked him for a place to crash. He said I can stay here if I promised not to tell anyone that he's out of rehab."

"Where is he now?" Luke asks as he tightens his grip on Jose's shoulders.

"Probably out getting high some place. Fuck if I know where."

"What did you do to Natalie Sanisti?" Taylor asks, making Jose freeze in his spot.

"I see you hit a nerve there, T." Luke says with a smirk, making me look at Jose with questioning eyes, waiting for his answer.

"Nothing." Jose says, but his tone is weak and non-convincing. "I didn't do anything to her."

"Hand me the wires, Ray." Taylor says, and I gladly oblige. "It seems like this one here has a thick skull."

"No, no!" Jose says with earnest. "Please."

"Final chance, shit-face. What did you do with Natalie Sanisti?" Taylor asks, but still grabs the wires I offer him.

"I didn't mean to do it." Jose says, and I'm actually shocked to see tears fill his eyes. "I swear to God I didn't mean to do it."

"Do what?" I now ask, but somehow, I already know his answer.

"Kill her." Jose says, his voice coming out in a weak whisper. "She was supposed to be my trial run for Ana. She even looked exactly like her. When I met her in Chicago, I thought it was my best chance to try and do what Ana loves. Train with her."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Luke asks, but I can see his hold on Jose's shoulder loosen a bit.

"I knew what kind of relationship Ana and Christian had from the start, and I wanted to make sure that I'm ready to offer that to Ana when we ended up together. Natalie was all for it at first, but as things got more intense, she wanted out, but I wouldn't let her. One night, things got out of hand and I accidentally choked her."

Taylor, Luke and I are stunned into silence, and we just look at each other with wide eyes. Somehow, we expected that Jose had killed her, but I guess on a deeper level, we were hoping that she had run away and was just hiding from him.

"What did you do with her body?" Taylor asks, his tone is so calm yet so deadly.

"I got rid of it." Jose says as a few tears fall from his face. "I threw her body in Lake Michigan."

"Fucking shit." Luke gasps as he runs his hands through his hair. Taylor just stares at Jose as if he grew a second head, and meanwhile, I'm just thinking about what do with the information he just gave me.

"You know what, shit-face?" I ask, making Jose look up at me with resolve in his eyes. "You just bought yourself a ticket out of this apartment, alive. It's up to you if you use it or not."

Both Taylor and Luke look at me with wide eyes, but I don't address them. Instead, I keep talking to Jose.

"The way I see it, you have two options." I say as I stand up and reach for another rope from Taylor's bag. "Option one, you write a full confession letter, detailing everything you said about your link with Elena, what you did to Ana and how long you've been stalking her, and what you did to Natalie, then you take your own life." I say and place the rope on his lap. "Option two, which I'm guessing is the one you'll take, you let us drive you down to the police station, where you confess to everything you just said, and face your time in jail for your crimes."

"Ray…" Taylor begins, but I give him a look that quickly silences him. I can see that neither he nor Luke like where I'm going with this, but I know what I'm doing.

Before he confessed to killing Natalie, revenge was only mine and Ana's to take. Now, Natalie's family deserve their revenge as well, after all this time of not knowing what happened to their daughter.

Besides, Jose dying now, whether at our hands or his own, is too easy for him. He needs to suffer the way Ana and Natalie did.

"I'll take the second option." Jose says, his voice desperate and pleading. "I'll confess to everything. I swear."

"How do we know that he'll do it, Ray? How do we know that he won't say we threatened him?" Luke asks as he lets go of Jose's shoulders.

"Because if he does that, he'll be begging up to kill him, and he knows that." I say, looking dead in his eyes. "Don't you, boy?"

"Yes… Yes, sir!" Jose gasps as he cradles his broken arm. "I won't say anything about you, I swear. Just don't kill me."

"You've got yourself a deal, shit-face." I say before I go to the kitchen sink and pour myself a glass of water. "T, you and Luke can clean up here, and I'll handle Jose."

"You can't take him to the station yourself, Ray." Taylor whispers to me, now standing right beside me.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I say, shooting him a dirty look. "I'm not taking him myself. I have a guy who owes me his life. He'll take him and make sure that he confesses to everything."

"Are you sure about this, man?" Taylor asks, making me give him a dirty smile.

"If you think this is the last of me that Jose has to deal with, you're poorly mistaken, T." I say with a humorless chuckle, earning a knowing look and a nod from Taylor.

I quickly grab my phone and fire a text to my guy, telling him that I need his help without explaining anything else, and within minutes, I receive a text telling me that he'll be here in 10 minutes.

Taylor and Luke may think that this is it for Jose, that seeing him in jail makes me sleep well at night, but they don't know that I'll only rest once he's dead.

I have a plan to make that happen, but first, Natalie's parents need to hear his confession so they can lay their daughter to rest.