Hello everyone,

MESSAGE TO EVERYONE: As I said in my previous chapters I am editing all my chapters for this story. Just to let you know. I also added more to the chapter.


Thanks for all the previous reviews.

lara5170: That was their way of formally introducing each other. They did meet in the hospital but it was very memorable seeing as she was hopped on drugs from the surgery. I fixed it so they don't seem so awkward just to let you know.

Priestessotn: Yeah there will be lemons I just don't want to do it right away because this is their proper get to know you phase.

I am so tired. I hope everyone enjoys the chapter. :)

Sasuke didn't know what to say at the moment. Not only was his brother disturbing his dates with Naruto by calling him and showing up to where they were at but he was even avoiding Sakura completely.

'And they call him the normal one.' Sasuke thought bitterly.

Sasuke decided he would talk to the source of his brother's problem just didn't expect her to be with Naruto at the time.

"Hey Sasuke, what are you doing here?" Sakura said with a smile that shows she was unsure.

"Sasuke," Naruto said showing up by the door.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about something but since you're busy I can talk to you about it some other time," Sasuke said attempting to walk away.

"Is it because I'm here? Because if it is I am going to be heading to work I was just dropping Kurama off." Naruto said bitterly walking past Sasuke toward his car.

Sasuke knew he messed up but he also knew that his brother didn't want others to know his feelings so he wanted to keep the people he told limited. He just hoped after all this was over Naruto would understand.

"What is it?" Sakura asked.

"Is something going on between you and my brother?" Sasuke asked bluntly.

"Yes, Sasuke we're getting married of course there is," Sakura said nodding her head.

"I am meaning like are there any real feelings there for him?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't know, I guess he isn't as bad as I thought he was before," Sakura said nervously.

"Can you just tell him that then? He is disturbing every date I have with Naruto." Sasuke pleaded.

"I don't even know what it is yet," Sakura said understanding why Sasuke came to begin with.

"Just tell him it's something more," Sasuke said sighing just completely worn out by the whole deal.

(With Naruto)

"Itachi, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked as he stared at Itachi peeling the napkin he had apart.

"I have stressed out Naruto. What should I do?" Itachi asked.

"You brother's really do have a lot of spare time on your hands. But since you're here anyway what seems to be the problem?" Naruto asked sitting down.

No one was really in the diner so it was fine but he had to make sure not to make a habit out of this or he really will get fired.

"Now what happened? What's wrong with you?" Naruto asked.

"Have you ever been in love?" Itachi asked abruptly looking up at Naruto straight in his eyes.

"No," Naruto said honestly.

"What do I do? I think I am falling in love." Itachi asked putting his head back on the table.

"And that's a bad thing?" Naruto asked bewildered by the older Uchiha.

"Yeah if I'm falling in love with a pink-haired woman that is in love with her best friend," Itachi grumbled.

Naruto's eyes became wide. What the hell did Itachi just say to him?

"What was that?" Naruto asked still shocked.

"You heard me; you got good hearing Sakura told me. She always compliments you, about how dedicated you are about how much you try to take care of everyone, and about how you make time for your sister despite being busy with school and work." Itachi whined.

Naruto could have sworn that Itachi was drunk.

"Itachi, are you drunk?" Naruto asked.

Itachi lifted his head up a little and showed his hands making the symbol saying a little bit. "I only drank a little bit," Itachi said.

"How much is a little bit?" Naruto asked.

"I only drank three bottles," Itachi said swaying his hand around.

"Of what exactly?" Naruto asked not sure he really even wanted to know himself.

"Whiskey..." Itachi said.

"And you're still awake, amazing. Stay here I have to help customers. I will be getting off in three hours if you want to talk then, okay?" Naruto asked looking at the disheveled man.

"Hn," Itachi grunted waving his hand but not bothering to lift his head.

"Naruto, who is that?" Naruto's boss asked.

"Sakura's fiancée, can he just stay there until I get off?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah that will be fine; I just hope he doesn't bother the customers." Naruto's boss said while walking to the back.

"He won't, hopefully," Naruto said mumbling the last part.

Naruto didn't really want to think about what Itachi said about Sakura loving him because he didn't want to ruin his relationship with her. He rather just forgets those words ever came out of Itachi's mouth but he knew he needed to resolve the situation or he would have more situations like this one.

At the end of Naruto's shift, he noticed he had to wake Itachi up because he was sleeping now.

"Itachi, wake up," Naruto said shaking him gently.

"Hn," Itachi groaned but sat up.

"How in the world did you even manage to get here drunk?" Naruto asked with pure astonishment.

"I walked," Itachi groaned and asked Naruto for some coffee and water.

Naruto got up and grabbed the things from the second shift worker.

"Are you feeling out of it because of your feelings?" Naruto asked.

"Slightly, do you know that she likes you?" Itachi asked.

"I never honestly thought about it. She is my best friend and I don't think of her that way." Naruto said in the nicest way possible.

He loved Sakura but he thought of her as a sister and would never consider her a love interest.

"Yeah I know that but it doesn't change the fact that she may never like me," Itachi whined putting his head down once again.

"I think you're mistaken on that one. Even if she likes me she knows it will never amount to anything so she won't keep her hopes up. She will move on fast because that's how she is." Naruto said pretty diplomatically.

"Do you think I have a chance with her?" Itachi asked.

"Seeing as you two are getting married I think you do," Naruto said getting up from the table and pulling at Itachi to put his coat on.

"I hope your right," Itachi said.

"I have I known her my whole life," Naruto said as they walked outside to feel the crisp air.

"Do you think you can take me home?" Itachi asked.

"I have to go pick up Kurama from Sakura's house why don't you go talk to her?" Naruto suggested.

"It's too soon and I look like shit," Itachi said.

"You look human enough to me," Naruto said with a smile.

"Thanks," Itachi said buckling his seat belt.

"Okay," Naruto said and started heading to Sakura's house with Itachi.

"What do you think of my brother?" Itachi asked.

"I don't know how to explain it. I feel like I've known him forever." Naruto said shrugging his shoulders. "He catches my breath and makes me want to stay in the house all day to stay with him but I know I can't do that. He captures my attention from others. I can spot him in a crowd full of black-haired people. I would know if he was there just by one glance. I feel complete when he is around. It feels warm." Naruto explained.

"And you don't think you love him?" Itachi asked shocked just by the explanation the blonde gave him.

"Not yet," Naruto said completely sure of himself.

"So, when you say yet does that mean you want to love him?" Itachi asked impeccably curious.

"I want to love him but I think it's too soon and I want to finish my career and everything first. I just want to succeed before I get into a committed relationship with anyone." Naruto said.

"Hmm, I think he already loves you," Itachi said.

"That scares me; it makes me want to run away even more. I just want to be on my feet and feel good about myself. I don't think anyone could make me feel good about myself the way I am supposed to. In all honesty, your brother loving me scares me more than I ever felt before. But I don't want our relationship to be based on physical attraction. I want to get to know him as a person." Naruto said.

"I guess I can understand, seeing as you two met under strange and curious circumstances," Itachi said.

"He told you how we met?" Naruto asked shocked.

"Yeah, he asked me to help him find you. I did, of course, seeing as he is my little brother but he didn't give me much to go on. Good thing Sakura and he got in that arranged marriage set up or we would have never found you. I still can't believe he didn't ask for your name." Itachi said bewildered.

"I guess that would be my fault. I was scared since it was my first time in a strange place that I didn't know anyone so I didn't want anyone to really know me." Naruto said blushing from his embarrassment.

"It was your first time with a guy and you had sex with a stranger? You're ballsy for someone who didn't know what it was like." Itachi said with a chuckle resounding the car.

"Shut up," Naruto said blushing.

"I think you came into my brother's life is amazing. Though I do think the situation could have gone differently for both of you." Itachi said.

"It was my first time and ever since then, I haven't been able to talk to anyone about it. It scares me that he is the only person that I ever been attracted to." Naruto said honestly.

"Did you know for sure that you liked guys before going into the bar?" Itachi asked kind of shocked.

"I didn't know, I just didn't think anything but I started to notice that I wasn't attracted to any woman. My friend Kiba told me to talk to this girl now don't get me wrong she was pretty but I wasn't interested in her at all. My friend Kiba asked me why and I told him I just wasn't interested and he told me have I ever been interested in anyone and I told him no. Then he told me maybe I was gay and that I haven't found the right guy to catch my eye. I never thought of it like that because I was never interested in anyone like that so when I met your brother it gave me a heavy shock value and freaks me out. He has the ability to bring me off my focus." Naruto said.

"Wow... you're incredibly honest," Itachi said really shocked by all the information Naruto gave him.

"I have no reason to lie," Naruto said as he pulled up to Sakuras.

"Naruto, can you do me a favor?" Itachi asked.

"What is it? I make no promises to do it unless it's reasonable." Naruto said.

"Can we keep today a secret? I can't talk to her while I look like this please." Itachi pleaded.

"Fine, as long as you can keep what I said today a secret also. I don't want your brother knowing everything until I decide to tell him." Naruto said nodding his head putting his hand through his hair.

Naruto understood him, Itachi didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Sakura but that actually might make him seem more human to her.

"Okay, just to let you know my brother knew you were a virgin," Itachi said.

"How? Hang on, did he tell you that?" Naruto asked shocked popping his head back into the car.

"Yeah, he knew you were. He told me that you kept telling him while saying you were nervous." Itachi said with a smirk.

Naruto blushed; he could feel his whole body going red and rigid.

"He can't even keep our first time a secret," Naruto growled.

"You want to know one of his secrets?" Itachi asked.

"No, it's fine," Naruto growled out about to close the door but he still heard Itachi no matter how fast he closed the door.

"He was a virgin too," Itachi said.

Naruto didn't leave the driveway just got back in his car.

"What do you mean by that?" Naruto asked.

"My brother had sex with women before but never with men. He told me a while back that he didn't think he liked woman but he never found a guy he was interested in. He told me that he might not have found the right girl yet but then he went to that bar and met you. Then the following month after that incident he was so desperate to find you it was amazing. I never have seen him try so hard to obtain something well, in this case, it was someone. That, someone, was you." Itachi said finalized the ending looking at Naruto to see him blushing with a shocked expression.

"I always thought he was just saying that," Naruto said.

"Saying what?" Itachi asked.

"When he told me, he was looking for me all that time I always thought he was just saying that. I never thought it was serious." Naruto said.

"Oh, he was serious. I can give you a list of the background checks he did on everyone that went to the bar that night. So Kiba Inuzuka is the friend you talk about." Itachi said.

"What the fuck? How? No way. It was when I used his credit card. How did you guess he was my friend?" Naruto asked.

"Because earlier you said his name while explaining your peculiar situation. Then I put two and two together on my own of course. Then he went to the bar every night hoping you would come back." Itachi said.

"I avoided that place like the plague when my friends wanted to go there because I was scared I might see him again," Naruto said.

Itachi laughed, "You would have seen him again that's for sure." Itachi said.

"I got to get Kurama," Naruto said shaking his head and getting out the car to go to the house.

Naruto ran to the door of Sakura's house in shock and stunned by what he just heard. He knew Itachi wasn't lying because that night Sasuke said it but he didn't believe him. That doesn't mean he is going to tell anyone what Sasuke told him that night. Those were his secrets. Naruto didn't want to share that night with anyone ever again.

When Naruto got to the door he knocked and Sakura answered it immediately.

"Hey Naruto, want to come in and hang out for a little bit?" Sakura asked but she seemed off.

"Sorry I can't I have to do something involving an idiot and I have class early in the morning so I will talk to you later. Come on Kurama," Naruto said and was down by the car with Kurama in toll rather quickly.

Sakura thought something was up but didn't say anything because it seemed like Naruto was nervous and fidgety about something until she caught a glimpse of Itachi in the car as Naruto drove away.

"Sasuke your brother was with Naruto just now," Sakura said as she walked back into her house.

"What?" Sasuke asked his irritation level rising.

"It could have been someone else but I know your brother's hair by now after all this time," Sakura said.

"I will talk to you later," Sasuke said and walked right out the door and ran down the street to get in his car and head to his brother's house because he knew that's where his brother would be heading.

'Did Itachi lie to me?' Sasuke thought.

Sasuke's thought process was bad. He was thinking Itachi just wanted to be with Naruto and used him to get close to him. If that's what his brother did he was going to beat his ass and then hunt Naruto down.

"Thanks, Naruto, bye Kurama," Itachi said as he got out of the car and went to his apartment.

"Yeah just keep to your word or I will break mine," Naruto said and drove off toward his house.

When Naruto got to his house he walked up the stairs holding Kurama.

"How was your day?" Naruto asked as he played with her up the stairs.

"Naruto?" Sasuke called standing in front of Naruto's door.

"Sasuke? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked shocked.

"Hi Sasuke," Kurama said.

"Hey, can I talk to your brother really quick?" Sasuke asked as Naruto opened the door for Kurama.

"Sure, just don't take too long," Kurama said as she walked off.

"So, what is it?" Naruto asked.

"Why were you with my brother?" Sasuke asked going straight for the information he wanted.

"No particular reason, he came to my job to eat and when I got off I just took him home seeing as he didn't have his car," Naruto said telling half the truth.

"Why?" Sasuke asked his jealousy side coming out.

"Why what?" Naruto asked getting slightly irritated.

"Why did you give him a ride?" Sasuke asked.

"Was I supposed to let him walk?" Naruto asked getting even more irritated.

"Why didn't you just have him call me or something?" Sasuke asked getting louder.

"Because that would be wasting gas and I was already there. It doesn't make sense to call someone when I could just do it." Naruto said.

"Would you rather just be with him?" Sasuke asked aggressively.

"Are you serious?" Naruto asked looking at Sasuke and seeing that Sasuke was completely serious. "No, you know what I don't have to deal with this. You can leave me the fuck alone. I'm not going to get accused of something SO stupid that it makes me laugh all because of your insecurities. You don't realize I could be thinking that way about you when it came to Sakura but not once did that cross my mind. You need to leave." Naruto said irritation oozing off of him.

The only thing keeping Naruto from hitting Sasuke was the fact that Kurama would hear and he didn't want to fight with her around. Naruto walked to his door and shut it right in Sasuke's face. Sasuke didn't really know what to say he knew his jealousy was irrational but he couldn't help the thought. His brother was a perfect person and there are only a few people that can ignore the good and see some bad in him. The funny thing about that is Naruto saw the human side of Itachi today so it's not like Naruto doesn't know the human side of Itachi. And in Naruto's defense, Naruto was right about him not jumping on Sasuke's case about why Sasuke was at Sakura's house or how he didn't want to talk to Sakura in front of him. Sasuke knocked on the door again hoping Naruto would answer the door and not just ignore him.

"What do you want?" Naruto asked as he opened the door.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about it. It's... just that my brother is so perfect I thought you would choose him over me." Sasuke said.

"You're an idiot; you have no idea how much your brother cares for you and how much he would do for you. Considering he got engaged with Sakura who he didn't even like for you so you could be happy. I am offended for him that you would think that low of me or him. The fact that I gave you a chance pisses me off immensely." Naruto said but couldn't finish what he was saying because Sasuke kissed him.

"I'm sorry your right," Sasuke said after he pulled away from the kiss. "I just don't want anyone to have you. It scares me Naruto. I forgot you were different from everyone else and that I didn't have to worry about the same things I normally worry about with others." Sasuke said.

Naruto stood there for a minute not saying anything. This was the human side of Sasuke and he knew it and that made him feel better about the situation. This was something Naruto really wanted to see from Sasuke so he was happy to see it even if it was negative.

"Do you want to come inside and watch a movie?" Naruto asked holding Sasuke's hand.

"Yeah," Sasuke said with a smile on his face.

"This doesn't mean you are forgiven it just means I liked what you said," Naruto said making Sasuke smile.

"Okay, I can make it up to you. Can I ask you something though?" Sasuke asked.

"As long as it's not dumb I will answer," Naruto said rolling his eyes.

"Were you mad at me earlier for saying I didn't want to talk while you were there?" Sasuke asked.

"Not really, even if I thought you were interested in Sakura I know she will never do anything to hurt me," Naruto said shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you want me to tell you why?" Sasuke asked.

"Was it about Itachi?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah," Sasuke said putting his head down.

"Then I don't need to know. I think I know enough to know that is probably the same thing I had to deal with earlier." Naruto said shrugging his shoulders walking to the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't really want to talk about that right now," Naruto said.

"Okay, can I ask Itachi?" Sasuke asked.

"Go ahead," Naruto said as he made popcorn for the movie. "Kurama we're going to watch a movie now," Naruto said and Kurama ran out her room and went straight to Sasuke while Naruto went to the bathroom.

"You know when they were in the car they were talking about you," Kurama said and then she shushed him because she heard Naruto coming back.

Naruto sat in between them and made himself comfortable as he started the action movie. Sasuke smiled when he looked down to see Naruto's face and to realize how comfortable he seemed to be around him. Sasuke made himself even more comfortable putting his head on top of Naruto's not before kissing him on top of his head with an arm around him.

'I will have to talk to Itachi about this later.' Sasuke thought.


I just thought this chapter was so funny to write because I can picture Sasuke getting mad at Naruto for being around Itachi but Naruto not thinking anything of Sasuke being around Sakura.

EDITED: 3/1/2020