Hello my fellow readers, writers, and people who have been following the previous story I'm back with yet another new chapter and a new story. In this story Voldemort is back but instead of just jumping into the fray himself this time he's using a weapon that was once thought destroyed but now it's making a comeback the seal of orichalcos.

Before anyone asks I'm making it so that the seal of orichalcos is now powered by Voldemort's pet snake Nagini or however you spell it. Anyway I can't think of anything else to add but if I do I'll put in an author's note at the end of the chapter. So without further ado let's get this show on the road.




Harry's P.O.V

Alexis and I were currently heading toward Kaiba corp. since I know that my father would be there still since he liked working late. Just as I was about to get in the elevator to go up to his office the elevator was coming down from the top floor so I guessed that he had just finished his work and locked up his office.

Just as the elevator stopped on the level we were on he said "well I didn't expect to see you too here" and I said "I've made a discovery in my match tonight." He said "well what is it" and I said "two words the seal" and he said "we'll talk about this in the limo" and we walked outside and we all got in one of the limos that he owned.

Just as we started moving and the window dividing the driver portion to the passenger portion he said "now what did you discover about the seal." I said "you and Yugi must have missed one copy because my opponent gave me a copy of it tonight and said that her master told her to give it to me." I pulled the copy out of my pocket and passed it to my father and he took it and looked at it closely and said "this is a fraud of the original."

I said "how can you tell" and he said "because the coloring of the actually seal itself is a little off but we will have to be careful in case this was just to fuck with us while the real thing is out there." I said "so what do we do" and I said "well for starters don't go anywhere without someone coming with you because if it happens that the seal is back then the one who didn't duel can challenge the winner if the winner was the one who played the seal.

I need to know since you did come from a magical back round before I found you did you have any enemies with a snake as their familiar." I said "yeah the only major threat I've ever faced his name is Voldemort" and father said "then in that case I'm willing to bet that the person who gave you this fake seal was a follower of this Voldemort and he has already revived the seal.

Until the seal of orichalcos is gone again you two will stay at the manor" and I said "okay however we have to get something from our new place" and he said "since that's the case then tomorrow you can go get it but the return to the manor or the Kaiba corp. building right after you get it." I said "okay sound good" and Alexis said "okay I know that you still have some things you need to tell me but what's so bad about this seal of orichalcos."

I responded "the thing that so bad about it if it's played in a duel is that when someone loses the duel they also lose their soul" and she said "how is that even possible" and I said "it's because the great leviathan at the time needed souls to gain power and I'm guessing that each soul that Nagini absorbs will also make her stronger."

She said "okay so I may have to duel my way out of the seal" and I said "that is a possibility but I'll be dueling for us as much as possible when it comes to the seal." She said "okay" and then the millennium necklace activated itself and when the light dimmed I saw that Alexis, my father and I had been teleported to the final battle between dartz and my father, Atem, and Joey at the time."

As soon as the vison faded we found ourselves back in the limo and when we were just pulling into the manor's driveway. Just as we got out of the limo I heard a loud popping noise and when the limo drove away to park in one of the garages I saw that it was a death eater and he had a duel disk on his arm. he said "I challenge all of you to a duel first potter, then Kaiba, and then finally Rhodes.

I said "challenging me first will be your down fall" I activated my duel disk and inserted my deck and he did the same and I said "since I like to know the names of the people I defeat what's your name" and he said "Draco Malfoy even though you won't be defeating me I'll be defeating you and since I challenged you I will go first.

I activate the field spell card the seal of orichalcos which gives me several advantages however I won't go into them yet but I place 4 cards face down and end my turn." I drew and said "I summon mythical beast Cerberus in attack mode and then I activate the spell card swords of revealing light. This stops you from attacking me for three turns.

This spell card also gives my mythical beast a power boost as does every spell cards played as long as it remains on the field. I place two cards face down and end my turn" and he drew and said "I end my turn" and I drew and said "I activate my trap card pitch-black power stone which gives me three spell counters on this card and once per turn I can transfer one of them to a card that can have spell counters placed on it

So now I remove one spell counter from my pitch-black power stone and add it onto my mythical beast and with that I end my turn" and he drew and said "I activate my trap card shadow spell which makes it so that your mythical beast can't attack and it loses 700 attack points and I end my turn with that." I drew and said "I summon clear kuriboh in defense mode and end my turn."

He drew and said "I have nothing good I end my turn" and I drew again and said "I activate the effect of pitch black power stone again which lets me remove one counter from it and add it onto my mythical beast. Then I sacrifice my clear kuriboh in order to summon dark magician girl in attack mode" and he said "you triggered my trap card ring of destruction which lets me destroy one monster on the field and then we both take damage equal to its attack points.

Well that's how it normally works you see I also activate waboku which stops me from taking any damage this turn" and dark magician girl was destroyed and my life points dropped to 2000. "I end my turn and since i've had three turns since you activated your swords they are also gone." I drew and said "I remove the last counter from my power stone and now since it doesn't have any more power it's destroyed.

I end my turn" and he drew and said "I summon chamberlain of the six samurai in defense mode and activate my trap card lightforce sword which lets me remove from play one card in your hand for three of your turns." His sword struck my hand and I looked behind me and saw that it had removed my fairy meteor crush.

He said "I end my turn" and I drew and said "I activate pot of greed which lets me draw two cards and then I sacrifice my mythical beast in order to summon my trance the magic swordsman in attack mode and that means that you shadow spell is gone. Now trance attack his chamberlain of the six samurai and with that I end my turn."

He drew and said "I activate pot of greed which lets me draw two cards and then like you did on your first turn I activate swords of revealing light to stop you from attacking me for three turns. Next I place two cards face down and end my turn." I drew and said "I play graceful charity which lets me draw three cards so long as I discard two of them from my hand.

Next I summon my defender the magical knight and then I activate magical dimension which lets me tribute my defender and then summon a spellcaster monster from my hand and I choose dark red enchanter. Not only do I get to destroy one card on your field when dark red enchanter is summoned I can place two spell counters on him."

He said "I don't think so since you activated magical dimension I can now play my trap card dark bribe which lets me negate you spell card however you can draw a card." I said "then I guess I end my turn" and he drew and said "I set a card face down on the field and end my turn" and I drew and said "I summon one monster in defense mode and end my turn."

He drew and said "I activate the spell card night beam which lets me destroy one spell or trap card on your field and then I activate graceful charity which lets me draw three cards as long as I discard two from my hand. Next I summon silent swordsman level 3 in defense mode and end my turn." I drew and said "I summon skilled white magician in attack mode" and he said "I'm going to have to stop you there.

I activate my trap card bottomless trap hole which automatically destroys your skilled white magician and removes it from play." I said "I end my turn" and he drew and said "I summon my second silent swordsman level 3 in defense mode and end my turn." I drew and said "I flip summon my old vindictive magician which lets me destroy one monster on your field and since your silent magician wasn't destroyed by battle you can't summon a silent magician level 5 from your hand.

Next I activate tribute old vindictive magician which lets me summon dark red enchanter to the field in attack mode an since he was summoned he gets two spell counters placed on him. next I activate double spell which lets me use a spell card from your graveyard and I choose to use your night beam to destroy your face down spell or trap card.

Next I activate magical contract door which lets me add a spell card from my hand to your hand and then I can add a dark magician from my deck to my hand. Next I activate the spell dark magic curtain which lets me summon a dark magician from my deck at the cost of half my life points. Then I activate the spell card that you managed to remove from play for a while fairy meteor crush which gives my dark red enchanter the power of being able to damage you even if your monster in defense mode.

Also from all the spell cards I activated my dark red enchanters attack points go up" and I saw dark red enchanters attack points rise to 3500. I said "now dark red enchanter attack his silent swordsman level 3" and his monster was destroyed and his life points dropped to 1500 and he said "since you destroyed him by battle I can now summon a level 5 from my hand also in defense mode."

I said "trance attack his silent swordsman level 5" and his monster was destroyed and I said "I still have one attack left and that should do it dark magician attack his life points directly and finish this duel" and his life points dropped to zero and the seal started circling around him as the holograms disappeared. Just as the seal was small enough only to fit him inside it the symbol on his head disappeared and the seal put on a light show to show that his soul was gone.

As we were about to head into the manor I had this odd feeling of dread but I figured that it was only because of the fact that our fears were now confirmed that the seal of orichalcos was back.

The first chapter done and not only that but I'm planning on this going up on a double update day which the next one will be on October 10th of this year so until next time this is diamondholder signing off.