A/N: One story, written by two authors. Just for fun.


I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't live with the guilt. I couldn't stand by and watch my father die knowing that I had been the one to kill him. Sure, he may have deserved it in some people's eyes. He was a corrupt Senator after all. There wasn't a thing he wouldn't do for money, but he was still my father. He was still the man that had raised me single-handily after my mother had died from cancer. I still loved him.

A single tear ran down my cheek as I sat the envelope down on my father's desk. I knew Edward, my fiancé, would be the one to find it. He had been doing a lot of my dad's work since he had gotten sick. Really, this was something I should have told him face-to-face, but I couldn't handle seeing the look of disgust in his eyes. Sure, our engagement had been an arranged one. It had been beneficial for both our fathers, but that didn't mean I didn't have feelings for Edward. I loved him in my own way. I believe the two of us would have been very happy together, but there was no chance of that now.

I sighed as I patted the envelope. Inside was a confession of my guilt. I had slowly been poisoning my father for months. I had been getting blackmailed. At first, I had ignored the anonymous threats, but then the pictures…the evidence had started to come. It was tragic really, that I would do anything, including kill my own father to hide my secret, but it was what it was. I wouldn't look good in an orange jumpsuit. I doubted I would even survive in prison, which was why I was leaving this envelope here and then disappearing into the night. Edward would find it and know that I am guilty, that I was blackmailed, but he will never know what the blackmailer held over my head. No. That I will take to my grave.

"Goodbye Edward," I whispered softly, before heading over to the far wall of my father's office. I pressed the panel to reveal the secret passageway and then snuck inside, closing the door behind me.

It was late and most of the house was in bed asleep. I only needed to slip past the guards and make it to the car that I had left on the dirt road outside my father's property, and then I was free. Free to take up a new identity and just disappear. Free to put all this behind me.