Author's Note: I hope you enjoy the end of the story! I'm not sure what my next project will be-perhaps some short stories of moments that I truly want to write, and I promised an Eldarion birth short-story, too (I didn't forget! LOL). I have two other LONG stories (one of the engagement of Ag/Ar in Lothlorien, and one that takes place seventeen years after this story) , but they need to be seriously edited before I start posting them, so that might be a little while. In any case, be on the lookout if you like, and I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for sticking around until the end!

Legolas re-entered the bedroom to find his wife awake. Once again and to his dismay, he had made a short trip down to Arwen's room to see how she was only to see that she was once again asleep. At least he had been able to speak with Aragorn, who certainly looked much better than he had the first few days. Clearly, recovery was doing him some good as well as her. They had talked of the babe for a little while, Legolas also providing updates on Enguina's healing. But he did not want to be from her side or the babe's for long so he told Aragorn that soon both of them would be down to see them.

It was, therefore, nearly morning when Legolas entered their bedroom again. Enguina looked a bit grumpy as she lay on the bed, watching their sleeping son. He gave her a smile, but she only raised an eyebrow.

"Oh no," he murmured teasingly, "what is the matter?"

"I refuse to lie here any longer," she replied. "I want a bath."

"A bath?" Legolas asked, his smile spreading as he came near. "Then a bath you shall have, moina. Here, let me—Guin…"

She had already sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, carefully, but not slowly. Legolas was a bit alarmed, but took the last to steps to her side to take her arm. "Guin, let me—"

"Just hold onto me," she interrupted him. "I need to stand on my own two feet." She rose, a bit unsteadily, and her robe fell open as one hand reached to hold his arm and the other to hold her stomach. "Ugh," she muttered, her lower half aching all at once, "I feel as though I have pulled every muscle." She winced after taking a step. "The stitches you mentioned are not feeling so wonderful either."

"You could have at least waited until I was sure the bath was ready," Legolas protested softly.

He heard the smile in her voice as she replied, "Oh, me? Why would I ever do that? I am far too impatient."

"Mmmm," he muttered in reply as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Are you sure you want to—"

"I need a bath. I am a filthy mess. I am desperate to wash my hair." She sighed. "And the faster I am up and moving, the faster I get to see Arwen, who has been awake and functioning for several days and though we are living in the same house, we have yet to see one another." She sighed again. "I have no idea what I will be able to clean, though. It might be a challenge—"

"I will be right here by your side," he said soothingly, helping her down the hall as he held her robe closed with his other hand.

She gave him a little smile. "Hmmm. Now who is worried about propriety?"

"Obviously me," he responded. "Hildanir has been in the house several times, and it would deeply embarrass you both, and infuriate me, if he were to see you…barely clothed." They moved into the bath and Legolas shoved the door closed with his foot.

"And here I thought you were the one who stated that you would like me to walk about naked for the rest of my days."

He could hear her laughter in his head as he rolled his eyes as he released her robe, taking a good, long look at her before he met her eyes. "That I did. And I meant every word. But I certainly do not want to be sharing you with other eyes. We belong to each other, you know. No one else."

"I love it when you say that," she said. Surprisingly enough, she noticed there was clean, hot water in the tub already. She looked up at him. "How did you know?"

"I know you," he said simply, slipping her robe from her shoulders and eyeing her from the back.

"I see you," she murmured, but she did not blush. "I feel your eyes on me."

He gave a low chuckle. "Attempting not to touch," he said in an equally low voice.

She glanced back over her shoulder and gave him a grimace. "It might be…some time before that is possible."

He gave her a smirk. "Moina, I could touch you now if I wished even if it would not lead anywhere." She smiled at him, and then looked back to the tub. "But never mind that…into the bath with you."

She sighed. "I do not know if I can lift my leg in there," she admitted honestly.

He chuckled and stepped up behind her, kissing her shoulder as he looked down at the end of the tub. "Let me lift you, my Princess."

"If you can do it very carefully," she murmured. He pressed his lips to the side of her neck.

"When am I nothing if not careful with you, moina?" She felt him smile and she removed the rest of her garments, which were few. Then he bent to scoop her ever-so-gently from her feet and into his arms so he could lower her into the tub. She immediately let out a sigh of relief as the hot water began soothing all of her aches and pains.

She leaned her head back, neck bent over the edge of the tub. "Oh…praise Ilúvatar…Valinor must be exactly like this…" He grinned, listening to her sigh. Then, he scooped some water into his hands and gently began wetting her hair. "Legolas…" she murmured, "you do not need to—"

"I want to," he interrupted her gently. "Just relax, Guin. You deserve to rest in here for a little while and enjoy it." After he wet her hair, he began running his fingers through it, covering it with soap and cleaning it, massaging her scalp as he went. Her ecstasy at what he was doing was evident in her sighs, but also in his mind. She was clearly pleased, and he was happy to give her the pleasure of a head massage while the baby was resting. She had worked so hard, and the mother of his child deserved to be pampered.

She was almost asleep; he could tell in the way her mind drifted in his. He gave her this few moments, but after rubbing his hands with more soap, he began rubbing it all over her—very carefully. The last thing he wanted was to bring her any more pain. He reached into the tub and held one foot as he dragged his hands to her knee before bringing it back down.

"Is this all right?" he asked softly, and she slowly opened her eyes to look at him.

"All right?" she questioned. "Nay, this is heavenly. Eru in heaven, Legolas, never stop, I beg you." He chuckled at her as he moved to the other leg. "I may pretend that I can no longer bathe myself any more, simply so that I can let you do it."

"Perhaps we should save it for special occasions?" he teased her. "You might grow tired of it."

"Oh no…" she whispered, "I could never grow tired of those hands."

He laughed at her words, but then bent over and kissed her. Her hands immediately came up out of the water and wrapped around the back of his head, holding him there even as he was about to lean back from the kiss. She dragged it on, enjoying every second of him; the kiss grew more heated as her fingers tangled into his hair. She only finally released him when both of them were struggling to breathe; only then did he return to bathing her.

"I love you," she said simply, and though he smiled, he gave his full attention to massaging her belly beneath the water. Her eyes rolled closed. "Tell me something of Arwen. You left the room, so you must have seen her, spoken with her."

"Every time I have left the room to see her, she has been asleep," Legolas sighed honestly. "Though her color is much better, and she appears to be recovering. Hildanir has been taking care of her wounds and changing bandages, and Aragorn has not left her side. He had said she was awake and had spoken with him, but she is very tired as you have been, though for very different reasons."

Enguina was quiet for a moment as he rubbed her shoulders. "Bandages? So she was wounded?"

Legolas thought back to their conversation earlier, and realized he had never stated that Arwen had not only been unwell in the woods. "Nardur had attacked her, intending to kill her," he replied. "Aragorn came across her in the ideal moment to save her life."

Enguina sighed. "Of course he did."

"Does that…does it disappoint you?" Legolas asked, his voice hesitating, wondering what she could mean by the words.

"She was out there because of him, and then he rescues her," Enguina muttered. "The two images of the man cannot reconcile with one another in my head." She paused a moment and then continued again. "I…cannot help but be grudgingly grateful to him…for saving her life, for saving the babe's life…"

"For saving your life," Legolas pointed out gently.

"Yes, I suppose," Enguina stated wryly.

"So…have you decided to call him friend again?"

"If I were being honest," she said, giving him a withering look, "not to his face."

"Give it some time," he replied easily, soaping up her shoulders and giving her a massage while doing it. "He will be back in your good graces soon enough." She was silent for a moment.

"I…suppose it does not matter, as long as Arwen is not attempting suicide and…is returning to health." She frowned. "I do not know why I am finding it so difficult to forgive him, in my head. Perhaps it is because I have not seen him as you have…"

"Perhaps," he replied gently. "Or perhaps it is as you say, that you do not forgive as easily." He pressed his lips to her temple.

"One of my many faults," she admitted.

"We all have them," he agreed. "Mine is certainly my temper."

"That is mine as well," she disagreed. "You shall have to find another."

"Overprotectiveness," he said immediately. "And an unwillingness to compromise."

She relaxed further against the tub once more, leaning her head forward so he could lay his hands on her neck. "Mmmm, those are crimes indeed."

He chuckled and kissed her temple again. "Do you think you might have some desire for the sitting room tonight? Perhaps Hildanir or Mennev—"

"Not the sitting room," she said, "but Arwen's room, perhaps, if the babe is fed and comfortable and she is feeling well enough."

"Yes," Legolas agreed, "well enough." Not well, but, well enough. That was probably the best they could hope for at this early stage. Enguina tilted her head back again, glancing over at him.

"What is it?" she asked. "Do you hear the baby?"

He shook his head. "No, I am sure he is sleeping still. I was only thinking. Let me finish your bath so you can relax for a little longer."

"Thank you," she said softly, and he leaned in to kiss her one more time.

Aragorn had just stepped out of Arwen's room to locate some dinner for the two of them when the sound of running and thumping on the porch startled the man. He had a moment to prepare before Hildanir burst through the front door, breathing hard.

"Elessar!" he said, spotting the man immediately. "You must come at once!"

"What is it? What is the matter?"

"It would be best for you to see for yourself, I am afraid," he said, still breathless.

"Lead on," he said, and turned to follow the younger man outside, yanking on his boots near the door as he did so. He limped off the porch and trailed behind Hildanir, stiff from lack of movement from staying beside his recovering wife. At least his hip was only aching—he wondered vaguely how long that was going to take to stop. Once off the porch into the darkness lit only by a narrow moon, however, he could see the ruckus that was happening within the pasture fence. Horses were rearing and whinnying, snorting and stamping. Brego and Asfaloth were flying around the pasture, tearing up great clumps of grass and snow, and Lómë and Brethil were nearest the fence, stamping and snorting.

Aragorn stared at them as they neared, astounded. "What has gotten into them, Hildanir?"

"I'm afraid we've failed in our duty, my Lord," Mennev said, walking towards them. Aragorn had not even noticed him until he spoke. He should have; he held a lantern in his hand to help them see in the evening's fading light.

"What duty? One of you speak clearly!" He was frustrated now, feeling as though he was missing something, and worried that Nardur had escaped their custody was a fear he did not wish to be feeling at all right now. He felt the tension increase in his shoulders a hundred-fold. "Nardur—"

"Nearly escaped, but now is dead," Hildanir said, as Mennev nodded.

"Aye," agreed Mennev. "I'm afraid your horses saw to that."

"The horses—what?" The confusion on Aragorn's face was apparent. "How did he nearly escape?"

"Apparently, Nardur made it out the back door of the barn and into the pasture. My assumption is that he was trying to steal a horse—" Mennev snorted.

"That didn't work out as well as he'd hoped."

Hildanir nodded. "By the time we made it out here, it was nearly over. Between Asfaloth, Brego, Brethil and Lómë, he did not last long, and it was…"

"A rather violent end!" added Mennev. "Never seen that much carnage from animals, 'cept when I saw a soldier gored by a bull once. Well, anyway," he said with a nod over his shoulder and pointing with his chin, "he's over there by the fence. We dragged what was left of 'im out over there."

Aragorn followed him over, but it was clear before he got very near the man was very dead indeed. Hildanir sighed. "By your leave, Elessar, now that he cannot stand trial, I will give the man a proper burial in the morning. Though he was not honorable in life, he does not deserve to be burned as a common criminal."

"He was your uncle," Mennev pointed out, and Hildanir shook his head stubbornly, crossing his arms.

"He was no relation of mine."

Aragorn nodded, remembering Hildanir's disowning words. "Let me speak with my friends here and find out what really happened." He turned to the horses, who by now were all standing along the fence in a row. He reached up and out to Brego's neck as the horse leaned over.

Lómë threw his head into the air. "[Proud of us you should be.]" Lómë's voice was deep.

"[Took care of a problem for you we did,]" whinnied Asfaloth strongly, plunging his foot into the snow several times. "[Which taken care of already should have been.]"

"[Well-deserved!]" shouted Brethil.

"[Indeed! Well-deserved!]" cried Radost, shoving between Brethil and Lómë and thrusting herself to the front. Lómë reached down and nipped her withers and she kicked up her heels in protest.

Aragorn sighed, looking straight at Brego. "The councilman was to stand trial in Minas Tirith, friends. Brego, you knew this."

The bay leaned forward and nudged Aragorn in the center of his chest. "[Takes too long the human way does. Served is justice when done our way.]"

"[Faster!]" stated Lómë.

"[Well-deserved!]" said Brethil again. "[Gone through many trials before anything done would be. Long justice.]"

Lómë, ears flattened against his head, snapped at the top board of the fence and pawed the ground repeatedly. "[To ride me was his aim! As if allow it would I!]"

"[Could not be forgotten what he had done,]" Brego said, nosing Aragorn's chest again.

"[Enguina!]" cried Lómë.

"[The small one!]" whinnied Brethil.

"[Arwen!]" Asfaloth snorted, half-rearing up.

"[Your pain,]" Brego added more quietly, snuffling along Aragorn's breast. The man stroked the bay's star.

"But our law—"

"[Your law!]" snorted Radost, shaking her shaggy mane.

"[Not ours,]" reminded Lómë. "[Deserved he did, to die. Nothing less.]"

"[See Enguina you did not,]" added Brethil. "[Carry her you did not.]"

Aragorn bowed his head, laying his hand alongside Brego's jaw. "No, you are right, Brethil, I did not. Seeing Arwen was enough for me. I do not have to like it, but…I do understand."

"[Rightfully so.]" Radost stomped her foot. "[Understand us most humans do not.]"

"[Enguina? The little one?]" asked Lómë, leaning close to Aragorn. Suddenly the man smiled.

"It is a boy." Brethil reared up in joy and Lómë added his voice to the grey's. The two of them took off across the pasture, leaping and bucking with Radost close behind them. Only Asfaloth and Brego remained, with the grey stepping close enough to Aragorn to prod his shoulder with his lips.

"[My dear one?]" he whuffled softly. "[Queen of White Tower?]"

"She is doing better now, recovering," he said softly. Brego blinked, but said nothing.

Asfaloth sighed. "[Glad am I. Relieved to know that not unfaithful were you. My wrath swift would have been. Die…and painfully.]"

"Praise Ilúvatar," said Aragorn with a soft chuckle, though he knew the horse was very serious. "I would not want to be in the light of your anger, Asfaloth."

Brego pushed Asfaloth with his shoulder. "[Foolish. To have believed him not!]"

"[Dying she was,]" the grey insisted. "[Feel it, and do nothing about it could I.]"

"As soon as she feels better, I am certain that she will be out here to see you both."

Brego nosed him. "[Return to her you should. For the evil one worry no more.]"

Asfaloth turned aside and Brego followed close behind him. Hildanir, and Mennev close behind with his lantern, leaned on the pasture fence beside him.

"You truly can speak with them," Hildanir murmured softly.

"Was that what was happenin'?" asked Mennev, confused.

Aragorn smiled. "Nardur tried to ride Lómë. They would not let him, and so they killed him."

"That's it?" Mennev asked with a frown. "That's all the explanation we'll get?"

"To them, it is all that is needed. To them, he deserved death, and so they passed judgment."

"Our way is too slow," Hildanir said. "Faster, easier, their way. Justice is done quickly."

"That was what they said. But our way does protect the innocent," Aragorn added softly. "Someone has time to prove they are not guilty; the truth must be found out. In this case, that was not necessary. But in some circumstances…the fast, easy way may not be the best."

The two men nodded slowly. Aragorn straightened carefully. "Come gentlemen. It is time for supper. And as you have no one left to guard, you might as well sleep inside tonight."

"Cheers," said Hildanir, with a smile, and he took Aragorn's arm.

"Wonder if the Prince's got any ale about?"

It was dark for sure outside and Hildanir and Mennev were now sound asleep in the sitting room; Aragorn had not asked Legolas if it was all right, but he figured it would be. The two men had done everything they could to protect them and deserved a good night's sleep in a comfortable place after sleeping in a barn for several nights. In the morning, Mennev would be heading to Henneth Annûn so that a messenger could be sent to Minas Tirith to report on the condition of the King and Queen; they would remain in Ithilien to heal and recover and then return in the spring. Aragorn was so grateful for them, especially Hildanir and his unfailing loyalty to both him…and the beautiful woman he once again held in his arms.

She had been determined to sit up after dinner with the two men, and though she was tired, she was also determined to stay awake. Aragorn was unwilling to let her sit up on her own, so he was now seated carefully behind her, keeping her upright, his arms loosely around her waist, avoiding her still-healing ribs. She wanted to be over in Enguina's room, but there was no way she was ready to walk anywhere, and there was no way Aragorn could have carried her. He still did not wish to disturb Legolas, or Enguina especially, so they remained where they were.

Leaning her head back against his left shoulder, she carefully pressed her lips to his neck, feeling the acute relief of having him beside her. Aragorn kissed her forehead and sighed.

"I cannot thank Ilúvatar enough for the blessing of you being returned to me," she whispered. "For you to still be mine…to be lying here in your arms." She felt him kiss her again and again as she pressed her lips to his skin again. "You and I…we need to have one another. Without you…there is nothing but darkness." She breathed him in; he had bathed very early in the morning, and she had allowed him to gently sponge bathe her on the bed even if she was self-conscious about what she had done. She had napped for three hours afterward and so had he; bathing had drained all of their strength, and she had never known a bath to be so exhausting. Her hair was braided, which he had done himself even though she had tried to protest; he was determined to make her feel clean and well. Oh, how she loved him!

Ilúvatar in heaven, you smell so good.

He smiled against her forehead. You are tired. He reveled in the feel of her in his mind. After being so separated for so long, it was intoxicating to feel her, to know her thoughts.

Yes, but I mean every word. Aragorn…Aragorn… She whispered his name, the memories she had of him that flowed over her were delight, not pain to her now. I cannot stop feeling grateful…that we are one again. That I have you. You were so right…I could survive everything the world could give me, but not the loss of you…never that.

He kissed her forehead again, loving her. I swear…you will never lose me. Nothing will ever come between us like this again. We belong to each other. I will never leave you, and I will always love you.

"I will never leave you, and I will always love you," she whispered back, aloud as well as in her mind. He lifted a hand and laid it against her chest, very gently.

"How are you feeling?"

"How are you feeling?" she asked him, smiling.

"I did ask you first, but I will answer. Sore, but recovering." She watched as the fingers on his right hand curled slowly into a fist. "My strength will return in time."

"As will mine," she replied softly. Then she added more honestly, "My shoulder is aching and my chest hurts…but it will heal, and fade with time."

"You should be lying down."

"So should you," she murmured. "Yet you have done nothing but hold me since before Hildanir and Mennev went out, may Ilúvatar bless them."

He sighed. "My arms cannot seem to let you go." She tucked her head gently beneath his chin and he rested his cheek upon hers. "If we fall asleep like this, I will be just as content."

There was comfortable silence between them, and then there was a light knock upon the doorframe. Both of them looked up and were surprised to see Legolas standing there.

"Do you two mind some company?" he asked with a smile. "There are strange men sleeping in my sitting room."

"Strange men?" said Aragorn. "I think you know them, but come in, Legolas."

He stepped inside the room as Arwen struggled to turn her head. He held out a hand as he walked over to the bed, reaching to touch hers. "No, no…do not move on my account. It is good to see you awake. We are blessed that you will be well again."

"Thank you," she said, moved simply by looking at him, when she never thought she would ever see him again. Thoughts passed between them as he smiled at her when she could not say anything more aloud.

"You seem better even now then last evening when I saw you resting." He turned and glanced at the door. "Enguina, are you coming in? There is a chair here for you."

Aragorn lifted his head, and he felt Arwen's pulse race through her temple against his neck.

"Coming!" They heard her call back and Legolas laughed.

"Why are you here without her?" asked Aragorn, confused.

He shook his head. "She wanted to 'do it herself.' She was determined." He held up his hands. "So I let her."

Arwen swallowed her emotions. "We are so happy for you, Legolas," she added, thinking of their new reason to rejoice.

He grinned at her. "Thank you! Wait until you—"

And then Enguina was in the doorway with a bundle in her arms and Legolas turned and Arwen's eyes met Enguina's. The older elf had no eyes for anything else but her friend as she made her way to the bed.

"Do you want to sit?" Legolas asked, and Enguina shook her head.

"Not yet." She barely got the words out before she was choked up and she ignored the fact that the object of her past distress was holding her friend at the moment and leaned down to kiss her roughly on the cheek. "Do not ever frighten me like that again." The whispered words were fiercely loving and they brought tears to Arwen's eyes.

"I am so sorry…forgive me…forgive me for all of it…"

"I thought we would never see you again," she said, leaning back, still staring into Arwen's eyes as she caressed her cheek once. "I thought you would never see him."

"Neither did I," she whispered back.

Enguina continued to lean back and her eyes caught on Aragorn's face; much as she had tried to avoid it, he was too close to Arwen's head for her to miss. She tensed, and she felt Legolas's hand on her back, ready to do what, she was not sure. What surprised her was that Aragorn was not even looking at her; his eyes were cast down, and it was clear by the set of his brow and the way he would not meet her eyes that there was only one reason he was not looking at her. He knew very well what she felt for him, and he was very much ashamed.

And suddenly, looking at them in that moment, tears in Arwen's eyes, the way her head rested against the crook of his neck, the way he held her so securely and protectively in his embrace…everything she had felt about what had happened faded away. Legolas was right: this was the same man that she knew, that she had known, the same man who had saved her life and helped lift her from a pit of despair. Whatever he had done, she knew he had not meant a bit of it. Arwen would be restored; there was peace in her eyes already, and he…well, she had no right to think anything less than thank Ilúvatar that he had been restored to the man she knew.

She reached out with one hand and laid it on his hair and gently stroked his head once. Then she lowered her hand back to the baby she held against her chest, but it was enough that Aragorn lifted his head to look at her. Her eyes did not hold the resentment he had expected, but relief.

"I have to praise Eru that you are the same man we all knew you to be," she said softly, and Legolas's hand on her back became an arm around her waist. "You saved my life…you saved my son's life…I should be nothing less than grateful."

He met her gaze, and Arwen felt his arms tighten just a little and her hands did, too, on his arms. "Can you forgive me, Enguina?" he asked. "What was done…was terribly wrong but it was not with malicious intent. And I—"

"I forgive you," she whispered. "But help me to never let anything like this ever happen again? None of us will survive it."

He nodded and swallowed around the painful lump in his throat, and Legolas let out a soft breath. "I cannot help but be grateful that we are all here once more together…and that we have a new life to celebrate." He immediately brightened. "Enguina, you sit here on the bed and let them look at our son. I will return in moments."

She sat down on the end of the bed and Aragorn and Arwen fixed their eyes on the precious face of the sleeping little one as Legolas hurriedly left the room. Tears formed in Arwen's eyes as she looked down on the precious thing, a tiny shock of near-white hair on the top of his head. She gasped as Enguina leaned carefully so they could really see him.

"Oh…Enguina, he is so beautiful," she whispered.

"Yes, beautiful," agreed Aragorn. "Perfect…ears and eyebrows and hands…"

She laughed, tears in hers at their words. "I think he is, too, but…he is mine, so…"

"So perfect, he is beyond words," Arwen said. "Precious…words cannot express…" She shook her head, at a loss. Aragorn rested his cheek upon the top of her head, and then he reached forward and stroked a single finger upon the babe's arm.

"Have you decided on a name, Enguina?" he asked softly.

"Yes," she said with a smile. "It took us a little while, but we did."

"So," Legolas said, bursting back into the room and disrupting the moment, "Uncle Gimli gave me this tankard of ale from the Glittering Caves and told me that when we were all together we had to toast and drink to the baby's birth." He had four mugs in his hand and Enguina laughed at him as he drew near. "No better time than the present."

"Legolas," Enguina chided him, "Arwen is barely well enough to sit up, and we are going to have ale?"

"From the Glittering Caves, yes," he said, and gently extended the two mugs to Aragorn, who was grinning. "One sip of ale never hurt anyone."

The man took them, and Arwen, who finally pulled her eyes off the baby's face, smiled, too. "Can you hold mine?" she asked him. He knew her shoulder was nowhere near strong enough, and her wrist was not healed, so he nodded, setting the second mug on the dresser nearby. Instead, he held one for the both of them.

"Shall we toast then?" Legolas asked, grinning, and Arwen gave him a rueful smile.

"When someone finally tells us who we are toasting to."

He looked at her and frowned. "Enguina did not even tell you his name?"

"You interrupted me, dearest," Enguina said with good humor. Arwen looked at the baby's face again, unable to help being so distracted by it.

"Do you wish to, or—"

"Please tell them," Enguina whispered, and he bent to kiss her gently before kissing his little boy on the forehead. He shifted in her arms, scrunching up his face and forehead before settling down again, one little arm waving for a brief second. Arwen was captivated by his movement, her mouth opening in awe as she watched him.

"Look at him," she whispered and Aragorn smiled.

"I saw," he replied. Then he raised his eyes to Legolas. "What did you choose?"

"Nórëdil," Legolas said, smiling at them. "We have decided to call him Nórëdil."

"Nórëdil," Arwen breathed, still staring at his face. To her amazement, she felt nothing but love in her heart, overflowing for this little one. At some point, she might be overwhelmed by her loss again, by the desire of her heart, but not now; she was so grateful to Ilúvatar for healing her heart enough to love their son.

"He is beautiful," agreed Aragorn.

"So let us drink to Nórëdil," Legolas said, lifting his mug as Enguina and Aragorn did as well. "May this little Elvish Princeling, as Gimli would say," he said, as they all laughed and smiled, "live out his forever around a loving family. May his long life be blessed, the first of a new generation. May he know love, may he know joy, and may every trial he ever faces be there to teach him strength and hope in Ilúvatar. May he grow in faith, and may we dedicate ourselves to raising him up and teaching him surety of conviction, of hope, and of love."

"Here, here," said Aragorn taking a sip of the ale and then helping Arwen to do the same. He nodded. "That is good ale." He nodded back toward the door. "If we do not have all of it here, you should share it with—"

"Done and done," Legolas said with a smile. "Mennev woke before I left the room. I may have toasted with them before I brought it in," he added sheepishly, and Enguina rolled her eyes.

"Here, hold this a moment," she asked him, and he took her mug. She leaned nearer to Arwen, whose eyes were on Nórëdil's face again. "Arwen, do you want to hold him?"

Her friend lifted her eyes suddenly, the request unexpected but in no way unwelcome.

"I would love to…though I do not know—"

"Let me help you," Aragorn told her gently, and as Enguina passed him over to them still asleep, Aragorn used his left arm to brace Arwen's so that he could help her support him. Then, the two of them laid their hands on the boy's little body. Nórëdil opened his eyes for just a moment—a flash of the brightest green, almost as if to see who was holding him now, and then closed them again, immediately falling back to sleep.

"Nórëdil," Arwen whispered, staring lovingly down into his face as she stroked his cheek with a gentle finger. "You are so beautiful, so blessed to have this loving family…"

Enguina reached over as she watched the two of them, Aragorn's large hand laying over Nórëdil's entire midsection, and took her mug carefully back from Legolas. "Thank you," she said, and then looked up at him as he kissed her gently. She raised her mug. "To family," she said, and Aragorn lifted his head to look at her. "For that is what we are, yes? A family, a large extended family. Not only elves, but of the world of men and even dwarves." She looked at Arwen, who tilted her face to meet her eyes. "Will you…will you…" Enguina hesitated as Legolas reached down and took her hand.

"Will you consent to being his guardians?" he asked for her. "That was what we wanted to ask you tonight. If you…would pledge yourselves, take the oaths, to be his guardians."

"Will you?" asked Enguina softly. "I know…I know this is—"

"We would be honored," Aragorn said, looking between the two of them.

"Delighted," Arwen whispered, her heart bursting with joy for her friends.

"Let us speak the words now," Aragorn said, and Enguina nodded, tears on her face, unable to speak. Aragorn lifted his hand and took Arwen's in his, laying them both down upon Nórëdil's body. Enguina reached over and laid hers on his, Legolas's on hers, tight enough to hold.

"Aragorn, Arwen," Legolas said softly, "do you today recognize Nórëdil as a gift from Ilúvatar and give heartfelt thanks for his blessing to us?"

"We do," they both said together.

"And will you pledge, as guardians, as Tirion and Tiriel, that with Ilúvatar's help you will help us to bring up Nórëdil in the discipline and instruction of the One, to build the character of Him into our son's life and bless him with your love and joy?"

"We will." Arwen's throat was so tight she could barely say the words.

"And will you pledge, as guardians, that you will care for this child as though he were your own; that you would give him every benefit that you would a child of your own blood; and that you would rise to his defense in times of trouble and celebrate in love in times of joy?"

"We will.

"Nórëdil, I pledge myself to be your Tirion," Aragorn said gently, looking into the babe's face.

"Nórëdil, I pledge myself to be your Tiriel," Arwen added, her voice as thick as Aragorn's.

"May this be binding," Legolas said gently. "May Ilúvatar bless this union of our family, final and enduring. What Ilúvatar has joined, let man never separate."

Enguina leaned forward and hugged them both, kissing Arwen's cheek. "How I love you both," she whispered. "Thank you…thank you for loving him."

"Yes," Legolas agreed. "Thank you. It…is not a simple pledge. Nothing can make light of that oath. We bless you for taking it." Enguina sat back and stroked Nórëdil's cheek.

"Anything sworn before Ilúvatar should not be easy," Aragorn replied, his arms tight around Arwen. All four of them were looking into Nórëdil's face.

"Do you want him back?" asked Arwen gently and Enguina shook her head.

"I have…all the time in the world to hold him," she whispered. "Let his Tiriel and Tirion hold him for a little while."

Arwen nodded, and bent her head slightly to press her lips to the babe's brow. Legolas cleared his throat and raised his mug.

"To family," he said, repeating Enguina's toast. "To our family. To this…this circle of love that extends and grows and is blessed by Ilúvatar. To the way the circle will grow in the future, to children, to love, to hope. May we be ever blessed by and be a blessing to each other. With love for you all. To family."

They seconded Legolas's words, softly, gently, each thinking of what they meant as they drank to it. And Legolas took Enguina's hand and kissed it, and Aragorn pressed his lips to Arwen's temple, and for the first time in a long time the focus was where it should be—rejoicing over what they had, building one another up in love, and remembering that Ilúvatar was in control and that even at the test He was good.