Disclaimers I do not Own Naruto or Highschool DxD, the same could be said to Konosuba.
Hi guys, I'm back although I'm still a bit salty at my work being taken down and the fact that I cannot repost it because I have no back up, I don't know if this story is good but I just decided to write and still not sure if I will periodically write new chapters, I'll just wait for feedback and see if the readers will like it and then will make it the primary story.
Currently I'm debating if I should make a Naruto X Campione story as my primary, or Naruto X Konosuba and then there is also Naruto X Re: Zero but as of now I'm still on volume five of light novels, though if it is Dungeon ni Deai then I am up to the current volume.
I'm taken to reading light novels as of this moment and have read all the available volumes of Oda Nobuna no Yabou and Mondaiji No Tachi! Along with Gate Jietai!
Anyway this is a new Naruto with a new perspective, and instead of being a devil or angel or from other factions, he is from the Mage faction.
This Naruto is a bit crazy though, if not Megumin crazy!
Chapter Start
Magicians, while every kind of supernatural beings are capable of learning magic, only the humans can become a magician, although often overlooked due to their lower capacity in magic than the other factions, they are still considered to be one of the most important association in the human world.
Not only because of their ability to learn all different kind of spells, but also because of their ability to make contracts with different factions thus allowing them to use the magic that said creature they would make contract with, as such if one of the three factions decided to go to war, it is likely that they would make an alliance with the Magic Association first not only due to their numbers but also due to their versatility and their ability to learn all kinds of different magic that could be considered as beneficial during said war.
While considered as an important faction, a magician's worth would be the amount of their magical energy and their capacity to learn powerful and deadly spells, as such when a magician decided to make a contract with a supernatural being they would be given a test, what it would be will be up to the person they wanted to make a contract with, if they fail they will not get the contract.
In the supernatural world there are several Mage guilds, some of them are rogue guilds and some of them are part of a mythology or part of the three factions, as such it is common to see one of these guilds to clash against one another while rare it still happens from time to time when a disagreement happens.
And at this moment, once certain Faction that was leading a certain mage was having a debate about a certain someone.
"I have received an important notice from the High Priest about a certain mage that works for us." A handsome man with long blonde hair and bright green eyes wearing a white priest robes calmly stated as he sat on a chair in front of a massive table within a massive room filled with nothing but white.
"I don't understand why you have to call an emergency meeting just because of this?" An elderly man with silver hair and long white beard with crimson eyes wearing the same priest robes responded with a raised eyebrow while having his fingers interlock.
"Indeed, what is so special about this mage that you have to inform us about him taking a request from the request board, it is there for a reason after all." The next one who spoke was a man who seems to be on his late twenties with silver hair and crimson eyes that held a sharp yet stern look to them and unlike everyone sitting in front of the table, he was wearing a pure silver armor instead of priest robes.
The man sitting in the middle let out a tired sigh while sending a look towards the person sitting on the other end of the table looking sheepish with an embarrass smile on her face.
The woman seems to be on her early twenties with long curly blonde hair that shines as if it has been dunked in a tub full of golden glitters, her bright green eyes looking away in embarrassment as her pristine milky white skin and flawless cheek was burning hot from embarrassment.
"It is not about the quest that he took that worried me so, it is the one who took the quest that really worried me." The man let out another tired sigh while everyone gazes at him with raised eyebrows.
"What request was it anyway?" This time it was a woman who spoke, she appears to be on her early twenties just like the other beautiful woman, although while the other woman has the look of innocence and naivety, this person has a stern and mature look to her yet still held some childish innocence in them with a small hint of mischievousness in them.
She has long flowing grayish white hair that is currently tied in a drill, she has bright blue eyes resembling the sky, on top of her head is a massive crown like hat with black frills on them, her outfit is what could be considered as inappropriate for their race due to its indecency.
It is a white one piece sleeveless dress that resembles a magical girl outfit and stopped at her upper thigh revealing a lot of her milky white flesh, if she even try to bend it is guaranteed that her undergarments would be completely visible, of that everyone has no doubt, on her hands was a white gloves that simply ends on her palm, on her feet was a long white boots that stop just above her knees.
"It's a capture quest, a Leviathan escaped from the familiar forest and a request was sent by the Devil community to capture it alive and send it back to the familiar forest." The blonde man responded as he glances at the paper lying in front of him.
Capture Leviathan
Rank – S
Reward – 20,000,000 alive, 5,000,000 dead
"Why do we take request from those devils anyway?" The silver haired young man scowled at the thought of them working for the devils.
"We do not really have a choice Metatron, we need the funds for the church and we aren't exactly the richest faction right now." The other elderly man responded with a tired sigh.
"Uriel is right Metatron, I also do not like it but there is nothing we can do about it, we need the funds to keep the church running." Michael responded with a small frown on his handsome features before the white haired woman responded to his earlier answer to her question.
"So that is the request, I am sure the one who took it would be more than capable enough to handle it because I doubt Griselda will just let anyone take the request, so who was it, Dulio?"
Michael shook his head while glaring at the other blonde sitting on the others side of the table who looked like she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible or that hoping that ground would open and swallow her whole.
"Then who?" the white haired girl narrowed her eyes while the others started sweating with their face paling when they saw the look on the Michael's face as they started to realize who Michael was talking about.
"Naruto Uzumaki."
At the mention of that name, everyone went silent as the whole Heaven came into a grinding halt even the Angels who was outside of the massive castle froze as if they felt something horrible is about to happen.
Then as if a bomb has been dropped the white haired girl immediately jump out of her seat with a pale face.
"Then what are you waiting for! Send the emergency units now, we need to evacuate the people out of that place as soon as possible!"
"Right!" This time Metatron jumped in with his face incredibly pale and sweating profusely "We need to send Griselda or Dulio, maybe Martha too! No let's send all of them! Now!"
"My God! Father! Save us all!" the elderly man who was calm and collected earlier was now panicking and on a verge of having a heart attack while kneeling on the ground with his hand clasped as if on a prayer.
Michael sent a look towards his sister, Gabriel who was now looking on with a small trail of sweat going down from her cheek to her chin.
"Aren't you all overreacting?" Gabriel commented only to squeak in embarrassment when everyone turned towards her with furious glares.
"Overreacting!? The last time he went on a quest, if I remember correctly which is only two weeks ago, a quest where he should be helping the farmers in a certain country fertile their lands and help them grew their crops, instead of growing a vegetable field he grew an entire forest filled with man eating monster plants the size of a skyscraper!" Metatron responded with his voice turning shrill with veins bulging on his neck and forehead.
"And might I remind you, that the quest he took a month ago where he was to capture the escaped Megalodon from the familiar forest, instead of capturing it he turned it into a shark soup because he was hungry, not only that he even destroyed half of the city in the process of capturing it and when we asked what he got to say for himself all he said was 'woops'!" Metatron raged on as he kept on informing Gabriel of all the missions that Naruto went through and all of them ended up in a destruction of a city or creation of a outrageous man eating plants, and he even listed the amount they had to pay just to recompense all those people.
Meanwhile, Gabriel was scratching her head in embarrassment, something that she had taken from Naruto whenever he was nervous about something while Michael was looking at her with a smug smile on his face.
'I told you.' He mouthed and to his amusement his sister merely sent him a cute glare.
"Anyway! Michael do something about this!" Metatron ordered with his face incredibly pale while Michael nodded his head.
"I already sent an emergency group that would evacuate the civilians out of there." Michael responded, the moment he had received the report from the amuse Dulio he immediately formed a squad of his most elite soldiers to head to where Naruto is and make sure that the damage would be lesser than what it should be or they'll be punished.
He cannot exactly punish Naruto, as destructive as he is due to his outrageous amount of magic energy, he is one of the most valuable assets that the church has due to the boy being a genius, when they had picked him up as a baby who was strangely in the middle of the forest, they had never expected him to grow up a genius magician who created thousands of spells, while great it has a massive disadvantage due to the boy not knowing what the word restraint means!
And it also reinforced by the fact that the boy had created spells that was only destructive!
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Meanwhile while the Heaven is in chaos another group of people was having the same meeting unaware yet of the upcoming disaster that will soon befall them.
"So, have you sent the request to the Guild Sera-tan?" A handsome man who seems to be on his mid twenties asked with a goofy smile on his face, his blood red hair and greenish blue eyes standing out more than his own strange armor like outfit.
"Yup!" A woman who seems to be in her early twenties despite looking like a middle school student due to her short height if not because of her huge breast nodded enthusiastically, her magical girl looking outfit shuffling as she squirm on her sit. "I've sent the request and made sure not to forget to put the rank this time!"
"That's good, the last time you sent a request you forgot to mention the rank and we receive quite a bad feedback because of that due to the exorcist almost dying during that mission, I do not wish to bother them for their help but right now we cannot afford to send more devils right now, so there is nothing we can do but hire mages and exorcist from the church." The one who spoke this time is a man with slick back green hair has the aura of a scientist and it wasn't too farfetched due to the white doctor robes he wore.
"Indeed, I heard that Azazel too was sending request to the church to do things for him, although it was causing friction to their factions since there are those who clearly do not agree to getting help from the church even they are paying them but they too cannot afford to waste too much manpower and it's not like they are having financial shortage like the church." The other one responded with a tired look in his eyes while having a wry smile on his face.
Of course the Devils also did not like that they are asking for the Angel's help but at this moment they cannot afford to send their men to do such menial task, and there are even dangerous ones in there so they cannot afford to send them to get killed which would surely lower their numbers more, the other reason they are helping the Angels by sending requests and paying money instead of hiring mercenaries is because as much as the other devils hates the Angel factions if the Angel factions disappears then the sense of balance in their world will be in disarray.
And without a doubt the other groups such as the other God's and Buddha's will surely capitalize on it by trying to claim heaven as their own, and with that it would disrupt the balance and would no doubt start another war due to the Fallen Angels feeling as if not only had they been expelled from their home also would felt robbed of it.
"Anyway, what was the request anyway Sera-tan?" The redheaded man asked with a tilt of his head while the magical girl outfit wearing girl rubs her head sheepishly.
"A Leviathan escaped from the familiar forest and I sent a request for it to be sent back." Serafall Leviathan, the current Leviathan and one of the four Maou's governing the Underworld responded to the question that has been asked by Sirzechs Lucifer, the current Lucifer and the supreme leader of the underworld.
"Oh, did the church sent a notification to who took the request?" Ajuka Beelzebub asked with his leaning on his fist.
"Hmmm." Serafall looked down on the note sent from Heaven and her face immediately went pale when she saw the name of the person who took the quest.
"Sera-tan?" Sirzechs looked on with worried gaze towards Serafall while Ajuka was narrowing his eyes not liking the look of complete horror on Serafall's face, it did not bode well.
"I-it's common courtesy that when someone took the quest, the one who gave it will personally hand the reward to the one who took it as such the one who took it will be welcome to the home of the person who sent it, and the one who receive the contract should not be harm in anyway right?" Serafall ask with shaky breath while the other three gaze at her with suspicion and worry due to how she was acting.
"Who was it Serafall." Sirzechs used Serafall's full name instead of the affectionate nickname due to the serious and tense atmosphere she was excluding.
"Naruto Uzumaki."
After hearing those words come out of Serafall's mouth the three other Maou's immediately jumped to their feet with a look of horror on their face.
The other three Maou's was running around the room like a headless chicken, even the normally composed Ajuka and the lazy and always sleeping Falbium was now fully awake and on the verge of having a heart attack.
"Serafall! You must inform the others and send a message to your sister, we need to gather everyone as soon as possible we need to strengthen the defense of the Underworld once Naruto arrives!"
"What are we going to do!"
"Evacuate! We must evacuate everyone as soon as possible!"
From outside after hearing the commotion a silver haired attractive woman with grey eyes wearing a grey French maid outfit immediately rushed in and the scene that greeted her almost left her in shock.
"What… in the world is going on in here?" Grayfia Lucifuge, the Queen of Sirzehcs Peerage and the strongest maid in the Underworld who had been serving under Sirzechs after the defeat of the old Satan factions looked on in shock at the current spectacle of the three Maou's while seeing Serafall looking on the verge of a heart attack.
"Here." Like a broken robot Serafall handed Grayfia the notice and once reading it her face immediately went pale and the word that came out of her mouth summarize her whole reactions and how she felt about it.
"Oh shit."
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In the middle of thick and foggy forest a lone young man could be seen walking with a massive grin on his face.
The young man has the appearance of a person who seems to be on his mid teens, he has neck length blonde hair with a pair striking blue eyes and six whiskers like markings on his cheeks, three on each.
On top of his head was a black witch hat with spiraling orange circle on it, he was wearing a burnt orange long sleeve shirt with a logo of a black devil with horns and whiskers on it, on his arms was an elbow length black gloves and his pants was a black adventurer pants accompanied by black shin length boots and on his shoulder was a black shoulder cape with the collar resembling of that a vampire collars, a white pouch was hanging on his side.
"Man, this is such a nice job, 20 million just to capture an escape beast from the forest of familiars, 10 million to me and 10 million the church, not a bad deal, wouldn't you agree Chomusuke!" the blonde boy said with a grin send towards his companion who was floating besides him.
It was a cute black cat with bat wings and a red-cross shape, markings on its forehead, it has stubby legs and she has big round head and oval yellow eyes.
"Umu~" The cat nodded her head as if she understood what he was saying and if the intelligent shine to its eyes was any indication then it is possible that it really understood him.
"Hmm? You want some sea foods? Sure but you just that Megalodon we just caught a few weeks back right?" The blonde asked with a raise eyebrow while the cat nodded its head.
"Alright then, anyway it is classified as S-rank so this Leviathan must been really strong, man I can't wait to test my new spells against this thing, hehe I wonder how long would this one last!" Naruto Uzumaki, the mage dubbed as the most destructive one and given the epithet as the Destructive mage and the Crazy one is now on his way towards the Lake where the Leviathan took refuge.
A mile away where the Leviathan is, it shuddered and felt like it just signed its death sentence by escaping the forest of familiars.
'What is this unshakeable dread that I am feeling?' thought the Leviathan.
Unaware of the oncoming disaster that is heading towards its way
Chapter End
If nobody guessed who the cat is, it is the cat in Konosuba, Chomosuke.