A/N: I can't focus on any of my other stories because other stories are stuck in my head so I'm writing and posting this one. Plus I need more Fine/Bright and since I doubt anyone will be writing more any time soon I'm making it myself. This story doesn't focus solely on that couple though as you can see it also has Eclipse/Rein/Shade.

I would like to say that throughout this story Rein and Bright remain best friends and only best friends because it's a thousand percent possible for a guy and girl to remain best friends and I'm here to show it.

Disclaimer: I do not own FBNFH.


Chapter One

Moving in Together


"Are you sure you want to leave home?" Rein's mother, Elsa, asked Rein again as she began packing her stuff away in boxes.

"I've already said I made my decision. I have to leave if I want to focus." Rein said.

"But you can focus on your high school work here just as well!" Elsa frowned.

Unfortunately for Elsa, Rein's true motives for leaving home were so she didn't have to hide her job anymore. She was a manga artist, but she kept this a secret from just about everyone. Her parents would never accept her having a job like that.

"Artist is a dead end job, it's a waste of your and everyone else's time. You should focus on becoming the successor to our family's company, Rein." She would hear this constantly as an elementary school student. While most children would give up when a parents discouraged their dream Rein was different, it only made her desire to become a manga artist stronger. She pitched an idea to a famous manga publisher in middle school and it was a hit! She began working then, but every time her parents caught her with her drawing supplies or sketching out scenes of her manga they would throw them all away so she began to work in secret, but it was hard keeping deadlines that way. That's why, with the money she earned and saved, she decided to move out and tell her parents it's because she wanted to focus on her school work better.

Her father, Truth, agreed since it would help her get into a good college and succeed the company in the future. Her mother reluctantly agreed because of Truth, but has been trying to convince her to stay since she made the decision.

'But there's no way I'm changing my mind.' Rein continued to pack her things, "I already said there are too many distractions here and you and father are always having business partners over which makes the house even noisier. This is best for everyone."

"…" Elsa didn't have an argument and merely let Rein's room. After her mother left Rein got out her art supplies and carefully packed them away.

"This is the last of it…" Rein sighed. She heard something pull up in her family's driveway.

"Looks like the moving truck's here." The movers came in and grabbed Rein's stuff and loaded them into the truck.

"Well I guess this is goodbye." Rein said.

"You'll come visit soon right?" Elsa asked.

"I have to focus." Rein merely replied.

"Let her do as she wants Elsa this is for her future." Truth said, still believing Rein's true motives were so she could get study to get into a good college.

"I'll see at you school right? We're bound to get the same classes right? And if we don't we'll see each other at the entrance ceremony!" Her sister, Fine, said.

"I'm sure we will." Rein smiled, "Well, goodbye."

Rein got into the truck with the movers and they left her family's house. Fine waved goodbye until the truck was completely out of sight.


Once they arrived at Rein's condominium some boxes were already in there, a few opened and empty, as the movers began to bring in Rein's boxes. She thanked the movers when they were done and paid them. Once they left she went to the kitchen where she smelled a wonderful aroma.

"Already testing out the kitchen Bright?" Rein went to the kitchen and saw her best friend, and now roommate, Bright.

"I got the feeling that you didn't eat yet today so I decided to make something."

"How'd you know I didn't eat?"

"You never eat when you're absorbed in something and knowing you, you were probably absorbed in packing because you waited until the last possible minute, the day you were going to move, to pack."

"Oops, busted."

Bright sighed. He got out a plate and placed the rice omelet on it and gave her a glass of orange juice. "Just sit down and eat."

"Okay~." Rein took the food and drink then sat down at the table and began to eat.

"I'm going to continue unpacking." Bright said before going back to where all the boxes were.


Bright had unpacked everything himself, including Rein's things.

"Lord knows she wouldn't have done it herself otherwise…" Bright mumbled to himself.

The only thing he did not unpack was her drawing supplies. After Rein had finished eating she grabbed her drawing supplies and disappeared into her room.

"She probably won't be out until its dinner time." Bright headed to the dining room to see a shopping list next to Rein's plate.

"At least she ate everything…" He picked up the dishes and placed them in the sink before picking up the shopping list.

"Guess she expects me to go get all this." It wasn't any different from before. Rein always had Bright pick up her drawing supplies because if her parents caught her they would've done everything they could to stop her.

"I'm heading out Rein!" Bright called before leaving to buy everything on her list.


"Alright I got everything I needed for Rein and I picked up a few groceries too…I guess it's time to head home…" As Bright was walking out of the grocery store he bumped into Fine.

"F-Fine!" He blushed.

"Hey Bright!" Fine smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"I-I was just out buying some things for my roommate and I." Bright replied.

"Oh, you have a roommate? You're not living at your house?"

"Yeah…R-Um…they're pretty hopeless on their own so I volunteered to move in with them."

"That was nice of you! Actually…my sister moved out of our house too."

"O-oh? Did she now?" Bright was trying really hard to act as if he didn't know. After all, Rein didn't want her family to find out the real reason she moved and if Bright acted suspicious it might give them away.

"Yeah…I wish she stayed at home, I can't talk to her whenever I want like this!" Fine sighed.

"Why not text her or call her?" Bright suggested.

"She never picks up or replies right away…it takes her a few hours to return my calls or text me and her response is usually 'I'm busy right now call me later or text me later'." Fine attempted to imitate Rein's usual listless tone.

Bright let out a laugh although he tried not to. Soon Fine joined him. The two began laughing loudly and the two started to get strange looks from the people passing by.

"Well I should get home before my parents start to worry. It was nice talking to you Bright! I'll see you tomorrow at the entrance ceremony!" Fine grinned before jogging towards the path to her house.

"See you!" Bright waved, "Alright…time to get back to Rein…"


By the time Bright got home Rein was in the living room staring at the TV.

"I'm home." Bright said.

"Welcome back…did you get my stuff?" Rein turned to him, "Hm? You look like you're glowing, something good happen to you?"

"A-ah, well yeah I guess you could say that." Bright said. He gave Rein the bag of her art supplies before heading to the kitchen.

Rein stared at the supplies before speaking up, "…You're ran into Fine didn't you?"

Bright let out a yelp before yelling back at Rein, "Wh-what makes you think that!?"

"If you think I don't know that you've had a crush on her since you met her then you're wrong." Rein bluntly said.


"I approve by the way."


"Hey if you manage to get my sister to fall for you and then the two of you get hitched it means I can continue forcing you to do stuff for me, I would've felt bad asking you for favors if you got married to someone else. But as my brother-in-law it is your duty to help me out when I ask for it."

"…I can't believe your main reason for approving of my crush on Fine is because you still want to use me as your slave."