Legacy of Bats & Iron
Summary: Things went a lot different for certain people. On that night in Gotham two people live and one dies. Howard survives the attack; this ends up with Brianna and Antonia being raised differently.
Note: Okay, so I really hope that you guys like this story. So when I say a lot of things will be different I do mean, different I will be playing around with this. I hope you guys like it and continue to read it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice or the Justice League they belong to DC Comics and Cartoon Network and I don't own the Avengers or Ultimate Spiderman they belong to Marvel and Disney. I also don't own the X-Men or Fantastic Four, they belong to Marvel. Don't own Batman under the Red Hood it belongs to Warner Bros.
Legacy of Bats & Iron
One: Childhood Friends
They were both known as the 'Darlings of the World' also the 'Princesses of New York and Gotham' so many names and yet no one could tell anything about them or truly anything about them. They wouldn't know that these two little girls in the future would become more important than many people suspected. That both would wear multiple mask and titles, the Mourning Daughters, the Party Girls, the Business Woman's, the Heroes, the Girlfriends, the Wives, the Mothers.
So many titles but they would not be broken, no matter how much the world seemed to want to do that.
Antonia Stark was looking at the Manor and she thought that it was a bit better than Stark Manor. She knew that in her child heart the one that her Father ignored and her Mother tried to help nourished but couldn't or wouldn't not to anger her Father. She would get it here. Sometimes in the darkest of time she wanted to be a Wayne instead of a Stark, they knew her Best friend was a genius but kept it a secret to give her a normal childhood.
"I want you to be behaved with the Wayne's, Antonia." Howard told her.
"Yes, sir." Antonia told him.
"Remember to have fun, Antonia." Maria Stark said to her daughter.
"Fun? Antonia needs to learn to be proactive, the fat that she is a woman will be hard enough, and she needs to learn who her competition will be later." Howard said.
"Brianna might be like her parents and not want to be involved."
"Don't be naïve, Maria; everyone knows that Martha Wayne in the one behind the Gotham Throne as people say." Howard said. Toni looked at her parents before she blocked them out of her mind, she didn't want to think about it. She didn't want to think about losing her best friend at all because they had to grow up. when they finally arrived to the Manor, Toni didn't wait much after the car stopped before she climbed out of the car running toward her best friend who was running toward her as well coming down the stairs.
"Antonia!" Howard screamed and he stopped when he saw Thomas and Martha Wayne coming down the stair.
"Howard, Maria is good to have you visiting again." Thomas Wayne said with a smile. Martha was walking beside him and she was looking at the girls.
"Yes, is good that you will be having Antonia over for the summer." Howard said.
"Yes, well we're travelling I hope that is alright with you." Thomas said.
"Yes, I heard charity work." Howard said with a smile.
"Of course; what better way of showing the world to the girls, than in the front of the line?" Martha said. "Maria will you be staying with us?"
"I will be meeting you over there." Maria told Martha.
"Oh that's alright at-least there will be some help." Martha said with a smile. "Howard will you be there."
"I unfortunately can't I will be going on an expedition."
"How is that going?" Thomas asked.
"One day closer to finding, what I'm looking for." Howard answered.
"Toni, you know it will be fun." Brianna said with a smile. The young girl was one year younger than her best friend but to them it didn't make a difference.
"Bri, we are going to the farm." Toni groaned.
"To Kansas, Mum says she got someone that could take the three of us in, while we stay helping around." Brianna told her.
"It couldn't have been that bad?" Toni said.
"Uh-huh; there were pictures, Mum wants us to learn humility."
"I have plenty of humility." Toni said.
"I think it will be fun, we've never been to a farm before." Brianna said.
"My Father said, I should start looking at you like my enemy." Toni told Brianna. Brianna looked at her friend and knew that Mr. Stark which is what she called Howard in her mind wanted to hurt Toni.
"Why we could help our companies be better than any other companies in the world." Brianna told her.
"I didn't want to tell him about my plan; you know he's threatened me with disinheritance." Ton told her.
"Well, Mum and Dad can adopt you." Brianna said. "They've wanted to have another kid."
"You really think so."
"Uh-huh and Alfred will give you cookies all the time." Brianna said with a bright smile on her face.
"Well let's get to the farm, we might see something fun."
They had done so, gone to the farm to help the Tornado victims. Everyone was shocked to see such little girls looking around.
"Is that a cow?" Toni asked.
"Brianna, Antonia, come on we must meet Mrs. Kent she will be allowing us to stay with her family for the week." Martha Wayne said. The three women walked together to a farm, the man in-front looked really serious. The woman had a kind face.
"You must be Mrs. Wayne?" Mrs. Kent asked.
"You must be Martha Kent, nice to meet you." Mrs. Wayne said with a smile. "I will like to thank you for allowing us to stay with you for our time here, my husband is helping around already."
"It is no problem at all." Mrs. Kent said and looked at the two girls.
"This is my daughter Brianna and my honorary daughter Antonia." Martha said with a smile on her face.
"Nice to meet both of you."
"Nice, to meet you Mrs. Kent." Brianna and Toni said at the same time. Ms. Kent felt these two girls were adorable.
"Well, I have a son that is right around your age." Mrs. Kent said. "Clark! Come meet our guest."
They heard running and down came a boy with blue eyes and dark hair. He looked at the new girls and the woman standing there.
"Hello." He said shyly.
"Hi." Brianna said. Clark looked at the young girl and smile brightly at her.
"My name is Clark do both of you want to go play?"
"Yes." The girls answered him.
"Well that was fast." Martha Wayne said
"I hope the three of them get along." Martha Kent said.
"Ah, so your kid is like mine." Martha Wayne said, Martha Kent looked at Mrs. Wayne oddly, before smiling and told her. "Too odd for everyone else."
"Yes." Martha Kent said.
Clark had been feeling normal for the first time as he had gain two friends, they were both odd and he sometimes didn't understand them. Namely he didn't understand that they had to leave and he knew that he wouldn't see them again.
"You know, we can write letters." Brianna said.
"I don't have that much time, but I can try." Toni said.
"I can write both of you." Clark told them, he was looking at Brianna and Toni with a bright smile on his face.
"We can try that." Brianna told him, hugging bye for the moment.
Note: I hope you guys like this first chapter. Don't forget to review.