To be a Guardian

Past. Present. Future. She is and will always be. Stop at nothing. Fight beyond death. Family. Famiglia. That is what it means to be a Guardian.



"それは今何...終わりましたか?..." (Sore wa imanani... Owarimashita ka?...)

("It's what?")

"Ara ... quello che un bambino sveglio! Non piangere ... tutto va bene piccolo."

("Ara...what a cute baby! Don't cry..everything's okay now little one.")


Yukina de la Giglio Nero woke up as the first rays of light filtered through the heavy drapes, a clock flashing '5:00 AM' beside her bed as sapphire eyes lazily peered through her heavy eyelids. Without a sound, the twelve year old slid out of her bed, silky raven locks draping her backside as pale feet landed on the plush black carpet. A pure white nightgown fluttered just above the floor as the girl moved to get ready for the day.

By the time her clock flashed 7:30 AM the girl had gone through her mourning routine, showered, eaten her breakfast and changed into her uniform, eyes clear but unreadable. Slipping on her shoes she collected her rectangular school bag, slipping the handle straps over one shoulder she cast a fleeting glance at her apartment and with her face revealing nothing, closed the doors with a quiet click of the locks.





'4:30 AM'

Steel grey eyes snapped open at the first beep of his alarm. Slamming the thing quiet he arises with a large yawn, lazily stretching his back like a feline, outside his window it was still dark, not a soul within sight.

(Although there usually isn' one's stupid enough to approach the feared perfect's home...)

Hibari Kyoya trailed his eyes along his empty room. Wordlessly, he rose from the large futon, dressed in silk black pyjamas, all traces of sleep gone from his face as he moves to ready for the day.


5:00 AM

Casting a final glance at silent house, the perfect slid open the metal doors, slamming it shut as he left for his morning patrols.


6:00 AM

"Good morning, Kyo-san", grunting in acknowledgment the younger male remained unmoving from his position, legs crossed on his desk as he leaned back against his chair.

"It's been relatively quiet so far, yesterday a brief problem with some delinquents at the convenience store was reported and...", Kusakabe continued on listing any problems, repairs and events despite his superior's (to him) obvious disinterest, carrying on as per normal while only noting the uncharacteristic behaviour before relaying the measures he will take and placing a file along with a small stack of paperwork on the chairman's desk. At the grunt of dismissal, he bowed respectively and exited the room, leaving his leader to his work, only coming in ever half an hour to collect and drop off reports and paperwork.


8:00 AM

Still half an hour from the bell, the raven haired male rose from his desk. Stacks of paperwork neatly piled and organised between finished and unfinished before wordlessly placing his pen on top of a half finished document. Shrugging his black gakuran onto his shoulders he step gracefully exited the office.





"Tsu-kun! Yuki-chan's here!", Sawada Nana cheerfully called to her only son before smiling brightly and inviting the girl in, ignoring the panicked shriek and following crash. Nothing new.

("HIIIEEEE! Where'smyunif—")

"Arigatou, Yuki-chan! It must be hard for you to always pick Tsu-kun up every morning, even while you're so busy!", the bubbly brunette clasped her hands together, her eyes bright as she thanked her son's (only) friend.

("AHHH! Iforgottodomyhomewor—")

The ravenette gave a polite smile at the older woman, her eyes showing the faintest amusement and fondness for both brunettes in the household. The two women had engaged in light conversation whilst sipping tea as the male brunette got himself together.

("I-ITTAIII! Where'dthatbananapeelcomefro—")

"Daijoubu, Nana-kaa chan", she shrugged, sipping on her tea as her eyes soften at the woman who had practically adopted her, "Tsunayoshi makes up for it with the entertainment."

Right on cue a loud 'HIIEEE' sliced through the calm morning atmosphere, followed by a series of loud thuds as our favourite Tuna-fish trips and tumbles his way down the staircase.

With an amused smirk, the ravenette slides her chair back, slipping her bag back on her shoulders before nodding a respectful goodbye to the older woman before promptly pulling the dizzy male on his feet by the jacket and straightening his tie and said jacket, slipping his bag on his shoulder and a slice of toast into his mouth along with his lunch in his hand before herding him into his shoes and out the door before he snaps out of his daze and calls out his own goodbye.

7:55 AM


"I-Ittai..mou, Yu-chan..did you have to be so rough?", the older teen pouted, rubbing at his neck where she'd lifted him by his jacket.

Shrugging in response, the younger girl raised an elegant eyebrow, piercing sapphire eyes questioning.

'Did you have to be so slow?'

Opening his mouth to retort, he was cut off as he slammed into the taller (by a few centimetres!) girl as she stopped abruptly in the middle of the road. Her head snapping up and her eyes blank as she calmly surveyed their surroundings, her eyes lingering fractionally at a spot up in the trees, hidden by leaves.

"Ittai...what is it, Yu-chan?", Tsuna whined as he clutched his nose where it'd collided with her head.

"Hn...", she hummed, raven hair trailing behind as she continued walking, her pace calm and unassuming.

'Hurry up...its almost 8.'

"Y-Yu-chan! Matte!"





'A pair of twins walked side by side to school, happily exchanging light banter. One was a boy with gravity defying brunette hair and warm honey brown eyes that shone with life and the other was a girl with silky golden locks that curled at the waist and soft sapphire orbs that lazily watched their surroundings.

From afar, a small figure watched the pair through a green binocular, a smirk on his lips.'