Hello all you beloved readers. Thank you for reading this little fic that managed to summon up the courage to actually write and upload. This is my first work on the road to becoming a good fic writer. Any review is appreciated, welcomed, and loved. Oh, and I'm not the owner of One Piece. That person would be Lord Oda. Now on to the actual story.


There was a time where I was a boring twenty years old college student. I was a short girl, five feet zero, with boring brown hair and eyes with no clear goal for the future. Because my major was undecided, I took which ever class that caught my attention. The biggest accomplishment I ever got was the bronze trophy in Tae Kwon Do that I got when I was ten. Soon I became known as the "jack of all trade" within my group. They also call me the "master of none". Funny fellas they were. Anyway, I live in a rented one room apartment with the bare minimum of furniture. My most prized possession was my beloved laptop and the five years old car that I drove everywhere. All in all, my life was boing. Until my sister's graduation day, that was when everything changed.

My sister's graduation was in New York, I lived in Oregon. Given the distant between us, I was very unwilling to go. However, since we've always been there for each other, I decided to go. Honestly, that was a stupid mistake. The drive was long and tiring. And me being me, I got careless. That was another stupid mistake. I got to New York, got off the freeway, and was about to take a right turn when a truck slammed into my car.

My first thought of the situation was "of freaking course this happen on the one day I travel interstate".

Then the pain hit and all I could think was: "Shit, looks like I'm gonna be really late for the ceremony".


I woke up with a pounding headache and a dull pain all over my left side. Everything feels disconnected, like when you have sleep paralysis. A nurse came to me:

"You're awake. How do you feel?"

"I have a headache. Other than that, I can't feel anything."

"I see. It's currently two in the morning right now. You should go back to sleep. I'll increase your pain medication."

Five minutes later, I fell back into the darkness.


The next time I woke up, I tried to find my bearings and figure out where I was. I was in a white room, presumably a hospital room since there's an ECG machine connected to me. After a bit of pure willpower and fiddling, I managed to move my right hand just enough to press the call button.

After a while, a nurse came in, she immediately call the doctor and check my vitals.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me.


She jotted that down and asked again "Do you remember anything?"

"Well, I remember driving to New York and got hit after I got off the freeway" I told of what I can recall"

We continue the Q&A for about fifteen minutes until I got curious and asked her "So… where am I? I know I'm in a hospital somewhere in New York, but where is this place?"

The nurse was about to answer me when the door was thrown open and my sister ran in. She hugged me, told me how worried she was and then we proceed to have another session of Q&A. The doctor came in while my sister was questioning me.

He asked me a few questions then whisper to me sister. He nodded and turned to me:

"Miss, I've talked to your family and we've decided to inform you of your situation as soon as possible. This is so that we can be right here when you find out about it". He told with the best poker face I've ever seen.

The way he carefully phrased things kind off scares me though. "What situation?" I asked him warily.

"For you to survive the, uh, incident was a miracle. You were in a coma for a whole month now. Your heart felled four times, but we managed to resuscitate you."

I survived four times? Hot dam.

"However", he continues "we could not save all of you".

"What do you mean?" I asked, bewildered.

He answered solemnly "Due to the accident, almost all of your left side was completely crushed. Your eye and arm are beyond repair. You have severe head trauma and I'm afraid you won't be able to walk ever again."

I was left speechless. My world just came crumbling down on me. I only have an eye and an arm left? What am I supposed to do? I won't be able to go to college or work or basically everything else. To this day, I am still not ashamed to say that I had a mental breakdown right then and there. I'm pretty sure I passed out after a while. Or it could have been that needle the doctor had in his hand that I spotted just before I blacked out.


I spend the next years in the same bed in New York. I could sit up on my own so that was a plus. My insurances came through for me and took care of almost everything. I had my family sell everything, except my laptop, to cover for my fees. My car was taken apart, most were sold as junk metal. It still amazed me that I survived in that car. It looked like a paper car that went through a blender.

My parents and sister visit once in awhile, but they're all very busy. Without anything to do, it was really boring. Fortunately for me, my sister brought the laptop to me.

Since I could not do much, I ended up reading a lot. I was obsessed with manga and anime. I read and watched anything. I was obsessed with Naruto, Fairy Tail, One Piece, and many other adventure ones. During the wait time, I read fan fictions. My absolute favorites were the self-insert stories. I mean, can you imagine being able to become a shadow or have a talking animal as companion? Can you imagine fighting bad guys alongside friends that would look after you no matter what? Oh, what I would give to live like that.

After three years of being confined to a bed and living my life peacefully, if a bit boringly. I had my first brain seizure. I was watching One Piece when I had this weird feeling. When I came to, the show was already half way done. I talked to the doctor and did a lot of test.

After that, my body started to shut down. My right arm started to feel weak, and stopped responding. Even breathing started to become a burden and everything hurt. Every time I got off a seizure, I lost the memory of the past minutes and my full body pain intensified. The next days after were pure hell as the seizure interval increase.

After fighting to survive for two weeks, I couldn't take it anymore.

So I gave up.

The last seizure was weird. I mean, I know that you can hallucinate while seizing but, come on, a cloaked dude with red glowing eyes? What the hell? He (she?) even talked to me.

"Do you want to survive?" the figure asked.

Seriously? Now? When I just gave up trying to? Really? Survive and have another seizure? Hell no, you dipshit.

Too tired to even curse, I answered him: "No. I want to live".

The figure paused for a moment. Then it's too wide grin was the last thing I saw before the darkness claimed me.


?: Oi, how come you never told them my name?

Me: Oh, that's because it's for later.

?: Later? When is later.

Me: ...

?: ...

Me: You'll find that out.