Chapter 2:Tag Team Championship

"Welcome back to ZWE Summer Champion Zone"Dragonic said as a Wolf howl was heard

(Special Op by Jim Johnston)

As Fox Rider came out in Dean's Shiled Clothes in Silver and Shadow Brawler in Seth Rollins Shield clothes in Silver as the crowd cheered

"The following is for the Tag Team Championship. Introducing First the team of The Hardcore Champion Fox Rider and Shadow Brawler The MOON WOLVES"Kira said as the entered the ring as they waited for their opponents

(Devious by Dale Oliver)

As Like came from the left as Edward came from the right both had the ZWE Tag Team Titles in their shoulder as they did their entrance

"Introducing next they are the Tag Team Championships. The Heavy Luke and The Brainiac Edward The FREELANCERS"As they entered the ring as the crowd booed.

The ref grabbed the belt as he showed it to the Wolves as the match began. Fox and Luke began as they locked up. Luke locks in Fox in a side headlock. Fox used the ropes to launch Luke as he used a dropkick. He irished whip him into a corner as he used a elbow.

Fox tags in Brawler as they used a double dropkick. Brawler kicked Luke in the mid section as he followed it with a frontal dropkick as he went for the lon

1...2...KICK OUT!

Brawler grabbed Luke as Luke used a neckbreaker as Brawler was stunned. Luke crawled to Edward as he tags him in. Brawler tags Fox in as Edward used a bunch of Double-Axe handles. Edward grabbed him as he used a Plot Twist (Blue Thunder Bomb) as he went for the lon

1...2...KICK OUT!

Edward tags in Luke as they went for a Reality Check but Brawler came in and took out Luke. Edward went for a Mind Over Matter (Mic Check) as he hits it and went for the lon

1...2..thr KICK OUT!

Edward couldn't believe it. Fox grabbed Edward as he used his Fox Feeds (Dirty Deeds) as he tags in Brawler. Brawler grabbed Edward as he hoisted him up into Fox shoulders as they used a Aided Powerbomb as he went for the lon

1...2...thre Luke's breaks it up

Brawler used a curb stomp on Luke. Edward came from behind as he used a Mind Over Matter. Fox came in as he used Fox Deeds. Brawler came back in as he went for the pin.

1...2...3 ring the bell

(Special Op)

Fox and Brawler were handed the titles as the crowd cheered.

"Looks like the Freelancers are no longer holding on to the ZWE Tag Team Titles"Dragonic said as the Wolves looked to see where they go

The screen flashes both Brands as it then stopped with the Draft Logo.


All of the Moon Wovles came out as they were handed a fire short as Shadow welcomed them


"That was a match"Alex said

"Changing gears it's time for the The Brand Battles"DarkRyder said