Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma 1/2 or any other crossover characters. They are owned by there respective owners. Not out to make any money or fame on others work.

This is a collection of fic's I was able to save of a web archive that has shut down recently. Some had been edited so my text reader would work better. So original authors and extra stuff was removed from the fic .

On the ones that have not been edited I will be editing them so the original authors will get credited for their parts. Also if you have the parts that I'm missing let me know in a PM will edit them in. Same with other fic's if you have them will post for others to be able to read.

This is an early break off of Master's Way. Added part of MW to allow you to see where the break is at.

My Very Own Personal Nabiki

by Kender

For Ranma, the oddest thing about waking up wasn't in doing it, but that he was so comfortable in doing so. Usually he woke up, he was either on a futon or recovering from the latest bashing that he'd gotten. But this time he felt warm and soft, with a quiet that he didn't recognize.

It took him a few moments to remember where he was, and when he opened his eyes, what he saw confirmed it.

Rather than being in the room that he shared with his father, or the many places that he might be when bashed into unconsciousness, he was laying in Nabiki's bed of all places. Looking out the window, he could see the first signs of sunset coming, and realized how late it had gotten.

That told him that he had to move quickly because the others would be returning home, and finding him in this room would not be good if the others found out. If they did he'd be in big trouble, and then he'd wind up with a lot of explaining to do in the few moments it would take to wind up the first punch. Then he'd be in for it, and the level of pain would be something that he'd never experienced before.

So he pulled himself out from under the covers and stretched before spotting the figure on the floor. He smiled slightly as he saw the eminently happy look the normally controlled Nabiki had on her face. She lay there on her side, completely nude, and seemed completely comfortable there. One hand was tucked under a breast while the other arm was loosely stretched before her. Both her legs were stretched out and slightly spread in her repose.

As he looked over the sleek body laying there before him, he tried to comprehend what the both of them had done. He had taken his hands and caressed the full breasts, kneading and playing with them. His fingers had gripped into the firm flesh of her buttocks, and he had touched her in places he had trouble touching his girl side.

And she had no problems with it. She had been so... so... compliant, that she had done everything that he wanted. Heck, she had even instigated things as what she was doing, and had seemed perfectly prepared to keep on going. He couldn't understand why she did, but he could feel the urge to play with her some more, to pet her, to stroke her, to pull down his pants and wake her with...

'Down boy!' he thought harshly to himself. All he'd wanted was to see if what he'd been trying for would work, and to make her fantasy come true. It was one thing to do that, and quite another to expect her to continue to be willing to... service him, especially with real life waiting for the both of them. He didn't know what she would do with this, but he did know that he couldn't assume that she'd want to continue.

So, while the mixture of caring and control was alluring, he knew that he had to make it so that things wouldn't get them into trouble. A bit of hot water, and a cleaning up would do that, and he planned to see what he could do from there.

Kneeling before the supple form, he carefully pulled off the collar and leash, before stepping over the sleeping girl and leaving the room.

When Nabiki awakened, she shifted in her bed as reason returned to her. Her mind was slow to turn to its normal processes, and all she wanted to do was to curl up and sleep some more. But then she realized that she wouldn't get to play with her owner...

That thought sent her eyes shooting open, and she looked around in a small bit of panic. It wasn't the thought of being owned that was the problem, but the idea that she was in a bed when she felt that he should be there. As he wasn't, that meant that something had happened, but she couldn't figure out what that could be. One moment she had merely been laying happily on the floor as Ranma slept in the bed, and the next she found herself laying in the bed, alone in the room.

Images of herself acting as Ranma's pet filled her mind, and she was certain that they were real, but it was like it didn't happen. A quick check showed that her ears were back where they were normally, there was no collar on her neck, and that her the smooth surface of her buttocks went to her back with out interruption. She was human, alone, and it seemed like she had simply been having a very intense erotic dream.

But then she realised the small things that told her that it hadn't been merely something that came to her in her sleep. Like the fact that she could feel where the collar had pressed into her neck. Or how there was a pleasant ache between her legs that she had never felt before. Then there was the odd taste in her mouth. And last was the most important one of all.

She had never slept nude before. There had been close situations, but she'd always slumbered in some sort of nightwear.

Which meant that she hadn't dreamed it all, and Ranma had taken her for his pet for several wonderful hours. He had let her live a fantasy that she had been having for several years, and centered on him when he came. And he had done so not with the cruelty that another boy might have had in his situation. She had been at his mercy, and he had made it almost... magical, if she wanted to be a bit poetic.

Only it seemed that he had made it so that it seemed that nothing had happened. She could understand if he had wanted to keep the others from knowing, but if he had wanted her to think that it was just a dream, then he was sorely mistaken. Her only problem was that she had to figure out what to do about all this. There was a lot of proverbial rope that he had given her, but she wasn't sure about who she wanted to tie up with it.

However, she wasn't one for rash decisions, and knew that she need to assimilate the new knowledge and feelings that were running through her mind, heart and other places.

Taking a deep breath, she tossed off the covers, stood up and started to go to clean up

by Rat Bastard

Nabiki sighed happily, as she slipped into the warm water of the furo. She let the warmth seep into her and soothe all her muscles, while her left hand softly trailed over her submerged vagina and gently probed the folds for soreness but found none. There was a certain ache there, but it was a good one, like the glow after a good workout. Her private parts had been used - and used well! - but not abused.

Some years ago, when she had discovered her own sexuality and started masturbating in earnest, she had decided that her first time would not be marred by blood or pain and had proceeded to break her hymen with the handle of a hair brush. Now Nabiki smiled at the brashness of her younger self, who had believed she knew everything there was to know about sex, yet had been so innocent, compared to her today. Now she was sure that she wouldn't have minded a little pain to mark the passing of her virginity - and Ranma had taken her virginity, if only in the sense of being the first boy to enter her body - but it was probably for the best. Ranma would probably have been put off his stroke by the sight of blood.

And what a first time it had been! What would her younger self, who had imagined her first time as nothing wilder than a passionate embrace in the missionary position, have thought of the events of today? In the intervening years Nabiki had learned quite a lot about sex and the various ways of spicing it up beyond simple, straightforward copulation. She had learned of fetishes and forms of sexual play, and had found herself quite aroused by some of them, but she would never have believed that her very first time would prove to be a culmination of one of her most outlandish fantasies.

Dominance/submission fantasies were not uncommon, but surely very few people got to play these games right from the start - and they had gone so far beyond even D/s play today! She had been physically transformed by actual magic into a mixture of human and animal (though mostly human) and had been taken as a pet - not merely as a slave, like a human, but as a pet, like an animal! She wished she still had her tail; she could almost feel it phantom-wagging behind her at the thought of Ranma as her master and owner.

Who in her school - who in the world - could claim to have had a first time as wild, as exotic, as magical as hers? Transformed, claimed and leashed, treated as a pet (Well, not quite like a regular pet. Nasty, spiteful rumors about certain girls' preferences notwithstanding, Nabiki doubted that many pets played that way with their masters), and finally taken from behind like a bitch should be.

Her hand had stopped its soft exploration and had started rubbing purposefully, as her thoughts had wandered over the events of the day. Now she dipped her fingers inside herself and quickly brought herself to a small orgasm, like an aftershock to the earthquakes she experienced earlier.

"Ahh... That's better," Nabiki sighed contentedly in the afterglow. She wondered why her own voice seemed so strange to her.

With a start she realized that these were the first words she had spoken in several hours - the entire rest of the time she had been barking and whining like a dog. The last human word she had uttered was the explicit confirmation of wanting Ranma to mount her, and even that "Yeah" had contained a generous dose of canine whimper.

The curious thing was... Nabiki had never made a conscious decision to stop speaking and start barking. It had just happened, and she hadn't even realized it until now, because it seemed so natural. The same went for crawling on all fours. When Ranma had led her from her room on her leash, she had still walked upright like a human, but soon she had gotten on all fours and stayed there. She hadn't wasted a single thought on it then, but she certainly started to do so now.

There were other things that didn't add up, now that she came to think of it. How on earth could Ranma possibly have known about her "pet" fantasy? The chance that he had decided out of the blue to approach her for a day of sexual play that just happened to perfectly match one of her darkest most secret fantasies was so ridiculously small that she refused to even consider it. He had been pretty confident about it, as if he knew exactly what he was doing, and the only question was whether she would admit what she wanted or not.

But as soon as the Jusenkyo water had hit her in the face, she had entered a kind of dream state, where she had failed to find anything unusual about it - and now in retrospect she was sure that it was more than merely being dazed by the sudden, unexpected fulfillment of her fantasy. The more she thought about it, the more certain she grew that more than just her body had been altered by that mixture of instant curses.

Was that possible? The other cursed persons she knew or had heard about seemed entirely themselves in either form. On the other hand, from what she had heard, the curse victims were all immediately able to use their new bodies as if they were their own, even right after the very first change. Surely such a radical change in the physical configuration and capabilities of their bodies should have thrown them completely off, requiring them to relearn how to walk and move from scratch. Even Ranma, whose body stayed human, should have been clumsy and uncoordinated at first, but both he and Genma confirmed that he had been as precise and sure-footed as before.

And wasn't there a spring of drowned virtuous man or something like that? Pantyhose Taro had brought the wrong water, when he tried to use it on Happosai, but as far as she could tell from the Jusenkyo Guide's words, the spring did really exist.

So the springs could affect the mind, either explicitly or merely by adapting it to the body. Her sudden docility and unquestioning acceptance of the situation, her unthinking change of behavior from human to dog-like, these had surely been products of the instant curses.

Nabiki suddenly sat up erect in the furo, sending waves of water splashing against the rim and over it onto the tiled floor. A sudden thought had chilled her to the bone. If her acceptance of Ranma's actions, if her submissive begging for his touch had been brought on only by the mind-altering effects of the curse... then wasn't that the magical equivalent of drugging a girl into compliance and taking advantage of her? Was her treasured first time nothing more than a date rape?

"No!" said Nabiki resolutely to herself, the echoing walls of the bathroom throwing that declaration right back at her, as she shook her head. She eased back into the warm water, letting it soothe her once again.

Her experience today had been nothing of the kind! She may have been in an altered state of mind at the time, but she certainly wasn't now, and she knew without a shadow of doubt that she would do it all again in a heartbeat, with or without the Jusenkyo curses. Anytime Ranma wanted to collar and leash her she would gladly let him and get on all fours for him to mount. Though she had to admit that having a real tail to wag made the whole thing so much kinkier and more exciting.

She sighed with relief and settled back to masturbate slowly to another orgasm, fantasizing about all the other ways a pet and her master could have fun. And she didn't always have to be a dog girl either... Images of bunny ears, fox tails, cat whiskers, cow udders, horse's hooves and many more exciting possibilities danced through her mind, as she fingered her softness and tweaked her stiff nipples.

At the dinner table, with the rest of the family returned and talking happily about their day, it almost seemed as if the entire day had been nothing but a dream, but the continuing tenderness of her privates told Nabiki that this was not so.

She rose from pleasant daydreams, when Akane suddenly addressed her.

"What about your day, sis? You haven't been torturing Ranma again, have you?"

"Moi?" Nabiki asked. "Not at all. I've been a good girl all day," she added with a sly smile.

The fact that Ranma chose this moment to choke on his tea, almost inhaling the entire cup, didn't do much to allay Akane's suspicion of her older sister. She whacked his back a few times until he could breathe again and shot another glance at Nabiki, who feigned innocence badly, but did not inquire further.

While Nabiki and Ranma acted towards each other normally over the next few days, Nabiki was sure that she felt a certain, subtle bond between them. Sure, Ranma and his fiancées still orbited around each other in their unpredictable, crazy dance, but now Nabiki realized that she was shifting position as well, moving away from her station as a remote, outside observer.

She wasn't sure whether she really wanted Ranma the way the others did, but she certainly couldn't deny there was an attraction. Of course the physical attraction had been there all the time - Ranma's excellent physique had dominated Nabiki's sexual fantasies almost since the day he arrived - and she had certainly liked him well enough as a future brother in law and a source of amusement, but now she felt there may be something more between them. Whether it was the kind of bond that led to love or even marriage remained to be seen - but in the meantime she would certainly enjoy anything that fate sent her way.

And of course Nabiki wouldn't be Nabiki, if she didn't try to peek at fate's cards.

She had searched the entire house for anything that might shed some light on how Ranma - whom she had considered mostly an innocent in sexual matters - had come to know her innermost fantasies and managed to make them into reality so confidently. It wasn't until three days later that she found something, at least - though not all she was looking for.

In the "hall" beside the dojo (actually part of the main dojo room, partitioned off by movable sliding screens) that was used as storage space, she found a new box amidst the others that contained miscellaneous equipment and general stuff. Inside this new box she found a great amount of small packets - instant Jusenkyo springs in dozens of variations, she realized - a collar, a leash and a few sealed bottles.

The bottles each bore either the kanji for "girl" or "dog". These had to be full of leftover spring water. Considering that a single packet could turn a bathtub or a koi pond full of water into a single-use Jusenkyo spring, it stood to reason that Ranma still had some left over, after using a mere bucket full on her.

Nabiki's smile went wider and wider in excited anticipation of all the things she could do with this stash.

Ranma sat in his room and thought about his next steps with that book he found. After his day with Nabiki as his pet, he had wanted to use the babble point on some other girls he knew, and perhaps make one of their fantasies come true as well, but the opportunity had not presented itself.

He had just decided to stow the thinking and go down into the yard for a workout, when there was a knock on his door. Ranma blinked confusedly. He had thought he was completely on his own, everybody else having gone off on one errand or another for the day. He shifted the door open and blinked once again, now even more confused.

"Nabiki...?" he said.

by Kender

All Ranma could do was to stare at the girl who was walking into the room that he was sharing with his father, and be damned glad that the panda wasn't there at the moment.

That was because something that he had remembered both in total clarity and the haze of fond memories was walking towards him right then.

To be honest, he had both dreaded and been anxious for this moment, though he didn't know what form it would take. For all he knew, she could be mad at him, and work off her anger in new ways. Or worse, she could tease and blackmail him with it, and he'd be able to do nothing about it. Which would be terrible since it had been something that he had actually enjoyed, and liked sharing with her.

But he hadn't allowed himself to hope that this would happen, yet, it really was.

Coming towards him was clearly the middle Tendo daughter, but she wasn't the same girl he'd been half-avoiding, half-watching the past few days. Rather, she was back to being what she had been on that afternoon that that they had spent alone together. And it didn't look like she was mad at all.

The first thing that he noticed was that she was completely and utterly naked, without even a stitch of clothing on. Her firm breasts swung with every step, her long legs moved with a confident stride and the slight tint of red in her cheeks was not the same as if she were embarrassed. Back on top of her head were her ears, and a tail wagged behind her as the only betrayal of the happiness she was obviously feeling.

As she knelt beside him, he could only mumble, "But I changed you back..."

"Here..," she told him, and made certain that his attention was back on the collar.

"But I hid those... You did this?!"

She nodded silently.

"Why? I mean, I only wanted ta make ya happy by makin' your fantasy come true. I wasn't about ta make ya be like this again..."

A whimper worked up from the back of her throat and a sad look hit her eyes.

"Whoa... I didn't mean ta make ya unhappy. I just didn't wanna assume more than I had. Now, I'm just wonderin' why ya did this?"

Leaning over, she rubbed her cheek against his shoulder and he blinked several times.

"What? Ya wanna be my pet again?"

Nodding, Nabiki barked once.

"Hold on... ya wanna have another couple of hours?"

Her head shook as soon as he finished speaking.

"What for a day?"

Another head shake had him scratching his head.

"What then? Ya... just wanna be my pet?"

A bright smile lit up her features and her nod was quick in coming.

"Hold on. Ya wanna be my pet. End of story."

She nodded.

"Like this? What 'bout when ya gotta go ta school or somethin'? Or just at regular times? Ya'd be a girl then."

Biting her lip, she decided to speak her answer this time. "Anytime Ranma-kun... Master. I want to be your pet anytime, anywhere. Whenever you want to collar and leash me, I'll be yours. As a human girl, like this, or as a mixture of another animal and girl, I want to be your pet."

"Ya really, really want that?"

Her answering look was one of entreaty and hope.

Taking the collar and leash from her hands, he looked them over before deciding that he would:

by Kwakerjak

Ranma took a deep breath—he didn't want to blunder into this, and he certainly didn't want to stick his foot in his mouth now. He closed his eyes in an attempt to aid his concentration (and to avoid the "sad puppy face" that Nabiki was giving him—a maneuver that is, not surprisingly, even more effective when used by someone who is partially canine). For her part, Nabiki was growing a little anxious as she waited to see if her prospective owner would permanently "adopt" her as his pet. As his silence lingered, she bit her lip and increased the intensity of her puppy face, hoping that he would sense her earnestness through his eyelids.

At long last, Ranma opened his eyes. He turned to the dog-girl, looked directly into her eyes, and gave his answer. "Alright, I'll do it. You can be my pet."

As expected, Nabiki was overjoyed by this pronouncement. She barked happily and jumped to her Master, pushing him back onto his futon. She started licking his face in appreciation as her golden retriever tail rapidly swished back and forth.

"Whoa, hold on," said Ranma. "I ain't just gonna jump inta this unless I know exactly what I'm gettin' into." Nabiki stopped, the excitement in her face being replaced by confusion and a little bit of worry. Seeing this, Ranma sat up and did his best to reassure her. "Relax, I'm not tryin' ta back out or nuthin'. I just wanna make sure I know how far yer gonna let me go on this."

Nabiki nodded; realizing that she would probably have to use human speech for the rest of the conversation, she reluctantly addressed the teenaged boy to whom she had given her being. "Master, I've told you that my fantasy is for you to treat me like a pet; in my mind that means you can (and hopefully will) do anything with me that wouldn't be considered animal cruelty."

Ranma shook his head. "That's not what I meant. I sorta figured that that was what you wanted, but need to know exactly what yer lettin' me do. I mean, yer not really actin' like the Nabiki I know, so I sorta want proof that you really mean it, you know? I need somethin' that the Ice Queen won't be able ta dispute."

Nabiki nodded again. This fantasy of hers was at odds with the emotionally distant "Ice Queen" persona that she'd carefully nurtured over the years. "How about a contract? That way, I can give you legal consent in advance for all of our sexual activities. We can also use it to lay out all of the ground rules for our relationship."

"That sounds good. I s'pose we can hammer out the details then." A pause. "Speakin' of hammers, we need to deal with Akane somehow. She already clobbers me enough when she thinks I'm bein' a pervert; I ain't lookin' forward to seein' how she reacts when she learns that I really am."

The dog-girl looked pensive for a while, then timidly offered a solution. "Well… would could ask our parents to switch the engagement to me…"

"That could work, but it'd just open up a whole new set of problems."

"Well, Master, we can cross that bridge when we come to it."

"Yeah…" The pigtailed martial artist trailed off. After a minute, he reached a decision. "Okay, first things first…"

Nabiki was a bit disappointed with her Master's decision to start with the legalistic end of things. After all, she had the leash, collar, ears, and tail; put them all together and that should spell "incredibly erotic experience," right? But Ranma did have a point—after all, the mind-altering nature of the Jusenkyo cocktail had even caused her to briefly doubt whether or not she had really given consent. Something solid, like a contract, would erase any and all doubts she or he could have. But that mean she needed her unaltered mind. And that meant…

"Master, I need some hot water."

"What for?"

"Well, the mix of Instant Jusenkyo I'm currently using has some mind-altering effects… namely, it makes me more submissive. Not that I wasn't before, but you know what I mean. The point is, for this contract to be considered a document of legal consent, I need to make sure that my mind is unaffected."

"What the heck does that mean?"

Nabiki sighed. "It means, 'Master, I need some hot water.'"

"Oh. Okay."

Ranma went downstairs and put a kettle on the stove. Damn, I don't believe it. We're really gonna go through with this. When he started using the techniques in that book, he never suspected it would result in him actually living out a sexual fantasy on a permanent basis. Ranma's boxers began to feel constrictive. Easy, little guy. There'll be plenty of time for that later.

When the kettle was ready, he took it upstairs, where he found the dog-girl—his dog-girl—sitting at her computer, which was opened to a word processing program. She accepted the kettle with a "Thank you, Master," and a few seconds later, a damp and completely human Nabiki sat ready to type out the document that would make her fantasy reality. (She didn't bother putting clothes on; after all, her body belonged to Ranma, and there was no reason he shouldn't be able to view his property.)

Nabiki fingers started flying as she spoke in what was as close to her "Ice Queen" tone as possible, given the situation. "Alright, I'm consenting to any and all sexual activities you may initiate with me for the duration of are relationship, regardless of my initial reaction."


"You can fuck me whenever you want, and I have no say in the matter—nothing you do to me can be considered rape."

Ranma was stunned. hadn't expected Nabiki to go this far. "Isn't that a little… broad? I mean, don'tcha even want a… what do you call those things…"

"A safeword?" Nabiki guessed.

"Yeah, that's it… Don'tcha want a safeword in case I go too far?"


"…not really. I trust your judgment, Ranma. You're dominant, yes, but somehow you don't strike me as the type who'd get off on sadomasochism."

"Uh, that's the kind where there's pain involved, right?" He vaguely remembered something like that word from his book, but he had skimmed over that part rather quickly. To him, the whole notion of deliberately causing pain during sex seemed to go against his honor codes, which required that he protect people from harm. Outside of the context of a fight, he saw no reason for him to hurt anyone for any reason other than the protection of others.

"Correct, Master. Since you'll be treating me like a pet, I doubt there will be any punishment more severe than a swat with a newspaper, though I'm more than willing to accept a spanking when you feel I need a punishment that causes more physical pain." What made this statement unusual was that it was spoken in Nabiki's "Ice Queen" persona, and as such it had a businesslike tone, without any of the "come hither" innuendo that one might expect from a statement like that. "Besides, if I know you (and I've made it my business to know you), you'll probably prefer to use some form of denial or humiliation as a punishment."

"Uhh… yeah."

"Besides, this contract becomes null and void if either of us decides to terminate the relationship, so I'm not too worried about you abusing my trust."

"Okay." All of the legalese was starting to make Ranma's head spin.

Nabiki saw this, and let the Ice Queen melt a bit, and gave her owner a smile. "Don't worry, Master. I'm not going to take advantage of you… remember, I want you to treat me this way." At that, Ranma relaxed considerably. Nabiki hit "save," printed out a copy, and then the two them signed it. "There we go. As of right now, you can do whatever you want with me, and I can't stop you." Even as she said it, Nabiki felt her crotch getting warmer. But before the real fun could begin, there was more business to take care of, though this would be decidedly more interesting. "Master, have you given any thought to what the rules will be in our relationship?"

Ranma nervously scratched the back of his head. "Um, sorta. But I'm not sure I want to set them in stone yet."

Nabiki allowed herself a giggle. "Hehe… but you're my Master—you can always change the rules if you want to."

"Okay." Ranma tried to decide where to begin. He looked over his new pet and his eyes stopped on the collar which was still around Nabiki's neck. "Alright, first of all, that collar is gonna be the way you know how yer supposed ta act. When you got it on, you act like my pet. That means you call me 'Master' and obey my orders n' stuff. When it's off, you act normal so no-one suspects nuthin', you call me Ranma, and you can decide for yourself whether or not you should follow an order—unless I order you ta put the collar on. That one ya always gotta follow."


"Second, unless there's some sort of emergency, when yer part animal, I don't want ya talkin' or actin' like a human—act more like whatever animal ya happen ta be. That means stayin' on all fours most of the time, movin' around like that animal as much as possible, making animal noises, you know, the kinda stuff you did a few days ago. You can talk when yer all human, though. I'll decide whether or not to make ya speak only when yer spoken to later. For now, you can talk whenever you want. You follow me?"

"Yes, Master."

"Okay, rule three—this isn't really about you bein' my pet, but I don't want you touchin' yourself, okay? I'm the only one who gets to do that."

"Of course." Nabiki expected that there would be some rule forbidding masturbation on her part—she couldn't really imagine a dominant/submissive relationship without one.

"Good. Rule four: I'm gonna assume that yer housebroken. That means ya go to the bathroom in the bathroom if yer human, or outside if yer an animal. I ain't really inta that shit"—Ranma didn't notice his unintentional pun, but Nabiki did—"and besides, I'm pretty sure Kasumi would notice the smell. Ya still need my permission ta go, though, so you gotta figure out a way to let me know when you ain't human."

"Housebroken. Got it."

"Next…" Ranma started to blush, as though he was embarrassed by what he was about to say. "Uh… if ya disobey me, you'll get punished… and… I… uh… want you to know that all the rules I mentioned earlier, they apply when I'm in girlform too, okay? 'Cuz I really wanna do that." By the time he reached the end of that statement, he was nearly as red as the aforementioned girlform's hair.

Nabiki's mouth was hanging open. When she wrote up the contract, she knew that Ranma could, theoretically, dominate her in his female form, but she never expected that her Master might want to do so on a regular basis. To be honest, she did wonder what sex with another woman would be like, but it was never really at the forefront of her mind. I should have thought of this before I signed that thing. Although she was sure Ranma would agree to a new contract if she indicated her discomfort, she felt she was getting what she deserved for not anticipating this. It's not really that big of a deal—I can always think of it as assisted masturbation, and who knows, I might even enjoy it. Her mind settled, Nabiki regained her composure and turned to the martial artist. "Of course I'll obey you; you're my Master, after all—or should I say Mistress when you're female?"

"Uh… yeah. 'Mistress' sounds good."

"Is there anything else, Master?"

"Um… there is one other thing… and I'm not saying I'm going to actually do this, but I kinda wanna know… uhh… does that contract mean I can make you have sex with, you know, other people?"

Nabiki was really irritated with herself for not thinking of this. Apparently, the thought of long-term submission was distracting enough to make her miss details like this. She decided that her Master was giving her one last choice in her sex life, so she gave the matter careful thought. Finally, she had her answer. "As long as these 'other people' give their consent, I don't think it'll be a problem."

Ranma let out a long breath; he hadn't even realized he'd been holding it. With that answer, all the doubts in his mind cleared up: if she was willing to have sex with anyone when he ordered her too, she probably wouldn't mind some exhibitionism as well—especially since a lot of her fantasies took place in public. He may not have been ready for it, but he was certain that she was. He put on his trademark smirk and looked at his new pet/lover. "Well, that about does it for now. If I think of somethin' else I'll let you know." And with that, the formalities were over. Time for the fun to start…

by Kender

Looking over the girl who'd just given herself to him, Ranma knew that he now had the sort of control that a lot of guys dreamed of. But unlike them, he would actually have the opportunity to use this girl as she seemed to want to much to be. At any time that he wanted, he could do so much to her, and not have to worry about getting bashed for it.

And as he thought of it, right now seemed to be the perfect time to get started with it. Sure, he'd made some rules for her, and they'd come up with an agreement, but talk was different than actual action, and he was certain that she'd like it as well. All it would take would be a dousing in cold water, and he'd have his dog-girl back, but he'd done that already, and he wanted to wait a bit on it. Turning her into a different sort of 'animal-girl' would have to happen later, because there was a possibility of mixing any added curses into the ones already there.

But he didn't want to go for an 'animal' Nabiki at the moment. Looking down, and seeing her curvy body now all available for him whenever he wanted, he could admit to himself that he found her very attractive at the moment. Sure, he'd always known that she had the sort of looks that could get guys all the time, but he'd never considered the possibility of having her really for himself. And now that he did, he wanted to not only see if she would want it all the time, but to find out just how good it would be with the 'real' thing.

So, he reached out, almost afraid that he was about to break the illusion of what had just been happening, and cupped her right breast in his palm, hefting the large orb with great care and appreciation.

This surprised Nabiki who leaned her head back to look him in the eye purely by habit. "Master?"

"What?" Ranma replied. "Ya did say any time."

"I... Right."

"So ya ain't gonna complain?"

'This is it. This is what I wanted,' she thought to herself. Swallowing hard, she knew what she wanted to say, but her thoughts momentarily flew about her head as she felt his thumb rub over her already hard nipple.


"Yes, Master?"

"Ya should answer me."

"I should?"

"Yeah. I mean, ya told me that I can do anythin' with ya, any time that I want. So that means that once I start, I ain't stoppin'," he reminded her.

"I know."


"'So' what?"

Her Master ran his free hand down her belly and to the juncture of her thighs, slipping a finger in between her lower lips, drawing a gasp from her. "This ain't just talkin' right now."

The only response that she gave, which was the only one that she had to, was to spread her thighs nice and wide, so that he got a clear view of her sex, which was now his to play with.

Smirking, he leaned his mouth down and began to lick the nipple of the breast that she was holding. He could feel her hands go onto his shirt, but not to pull at him, but to hold on for support, as she let little mewls of pleasure slip from between her lips. She unconsciously pressed herself closer to him, and he grinned even as he began to suckle on the stiff nub.

Then he started to use the fingers that were inside of her as well. Her whole body would tense with a rush of pleasure as he began to stroke them in and out of her, tweaking her clit, and moving them in ways that made her whimper out what she was feeling. With his mouth on one breast, and one hand in her most intimate space, he put the other hand onto her free breast, and began to knead it. That started her wriggling with all the sensations that were running rampant through her body, and she started to buck a little in her seat. It was almost as if her body was trying to instinctually go for what he was giving her, and he was more than happy to oblige.

Knowing that she was getting all this from mere touches oddly pleased Ranma, not only because he could manipulate her body as much as she might be able to do with situations. Rather, he was glad that he was giving her so much pleasure, and he wanted to give her more. His leaning back might have disappointed her, but any urge to force more stopped at showing her eyes.

Happy that this was really happening, he gave her a quick kiss on the mouth before he pulled her out of her chair. But he didn't make her stand up, as he merely shifted things so that he was sitting down, and she was in his lap. The hand that had been playing with her breasts reached down and groped her supple buttocks, squeezing and fondling the firm cheeks as possessively as he could manage. Even though that was something that she was really enjoying, she didn't let that stop her from stroking and nuzzling his shirt. When he moved around to make her hand touch the fasteners to that garment, she immediately understood, and began to undo it. That allowed her to get down to his chest, and she did her damnedest to please him, which she did a rather good job of.

Yet, he wasn't about to simply leave her with nothing, and the hand that was playing with her sex went right on doing it. Several times she had to bite her lip, as the waves of pleasure were driving her up to her peak, but she didn't want to merely go along. It was something that Ranma noticed, and he decided that he didn't want to merely touch her tightness.

When he pulled his hand out of her, a sound of disappointment slipped out of her. That made her blush, and he smiled at her, reaching up to stroke her hair, but stopped when he realized that his fingers were all wet. Any apologetic look was stopped though, as she reached over and took his hand in both of her own. Then, in a move that surprised him, she put his fingers into her mouth, and began to lick and suck her own juices off of them. She looked a bit embarrassed at doing it, but she was clearly needing to do it.

Once she was done, he slipped her onto her bed, and laid her down flat. That left her all open for him, and he stood up just long enough to slip off his pants and boxers. His manhood stood at attention, clearly ready for what he planned next. Getting on top of her, he slid himself into position, and got ready to go for the full prize that she had given him, which made her open her legs as much as she could for him.

With her action, he slid himself into her, and groaned with pleasure of the feeling of having her tight around him. It felt so good that his hips unintentionally jerked forward, pushing him into her, and the both of them hissed with shared enjoyment. But as the Master, Ranma was in control, and he put that fact to good use. Slowly, he began to pump into his pet, and she could not get enough of it. Her entire body bounced upon that hard shaft, with her breasts moving with every stroke he did. She had to clutch at the bed to keep herself whole, as she felt like she was going to break into a million pieces.

But whatever discipline she had was soon gone, as he laid so that her firm chest was squashed against his. His arms went around her, brushing along her back to where he was cupping her bottom once more. He held her tight against him, almost as if he was claiming her body as his, though some alien part of her brain also noted that he was showing how much he needing her. However, that was great by her, and she needed to know that she was a precious possession to him, as being a pet did not mean that she would be merely a disposable sex toy.

And even that much was really not on any conscious level, as she was too far gone for that. This was a seal on an agreement, a pet being claimed by her Master, and a confirmation of their bond, and all the excitement that she got from that was added to the pure joy that was sex with her owner. It was so wonderful that it was simply overwhelming, and the dedication that she had to being the 'Ice Queen' became meaningless.

For when she got to her release, it was like her mind shattered, and thought was far beyond her. Instincts guided her, and she found that she felt like a pet at that moment, acting without thinking. That much was enough to make her even more happy, and she simply rode the wave of desire, perfectly happy to let her Master do as he wished with her unresisting body.

His grunt when he came into her yielding body started her realizing that there was an outside world again, and her dazed mind turned to looking at her owner. Ranma managed to look her in the eye after he recovered enough himself, but any delay was worth it. The happy look in his eye was enough to make it all worth it, even if he hadn't just given her an incredible first time as a human.

"So?" he murmured, stroking possessively over her thigh as he lay half on her.

Barely moving one hand, she stroked his cheek before kissing his lips. A smile curved her lips afterwards, and with a look of complete submission, acceptance, and happiness in her eye, she put his free hand back up to her breasts, letting him know that this was exactly what she wanted, even as she pressed her thighs around the hand there.

Ranma just smiled, and caressed her sweat slicked body with affection, while:

by Kwakerjak

A few hours later, Ranma found himself sitting alone in his room. He was utterly exhausted; although his martial arts training and the techniques described in Master's Way gave him a level of endurance that most men would kill for, he was still only human. Fortunately, his pet didn't seem to mind. In fact, she seemed to take pride in the fact that she had so thoroughly pleased her owner.

Owner. I actually own Nabiki. This bit of introspection prompted the question that had been percolating in his subconscious ever since Nabiki offered to make their "relationship" more or less permanent: How the hell did THIS happen?! A week ago, he didn't know any more about sex than the average hormonal teenaged guy. In fact, despite his curse, he probably knew a lot less. Then, he'd read that book, tried some of its methods on Nabiki (simply for revenge), and somehow that had snowballed into this "pet" thing, not just as a temporary role-playing thing, but as a lifestyle, something that would be in effect around the clock and could, theoretically, last for their entire lives. Quite frankly, it was staggering.

Ranma stared at the collar in his hand. Almost immediately after he'd taken it off of Nabiki, she began to act like the snarky, mischievous financier he had previously associated with the girl, in accordance with the rules he had set down for her. Sure, there differences between Nabiki's former public persona and her new one—she was, understandably, far less antagonistic. Some people might take notice of that, but naturally Nabiki had a plan for that. She was currently in her room trying to figure out the best way to get their parents to switch the engagement to her. That way, when it was discovered that they were lovers (and both of them knew that they would be discovered—this is Ranma's life we're talking about here), Nabiki was "reasonably sure" that the curiosity would end when it discovered they were affianced, and, hopefully, their "owner/pet" relationship could stay relatively secret.

Secret? Yeah, right. There's no way we could last more than a month before someone walks in on us. But while Ranma knew that Nabiki was being excessively optimistic with her plan, he didn't try and stop his pet; after all, she was doing the best she could (which in Nabiki's case was quite a lot, actually), and who knows? Karma might actually let this slip by. But Ranma wasn't about to bet the farm on that. Still, doing nothing wasn't an option; since many of her non-sexual dreams and ambitions could be easily crushed by neighborhood gossip, he was determined to make sure her reputation was as spotless as possible. Granted, the contract they had signed didn't give him any real obligations at all, but as Nabiki's owner he felt that he was, to a degree, responsible for her well-being.

The contract. With that one sheet of paper, Nabiki had shown more trust in him than all of his fiancées combined. He could do anything to her. Anything. Sure, she could end the relationship at any time, but she'd probably only do so after he had done something really bad, which would mean that she would have absolutely no options. How can she trust me with this? After all the crap that's been done ta me…

And there it was. The explanation. She trusts me because I've been through it. Oyaji, the Amazons, everything. My whole life I've just been pushed around, never bein' allowed ta make my own decisions about anything. Nabiki's letting me treat her the way I've always been treated, 'cept now there's sex in the mix. But she knows I ain't gonna make her go through all the shit I had to, even though she'd let me. Ranma exhaled deeply as his mind continued to analyze his situation at speeds previously unheard of out of battle.

I'd never do that to her, 'cuz I'm sick of it bein' done ta me—and that's probably why this stuff turns me on so much. It ain't that I'm gonna do it, it's that I could do it if I wanted to. I bet the fantasies I have that I don't know about mostly have me "owning" some girl or another, and that's why I was able ta come with those rules so dang fast! True, some of his "rules" were simply adapted from what he had read in his book, but still, it was hard to imagine where stuff like the "housebroken" rule had come from (other than the fact that he really did think that that sort of thing was disgusting to the point of severe nausea) unless he did have dominant fantasies, at least on a subconscious level.

Ugh… this is just too much… I'm gonna get a headache if I keep thinkin' about this. I just gotta relax. And with that, Ranma headed to the dojo to take solace in the relative normalcy of his Art.

While Ranma was doing that…

by Kwakerjak

Nabiki smiled to herself as she went over her plan once more. Like all good plans, it was fairly simple—there wasn't a lot that could go wrong here. She'd tell their fathers that she and Ranma had recently grown closer (though she no intention of telling them how close) and then suggest that she become Ranma's fiancée, since Akane couldn't seem to get along with him. They would probably balk at first, but when Nabiki informed them that the two of them were willing to get married immediately (and her Master had said that he was willing to do so if necessary), the patriarchs would, of course, ignore the illogic of her statements in their haste to get the schools joined. That was the easy part. The hard part would come when she tried to convince them to keep the marriage secret—that is, no announcements, no ceremony, nothing but official documents. After all, Ranma had several high-powered martial artists attempting to gain his hand, and Nabiki hadn't practiced her family's Art since the death of her mother. She needed to start improving—fast—or she'd never be able to fend off the other fiancées. Besides, marrying Ranma would make her the heir to the school—which meant she'd have to know it anyway.

She didn't have a problem with Nerima's populace knowing of the new arrangement, since her sources indicated that most people thought that Ranma's engagement to Akane would eventually be transferred to one of her sisters anyhow—though the betting pool currently favored Kasumi. Nabiki allowed herself another smile. I love it when a plan comes together. It would work. It had to work.

Satisfied with her efforts, Nabiki finally allowed herself the luxury of introspection. She absently stroked her now collarless neck and did her best to make sense of the past week. She was submissive for the same reason Ranma was dominant—a desire to escape the hassles of everyday life. Until recently, Ranma basically had no control over any aspect of his life—he just refused to assert himself to get what he wanted. Similarly, when she took over the family finances after her mother died, Nabiki suddenly had more control over her life (and thus more stress) than any 7-year-old deserves. Sure, with time, she learned to deal with the stress, but she still dreamed of a day when she wouldn't have to worry about decision making.

Well, that day had most certainly arrived and she couldn't back out now. When she wrote up the contract that gave him consent to do whatever he wanted with her body, she'd made sure that all of the loopholes were in his favor. Now the only way she could escape the contract would be to break off her relationship with Ranma—and she would not betray her owner, not after the kindness he'd shown her. She'd found his book—after all, snooping around was what she did best, and Ranma didn't own her at the time—and admittedly, she had been initially offended; the only way he could have known about her fantasies was to use the book's coercive information-gathering techniques. Unlike her younger sister, however, Nabiki had always made it a policy to think before she acted, and when she did so, she realized that Ranma would never have acted so forwardly if he was only seeking self-gratification. It just wasn't in his nature. Therefore, his actions were as much for her as for him. Ever the pragmatist, Nabiki decided to forgive her Master for the questionable ethics behind some of those techniques.

Still, she decided not to mention this knowledge to her Master unless he asked. He deserved to feel a little guilty there, after all. If she got in trouble for it later, so be it (besides, if she never rebelled, she'd be denying him the chance to "correct" her actions).

Nabiki sighed as her thoughts turned back to her pigtailed owner. Specifically, she thought about what her pigtailed owner had been doing to her all afternoon—which was the other reason she had no problem with Ranma's possession of that book. She'd always thought the word "mind-numbing" was nothing more than a cliché, but the past few hours (hours!) had proven that wrong. She couldn't really remember what happened, just that he had used her and pleased her and let her please him which pleased her even more and then did it again and she didn't know what it was only that it felt so damn good and then he started doing something else and suddenly he emptied himself inside of her and it was warm and—ACK!

While she was lost in her reverie, Nabiki had allowed her hand to get dangerously close to her pussy—which, as rule three stated, was for her owner's use only. True, she probably could have done it and then argued her way out of any discipline; she wasn't wearing her collar at the time, and his rules were so vague that she could say that she thought that the masturbation rule only applied when wearing the collar—but even though Ranma would have accepted it, he would still be disappointed, and she could not bear the thought of disappointing her Master. Oh well, it was a moot point; she hadn't actually touched herself (though if it hadn't been for her well-honed self-control, she would have been writhing on the floor rubbing and tweaking herself like it was going out of style).

Reluctantly, Nabiki banished the topic from her mind—one close call was one too many. In the end, she reached the same conclusion as her owner: that until their families returned, she would have to think of something else. And there was only one force in the universe powerful enough to take the place of this train of thought: television.


Kasumi was suspicious. She wasn't sure what she was suspicious of, but the way Ranma and Nabiki were behaving seemed… off. It wasn't that they were acting unusually—quite the opposite, in fact. Since she arrived home, it seemed to Kasumi that her sister and brother-in-law-to-be were going out of their way to behave in exactly the same way they always had. If she didn't know any better, she'd think their actions were scripted—and unfortunately for those two, she did know better.

Not to worry, though; she would give them the benefit of a doubt. There were probably plenty of acceptably mundane explanations for their behavior. However, Kasumi's usual reaction of utter obliviousness only applied to chaos—potential scandal was something else altogether. Besides, her maternal instincts were telling her that whatever was happening would drastically alter the dynamics of her family in ways that threatened to rip it apart by the seams. Then again, maybe she was just being paranoid.

The fact remained, however, that Kasumi was unusually suspicious, so she did what any maternal figure in her position would do—she started cleaning.

Someone once remarked that to the untrained eye, a thorough cleaning of a room is indistinguishable from a thorough search. A mere glance into the Saotomes' room told her to start there; Ranma's half, especially, was in an even greater state of disarray than it normally was. Kasumi went around the room, straightening out the mess. She saved the futon for last; if cheap melodramas had taught her anything, it was that the interesting stuff was always found there. But she wasn't assuming that Ranma and Nabiki had slept together—my goodness no! She was just gathering the bedding so she could wash it, that's all…

And then she saw them.

Stains. On Ranma's bedding. And considering the experience Kasumi had with hormonal teenagers (she technically was one, after all), she recognized them immediately. Furthermore, she could tell that there were two different kinds of stains on the martial artist's bedding, and she had plenty of experience getting both kinds out of fabric.

Kasumi then remembered the unusual way the two had acted the previous time they were alone together—in particular, she had noted Nabiki's strange insistence on doing her own laundry that day. She didn't think much of it then, but now…

It's one thing to construct sordid tales of passion in your head. Kasumi did that all the time—it's what allowed her to get through the stretches of boring that occurred between the flurries of activity at the Tendo compound.

It's quite another thing to find out that one of those sordid tales might be real.

Contrary to what one might think, Kasumi didn't faint from surprise, nor did she decide to ignore what was before her. When her mother died, she and Nabiki had had to take charge of the family, since their father became an emotional wreck, forcing both girls to grow up sooner than they should have. Now, her family faced yet another potential crisis, and again she had to be strong—but she couldn't rely on Nabiki's assistance this time, because the second daughter of Soun Tendo was smack in the middle of this one.

Ranma and Nabiki were lovers.

Kasumi needed to talk to her sister—preferably before anyone else came home. I must have made a mistake somewhere. If Nabiki was fooling around with Ranma she would never allow evidence to be left behind so obviously. There has to be another explanation—but what?

Nabiki was in the family room watching television—one of those gender-bending anime that Ranma detested because they were "totally unrealistic." Kasumi approached her from behind, and then, in her most motherly voice, announced her presence: "Nabiki, can we talk?"

Nabiki's danger sense was even more refined than Kasumi's and right now it was going off louder than it ever had before in her life. "Uh, sure." She hit the power button on the remote control. "What's up?"

"Well, I was tidying up Ranma and Uncle Genma's room…"

Oh shit. "Uh huh?"

"…and I was gathering up the bedding so I could wash it…"

Fuck. "And…"

"…and I noticed these… stains."

Shit fuck godammit to hell! "What do you mean?"

"Well, I think that they're, umm…" Kasumi tried to find the least threatening word she knew. "…organic."

"Kasumi, are you trying to say they were semen stains?"

A blush from the homemaker. "Yes, but that's not all…"

Don't tell me she can tell the difference between male and female ejaculate.

"Some of the stains were… female."

Why me? Why why why? Okay, just calm down, Nabiki. This is definitely a job for the Ice Queen. "So? Ranma's masturbating in both forms. Anyone with his curse is bound to get curious eventually." That should work. Kasumi's got a plausible explanation, plus I've made the conversation explicit enough for her to be uncomfortable. Our secret is safe, Master.

Kasumi, unfortunately, wasn't quite buying it. "But Ranma rarely masturbates in his male form—and I think most of those are wet dreams. Why would he suddenly get so adventurous?" Before Nabiki could reply, Kasumi decided that she needed to lay all her cards on the table. "Nabiki, listen. I know that I'm probably just being paranoid, but if something's going on I need to know. Not just for my own curiosity, but for the well being of our entire family. I'm very sorry to be so blunt about this, but I need you to tell me the truth right now. Are you sleeping with Ranma?"

Nabiki was speechless. In the back of her mind, she knew that Kasumi's Oblivious Housewife persona was just as artificial as her Ice Queen, but to see Kasumi drop it completely was still enough to take anyone by surprise. She swallowed hard as she made her decision. It was really her only option, after all. She looked her sister straight in the eyes, and proceeded to…

Nabiki only had one choice, really. She couldn't tell the truth, because her Master had ordered her not to, but she couldn't lie to Kasumi, because Kasumi was the kind of person you can't lie to without feeling unbelievably guilty. So, she'd have to refuse to answer the question—at least until she could talk with Ran—

"Yeah, we are." The two sisters whipped their heads around to see a pigtailed martial artist standing there, with slumped shoulders and a resigned look on his face. "We've been… uh… havin' sex."

Nabiki looked at her owner as if he'd just grown horns. He had seemed so insistent on keeping this a secret earlier, and now he just blabbed it out to Kasumi. She prayed to every kami she could think of that her Master wouldn't shove his foot in his mouth (again) and reveal too many details.

Kasumi sighed as she turned to Ranma, knowing that he'd be freer with his information. "How long has this been going on?"

"Um… 'bout a week, I guess."

"I see. And have you been using protection?"

Upon seeing her Master's deer-in-the-headlights look, Nabiki spoke up: "Of course. I've been on the pill for a while now." It made sense—the boys at Furinkan had an annoying tendency to think with their hormones, and one could never be too careful.

"Good," said Kasumi, knowing that the most problematic crisis was most likely averted. There were other matters to deal with though. "Is this just a physical relationship, or are the two of you going to make some sort of commitment?"

"Well, we do have an idea," Nabiki replied, and after getting a quick nod of approval from Ranma she outlined the basics of their engagement (and, if necessary, marriage) plan.

Kasumi nodded as Nabiki went into some of the details. They've really given this a lot of thought. Akane will probably be devastated when she learns that she's lost Ranma, but she's strong. With some help, I know she'll be able to get over it. When Nabiki finished up, her sister already knew what she was going to say. "Well, you've certainly come up with a good plan, and I think it will work. However, you may need a little help with some of the details."

Ranma looked confused. "Uhh… Kasumi, what d'ya mean by 'help'?"

Kasumi smiled warmly at the man she was already thinking of as Nabiki's fiancé. "Well, I do have a lot of influence in this house, and I can tell right away that you'll have a tough time convincing our fathers to keep this arrangement secret, so I can certainly help you there." Seeing the nods of recognition, her smile grew more impish as she continued. "And the walls in this house are so thin… I'm sure you'll needs some help arranging things so that the two of you can have some privacy." Kasumi fought the urge to wink at her sister. She lost.

Ranma did what he always did when taken by surprise… he talked without thinking. "That's it? Ya ain't even curious—"

Fortunately for him, Kasumi covered his mouth before he could say anything else. "What the two of you do together is none of my business, as long as you both agree to it."

Well, that was certainly true—the two of them had gone out of their way to make sure their relationship was consensual. Kasumi noticed their relief at this point and giggled silently to herself. Look at them. They're so innocent—they probably think I'd be shocked by the stuff they're doing. (It's important to point out here that Kasumi thought the relationship between Ranma and her sister consisted of two inexperienced teenagers clumsily trying to figure out how to have sex. If she had known that they were, instead, a pair of inexperienced teenagers who knew exactly how to have sex in the kinkiest of ways, she would have been shocked.)

But as fun as it was to speculate on Ranma and Nabiki's sex life, Kasumi was, first and foremost, a homemaker, and there was work to be done. "Alright you two, I need to finish the laundry and start dinner before everyone else gets home. I'll be in the kitchen, so try to keep it down if you decide to have some fun. I'll make sure nobody walks in on you." With that, the teenaged matriarch set about her work. Leaving two stunned teenagers behind her.

Apparently, Karma had finally realized that it owed Ranma one huge favor.

"Well, Ma—er—Ranma," Nabiki said, remembering the pigtailed martial artist's rule about collarless behavior, "this is certainly going to make things easier for us."

"Ya got that right."



"Are we going to take advantage of Kasumi's offer?"

"Whaddya mean by that, Nabiki?"

Nabiki had a tough time resisting the urge to roll her eyes. From the smirk on his face, it was obvious that Ranma knew exactly what she meant, but apparently he enjoyed pretending to be naïve. "I mean, are we going to have sex?" He's probably got something planned, but he doesn't want me to know what it is.

"Ehh… maybe later. I'm still kinda tired from our last session."

Oh yeah, he's definitely got something planned. I'd better make sure that I'm near the collar when he "surprises" me. Ranma was still new to the realm of deviousness, after all, and Nabiki could still read her owner like a book. She decided to "do her homework" in the dojo (yeah, right) so that Ranma wouldn't have to go far when he "suddenly" put the collar around her.

Unfortunately for her, this was Nabiki making those deductions, and not the Ice Queen, who apparently went into hibernation in the presence of her owner. Ranma did indeed have a plan. He really was still tired—no matter how many ancient lovemaking secrets he knew, after two or three hours of vigorous sex, there was no way "little Ranma" would be able to participate in any fun activities for at least half a day, if not longer. (And that's taking Ranma's Wolverine-like recuperative abilities into account. A normal guy on the street would probably be in a coma for a month.) But then, Ranma knew that he didn't need "little Ranma" to have fun…

As Nabiki started to leave the room Ranma called out, "Hold it." Nabiki stopped where she stood—not because her Master had told her (she wasn't wearing the collar, so she didn't have to follow his orders, right?), but because Ranma had physically restrained her—by putting his hand down her shorts and grabbing her sex through her panties. "Where d'ya think yer goin'?"

He drew her closer to himself, pressing her back up against his chest. Nabiki couldn't see his face, but she could hear his smirk in his voice. For her part, she was experiencing something that rarely happened to her—bewilderment. "But you said… later…"

Her master brought his mouth to her ear and quietly responded. "That I did. And it's five seconds later, ain't it?" As Ranma began to lead her back into the family room, his other hand began to squeeze her breast, with some light kisses on her neck for good measure.

"B-But you said you were tired…"

"I don't have ta use a dick ta have fun with ya." Ranma's smirk grew wider. He must have really caught Nabiki off guard if she her attempts at conversation consisted entirely of stating the obvious like this. "Why don't we watch some TV? I like watchin' TV with you." He continued to fondle her as they sat down. "I think DBZ is on… D'ya mind changing the channel? My hands're full right now." Nabiki shakily picked up the remote control, then nearly dropped it as her owner hit a pressure point near her labia that nearly made her head explode. (It was one of the many, many points described in Ranma's book that temporarily increased the sensitivity of the female body. When they were all hit at once the results were… interesting—but that's another story.)

Nabiki was gasping for breath as she tried to ask Ranma another question. As a result, all Ranma could make out was "Collar?"

"The contract says I can have ya whenever I want—it don't mention a collar nowhere. Yer my pet, and that's in effect 24-7, whether yer wearin' the collar or not." He paused to put his hand inside her shirt and push her bra out of the way before resuming. "When ya ain't wearin' the collar, yer s'posed ta act like everything's normal."

Nabiki had regained enough of her composure to make a more coherent statement. "But—Master—how do I?"

That earned her a rough squeeze on her breast that lasted for several seconds. "Didn'cha hear me? Ya ain't s'posed ta act that way without yer collar!" Ranma hissed.

Nabiki tried again. "Ranma—how?"

Ranma brought his face forward to where Nabiki could see it. He was still wearing that smirk, but there was a touch of warmth in it, enough that she didn't feel quite as intimidated as she had before. His response also contained that mixture of deviousness and kindness: "Yer a smart girl. I bet you'll figure somethin' out. But ya better do it quietly. Kasumi didask us ta keep the noise down, after all." Ranma moved his lower hand inside his pet's by now very damp panties, and continued his ministrations as he settled back to watch Son Goku thrash his latest adversary.

Nabiki, for her part, tried her best to restrain her moans of passion. Somehow her interior monologue managed to formulate a complete sentence: What next?

by Kender

Normally, 'Dragonball' was not Nabiki's sort of show, as she tended not to be really into all sorts of intense fighting. She did like manga, and was a bit into anime, but her thing was more towards series where the hero or heroine had to win over the bad guys with their wits, and a lot of luck, if what she was reading had fighting at all. However, at this moment, she was trying to watch it with everything that she had, almost as if her sanity depended on it.

Oddly enough, that just might have been the case, though she was able to mock herself on one assumption. Only a little while earlier, she'd thought that her owner would only want to have sexual encounters with her when she had the collar on. But now she realized that whether she was being 'Nabiki' or 'the pet', he wanted her. That sent a thrill through her, as she realized that he desired her for something beyond simple fantasy uses, and that he wanted to possess her.

Of course, all of these considerations were little spurts of revelation, as she was a bit to busy actively consider much else beyond trying damned hard to do as he'd told her.

So, she sat stock still, and let him touch her body in ways that other boys would only dream about. There had been plenty of boys who had desired her at school, and many of her classmates would have wanted to have the opportunity to play with a shapely girl's body freely, but Ranma was doing it. Not that she minded, both since he owned her, and he was making her feel so good.

Her eyes kept on wanting to flick back to him, to soak in the obvious pleasure that he was having in touching her, but he had told her to do otherwise, and so she watched the show that he'd picked. It wasn't something that she terribly minded, but she did want to do something, even if she knew that she couldn't.

Because of that, she found herself actually trying to distance herself from her own body. Being his possession was something that she wanted to revel in, and she would have had she been given the chance. Instead, she tried to merely note what he was doing.

Ranma didn't seem to even notice, as he was both watching the show, and playing with her body. The hand up her blouse played on with her breasts, hefting and squeezing the firm orbs. Her nipples tightened quickly as he rolled and pulled at them, and marked her breasts as belonging to him. That was how she saw it herself, as she mentally tried to rationalize it, in order to keep what frayed lines of control that she had. As he tapped points on her breasts that had them feeling heavy, full, and aching desperately for his touch, she told herself that it was fine, and that they were there for his enjoyment.

Not that it stopped her from breathing heavily and nearly bending her back so that she could place a breast into his palm. It was something that she wanted to do, but she couldn't, so she kept her peace as best that she could.

Then again, that didn't help her much as his other hand gripped her mound, with its fingers wrapped over her petals with a possessive edge. Just the touches that came over with them were enough to make her mind go silly, and she had to fight the urge to lurch towards him. He rubbed along those soft lips, and played her like a concert pianist. Her whole body was strumming from the excitement that he was driving through her by flicking and stroking her folds, and she had to grip the remote hard just to keep herself from losing control.

And that was when he slid his middle finger into her tight and slick channel. Her breath stopped when he did that, and he started to wriggle it about inside of her. Stars shot up behind her eyes, and she could barely even tell that there were two guys fighting on the screen.

'It's... okay,' she told herself. 'My... It belongs to him. It's his toy, to play with when, and how he likes. The only purpose that it has is to pleasure and please him.'

Thinking of her body parts as merely pieces that he could take away from her to play with did help some, even if she knew that it was a total fabrication. She was his pet, and her body and mind came as a package for him to enjoy. But this gave her a modicum of control, just enough so that she could be putting on the look of watching a show, even if her reality were the two hands that were doing such wonderful things to her.

Even that was hard pressed when he leaned over and began to kiss and nibble upon her. The sounds that he made as his mouth touched her from her shoulders up were those of a very pleased man. That made her glad, as she didn't want even a bit of an idea that she was failing him to come into play. Just what he could do to her ear, what with his licking and kissing, sent shivers down her back.

However, she was jolted again, as he leaned his head over to her ear. "Ya know somethin' cool 'bout ownin' ya? I can undress ya any time that I want."

She would have agreed with him, but he was already moving. The hand that had been playing under her shirt tickled her belly before taking the bottom of her blouse, and lifting it up to rest on the tops of her breasts, almost like placing it on a shelf. That exposed her chest totally, since he'd already pulled the full mounds from their bra cups, and left them looking rather lovely as they hung freely in the air. When he pressed his cheek against one breast, squashing it against his face, it was oddly touching, as well as erotic.

But that was not all, as he slipped his hand up just long enough to slide her shorts and damp panties down her shapely hips, and onto her legs. It would have been an odd sight for anyone looking, as they would have seen her seemingly totally oblivious to what he was doing as he stripped and fondled her. Yet, that would be far from the truth, as it was all that she could think about. His fingers had easier access to her, and he used it to great effect. No longer was he constrained by her clothing, and he began to stroke against her skin in other spots, even as he continued to play with her breasts and womanhood, almost as if they were the most erotic toys ever. By his smile, one could see that he was close to thinking of them as such, but his concern, and feelings for her kept him from doing so.

"Ya know? Ya should enjoy this," he whispered to her, almost in the sort of way that someone would remind someone else of something, without wanting to disrupt the show.

Hearing that was all that she needed, as her eyes glazed over, and her nipples went totally to stiff points. She still sat, her eyes pointed towards the television screen, even if she couldn't focus on it. One by one, her body unconsciously trembled as he slid fingers into her, and when he began to really pump them into her, she had the sound of her own stifled whimpers echoing in her head. Each thrust made her breasts bounce, and he took full advantage of that, as he cupped and pulled at each mound with the motions.

When release finally came for her, her tightness strengthened on those fingers deep within her. Her body wanted nothing more than to have him stay where he was, and she wasn't able to fight it. This was too wonderful to pass up, and his orders kept her from doing anything else. By the time that the wave of pleasure finally stopped crashing over her senses, she was panting for air, and caring about nothing but what her Master had given her.

Seeing her reaction to it seemed to please him, and he tweaked her breasts and clit, almost as a parting shot. Then, he redressed her, slipping her breasts back into their cups, dropping her shirt down, and pulling her shorts and panties back up snug against her crotch. And as for his hand, there was a previously used, and still effective way to deal with her juices. With that done, she was looking rather normal, though a bit flushed, even though she was feeling very much as the 'happily taken woman'.

"Feel good?" he asked simply.

Nabiki had to swallow several times before she could respond. "Yes."

"That's great ta hear."

"I'm glad that you're happy, Ma... Ranma."

"Trust me, I am," he responded, and ran a hand down her bare thigh so possessively that she could almost see a bill of ownership of her leg floating in her mind's eye. "I think that times like this can be good too."

"Just using your hands?"

"That too. I meant, without the collar."


"It's good ta have the girl, as much as the pet."


"That's enough for now, but be sure that we can, and will be doing a lot later," he told her, patting her backside.

Smiling back at him, she let herself rest against his side for a moment, pressing the side of her breast against his body, with her head on his shoulder. It was a terribly romantic gesture, but she didn't care. She cared deeply for this young man, and being owned by him was turning out to be better than she could hope. The simple gesture was quickly finished, as she sat back up straight, looking as if nothing had happened, but it had great meaning.

But even as they were done, she stayed. As soon as he was done with playing with her, she could have left. Yet, she had no desire to do so. Instead, she wanted to sit and watch 'Dragonball Z' with him, not because she had to, but because this show meant something to him, and she wanted to share it with him.

His hand went back onto her thigh, close to her crotch, in understanding, appreciation, and possession, all of which pleased her, while:

by Kwakerjak

After the show ended, Nabiki excused herself and headed upstairs to change out of her (very) wet panties. Ranma briefly considered getting the collar from its hiding place in the dojo, but decided against it. The rest of the household would be coming home soon, and Kasumi would be serving dinner right after that, and after all the energy he'd expended that afternoon, he was really hungry. Besides, he had an idea about what to do next time… But that was for later. Right now there were other things to occupy his mind.

He didn't have a clue how Nabiki would react to his rather strict interpretation of his first rule. Apparently, she'd decided that it meant that she'd act like nothing was going on while he played with her. That had been fun for a while, but when she kept the act up even after he partially disrobed her, that had felt… weird. It was as though she had been a mindless doll—and he wasn't interested in that. He was hoping that she could start practicing for when he eventually fulfilled some of her more public fantasies; in other words, he wanted to be able to fuck her in a crowded place without anyone getting suspicious. But I don't want her ta act like nuthin's goin' on when it's obvious that that ain't true.

Another part of Ranma's mind had an answer for that. Well, ya better tell her that, 'cuz she apparently thinks ya want her ta act that way whenever ya play without the collar.Another item on his ever-growing "to do" list.

I'll do it tonight, after we get the engagement mess taken care of. And it would be a mess; Akane would see the whole thing as a rejection on his part and maybe a betrayal on the part of Nabiki. Getting her to keep it secret would be almost as hard as convincing their fathers, but it was necessary. He didn't know what the other fiancées would do when they found out, but he did know that if Nabiki was attacked, she wouldn't stand a chance. And Ranma could bear the thought of letting someone who showed him so much trust getting hurt.

Suddenly, he was startled out of his reverie by a familiar voice… and it was irritated. As usual. "What are you daydreaming about, baka?"

Ranma grimaced to himself. I can't believe I let Akane sneak up on me. This better not become a habit. He glanced over his shoulder to answer her.

Dinner went pretty much as expected; food was served, food was eaten, food was stolen, insults were traded, mallets were brought out, manhood was questioned, and irate martial artists sent equally irate martial artists flying into the koi pond. Par for the course, really. Only Kasumi noticed that Nabiki neither made her usual insinuations about Ranma's sex life nor threatened to extort money out of the (currently redheaded) martial artist. As the meal wound down, she went to get the kettle from the stove, figuring that Ranma would want to be male when he and Nabiki made their proposal.

The two of them hadn't decided exactly how to go about bringing it up—almost as if they feared relying too much on one plan would necessarily cause it to go haywire. But then, this was a fear born out of experience—one could never underestimate the lengths to which chaos would go to disrupt the life of Ranma Saotome.

After regaining his preferred form and waiting for the calming presence of Kasumi to reenter the room, Ranma looked at his pet, and decided that the best way to bring up the subject was through his characteristic bluntness. "Pops, Mr. Tendo? We gotta talk about the engagement." The results were… predictable.

"Fine, it's not like wanted to marry the baka in the first place."


"Have you no honor, boy?"

"Will ya let me finish?! Ya don't even know why I want ta talk about it yet!"

Realizing their mistake, the two men simultaneously reached the most logical conclusion (well, logical for them). "You've agreed to go through with the engagement!" Victory fans were brought out, jigs were danced, annoying songs were sung, and tears (many tears) were shed in joy."

Akane was incensed. "You think you can just decide that we're gonna marry without even telling me?! Dry up and die, baka!"

"Stop that this instant." All activity abruptly ceased as the room's occupants stared at Kasumi with shock (and quite a bit of fear); on her face was, well, it wasn't a frown, per se, but it definitely wasn't a smile, either. "I think you all should listen to what Ranma has to say." The voice of a disapproving Kasumi is not one to be disobeyed. All attention turned back to Ranma.

"Uh… thanks, Kasumi. Like I was saying, it's kinda obvious that the engagement with Akane has a lot of problems" —a cold stare from the Tendo matriarch kept the aforementioned fiancée from exploding— "and right now, I'm not certain we'll be able to work things out."

Genma was visibly trying to restrain himself when he replied: "Boy, you are honor bound to marry Akane."

"No, he isn't." Heads swiveled to view Nabiki, who had been unusually silent up to this point. Soun started crying at his daughter's willingness to betray family honor.

Nabiki rolled her eyes and continued, "Ranma is honor bound to marry a Tendo."

"What? Nabiki, what do you… mean…" About this time, those around the table noticed that Nabiki had placed her hand in Ranma's.

"Uh… yeah. I—we were wonderin' if you could switch the engagement ta Nabiki."

Soun was still recovering from the discovery that Ranma and Nabiki apparently had a relationship. "Um… certainly, Ranma. That should meet the conditions of the agreement, right, Saotome."

"—What? Oh, yes, yes it should."

Akane couldn't believe her ears. Nabiki must have somehow tricked Ranma into agreeing to have the engagement switched to herself. Well, she'd put a stop to that. "Come on, Nabiki. We all know you're just doing this to make another crap load of money by selling Ranma off to the highest bidder—again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Soun nodded his head. "That is a good point, Akane. Nabiki, how can we be sure that you're willing to go through with it?"

Nabiki sighed and looked at her owner. Apparently, they would have to use their trump card. Ranma nodded his head, and answered, "We talked this over, and we're willing ta get married tonight if we gotta."

There was silence in the room for a few seconds before the pigtailed martial artist broke it. "Ya can do yer stupid victory dance now." The fathers proceeded to do so.

After several minutes of this, Soun and Genma started discussing wedding plans. "HOLD IT!"

"What's wrong, boy? You said you were willing to go through with the engagement to Nabiki—even to get married tonight!"

"We are willing ta go through with it. But you two have gotta keep it secret."

Nabiki nodded, adding, "That means no announcements, no ceremony, and especially no blabbing it out when you get drunk! If we get married, it will have to be on paper only. We'll worry about decorum after Ranma deals with all of his obscenely powerful suitors. In case you didn't notice, if one of them challenged me to physical combat, I'd get my ass handed to me on a platter!"

"I see. Well, daughter, it appears that I will have to renew your training. You'll have to improve quite a bit before you can safely announce your marriage to the world. Besides, since you've married Ranma, you are now the heir of the Tendo School of Anything Goes, after all. We can't have an heir who isn't skilled in the Art, now can we? We'll begin tomorrow."

Genma chose that time to interrupt. "In the meantime, old friend, we have only half an hour before the ward's offices close. If we want these two to get married, we'll need to hurry!"

Kasumi was alone in the family room. Ranma and Nabiki's plan had worked. Granted, they probably would have preferred to wait and make sure that they were in love beforehand, but at least their fathers had realized they were serious. Akane, on the other hand… Oh my.

Akane had gone upstairs to as soon as she'd realized that Nabiki wasn't employing some moneymaking scheme; she was really willing to marry Ranma. Kasumi knew that her sister needed someone to talk to, and she hoped that she could be that person. She went upstairs and knocked on Akane's door

1:00 AM.

Nabiki Saotome (known to those outside of her family as Nabiki Tendo) stared at the clock on her wall and tried to make sense of the most eventful day of her life. In the last twelve hours, she'd given herself utterly and completely to Ranma, had the best sex of her life (though if her brief glances through The Master's Way With the Opposite Gender were anything to go by, what she went through today was only the beginning), learned not to underestimate her older sister, gained said sister as an ally (and an important one at that), got engaged to her owner, and married him, even if it was only on paper at the moment. It seemed like Ranma's usual horrible luck had forgotten about him; the only real downside to the whole thing was Akane's reaction.

As she had suspected, her little sister did harbor feelings for her Master under her angry exterior. Nabiki hoped she'd be alright; she'd never wanted to hurt her, and she wouldn't have if this hadn't been necessary. Kasumi had said that she'd be okay, and Nabiki really wanted that to be true—because they would need Akane's help; if she didn't agree to continue pretending to be Ranma's fiancée they were screwed.

Speaking of screwing, Nabiki was a little disappointed that she would be unable to share a room with her owner until their marriage could be safely announced, but that couldn't be helped. Several of Ranma's suitors had an annoying tendency to make surprise visits in the middle of the night, so Ranma would have to stay with his father for now.

Of course, Ranma was currently alone in his room as well, since their fathers were celebrating the joining of the schools. The way those two drank, it was absolutely necessary for her to wring a promise from them not to patronize any Neriman watering holes until the marriage had been announce publicly. They had then immediately left for a bar in Juuban that Soun knew about, leaving the newlyweds to inform Nodoka of the marriage. Knowing that she'd probably be just as excited about the marriage, the Saotomes had delegated this responsibility to Kasumi, who'd be more likely to convince Nodoka of the need for secrecy. Nodoka had reluctantly agreed only when she had been promised an extravagant ceremony when the time came. As it was, she'd be coming over sometime this week.

Kasumi, who had apparently decided that her new favorite way to ease her boredom was to make sure the two of them had as much sex as possible, informed them that they didn't have to go to school tomorrow; instead, she'd tell anyone who asked that they were sick. (And according to her, it was true. "Lovesick," she had clarified with a giggle.) Nabiki supposed she could do worse as far as honeymoons went. She idly wondered what her Master was doing.

This was conveniently answered for her when she heard a tapping at her window. Smiling, she got up and opened it, letting her owner inside her room. She was a bit surprised when the first thing he did was embrace her—there was nothing sensual in the hug, just a lot of emotion—and it took her a moment for her brain to react before she began returning it. When they finished, he smiled broadly at her. "How're ya feelin', Mrs. Saotome?"

She gave him a smile of her own. "I'm fine, Ranma."

"Hey, yer gettin' better—ya didn't even stumble over what ta call me that time."

"Well, once I figured out those rules of yours, it wasn't that hard."

"Uh, yeah, actually, I kinda wanted ta talk to ya about that."


"Yeah, this afternoon, I was kinda just makin' them up on the fly, ya know? And now that I've had some time ta think about it, I wanna try and make them clearer."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, take this evening, when we were watchin' TV, for example. At first, you were actin' the way I expected—on the outside ya looked like I wasn't actually doin' anything to ya. I was hopin' it would be like that, 'cuz that way if we're ever in a crowded place, I can, ya know, have my way with ya an' no-one will notice."

Nabiki blushed bright red when she realized that her owner wanted to use her in public—granted, he wanted to do it covertly, but still, the idea sent chills down her spine.

Ranma continued, "But when pulled up yer shirt and pulled down yer shorts and panties, it got real weird there. I mean, I don't know about you, but I think any girl would notice if someone started takin' her clothes off, but ya just kept watchin' TV like I wasn't there. If someone had walked in on us, they'd have definitely noticed that!"

"So what do you want me to change?"

"Nuthin' much, just use that head of yours in the future, okay? It's yer most beautiful part, anyway."

"Thanks, Ranma. Did you spend all night thinking of that one?" Her gratitude was genuine, but so was her curiosity.

"Yeah, but that don't make it any less true."

"You're really sweet." It was Ranma's turn to blush. "Is that all?"

"Actually, no." Ranma tossed a strip of leather to her. It was the collar. "I ain't gonna be sleepin' for a while, and neither will you. Put that on, strip down, and meet me in the furo. In that order."

"I take it you want me to walk through the house naked?"

"You got it." With that, her Master popped back out the window, no doubt to get ready for her imminent arrival. Nabiki took another deep breath as she began to follow his orders. I don't want to keep Master waiting.

"Master?" asked Nabiki as she entered the changing room.

"In here," came a voice from the furo. When Nabiki entered, she saw her owner, clad in a towel, sitting on the stool. "Stand right where ya are… I wanna take a good look at ya." She stopped, complying with her Master's orders while he got up an started gazing at her with a critical.

Ranma still couldn't believe what was before him. Physically, it seemed like Nabiki was perfect in every way. Being a typical guy, his eyes were first drawn to her breasts—round, firm globes with really cute brown nipples, they were just the right size to make her look sexy as opposed to cute—unlike his girlform, whose breasts were way too big for her small frame. Even if she hadn't practiced the Art in a while, it was obvious she kept in shape—her abs were flat and her waist was thin, and her arms had just the right amount of muscle on them to make sure that she didn't look too skinny. As he moved behind his pet, he ran his fingers down her spine—man, even her back was sexy too! Her lower half was just as stunning: long, shapely legs, tight backside, and a pussy that could put an O'Keefe painting to shame.

"Do you like what you see, Master?" When he had said he wanted to look at her, she thought he would look her over like a piece of livestock (and she wouldn't have minded), but instead, all his poking and prodding reminded her of a judge at a dog show, examining a top example of the species.

"Yeah, I do, and I still can't believe it's mine." Hearing this, Nabiki felt the usual thrill she got from being treated like property.

"Ya took a bath earlier today, right?"

Look's like the fun's going to start soon. "Yes master, right before dinner."

"Did ya wash all of yerself?"

That was a confusing response. "Um, yes."

"Every single part?"

"Every single part." Why is he so obsessed with cleanliness now?

"Even yer pussy."

"Yes, even my…" Comprehension dawned on Nabiki's face.

Her suspicions were confirmed by Ranma's next question. "Would ya mind telling me how ya washed that part without touchin' it? 'Cuz I know I didn't give you permission ta do that."

Nabiki winced. "I'm sorry Master. I thought that rule only applied to masturbation."

Her owner had a stern look on his face. "The rule isn't about pleasuring yourself, it's about touching yourself—yer not allowed ta do it for any reason without my permission. And that rule applies whether or not yer wearin' yer collar."

Nabiki stared at the floor, unwilling to look her owner in the eyes. "I'm sorry," she meekly repeated.

"I know ya are, but I'm still gonna have ta punish ya anyway." Ranma dropped his towel and put it in the changing room. "Now, I decided ta do this in here 'cuz I don't think we'll wake anyone, as long as ya keep things at a reasonable volume, okay?" A nod from his pet. "Now, we're gonna have sex, but as punishment for touchin' yerself without permission, ya ain't allowed ta cum. Got it?"

"Yes, Master."

Smiling, Ranma walked back into the furo. "One more thing before we start."

"What is it, Master?"

Ranma raised a bucket over his head and said, "When I'm a girl, it's 'Mistress.'"

Nabiki was experiencing an eerie feeling of déjà vu. When her owner had improvised the rules for their relationship, she had been surprised when he declared his intent to possess her in his girlform, and now she was just as surprised when that girlform appeared right in front of her. For the life of her, she couldn't figure out why her owner had spontaneously developed an interest in the petite, busty, redheaded and female body he had been cursed with. It had to be more than just curiosity—masturbation could have taken care of that.

Then again, most guys don't cling to their masculinity like socks in a dryer. Perhaps her Mistress thought that if she brought herself to orgasm as a result of touching herself, that would be emasculating—especially if she enjoyed it. By passively receiving stimulation from her pet, perhaps she would feel less guilty than she would if she actively masturbated.

Nabiki considered that possibility, but rejected it—her owner was too dominant to be willingly passive in any activity. Her suspicion was confirmed when her Mistress embraced her and attempted kissed her as hard as possible. While Nabiki was surprised to find that she found the act of kissing another woman to be arousing (not to mention the way her breasts were mashing and rubbing against those of her Mistress), that arousal was lessened considerably by the nagging feeling that something was amiss. Ranma-chan was obviously trying to hide her discomfort by putting as much intensity as possible into her actions. While outwardly, Nabiki was doing her best to reciprocate those actions, inside her head, the Ice Queen was furiously analyzing the situation—and the presence of the Ice Queen definitely meant something was wrong.

Alright, my owner has, for no apparent reason, decided to initiate same-sex activities with me despite the fact that she is obviously uncomfortable doing so. Curiosity about the female body has already been ruled out as a possible explanation. Perhaps Mistress is hoping I'll be initially uncomfortable, and this is my punishment for breaking her rule—but then, she probably wouldn't have told me to refrain from climaxing during this session if that were the case, as she would want to know if I could truly become aroused by this type of contact. Perhaps she's just really horny and little Ranma's still out of commission—but Ranma wouldn't risk his masculinity over an orgasm. But then, what could it be? There was only one way Nabiki could know for certain what her owner was trying to do. She would have to ask—as soon as Mistress broke off the kiss (after all, her mouth did belong to Ranma-chan).

Eventually, her Mistress did have to come up for air, and when that happened, Nabiki seized the opportunity. "Mistress, may I ask you a question before we continue?"

"Um, sure, Nabiki. Go ahead."

"Why are you doing this?"

Ranma's look became inscrutable. "Why? Because I wanna, that's why."

"I know, but why do you want to?"

"Hey, I don't need ta give a reason for wanting ta have sex with ya."

"That's not what I meant. I want to know if there's a reason you want to have sex with me while you're a girl—and please don't dodge the question, Mistress. You've never been comfortable with your cursed form, and I can't see why you'd do something with me that you don't really want to do."

Sighing, Ranma released her hold on her pet. She sat down by the furo and massaged her temples as she tried to figure out how to respond to her pet without having to explain herself—sure, she could have just said "no" to Nabiki's requests for information, but it was clear that the submissive in front of her was concerned about her Mistress's well-being.Ugh. I guess I'll just have ta tell her. She lifted her head and looked at her pet. "Siddown, Nabiki. This'll take awhile."

Once her pet sat down beside her, Ranma took a deep breath. "I'm not sure whether or not you'll believe any of the reasons I'm gonna give ya, so maybe you should tell me what you'll have trouble believin'."

"Well, I don't think you're doing this because you want to know how a woman orgasms, because you don't need me to do it. I don't think it's part of my punishment, because punishing me by forcing me to have sex would be counterproductive, as I'd probably be able to enjoy myself no matter what your form is. And I find it hard to believe that you'd risk your masculine self-image just because you're horny and your penis is still out of commission."

"Well, there goes my first three excuses." After her half-hearted attempt at a joke, Ranma grew silent. As Nabiki looked at her Mistress, she could she the beginnings of a deep blush—not one of arousal or embarrassment, but of… shame?

"Mistress, is something wrong?"

Ranma answer was choked with emotion. "Oh somethin's wrong, alright. Me!"

"What do you mean?"

"Ain't it obvious? I'm a guy who turns inta a girl, but I've never done nuthin' with it!"

Nabiki needed a few moments to decipher that statement. "You mean you've never masturbated when you were a girl?"


"Mistress, there's nothing wrong with not wanting to—" Nabiki was interrupted angrily by her owner.

"Yes there is! Every guy at school is obsessed with it! That's the only thing they wanna talk about with me. It's always, 'Hey Ranma, is it better as a boy or a girl?' or 'What's it like to cum more than once?'—and that's if I'm lucky. Most of the time the perverts wanna know more. They all wanna know what it's like ta sleep with Akane or Ukyo or Shampoo when I'm a girl, as if the first thing they'd do if they had this stupid curse is go out an' have lesbian sex."

"So why don't you just tell them to back off?"

"I do! But every time Shampoo or Ukyo glomps my girlform in public they start up again!"

"So what? They're perverts. They're the ones who are screwed up."

"That ain't what Mom thinks."

Oh, great. If Nodoka's whacked-out ideas about "manliness" are involved, there's no telling what's going on here. "What happened?"

"The a few weeks ago, she decided ta talk ta me about, you know, sex."

Well, that's just wonderful. "What did she say?"

"Well, it was mostly about how I shouldn't ignore the way whoever it is I'm sleepin' with feels."

"And you don't, Mistress. I'll testify to that." Nabiki's owner was in serious need of an ego boost—of any kind.

"But then she started talkin' about my girl side an' how I should deal with that in bed… and…"

The dam was about to burst, and Nabiki knew it. With great trepidation, she urged her owner on. "And what?"

"And she said it's normal ta want ta do it with just girls an' that I shouldn't be ashamed of it an' I wouldn't be a man if I didn't wanna anyway…"

Holy shit. Only Nodoka could say something like that—and only Ranma would react to it this way. Nabiki was beginning to wonder if her new mother-in-law had any idea of the effect that her words had on her son. She may have released Ranma from the seppuku contract, but Ranma was still constantly trying to live up to her bizarre standards of manhood.I bet she was trying to reassure him at the time, too. She looked at her owner's face—it was obvious that Ranma was holding back tears. Coming to a decision, she addressed the distraught redhead. "Mistress, if you need to… express your emotions, I won't tell anyone."

Ranma needed no further cue. She immediately wrapped her arms around Nabiki and started sobbing into her shoulder. "I j-just—I just want s-somethin'—anything ab-bout me ta be n-normal… J-Just one thing…"

"Shhh. Don't talk, Mistress. Just let it out."

So Ranma sat there, crying into her pet's shoulder for what seemed like ours. Nabiki wasn't particularly surprised by this—someone who'd been raised to consider expressiveness to be "unmanly" no doubt had a lot of emotions to drain out. Nabiki didn't mind; she used the time to figure out what she would say to her owner when this was done. She briefly wished her collar was off—it was going to be awkward referring to Ranma as "Mistress" while trying to reinforce her masculinity.

When Ranma finally lifted her head, Nabiki looked directly into her tear-soaked blue eyes. "Mistress, don't ever let someone do that to you. No one has the right to judge you because of your sexuality—whether it's because of the things you do, or the things you don't want to do. Just because you aren't obsessed with lesbianism the way other guys are, doesn't make you any less of a man. Do you understand?"

"I think so." There was a long pause—long enough to make them remember that there were two very sexy and very naked women in the room, and they were hugging each other rather tightly (and provocatively) at the moment. Ranma released her pet with a soft chuckle. "Thanks, Nabiki. I think I needed that. Ya can take the collar off, by the way. I think the mood's been pretty much killed for tonight."

Nabiki removed her neckwear before responding. "That's true enough. Besides, we have all day tomorrow to have whatever kind of fun we—I mean you want."

"I thought whatever I want was what ya wanted."

"You know what I meant. Well, I'd better get back to my room and put some clothes on before someone sees me."

"Uh, Nabiki, wait."

"What is it, Ranma?"

"Uh, I know this might seem kinda weird, especially after what we just did, but eventually I do wanna try it with both of us as girls."

"Are you sure about that, Ranma?"

"Well, not totally, but I have been thinkin' about it."

"Ranma, you don't need to try new things with me just to make yourself feel 'normal.'"

"It's not that. It's just—there was one other reason I wanted to try it."

"Will this take long?" As much as Nabiki wanted to talk about this, she also wanted sleep.

"I don't think so."

Nabiki sat down, and then Ranma continued, "Well, it's 'cuz of you—and I don't mean that I think ya really wanna do this. It's just that when we were having sex today, ya looked like you were havin' so much fun."

"I was, but I think that had as much to do with me being a submissive as with me being a woman."

"Maybe, but part of it's gotta be the fact that yer so comfortable with, ya know, yerself. And ya know I've never really been able ta like this body, and I was hopin' ya could, ya know, show me how ta use it right, or somethin'."

Nabiki wasn't sure what to make of this. Her owner wanted to become more comfortable with her body? That seemed to go against everything Ranma stood for. "Uh, I'll be glad to help you, Ranma. But why?"

"'Cause I've been thinkin'. I've got this curse, an' I'll probably have it for the rest of my life—every time I get close ta gettin' cured, somethin' goes wrong. And if I have to stay cursed, that mean there's always a chance it'll get… locked. Maybe forever. That contract may let me do anything I want ta ya, but ya could still cancel it. I just wanted ta know… in case the worst happened…" The redhead's voice trailed off.

Nabiki hugged her Mistress again, and then got up. "You want my advice? Sleep on it. We can talk about this tomorrow."

"Yeah, sleep sounds good right now."

"Goodnight, husband," Nabiki added with a smirk.

"Night, Nabiki," replied the redheaded girl. "Remember, ya still got a punishment comin'."

"I know. I'll be good."

So, at 2:00 AM, the newlyweds finally went to bed, even if they had to be in separate rooms.

The next morning…

Kasumi was the only one still in the house when the newlyweds finally woke up, and she told them her plans for their special day. Their time together today would have to suffice as a honeymoon, and she wanted her sister and brother-in-law to have the most romantic one possible under the circumstances. And that meant privacy.

Getting them excused from school was no big deal. She had read so many of Dr. Tofu's medical textbooks that she was able to come up with an ailment serious (and contagious) enough to warrant a day spent home from school, but benign enough to explain why the two of them would be perfectly healthy the next day. It was a little obscure (Nepali influenza), but if anyone could catch it, it would be Ranma (and those around him). Recommended treatment: peace and quiet and plenty of bedrest. Though Kasumi thought the two would probably not get much rest while they were in bed.

However, when word got out that the Ranma was sick, the remaining fiancées would no doubt want to drop by to "comfort" him. Thus, she contacted them in order to keep them away. Ukyo was the easier one to convince; after hearing Kasumi's explanation, she reluctantly agreed to stay away from the Tendo compound that day. She also had to restrain herself from cursing when Kasumi subtly implied that she would be "disappointed" if the chef were to send Konatsu to observe the patients. She didn't know what Kasumi was like when she was "disappointed," but, like most Nerimans, she didn't particularly want to find out. But in the end, she decided there was nothing to worry about—After all, it's not like Ranchan's going to fool around with Nabiki.

Shampoo was a bit more difficult. It turned out that most Amazons acquired an immunity to Nepali influenza early in their childhood. Thus, Cologne suggested that Shampoo could easily administer to her ailing beloved. Stopping that from happening took every ounce of deviousness Kasumi had. In the end, though, it turned out that even Cologne would rather not face the prospect of a disappointed Kasumi. Shampoo was a little despondent, but she soon got over it—After all, is not like Ranma fool around with mercenary girl.

It was also difficult to keep Nodoka away. True, she knew about the marriage and thus wouldn't mind the activities that would inevitably occupy her daughter-in-law and oh-so-manly son, but Kasumi felt that privacy was essential in this instance, and pointed out that having one's mother walk in on a lovemaking session, even if she does approve, tended to annihilate chances for romance—and that's what honeymoons were about, right?

Her father and Genma, would spend the day consuming various alcoholic beverages (again). And she would be going shopping during the day, and after briefly checking in back home to deposit her purchases and make sure everything was okay, she and Akane would be having a "girl's night out," from which they wouldn't be returning until 1:00 AM. Akane, for her part, was still uneasy about the whole situation, though whether she was more concerned for the well-being of her sister or Ranma was anyone's guess. She had agreed to continue as though she and Ranma were still engaged, but only after her father assured her that she was indeed still the heir to the school—on the condition that she name her future niece or nephew as her heir. Thus, Ranma and Nabiki Saotome had a full day all to themselves. Hopefully.

"Wow, sis. That was some plan. I'm impressed."

"Well, Nabiki, you aren't the only person who's capable of scheming."

"I'll have to keep that in mind."

"Well, I'll see you two later when I stop to check up on you. Today's your day to have fun, and I simply ask that you not destroy the house in the process. Bai bai!"

Kasumi exited the door, leaving behind the two Saotomes, who were, quite frankly, amazed. It appeared that the hurricane of chaos that usually followed Ranma was going to takeanother day off, and they intended to take full advantage of it.


"Ya can say that again. Kasumi seems ta have all the bases covered, don't she."

"That she does."

"Mmm hmm."

"So, what do you want to do?"


"We could… watch a movie, or… maybe talk about what happened last night…


"Or maybe… we should just get down to business."

After a second of contemplation, the two of them said simultaneously, "Business."

"Ya get the collar, I'll get the Instant Jusenkyo."

"I'm on it."

"Good. Oh, and, Nabiki?"


"Thanks… for what ya did last night."

"Don't worry about it."

"I won't."

Another awkward pause.

"Uhh… ain't you supposed ta be gettin' that collar?"

"Oh, yeah." As Nabiki disappeared upstairs to get her collar, Ranma headed to the dojo, cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

Ranma put his chosen packets of Instant Jusenkyo in the kitchen, but he didn't bother mixing them up yet. Though humanoid, animal girls were technically different species from humans—which meant that they could have different chi flows, which might make the pressure points described in his book ineffective. And Ranma was definitely going to use pressure points today—or rather, a specific point. He would have used it last night if hadn't tripped over his personal hang-ups.

Actually, the only reason he was enforcing the "no touching" rule so strictly was so he could have an excuse to try out this particular point on his pet. It was called the Denial Point, because that was exactly what it did. It allowed the subject to become aroused and excited by sexual stimuli, but prevented the subject from climaxing, with the result that increased stimulus generally meant piling on even more more arousal and excitement than that person was normally capable of handling. Theoretically, there was no limit to the amount of intensity the subject could experience, but in reality, if not released from the point, the subject usually just passed out from sensory overload.

In fact, this was one of the reasons that Master's Way suggested that the reader subject himself to the male variation of the point before trying it on his lover; it would allow him to get a sense of just how much denied release a person's mind could handle. (Even so, the book warned that every person was different, and that you should never assume that your lover will have a threshold for arousal as high as you—though if you were male and your lover was female, chances were her threshold would be much higher than yours.) In addition to empathy gained from experience, the Denial Point had another advantage for the male: it dramatically increased his endurance, as Ranma had discovered yesterday.

There was also yet another quirk which made the Denial Point a lot of fun: when release from the point, the subject was granted a physical release that essentially amounted to having all the orgasms one should have gotten from the stimuli received all at once. Not like a balloon suddenly popping in a brief (and extremely intense) explosion, but like a balloon that had been untied—the release happened over a period of time. It was still more intense than a regular orgasm, but it could last as long as 60 seconds (or, theoretically, even longer, but once again sensory overload comes into play). Again, Ranma's personal experience bore this out.

He smiled to himself—Nabiki was in for a surprise. But how to activate it? The female variation of the Denial Point was between the shoulders, just below the nape of the neck—not exactly an easy point to reach surreptitiously. The easiest way to do so was to embrace one's lover, but, as Ranma had found out last night, if he didn't have a good reason to do so, Nabiki would get suspicious. Thus, he tried to come up with another reason to hug his pet before she came back downstairs.

Although he didn't want to, he found his mind wandering back to the late-night scene in the furo. He had always found the standard straight male fascination with lesbians confusing. It wasn't that he wasn't interested in the idea—after all, someone with a curse like his has to prepare for the worst—but he had never really given it serious thought before. But his conversation with his mom and sent him into a panic. He wasn't quite sure exactly what she said, but she seemed to imply that a "man among men" would be interested in partaking of lesbian sex. When Ranma heard that, he didn't know what to do—he had tried so hard to avoid being a pervert (and the malletings that went along with being a pervert) that he did his best to avoid even thinking about sex when he was female. His mother had inadvertently turned his ideas about sex upside-down, and as a result he had found himself desperately trying to find sexual uses for his girlform, to comply with his mother's views on manhood. Masturbation hadn't worked; he—she'd been to nervous to get aroused. He'd hoped that Nabiki would help him calm down enough to actually enjoy him– , or rather herself, but his worries about being the best had made his pet too concerned about her owner for her to ignore them.

That's when it hit him—when Nabiki had held her Mistress so closely and let the redhead cry endlessly she had actually been showing genuine concern for his well-being. He had never realized that his pet was capable of such tenderness—he had assumed that she was only interested in him for the sex. Could it be—she couldn't really care about me—right?Ranma began to actively consider the possibility that his relationship with Nabiki might actually have a romantic dimension to it. But that can't be right. Akane said that perverts only care about sex, and the two of us are definitely perverts, so we couldn't be… be…

Ranma either didn't know how to finish the sentence or he didn't want to—perhaps both. It was a moot point anyway—his pet had just descended from her room, still wearing her pajamas, only now she had a strip of leather around her neck.

"I'm sorry I took so long, but I couldn't remember where I put this thing last night." Nabiki paused when she saw her Master—apparently he had been lost in thought. She briefly wondered why, then shrugged it off. "Anyway… I'm ready, Master."

What? No wait, I ain't ready for ya ta be ready yet! Ranma was still trying to figure out the best way to apply the Denial Point to his pet. Gotta stall for time! What'll I do? What'll I do?—I know! "Yer, ready, huh? Well, ya don't look that ready."

Nabiki looked somewhat confused. "What do you mean, Master?"

"What do I mean? Come on, I pretty sure I told ya that pets don't need clothes—in fact, I'm gonna make that rule—err, how many do we have?"

"Four—five if you include what you said about taking orders from your girlform."

Ranma didn't want to dwell on that. "Uh… yeah… that one's a given. Anyway, rule five: when ya got the collar on, ya ain't wearin' nuthin' else unless I say so. Alright?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good… And in case ya haven't noticed, yer wearin' somethin' else an' I ain't gonna say so."

Nabiki got the picture, and began to disrobe, "accidentally" showing off her features as she did so. Once again, Ranma was amazed by what seemed to him like the perfect woman—perfect breasts, butt, legs, face, everything. And it was his. Whenever he wanted, however he wanted. She couldn't pretend to have a headache, she couldn't withhold sex to punish him—she couldn't even have him arrested for rape or sexual assault. She was completely and utterly his—because he had used some cheap form of hypnosis to find out what her fantasies were.

Ever since he started this relationship with Nabiki, he had been having startling epiphanies on a regular basis—and now he just had one concerning that relationship. He should have been arrested and hauled off to jail. When he used that tea on her, he had totally violated her privacy—and he knew there was no way she would have agreed to that. If she ever found out—it would be over. But then—if he tried to hide it, it would probably be worse. Ranma sighed. The last time he had felt this guilty was when he'd ruined Ukyo's sauce—and that didn't really compare to what he was feeling now.

For her part, Nabiki, who had finished getting undressed, saw her Master looking guilty. I guess we're going to have another therapy session. She didn't mind helping her Master out with his personal problems, but she had really wanted the fun to start. "Is something wrong, Master?"

Ranma sighed again. Things had been going so well. They were actually married, for crying out loud! It would be so easy to pretend it never happened…. But in the end, Ranma's conscience won out. Guess I gotta come clean. "Yer gonna want yer collar off for this."

Uh oh. That can't be good. Nabiki removed the symbolic strip of leather. "What is it Ranma?"

"Before we go any further, there's somethin' I gotta tell ya. And just so ya know, I won't blame ya if ya rip that contract up an' call the cops on me for this."

Nabiki's face grew more concerned, though she was pretty sure she knew what Ranma was going to admit to. "What do you mean?"

"Well, ya know the first time we did this? When I pretty much just came up, splashed ya and put the collar on ya before ya knew what was happenin'? I know ya liked it or ya wouldn'ta become my pet. But the thing is, I knew ya'd like it before we even started. I got this book, see? It's called The Master's Way with the Opposite Gender an' it's basically about how ta be really good at havin' sex. Well, they got all sorts a' stuff in there, like pressure points, an' incense, an' teas, an' other stuff ta get a woman 'in the mood,' an' stuff. Well, one of the teas they had in there, if ya used it with the right pressure point, can get a girl ta say all kinds of stuff, like who they're attracted to, an' what their fantasies are…" Ranma's voice trailed off.

"And you used one on me, and that's how you found out I was a submissive, right?"

"Yeah. That's also how I came up with the animal girl pet thing."

Nabiki heaved a sigh of relief. It hadn't been something she didn't know about. She didn't know how she would have reacted if she hadn't found the book herself, but that was moot. She'd already decided to forgive him, and she would stick by that decision. After a second or two, she took the collar and put it back on.

To say Ranma was surprised would be like saying the Kunos were eccentric (that is to say, it would been a vast understatement). "Na-Nabiki?!"

"Master, I know you feel guilty about what you did, and to be honest, it probably was criminal to invade my privacy that way. But as I've said before, I've made it my business to know you. Can you honestly say that you would have acted the way you did if you were just taking advantage of my fantasies?"

"Uh… maybe…"

"No, Master, your honor code would never let you do that. You did it primarily for me. In fact, I'm willing to bet you never even realized that you were dominant until that day. Am I right?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess."

"As I thought. Master, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't somewhat angry about this, but I know that you would never do something like this if you were concerned only with yourself."

"So yer gonna forgive me?"

"Would I have put the collar back on if I wasn't?"

Ranma simply stood there silently, with his mouth hanging open.

Guess I'd better change the subject to something more interesting. "Now, if you wouldn't mind, Master, I'd like to take my punishment now, please." That should cheer him up.

"Me?! Punish you?! What for?"

Or not. "I touched myself while bathing last night without your permission, which violates rule three. Therefore, I must be punished." C'mon, Master, I know you've been looking forward to whatever this punishment is.

"But… after what I did…"

"I forgave you for that."


Nabiki sighed again. She should have known that her owner would make his personal code of honor an integral part of his sex life—that was why she was able to put so much trust in him, after all. It looked like she'd have to come clean as well. "Actually, Master, there's something I need to confess to you." She didn't bother to kneel or avoid looking her owner in the face because she knew he wouldn't take her seriously if she did. As it was, she had his attention, so she continued.

"The reason I was able to forgive you so quickly was because I already knew about your book. I was curious as to how you seemed to know so many details to one of my favorite fantasies about you, so I snooped around in your things to try and figure it out, and I found it. I didn't read it all, but I read enough of the 'information gathering' section to figure out what you'd done. I was mad, but as I explained, I'd already decided to forgive you."

"Uh, thanks for tellin' me, Nabiki, but that don't really compare with what I did."

"Master, I'm not finished yet. I would have told you what I'd found right then, but instead I wanted you to stew around feeling guilty for a while. I was going to tell you before I offered to be your pet, but since you didn't seem to be feeling 'guilty' enough, I put it off. Basically, I've been trying to manipulate your emotions for my own entertainment, which is just as bad as you taking advantage of my fantasies. And… I'm sorry, Master. Will you forgive me?"

Ranma took a moment to realize his pet was waiting for his answer. "Uh… sure Nabiki. I mean, how can't I?"

"So, now that we've taken care of misdeeds done before we made our contract, we can turn to what really matters… like rule violations, right?" Please don't let him have any more hang-ups. Please please PLEASE.

Ranma started to regain his trademark confidence. She's really O.K. with this. She's forgiven me. I don't have ta worry about disappointing her. Hmm… This thing might actually work out. He turned to his pet with a smirk and announced her fate for the next few hours—or at least until he decided to make her an animal girl again.

"Well, ya did violate a rule, and since ya know about the book, I guess I can tell ya exactly how yer gonna get punished. There's this pressure point on yer back called the Denial Point. Basically, ya can get excited an' stuff like normal, but ya don't get ta actually finish, ya know?"

Nabiki nodded. "I think I understand, Master."

Her owner continued explaining the effects of the Denial Point on both the male and female bodies (conveniently neglecting to tell her what happened when the point was reversed).

Well, that explains how he can keep it up for so long. Her Master had been a little crude in his description (she resolved to teach her owner to describe an orgasm without using the word "cum") but the very concept behind the Denial Point was beginning to arouse her—though not as much as it did him, if the bulge in her owner's pants was any indication.Enough theory. Time to move into foreplay. "Master, I will accept my punishment."

To her surprise, Ranma replied with a smile—not a smirk, but a genuine, warm smile. "Thank you, Nabiki."

His embrace was nothing like the clumsy hug that had happened the previous night. He rubbed his hands all over her back, exploring every part he could find from shoulder to small, with an occasional expedition to caress one of her buttocks. Meanwhile, his lips were lightly kissing their way across her left shoulder, up the side of her neck, and stopping briefly to nibble on her ear before moving to her mouth.

Nabiki was amazed at what her owner could do to her, the way he could make her feel so aroused in such a short time. If this was how a genuine embrace felt, what would it be like while in the she was in the throes of the Denial Point? His kiss was gentle, and he took his time with it, so much so that his pet became impatient and plunged her tongue into his mouth before he even had a chance to do likewise. Nabiki reveled in all the motion that she was feeling on her skin and in her mouth for several seconds, when suddenly she felt a sharp pressure between her shoulder blades. When her owner leaned out of his kiss, he had his smirk back on again. "This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Nabiki took a page from her older sister's book. "Oh my."

Ranma had a minor conundrum to deal with. What was the best way to get Nabiki up to his room? Sure, he could just tell her to go there, but he was sure there was a much more erotic method than that. He couldn't use the leash—he'd left it in the dojo, and besides, that would probably just confuse her, since she was fully human at the moment. In the end, he decided to go with what he knew, and he once again got behind his pet, leading her up to his room as he groped and fondled her, without any annoying distractions (like clothing) to get in his way.

He sat her down on his futon, and removed his own clothing and then, he once again sat behind her. Softly, he spoke into her ear, saying, "Alright, we're gonna do this just like last time, only now ya don't hafta hold nuthin' back." And with that, Ranma set to work on his pet. He didn't hit any sensitivity points, as he wasn't sure how they would be affected by the Denial Point, and he didn't want his pet to pass out on him—at least not yet. So instead, he began to knead the globes on her chest with one hand, occasionally rubbing and twisting her by-now hardened nipples, while his other hand worked on her lower lips, teasing as much lubrication from them as possible.

Since she didn't have to worry about restraining her emotions, Nabiki was able enjoy her Master's ministrations much more thoroughly this time, and more importantly, she was able to communicate that enjoyment through her moans of delight. It seemed that every time she thought that Ranma had reached the pinnacle of his ability to take possession of her, he would find a way to assert his ownership in an even more consuming way. Yesterday he'd made it known that she was his whether or not he was treating her like a pet, and last night he'd attempted to assert that his dominance was in effect regardless of his form (and in the back of her mind, Nabiki knew that eventually her owner would indeed assert "her" ownership of her as Ranma-chan, though she couldn't say when that would happen).

But now, her Master was showing that not only could he possess her, he could even control the way her body functioned. By the simple application of a pressure point, he could prevent her from climaxing, not only taking her to the edge, but holding her out past it and refusing to let her go. As her owners handiwork took her closer to the point where she would normally orgasm, her thoughts became more fragmented, held together only by the vague notion that she belonged to him, and that he could not only use her, he could control her in a more literal sense then she ever imagined possible.

All of these thoughts were briefly dispersed as the bulge of his manhood pressed into the small of her back—she had forgotten that 'little Ranma' was fully functional this time around. The heat she felt as her owner's shaft became more solid triggered various ideas in her mind, and as she found herself reacting to the unusual idea of her owner shooting his seed across her lower back, she let forth a shudder.

Ranma was a little surprised when he felt his pet's reaction. His current ministrations weren't that intense—this was supposed to be just a warm-up while he decided exactly what he would do with her. Now that he was starting to get hard, he was debating whether or not to eat her out or to just enter her directly. He decided on the former—it would make sure that she'd had enough stimulation to make the release interesting.

His pet looked momentarily confused as he laid her down on the futon, but his smile remedied that problem—she hadn't done anything wrong, he was just changing positions. Nabiki dutifully spread her legs as her Master moved his head toward her snatch, and he began to pleasure/torture her with his tongue, using every trick he could recall from the extensive chapter on cunnilingus in his book.

Nabiki's moans grew even louder as her Master ate her pussy, using his fingers to supplement the actions of his tongue. He used just the right amount of friction and the right amount of pressure in all of the right places to send her brain into overdrive. She was rapidly moving to the point where she would normally orgasm, and out of habit, her body did its best to stave it off as long as possible. But, as usual, eventually she had to give up, and so she let go… but instead of fulfillment, the sensations merely kept building inside her, refusing to release her from her agony. Her already heavy breathing became even more pronounced, and her limbs started to pound against the futon, in a useless attempt to make her body work the way it was supposed to. Her moans increased in volume as her Master continued, and she had difficulty trying to decide whether she was in heaven or hell… or both.

Since it had become rather obvious that Nabiki had exceeded the point where she would have normally achieved release (and because his cock was so hard that it was starting to hurt) Ranma decided to move to phase 3 of his plan, which require vast amounts of self-control on his part, since he wasn't using the his own Denial Point. He crawled up until he could look his pet in her hazy and unfocused eyes, lightly kissing and licking her body the entire way. After a final, long kiss on her mouth, he moved his rod into position, and entered her soft, wet flower. For a while, he pumped her in the standard missionary position, but then he took a closer look at his pet. Nabiki's moans, as well as her face, clearly broadcast her feelings, which appeared to be composed of equal parts pleasure and anguish. For a moment, Ranma felt sorry for her, but then he remembered two things. First, this was a punishment, so the anguish was to be expected. Second, the more his pet was able to endure, the greater her reward would be when he released her. With that in mind (and with a rather evil grin) he rolled over, allowing his pet to control the pace of their lovemaking so he could see how far she would go in her vain attempts to climax.

Nabiki wanted to go slowly, to make her Master's pleasure last as long as possible—she really did. However, as soon as he rolled them over so she was on top, effectively letting her take charge, she was unable to ignore the overpowering animalistic need to cum right now. Her moans turned into grunts as she started to move over the length of his shaft with increasing vigor. Ranma reached up with his hands, initially to play with his pet's undulating breasts, but that intention changed when Nabiki grabbed his forearms to support herself as she began slamming onto her owner as rapidly as she could, her mind by now oblivious to everything but the unattainable goal of her orgasm. As she continued, and the intensity of her sensations increased, tears of desperation started to form in her eyes, and she began to think that she would never find release.

Ranma held on as long as he could without the Denial Point, which was still rather impressive due to the amount of control his training gave him over his body. Still, he was human, and the amount of friction Nabiki was applying to his member in her futile attempt at release were nearly unbearable. Eventually, he had to let go, and he released his seed into her. The warmth of her owner's semen inside of her somehow managed to get through to Nabiki's sex-fogged mind, and the vicarious pleasure she felt from satisfying her Master was enough to dull her neediness somewhat, though she continued to hump him for several minutes, eventually shifting slightly and grinding her sex along his pelvic bone when his shaft became too soft to provide her with stimulation. At this point, Ranma leaned up and embraced his pet, whispering soothing praise into her ear as they both lay on the futon.

It took Nabiki a while to come down to a manageable level. Her owner simply cuddled her, whispering encouragement in her ear.

"Good girl. That was wonderful. I knew ya could do it. Just take deep breaths, an' pretty soon you'll be fine again."

She followed her Master's instructions, and soon she felt much more at ease. She was still incredibly horny, but her need to orgasm no longer felt like an overpowering urge that threatened her sanity. Odd as it was, though she didn't feel satisfied at all, she did feel a sense of contentment; she had made it through her punishment, and her owner was obviously happy with her performance, as his praise continued to be whispered into her ear. She would have no problem with her owner continuing to use the Denial Point as a punishment—the mix of mild to moderate enjoyment and agonizing frustration that it gave her made it perfect for that purpose, and Ranma had obviously enjoyed watching her react to the sensations—but she wouldn't want to incorporate it into their regular activities. She idly wondered when she would be released from the point when her Master suddenly loosened his grip and, while still lying on the floor, raised his voice to a more conversational volume.

"Okay, that was great, Nabiki. Now for part 2 of yer lesson on the Denial Point."

Lesson? What does he mean by that? "Is my punishment to continue, Master?"

"Nope. In fact, this part's yer reward for bein' such a good pet."

Nabiki wasn't sure what he meant, but she assumed that she was about to get the release her body so desperately craved. (Boy, was she ever right.)

Ranma continued in the most professorial tone he could manage. "As interestin' as the Denial Point is when it's turned on, it ain't nuthin' compared ta when it's turned off."

Well, duh. Nabiki tried not to sound patronizing in her response. She failed. "You mean that being able to have orgasms is better than not being able to have them?"

Ranma bristled a bit, then regained his composure. "Well, I was gonna explain what I meant, but since I didn't like that tone, I'm gonna just let ya find out for yerself." Nabiki started getting nervous—either something very bad or very good was about to happen to her, and thanks to her snarkiness, it was going to be a surprise, and she was quickly developing a love/hate relationship with surprises. Her Master's grin looked almost malicious as he suddenly embraced her tightly and reversed her Denial Point.

Under most circumstances, unless her Master ordered her to be silent, Nabiki was a moaner, not a screamer. She was never really one to raise her voice to high levels to begin with, and to actually try to artificially make one's voice louder during sexual activities seemed to her an utterly ridiculous notion. That said, having three or four of the most powerful orgasms of her life continuously over a period of 20 seconds is definitely not "most circumstances." As such, Nabiki was shrieking at the top of her lungs (much to the displeasure of her Master's eardrums).

Words really can't do justice to her experience. It was as though she had a massive amount of pressure inside her, which was suddenly afforded an avenue of escape—kind of like going to the bathroom after you've held it in for a while, only much more euphoric. The orgasm seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, and Nabiki wasn't entirely sure she could take it. Nabiki gripped her owner tightly in an effort to keep from passing out as every single part of her body flooded her brain with messages that amounted to "GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—VERY GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—GOOD." She had never screamed so loudly in her life; she would probably be hoarse for the next few days. This thought didn't enter her mind at the time, but then, there wasn't a lot of room in her mind.

It didn't help that Ranma had inserted two of his fingers into her womanhood. He didn't bother moving them around—it was rather obvious that at the moment, the most microscopic twitches were sending out even more shocks to the overworked pleasure centers of his pet's brain. To stifle her screams (and prevent hearing loss) he moved his other hand behind her head and pushed her mouth towards his, giving her the deepest kiss he could. Of course, given her state of mind, that just further increased her ecstasy.

Eventually, Nabiki's mega-climax subsided, leaving her feeling utterly drained. Her Master's hand was covered in her juices (with a little bit of his semen mixed in). Reflexively, he brought his hand to his pet's mouth for cleaning, and to her credit, Nabiki managed to finish three fingers before she fell asleep. Ranma smiled and caressed her cheek with his clean hand before leaving the room to clean up and prepare for their next round of lovemaking.

As he finished washing his hands, Ranma noticed the clock in the kitchen—it was 11:00, and with the exception of Kasumi's brief check-in to drop off the things she'd bought at three or so, he and his pet would be alone until 1 AM. He decided to let Nabiki sleep for an hour or two—she'd need as much energy as possible for the remaining twelve hours.

Ukyo tried to concentrate on her classes, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. There's something screwy going on here. Why on earth would Kasumi be so insistent that I leave Ranchan alone? She practically accused me of having Konatsu spy on him! I never do that… Well, maybe once or twice, but I always have a good reason! I know this Napoleon influenza or whatever is supposed to be contagious, but if it's that bad, why would only Ranma and Nabiki have it? She had already revised her earlier opinion of the possibility of Ranma fooling around with Nabiki. That greedy bitch could easily manipulate the martial artist into sleeping with her. And given Nabiki's domineering personality, who knew what she was making Ranma do for her?

Except Kasumi had said it was true. Kasumi, the most trustworthy person in Nerima. Kasumi, who'd never try to deceive anyone about anything, especially when it involves your fiancée. She might have acted oblivious, but she would never let something like this upset the precarious wa of the Tendo household. Besides, she'd read so many medical textbooks and had such a natural talent for nursing that Ukyo was inclined to accept Kasumi's explanation—on a tentative basis of course. She'd have to talk with Dr. Tofu about this after school, of course. Until then, Ukyo would have to trust Kasumi.

So why couldn't she?

Akane's behavior certainly did nothing to reassure her. Kuno barely had time to notice the absence of the foul demon Saotome before Akane had pummeled him into the ground. When the delusional kendoist had tried to block one of her punches, all he got for the effort was a broken bokken and a bruised kidney. Clearly, Akane was angry—more so than usual, since Hinako's first chi siphoning had kept her an adult well into the lunch period, a record for non-Ranma draining. Akane answered all inquiries on the nonappearance of her sister and her fiancée with a brusque "I don't want to talk about it!" Given what had transpired that morning, most of the student population didn't bother to ask twice.

Nabiki's lieutenants weren't any help either. They had no information concerning the condition of their boss—unusual, since said boss almost always called ahead to alert them and give them orders when she couldn't come to school. Apparently, this was serious enough that Nabiki was temporarily unable to run her extremely lucrative information brokerage service. Yeah, right. Nothing on this planet can get between Nabiki and the money of everyone she meets—especially Ranchan. I've got half a mind to head over there right now, and find out what her scheme is.

Only one thing kept Ukyo from following up on this train of thought—the possibility that it might not be an elaborate hoax. If she went to the Tendo compound and it turned out that Ranma and Nabiki really did have some rare disease, then she'd become known as the one person who wouldn't trust Kasumi Tendo. Kasumi Tendo, who was so virtuous that rumor had it the Catholic church was seriously considering her for canonization, even though she neither practiced Christianity, nor was she dead. If she showed unwarranted distrust of the Tendo matriarch, Ukyo would be the laughingstock of Nerima, and Ranma would never respect her again. Therefore, she'd just have to wait, but how could she be expected t—

"Miss Kuonji, are you paying attention?"

"Uh… well…"

"While I appreciate your effort, there is no need for you to increase the ignorance level in this class simply because Mr. Saotome is not present." Snickers from everyone in the class but Akane, who was still brooding over whatever it was that was bothering her.

"Gomen nasai, Tanaka-sensei," Ukyo blushingly apologized.

Mr. Tanaka frowned, and then turned to the rest of the class. "Can anyone else answer the question?"

Ukyo tried to pay attention, but her thoughts again turned to Ranma and the idyllic life that he and she should have been living by now. Oh, Ranchan. I wonder what you're doing right now?

One thing is certain—whatever the cross-dressing chef may have been thinking, it was definitely not what Ranma was actually doing at the time.

Ranma carefully mixed up his pet's Jusenkyo cocktail. He didn't want too much animal in the mix—just enough to do interesting things to Nabiki's thought processes, as well as give her a few distinctive physical features, leaving the rest of her human. Obviously, this wasn't something he was planning on doing often—they had a limited supply of Instant Nyannichuan, and he wanted to save those for special occasions—like birthdays, anniversaries, and (in conjunction with some of the more esoteric animal curses) when Nabiki had been really naughty.

But their honeymoon, naturally, was one of those "special" times—and he had a feeling they could have a lot of fun with this particular curse. Sure, it wouldn't be nearly as structured as their first time with Nabiki as a dog-girl, but then, he had put an awful lot of planning into that afternoon, whereas this time he decided to be more spontaneous. Having finished the mixing process, Ranma put some of the cursed water in a glass, and carefully bottled up the rest for later use. He glanced at the clock. 12:30—he'd have to wake Nabiki soon. He prepared and ate a light six-course lunch; his pet's meal would be served in a more interesting fashion.

While eating, Ranma thought about his situation. It was so nice to be able to consume a meal without any distractions—no pandas stealing his food, no wisecracks at his expense (though those had lessened considerably since the originator of the aforementioned wisecracks was currently his lover/pet), no godawful culinary monstrosities being forced upon him by his stubborn fiancée—

Wait, that wasn't right. Akane wasn't his fiancée anymore; he'd married Nabiki. It's just that for so long in the Tendo household, it had been taken for granted that Ranma and Akane would eventually wed. Ranma hadn't given this a lot of thought recently; he'd been too distracted by his pet. Suddenly, however, he was remembering the way Akane had reacted, and it was puzzling. He'd thought that she would be relieved to be done with a pervert like him (and there was no use denying his perversion anymore), but she hadn't acted that way at all. She'd looked… hurt. Like something important had been taken away from her…

Ranma slapped his forehead when he realized what it was. The school. Akane was worried about the school. After all, when ya work hard for somethin' and it looks like it's gonna be taken from ya, yer never in a good mood afterward. It made perfect sense; perhaps he was finally getting better at understanding other people.

He hoped that things would work out for his sister-in-law, both in the Art as well as everyday life. She deserved it—while she could sometimes be a really irritating tomboy, she was basically a nice person, and she had showed time and again that she was capable of being a good friend. It was just that the niceness was overwhelmed by spurts of fury. He wasn't too concerned, however. Despite his insults, he had always considered her to be cute—especially when she smiled. It wasn't quite like Kasumi's smile, which was more motherly, nor was it like his pet's (but then, like her Master, Nabiki's genuine smiles were often indistinguishable from her smirks). Rather, when Akane smiled, he felt like she was letting him see her true self—someone who wouldn't get angry so consistently if it weren't for the stresses in her life. He wasn't sure how her smile made him feel, he'd once overheard someone use the phrase "warm and fuzzy," and that seemed close enough. He wasn't quite sure what these feelings meant, but he was certain that Akane's smile would help her find someone. It was too bad, really. He sort of wished that those smiles would be for him…

What I am I thinking?! For cryin' out loud, Ranma, ya got Nabiki, don't ya? Why are ya spendin' so much time worryin' about Akane? It's not like she ever wanted ya ta begin with. Just finish yer lunch an' go wake up Nabiki. She'll get yer mind offa this.

Ranma looked at the collared girl lying on his futon. She looked so peaceful. It was a shame to disturb her, but he was horny. But how best to wake her up? Well, I ain't had dessert yet… A smile came to his lips. Even though Akane attributed all manner of evil to sexual deviants, he had to admit, sometimes being perverted felt good.

Conveniently, Nabiki was already on her back, and it didn't take much effort for Ranma to part her legs so he could once again view her womanhood. For a minute he just gazed at her; for neither the first nor the last time he was struck by the beauty of his pet. He couldn't find a single imperfection on her… though he did wonder what she'd look like without the hair on her mound. Admittedly, it was neatly trimmed—a necessity for someone who wore bathing suits as skimpy as hers; but now he was seriously considering having her shave it completely—just to see if he'd like it. Hmm. I'll have to keep that in mind for later.

For now, he had a pet to wake up. He wasn't sure how Nabiki would react to waking up with her Master's tongue in her pussy; but then that was one of the things he wanted to find out. But first things first, he needed to get her ready, so he began kissing and stroking her inner thighs and petals. It would take time before she was physically ready for him to do anything too intense. Under most circumstances, this wouldn't be much of a problem—Ranma had quickly discovered that his favorite part of having sex with his pet was watching his pet have sex with him. But right now his pet was asleep, and slow build-ups aren't nearly as fun when your partner isn't conscious to enjoy it. So he kept at it, slowly increasing the stimulation he provided, and waiting for her body to react physically, so he could move ahead. He didn't have to wait long.

Ranma smiled as his pet's petals began to open. He brought his tongue into play, licking the juices that her body was producing in response to his touch. His book had said that it took time to get used to the flavor of a woman, and he could see why. It wasn't that his pet tasted bad, it was just that she tasted, well, weird. It was hard to describe, mainly because he couldn't really think of anything to compare her with. Of course, since Nabiki seemed to enjoy oral sex, he figured it would be best for him to acquire that taste as soon as possible. Therefore, he continued to sample her nectar, noting both its tang and aroma, and hoped that it wouldn't be long before these were no longer obstacles. He could hear her breathing getting more rapid, which he took as a good sign—it wouldn't be long before she woke up completely. He decided to take a risk, and tentatively applied some pressure to her unhooded nub. The response was a sharp intake of breath and a slight spasm—Nabiki would be fully conscious soon, so he decided to speed things up. The main course was still ahead, and it wouldn't to fill up on bread in the meantime.

As Nabiki woke from her slumber, she wondered if the aftershocks of her release from the Denial Point were still continuing, as she was still apparently getting messages of pleasure (though not nearly as pronounced) from her pussy. A quick glance downward corrected that opinion. "Master?! What are you doing?" As if it wasn't obvious.

Ranma merely paused and looked up at her with a raised eyebrow, not even bothering to move his mouth from her snatch. He then returned to his ministrations, but with more vigor.

But the businesslike aspects of Nabiki's mind demanded an explanation, no matter how unneeded that explanation was. "Master, is this really nec—" the other parts of Nabiki's mind cut that thought off with a moan, clearly wanting the Ice Queen to shut up before she spoiled the fun.

Ranma quickly brought his pet to climax; this wasn't supposed to be much more than a wake up call, anyway. He moved his body up and kissed Nabiki, both to show his affection, and so that she could clean his face. When that was out of the way, Nabiki once again spoke. "Not that I'm complaining, Master, but what the heck was that about?"

"Ya were asleep. I wanted ya ta wake up. This seemed like the most interestin' way ta do it."

"That's it?"

"Do I need any more of a reason?"

"I guess not. You are the Master, after all."

"And don't you forget it."

Nabiki giggled at that. "I won't." She changed the subject. "So, what's next on the menu?"


"Cute, Master. Very cute. I mean, what 'activities' do you have planned next?"

"Why don't you go clean yourself up a bit first."

"Alright." Nabiki was almost out the door when she heard her owner clearing his throat. She turned to see him staring at her with an expectant look on his face. Now, what could he… oh. That. "Master, may I touch myself while I clean up?"

"Of course ya can. Just don't do it any more than ya gotta, okay?"

"Certainly, Master."

"Oh, and Nabiki…"


"Make sure ya go to the bathroom while yer at it. I don't want ta be interrupted this afternoon."

"Of course. Will there be anything else?"

"I don't think so. Meet me in the family room when yer done."

"Yes, Master."

Ranma waited for his pet, Jusenkyo cocktail in hand. Nabiki's lunch was on the table beside him; he had chosen it with the curse in mind. After a few minutes, she came into the room.

"Everything taken care of?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Then it's time for yer lunch—but first…"

Ranma took out the glass with the cursed water and splashed his pet. Again, Nabiki closed her eyes as she felt the change come over her. When she opened her eyes to look at her new body, she let out a small gasp in surprise.

Ranma once again was wearing his trademark smirk. "Let's eat."

Kasumi stared at the immaculately dressed mannequins in the window of one of the many clothiers in the shopping mall, but the image didn't really register. She had done a bit of shopping, as evidenced by the bags sitting next to her on the bench, and now she just wanted to sit down for a while. But even though she was deviating from her regular routine, she was still engaging in her favorite "boredom" pastime: daydreaming. She couldn't help it; the possibilities of what Ranma and Nabiki might have been doing that moment were just so… interesting.

She had a pretty good idea, though, of what was going on. Granted, her only experience with sex to this point had been her romance novels and soaps, but surely their experience couldn't have been much more extensive than that, right? Kasumi sighed as she envisioned a bare-chested, muscular, and pigtailed man kissing a beautiful, helmet-haired woman in a pose that just screamed "stereotypical." I bet I know exactly how it'll happen. First, they'll be gazing longingly at each other, taking note of every detail…

Nabiki was a bunnygirl. Simple as that. She had long, white, fuzzy ears coming out of her head, and a little tuft of a tail at the base of her spine. The tail wasn't like the puffball of cotton on a traditional "Playboy Bunny" outfit; it looked like a real rabbit's tail. The ears had amplified her sense of hearing, so much so that for a while she was wincing at the loudness of the sounds around her. She ran her tongue over her teeth and was relieved to find that her incisors were still their normal size. (She'd recently read a book about American propaganda in World War II, and she wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of being an actual bucktoothed Asian.) She idly wondered if the place where her human ears would normally be would look odd if she had a shorter haircut. Nabiki could feel her heart rate increasing slightly—apparently this change was going to give her more energy than she'd know what to do with.

Thankfully, she didn't have to know, since the task of figuring out what to do with all that energy fell to her Master. He was still fully clothed, but it was easy to see the beginnings of a bulge in his crotch area. Nabiki watched as her owner once again looked over his pet with the eye of an appraiser looking at a work of art. He circled the bunnygirl two or three times, taking in as many details as he could, from the way her furry tail blended perfectly into the smooth skin of her back—he even got up close to actually have a look at the place where her ears "should" have been. For perhaps the first time, Nabiki felt a bit envious at her owner's privileged position in their relationship. She desperately wanted to be satiated, but this time it had more to do with curiosity than sexuality.

…Kasumi didn't have to dwell for too long on the "details" part, but that didn't matter. Her brother-in-law and sister were active teenagers, after all, and curiosity would soon be sated. Ranma would then begin whispering sweet nothings in his beloved's ear…

"Yer looking nice. Real nice." Nabiki did her best to refrain from making remarks about her owner's eloquence, or rather, the complete lack thereof. Ranma continued his evaluation. "I wasn't sure how this was gonna turn out, but it looks like I got it right." This was definitely going to be fun. But, as his book stated (repeatedly), in relationships like these, communication was absolutely vital, simply for safety reasons, so he had to make sure that was possible. "Nabiki?"

Nabiki responded by silently looking at her Master. Ranma's rules for her behavior may have been completely improvised, but the Ice Queen aspect of her personality (which never totally went away) insisted on following those rules to the letter, and Rule 2 stated that she was to forego human speech as an animal girl in favor of appropriate animal noises. Of course, rabbits didn't really have any distinctive vocal noises associated with them like the barking of a dog or the mewing of a cat. Thus, silence.

Seeing that he had her attention, Ranma continued. "Okay, now I know I got a rule that says yer not allowed ta talk when yer an animal girl, unless it's an emergency. But since I don't think rabbits make that much noise, I'm gonna be a bit more lenient on that this time. Ya know, ta be safe."

Nabiki nodded.

"Um, Nabiki, maybe I didn't make myself clear. I don't know what that water did ta ya exactly, so I need ta make sure ya can talk if ya gotta."

Again, Nabiki nodded, and she opened her mouth to let her Master know that she could communicate vocally if necessary. "Of course, Master." She blinked in surprise. Her voice didn't have the raspy quality of a whisper, yet it was just as quiet.

"What was that?" replied her Master, who apparently was expecting something louder as well.

"Master, I think my vocal chords are weaker as a bunnygirl. Right now, I'm speaking at what would normally be my regular volume."

Ranma frowned. He wanted to make sure Nabiki was capable of speaking to him, even if he didn't want her to actually do it. He decided that he'd just have to pay close attention to the noises coming from his bunnygirl—though they would probably be much, much quieter. "OK, ya can go back ta bein' quiet. We'll just hafta make sure we don't bang stuff around to much, or I'll never hear ya above it."

His pet nodded, glad that she didn't have to talk—that scream of hers when she was released from the denial point had done a number on her throat as well, and trying to talk at a "normal" level as a bunnygirl would probably make it much worse.

Kasumi sighed heavily at the wonderful and no doubt romantic things she was sure Ranma was saying to his wife right now. Someday, I hope someone talks to me like that.

"Alright, now I believe yer supposed ta be on all fours, movin' like a rabbit would. Let's see it." His pet responded by crouching down and doing her best to imitate a rabbit. She took a few exploratory hops before her owner stopped her. "S'okay, I guess, but something seems wrong. Hop around a few more times."

Nabiki complied, wondering what she could be doing that wasn't up to her Master's expectations. He can't really expect me to move exactly like a rabbit, can he? My arms and legs are still human! She was getting a little frustrated, when her owner suddenly signaled her to stop.

"I got it. Ya got the position almost right, but yer legs are spread too far apart."

Now that's something I never thought I'd hear him say.

Ranma, of course, didn't hear his pet's internal monologue, and continued. "Ya see, when yer crouched like that, ya got yer knees on the sides of yer breasts, and it makes ya look more like a frog than a rabbit. I want ya ta pull yer knees closer together." Again, Nabiki complied, moving her legs until they were parallel under her torso, with her knees pressing into her breasts.

"That's good. Now try hopping around again."

It took a little while before Nabiki figured out how to complete a hop without pinching her breasts uncomfortably, but once she got the hang of it, it became much easier. Soon, she was jumping around happily, enjoying the way the orbs on her chest felt as they bounced and swayed in response to her movements. Master was right… this does feel more natural.As her hopping about the Tendo home continued, Nabiki found it increasingly easy to ignore the Ice Queen (who was rarely welcome in her sex life), and to act more like a rabbit. Specifically a rabbit in heat, as she realized that her body was already starting to respond physically to the presence of her mate and owner, who watched her lovingly the entire time. Master's smile indicated that he was pleased with her performance, which (naturally) filled her with the wonderful sense of contentment she felt whenever she was able to please him. But idyllic scene was soon interrupted by an intrusive gurgle—the bunnygirl's tummy wanted food.

Kasumi walked into the food court… it was lunchtime, after all. Granted, the food one could get at a mall was nothing compared to food prepared in one's own kitchen, but that might be in use right now… Oh my! Perhaps they're playing with food—closing their eyes and feeding each other… I wonder if we have any food suitable for that?

Ranma smiled. Nabiki was truly starting to remind him of a rabbit now. He watched as his pet bounced around the room, becoming more energetic by the second. This was good; the reason he had chosen bunnygirl this time was that he had recently found out that when rabbits "multiplied," it sure as hell didn't involve math. This Nabiki would have energy to spare—but energy required food, and she hadn't exactly eaten a lot for breakfast.

He picked up the plate of lettuce and carrots and walked over her. It was time to feed his pet.

Kasumi picked up her purchase from a nearby udon stand and walked to a table. As she sat down and began to eat her meal, her thoughts returned to Nabiki and Ranma. Now where was I—I mean, where were they? Oh yes… Ranma was feeding Nabiki…

"Alright, Nabiki, I got yer lunch right here—some nice, juicy carrots."

Nabiki smiled as her Master held one of the long, orange vegetables out to her. She made to grab the carrot in his hand, but he pulled it back before she could reach it.

"Hold on a sec, Nabiki. I know yer hungry, but ya don't really think I'm just gonna give you a carrot for no reason do ya?"

The bunnygirl sighed and shook her head.

"Course not. Ya gotta show me that ya can be a good lil' bunny. Ya think ya can do that?"

Nabiki nodded enthusiastically.

"That's good, 'cause what I have in mind'll get ya an extra reward for when ya behave."

Nabiki was a little confused, but she shrugged it off. Extra rewards for extra good behavior sounded fine to her. She hopped over when she noticed her Master beckoning her toward him.

Ranma stroked the skin on his bunnygirl's back several times, again simply admiring her beauty, and taking a few seconds to appreciate the fact that she had given all of that beauty to him for his personal use. He felt like he could have done that for hours, but owning a pet was a big responsibility, and one of those responsibilities was to feed that pet. He broke off the tip of the carrot and set it before Nabiki. "Go on, eat it up."

Needing no further encouragement, the bunnygirl greedily devoured the tiny carrot nib. She was sure that her Master had something else planned, but she wasn't sure what.

"Well, did ya like it?"

Nabiki nodded her head. Of course she liked it—her Master had given it to her. He smiled at her and slowly moved his hand towards her lower lips. Nabiki shuddered as her owner began to lightly caress and stimulate the folds of her womanhood, which were already wet due to her bunnygirl physiology and the proximity of her mate.

Ranma took the time to activate a few sensitivity points to ensure his pet would be well lubricated before continuing. "Well, if ya think they're good plain, Wait 'til ya try 'em marinated." He picked up the carrot and carefully slid it inside of his pet, causing her to gasp audibly.

As one hand slid and twisted the vegetable inside of his pet, the other reached underneath her and started kneading and massaging the orbs dangling beneath her. He worked relatively quickly, as this was just foreplay—right now, he only needed relatively minor orgasms from his pet for him to build on later.

Of course, to Nabiki, these weren't "minor" at all. Sure, she was able to remain silent, but that was only because of her weakened vocal chords. As her Master continued manipulating the carrot, and squeezing her breasts, the bunnygirl's breath began to hiss through her clenched teeth. Ranma increased the intensity of his ministrations until Nabiki suddenly clamped down on the orange vegetable inside of her, enveloping it in her body's warm fluids.

Ranma smiled as her removed the carrot, now covered in his pet's juices. "Here ya go, Nabiki." He held it in front of her mouth and fed the cum-soaked vegetable to his pet one bite at a time. He then took some of the lettuce, wiped off the stray cum around her mouth, and gave that to her as well.

When she was finished, Nabiki looked up at her owner, who had a twinkle in his eye. "One down, two ta go," he said, motioning toward the plate, where two more carrots lay. Nabiki went wide eyed when she realize that both carrots were thicker than the one she had just "marinated" and eaten.

Ranma just smiled as he picked up the second carrot…

Kasumi paused as she finished her udon. What would those two do next? She wasn't sure what would happen next; her soaps and novels would usually fade to black around this point, and though she was perfectly aware of what was physiologically involved in vaginal intercourse, when she tried to imagine it always looked so… unromantic. They have to be doing more than "in, out, repeat if necessary," but what? Kasumi bit her lip, and then it occurred to her. They were still fully clothed! Well, feeding each other should certainly have gotten them excited, so no doubt the two of them are embracing passionately, fiercely kissing as they frantically try to remove their restrictive garments…

"Aww, crud. I knew I shoulda worn a sleeveless tang ta do this." The sleeve on Ranma's Chinese shirt had unrolled as his bunnygirl "marinated" the final carrot, much to his consternation. He set the stick vegetable back on the plate and placed it in front of his pet. "Ya don't need me ta feed this last one ta ya, right Nabiki?" When the bunnygirl shook her head, Ranma stood up and walked to the laundry room, where he disrobed and put his dirty clothing in the hamper.

He looked in the mirror. "Well, that oughta be enough foreplay. Time for the good stuff!" he said to his reflection with a smirk. Little Ranma was almost ready to go, and no doubt Nabiki was done with her carrot and waiting for him to return.

Kasumi smile grew more mischievous. Much better. Now, since they're both new at this, no doubt they'll start out gently. Nabiki will probably be a bit shy at first…

When Nabiki's Master returned to her sans clothing, the bunnygirl was positively overjoyed; she bounded over to the pigtailed teenager, clearly showing off her assets in an effort to convince him of her readiness.

It was certainly effective. "Well, looks like yer ready ta go. You look like ya got a lot of energy ta burn off. Am I right?"

Nabiki responded with an enthusiastic nod.

"Well, I wouldn't be much of a responsible owner if I didn't make sure ya got yer exercise. What say we start with a little dessert?"

Nabiki looked confused at first, but comprehension dawned on her face when her Master motioned toward his swelling member.

Ranma smiled and knelt down to make it easier for his pet to service him. Nabiki eagerly bounced into position and impatiently took her owner's shaft into her mouth—perhaps a bit too impatiently.

"Ow!" shouted Ranma as his pet grazed the tip of his cock with her teeth. "Watch it, Nabiki! I think yer teeth are sharper like this. Just take yer time."

But I don't wanna take my time—I want you to fuck me now! Admittedly, those were not exactly appropriate thoughts for a submissive, but then, nearly all of the energy the bunnygirl form gave Nabiki came in the form of horniness. Still, she didn't want an unhappy Master (because an unhappy Master would almost certainly not fuck her), so she reluctantly slowed down, slowly taking the shaft into her mouth, caressing it with her tongue as her hands softly massaged her owner's testes.

As she began to slide up and down the length of his rod, Ranma put one of his hands behind her head to help guide her. The other hand began stroking one of his bet's long, white bunny ears, exploring every inch of its surface from base to tip.

Nabiki tried her best to concentrate on pleasing her Master, but that wasn't exactly easy considering that Ranma's idle caresses of her ear were producing sensations that no one in history had ever felt before. It was odd; he was the one who was in control, yet it was she who always ended up feeling privileged by their relationship. Resolving to show her owner her appreciation, she redoubled her efforts to give him the oral pleasure he desired.

Is it just me, or is this mall getting warmer? Kasumi was a little unnerved as her body started to respond to her imagination. Usually, she'd have diverted her attention by now—continuing just felt creepy in a voyeuristic way, even if she wasn't actually spying on the couple. Her fantasies were getting a bit more intense…

Ranma was loving every second of his pet's ministrations, but he knew he'd have to stop—he didn't have his Denial Point activated, and if he came in Nabiki's mouth, he'd have to start the process of arousal all over again. He grabbed his pet's head and slowly dislodged her from is erection.

"That was good, Nabiki, but I think I'd like ta, ya know, 'take' ya right now."

The bunnygirl nodded and turned so she faced away from her Master, presenting her sex for him as she did so. Ranma wasted no time entering his pet, eager to once again feel her tightness around his shaft. The two of them began moving back and forth in synchronization, and soon, Nabiki's moans were almost loud enough to for a normal human hearing range.

Ranma, however, was a bit perturbed. Sure, he was asserting his ownership of Nabiki, and that always felt nice, but something felt… off. For a while he continued to pump into her, unsure of where his uneasiness was coming from, until he figured it out: her tail. Nabiki's puffy rabbit tail was ticking his stomach with every thrust, and that seemed to be decreasing his pleasure (he wasn't entirely sure why he hadn't had this problem with Nabiki's dog-girl form, but he figured that it was because a dog-girl's fur was somehow different from a bunnygirl's). Luckily, there was a simple solution.

"Nabiki? I know ya like it when I take ya from behind when yer an animal, but I think I wanna be facing ya for this."

The bunny girl obediently complied, twisting her body around her owner's shaft (and reveling in the sensations it caused) until they were once again facing each other. Ranma sat down on the floor and moved Nabiki's legs behind him. Once she understood, she wrapped her legs around the small of his back and began to move over the length of her Master's manhood.

Kasumi was certain of one thing. The two of them would come together—it was the most romantic way to climax.

Ranma knew his bunnygirl was about to orgasm—her moans were within a normal hearing range, which meant that a human Nabiki would have been loud enough to wake the dead. It was time. "Hold on just a little longer, okay, Nabiki?"

The bunnygirl nodded as she bounced on her Master's manhood.

Ranma knew he'd have to get the timing just right for this to work… "Okay, now!" He hugged his pet closely, squishing her breasts against his torso as he plunged inside of her as far as he could, releasing his seed while his face contorted and his muscles twitched with his orgasm. Nabiki, for her part, understood exactly what her master meant as soon as she felt his fluid rush into her, and the bunnygirl responded in kind, pressing down on her master in an effort to collect every drop of sperm from him as went through her own set of spasms. What was left of her intellect completely melted away, leaving nothing but raw emotion. She leaned forward and kissed her Master's lips.

Kasumi emerged from the stall with a barely noticeable flush on her face. She didn't masturbate very often, and never outside of the privacy of her room, but this was clearly a special case. Fortunately, the restroom had been empty, and she had managed to keep quiet enough to avoid attracting attention. Well, that was interesting. It disturbed her a little that her sister had had such a prominent position in her fantasy, but now that it was finished, she wasn't too concerned. The "Nabiki" in her mind was really just a version of herself with her sister's distinctive haircut. As for the "Ranma"… well, to be honest, she'd had fantasies about the real Ranma since the first time she'd seen him working out without a shirt. Kasumi sighed. It wouldn't do to fantasize extensively about her brother-in-law, as that could invite temptation. So, who should I think about now? Hmm… Dr. Tofu's certainly good-looking…

Once Nabiki returned to her human form, she looked at her owner expectantly. "So, Master, what are we doing next?"

Ranma glanced at the clock on the wall before answering. "Well, I don't wanna start another lovemakin' session just yet, 'cause Kasumi's gonna be comin' back ta check on us pretty soon, an' I really don't want her interruptin' anything."

Nabiki nodded. Kasumi probably doesn't want to interrupt anything either. "So what are we doing do until then?"

"I dunno. I guess we could watch a movie or somethin', unless you've got some ideas."

"I think I might."

"Well, don't just leave me hangin', tell me!"

"Master, I think we should talk."

"Talk? About what?"

"About a lot of things. Master, I think there's a few things we should clear up before we go any farther—if we don't talk about them now, in all likelihood they'll never come up. Do you understand me?"

"I guess. So what were you wonderin' about?"

"Well, first of all, I'd like to address your rules, specifically rule four."

"The housebroken one?"

"Yes. It's rather obvious that you, as you so eloquently put it, 'ain't inta that shit,' so why are you so concerned with how I do that?"

Ranma looked away for a second before answering his pet. "Well, when I was usin' that technique on ya, I just noticed that a lotta yer fantasies had ta do with that stuff. Ya know, like takin' ya for a walk an' makin' ya use a tree, or gettin' ya a litterbox an' makin' ya use that instead of the normal bathroom—stuff like that. Basically, it seemed like ya really wanted ta give me control over that." Nabiki started blushing—in hindsight, it seemed obvious that the original technique would be the explanation, but she'd never imagined it would be so thorough. Her Master continued, "But like I said, I ain't really interested in watchin' ya do it—in fact, it kinda makes me wanna hurl. So figured that this way, ya could still let me have control, but I'd get ta keep my lunch down."

Nabiki stared at her owner in what only could be described as admiration. He could have just totally ignored this interest of hers (which he didn't share) but instead he went out of his way to find an acceptable compromise. When she thought about it, rule four was amazing that way. It acknowledged her kink (though she agreed with her Master that scat was just plain disgusting, she was still a bit intrigued by watersports), and it did give him some control over it—but it also firmly stated that it would not be tolerated in his presence. If Master had indeed come up with that on the fly—well, it was just further testament to Ranma's well-documented ability to think fast under pressure. She had fantasized about belonging to Ranma plenty of times, sure, but she never imagined he would be such a considerate owner.

"Uh, Nabiki? Are ya okay?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, Master. Thank you for explaining that to me."

"No problem. Anythin' else?"

"Well, I was also wondering why you wanted to know if I'd be comfortable being ordered to have sex with someone else. Do you plan on sharing me? Not that I'd mind, if it was under your order, but—"

"Wh-what?! No! Yer mine, and I ain't lettin' anyone else have ya."


"Really. No matter how nicely they asked."

"But what if you ordered that person to?"

Ranma's eyes bugged out. "Nabiki… what are you saying?"

"I'm asking if you were planning on getting more pets."

"Ya mean… like a— a— whaddya call those ladies with the see-thru pants again?"

"A harem?"

"Yeah. Yer askin' if I want a harem?" At his pet's nod, Ranma out his hand to his temple. "Nabiki, I'm not sure I could handle more than you…"

"Forget about logistics for a moment. I'm not asking if you think you can, or if you've got someone specific in mind, I just want to know if that idea interests you."

Ranma's hand started to massage his temple as he formulated his answer. "To be honest… yeah, it does interest me, but I really don't think I'd be able ta pull it off. Besides, I just got you. Ain't it a little early to worry 'bout spicin' things up?"

"Master, I was just curious. Obviously, any decisions in this matter are yours to make. I just wanted to get this out of the way now, in case it ever comes up in the future."

"It's just that the thought of owning somebody else is just so overwhelming…"

"Well, don't worry about it."

"Alright, anything else?"

"Actually, there is something—or rather, someone we need to talk about."



Ranma frowned. "What about that tomboy?"

"How do you feel about her?"

"What does it matter?" snapped Ranma. "I'm married ta you."

"But you have feelings for her."

"What—No I—yer outta yer mind!" spluttered the martial artist.

"Really? Then why do you always try to protect her?"

"It's a martial artist's duty to protect the weak."

"Weak? Master, I'm weak. My sister, on the other hand is not."

"But she keeps getting kidnapped…"

"By people who are at your level. Against an average martial artist—in fact, against most expert martial artists, she wins easily. Being the worst fighter in the Nerima Wrecking Crew is like being the worst song by the Beatles. It's still better than 99% of everything else. And yet you continue to try and help her, even when she's got things under control. Why?"

"I—I dunno."

"Is it that you don't know, or that you don't want to admit you know."

"Can we talk about this later?"

"No, Master, we can't talk about this later, because you'll dodge the question again. And if we don't take care of this now, we'll probably get burned later on."

"So what do you want me ta say?"

"Just tell me—are you in love with my sister?"

"I— I'm not sure. Maybe. I'm not really sure what bein' in love is. I thought I might be in love with her, but then, well, you happened. And all of a sudden, it seems like I'm startin' ta feel the same way about you that did about her—that I still feel about her." Ranma slumped down, putting his head in his hands. "It's just so confusin'—I don't know if I'm in love or if I'm just bein' a pervert or if it's really somethin' else that I ain't never heard of."

Nabiki walked over to her owner. "Master…"

"I just— it's just so much easier ta just pretend that there ain't nuthin' there, ya know? I mean, I figured that if anything ever happened, then she wouldn't feel so bad—if she felt that way at all…" Ranma noticed his pet's arms encircling him. After a few seconds, he returned the hug.

"Master, it's all right if you're confused. You don't need to figure everything out at once—because it won't work. Believe me, I've tried. But you do need to figure this out eventually. You can't run away from it."

Ranma didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything. Instead, he just stood there, holding on to his pet.

Owner and pet were still embracing when the phone rang. "Should I get it, Master?"

Ranma nodded in response and watched Nabiki sashay over to the phone.

"Moshi moshi."

"Nabiki? It's me, Kasumi."

"Oh, hi, Kasumi. What's up?"

"Well, I've done quite a bit of shopping, and I wanted to drop my things off before I meet up with Akane, but I thought it would be best to call ahead and make sure you weren't… busy."

"Uh, no. We aren't 'busy' at the moment." Nabiki looked over to her owner, knowing that he could change that at any moment, but Ranma didn't look like he was going to do anything.

"Well, I'm on a pay phone about fifteen minutes away. I won't be disturbing you if I come in, will I?"

"In fifteen minutes?" Nabiki again looked at her Master for confirmation. When he quickly nodded, she answered her sister. "I don't think that will be a problem."

"Good." There was a brief pause before Kasumi began again. "Um, Nabiki, I know this might seem odd, and I really don't want to intrude, but would I be able to use the furo while I'm there? I promise not to take long."

"You want to use the furo?" Nabiki repeated, more so that Ranma could hear than from any lack of understanding on that part. Her owner nodded and wave his hand dismissively.

Kasumi, of course, couldn't see this, and answered her sister's question. "Yes, if it's not too much trouble."

"Uh, no, I don't think so—as long as you don't take too long, that is."

"Alright. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Bye."

"See you soon." Nabiki hung up the receiver and turned back to her spouse. "Kasumi is—"

"Comin' over in fifteen minutes an' she wants ta use the furo for some reason," finished Ranma. "I ain't completely dense, ya know."

"Of course. So, I guess I should head upstairs, right?"


"To change into some clothes—you don't want Kasumi to see me naked, do you?"

"'Course not. But what does that hafta do with you wearin' clothes?"

"Uh…" He's not going to…

"Rule five says that clothes and the collar don't go together without my permission, and I ain't gonna give permission."

He is. "But, how will I keep Kasumi from seeing me naked?"

"I'm sure you'll come up with somethin'—and by the way, ya ain't just gonna stay in yer room the whole time—and of course, yer not gonna tell her about our owner-pet thing if ya screw up."


"Hey, don't worry 'bout it. Yer a real inventive girl—I like that about ya, and I ain't about ta let ya get rusty. But ya better come up with a plan that I like quick—ya only got fifteen minutes."

Akane was, to put it mildly, confused. She had no idea how she felt about last night's events; she felt something, but she couldn't quite describe what it was. It wasn't anger—though there was quite a bit frustration when her father implied that he would name Nabiki as his heir. She'd gotten him to hold off on that, implying that there were still ways to join the schools even if the heirs weren't married. Nor was it a feeling of relief to learn that she would no longer be pressured into a marriage before she was ready. She didn't feel betrayed by her sister and brother-in-law for some reason, possibly because from her observations of the two it appeared that their relationship was genuine.

This was not what Akane would have expected; until last night, she'd thought there was a definite possibility that she was in love with Ranma, but if that was the case, then why didn't she feel any resentment towards the newlyweds or loss over the abandoned relationship between Ranma and her? She did know that she had some sexual attraction for Ranma (at least his male form), and that was something that had always scared her—it made her feel like the perverts who used to come after her every morning when she had fantasies about her then-fiancé. She also knew that she liked the baka, at least a little—more than a little, actually. In fact, she'd always believed that they could have easily become very close friends were it not for the intense strangeness that surrounded their original meeting, and the fact that they actually were pretty good friends was quite remarkable.

But liking someone and loving someone are two entirely different, though related, concepts—even if their fathers couldn't seem to recognize the difference. Maybe if they hadn't been constantly interfering, she and Ranma could have fallen in love. But that was in the past—Ranma was Nabiki's husband now, and Akane, well, she didn't know what to think.

I just wish I knew how I felt about this. It was a line she had been repeating to herself all throughout the surprisingly uneventful day at Furinkan. She was so fixated on this, that she hadn't really paid much attention to anything that day. Her classmates seemed to be interpreting her withdrawn state as one of her "powder keg" moods and mostly left her alone. This was fine with her—she wanted to at least try figuring things out on her own before she asked for help. That was why she'd brushed off Kasumi's attempts to talk to her last night; she'd gotten her eldest sister to agree to a "girls' night out" instead.

So far, she had decided that she was honestly happy for Ranma and Nabiki—if they were really in love, that is. Sure, she still had a few problems to work out with them, and she knew that that would most likely not be easy, but she was confident that she could be reasonable—especially if Kasumi was present as a moderator.

Speaking of Kasumi… I hope I don't have to spend too much time waiting for her after school—I really don't want to talk about this with anyone else right now.

Ranma opened the door of the Tendo home to find Kasumi with several bags of purchases. "Hey Kasumi, let me take those up ta yer room for ya."

"Thank you, Ranma. How's your day been?"

"Pretty good, so far."

"That's nice. Is Nabiki around."

Ranma turned his head so that his sister-in-law couldn't see his smirk. "Oh, I think she's around her somewhere…"

Nabiki let the warm water in the furo relax her muscles as she tried to figure out how she would handle this. Her owner hadn't given her a lot of time to come up with a plan for dealing with Kasumi—and in that brief time, the only idea that came to her was to be in the furo along with her sister. Ranma had, thankfully, approved the plan, but it came with its own set of problems. While this certainly wouldn't be the first time she'd be having a bath with Kasumi, it would be the first time that Nabiki would be wearing a strip of black leather around her neck while the two were bathing together—and Nabiki doubted that Kasumi would go the whole time without commenting on it.

She was still trying to figure out how to respond when she heard the door to the furo open and saw Kasumi enter with a change of clothing.

"Nabiki! I didn't expect to find you in here!"

The mercenary/pet slunk down until the water obscured her collar. "Yes, well, when you said you wanted to use the furo, I thought that sounded like a good idea—you don't mind me being here, do you?"

"Of course not; really, I'm the one who's imposing on you. I won't be long—in fact, I'm just going to clean myself off. After all, I don't want to keep Akane waiting."

"Right." This was good—perhaps Kasumi wouldn't even notice the collar.

Kasumi undressed quickly and began soaping herself up. As she did, she decided to strike up a conversation with her sister. "So, has your day been going well?"

"Um, yeah, I'd say it's been going pretty well."

"Having a good time?"


"Any details?"

"I thought you said you weren't going to pry into our sex life?"

Kasumi smiled warmly at that. "I did, and I meant it—I was just joking a little."

"Oh." Nabiki decided to keep the conversation going to avoid looking suspicious. "Well, how about you?"

"Hmm? Oh, well, I had a good time shopping in that new mall—I found some pretty good deals." She didn't bother mentioning what else she'd done while shopping—Nabiki didn't need to know about her sex life (such as it was) either.

Kasumi finished cleaning herself off and proceeded to dump a bucket of cold water over her head to rinse. After walking home from the mall with some rather embarrassing bodily fluids on her person, it felt good to have everything cleaned off again. She stood up and stretched herself out. She would have liked to get in the tub with her sister, but she didn't want too keep Akane waiting at her school for too long. Still, that didn't stop her from glancing at Nabiki—and when she did, she noticed something odd.

"What is it? Is something wrong?"

"Um, Nabiki?"

"Yes, Kasumi?"

"I hope you don't mind me asking… but why are you wearing that collar?"


"Or is it a necklace that just looks like a collar? I'm not questioning your fashion choices, but I do think it's a little unusual to wear jewelry while you're taking a bath."

Think fast, Nabiki. "Oh, that. I guess I must have forgotten to take it off—it's actually kind of comfortable when you get used to it."

"Well, shouldn't you take it off? After all, won't the water make the buckle rust?"

"Uh, I don't think so—I'm pretty sure it's stainless steel." Please let her drop the subject…

Unfortunately, Kasumi didn't drop the subject; in fact, she focused in on the one topic Nabiki had been trying desperately to avoid: "Nabiki, why are you acting so strangely? Is something going on?"

Nabiki felt a definite sense of déjà vu—this was pretty much the same situation she'd been in 24 hours ago, only this time she was pretty sure that Ranma wouldn't provide any Master ex machina for her this time. Luckily, she could still use the tactic that she hadn't used yesterday: requesting that her sister remain willfully ignorant. "Kasumi, I really don't want to have to do this, but I can't tell you. I know the way I'm acting sounds suspicious, and in fact, if you really put your mind to it, I'm sure you could figure out what was going on. But this—this is part of something that needs to stay a secret for now. Maybe someday I'll be able to explain, but not now…" Nabiki trailed off, trying to think of some way out of this. "Kasumi, I hate lying to you, and if you start asking me questions like this, I'll have to do that—it's my only option."

This got Kasumi's attention, though probably not the way her sister had intended. "Nabiki… if something's wrong…"

The response was immediate. "No! Nothing's wrong at all—in fact, this collar is part of one of the best things that's ever happened in my life." Nabiki had totally dropped the "Ice Queen" persona—Kasumi had to know that there was nothing wrong. "It's just that I'm not sure that you're ready to hear about it—no, on second thought, I know you're not ready to hear it, and the same goes with pretty much everyone else in Nerima. I know this is a lot to ask, but as your sister, I need you to trust me on this—right now, the less you know, the better."

Kasumi didn't answer right away; instead, she just looked at her sister's face, trying to see if there was anything she should have been truly worried about—though her eyes kept darting to that mysterious strip of black leather around Nabiki's neck. She wasn't quite sure what this was all about, but it was obvious that her sister thought this needed to remain a secret, and Nabiki usually had good instincts about that sort of thing. She finished toweling herself off.

"Well, you're right about one thing—you are asking a lot—but I suppose I'll have to trust you…" A sudden thought occurred to her. "Does Ranma have something to do with this?" Upon seeing the panic-stricken look on Nabiki's face, she realized she'd made a mistake. "Oh, I'm sorry—I'll… I'll try not to pry into this, but it's going to be difficult."

"I know. But I wouldn't ask you to do it if I didn't think you could."

"One last thing…"


"Did you put that collar on before or after it got wet?"

"Um, before. Why?"

"Nothing—it's just that leather gets tighter as it dries out; if you put that around your neck when it was wet, you could become asphyxiated. Also, unless you keep it properly oiled, the leather itself will probably degrade—of course, that's assuming that your collar is made of real leather and not some sort of imitation…"

"Oh." Nabiki had to resist breathing a sigh of relief—it made sense that Kasumi would want to share household hints when it could improve a family member's wellbeing. "Don't worry about it—I'm certain that won't happen. Like I said, it was dry when I put it on, and it was pretty loose then." Her Master was generally careful, and even if he did suffer a lapse, he'd made it understood that he would tolerate disobedience (or at least the questioning of his orders) if there was an overriding safety concern. Besides, she'd worn it while he was giving her a bath during their first encounter, and nothing happened, so it had to be pretty water resistant, right? Still, she'd have to bring this up with her owner soon after Kasumi left.

"Well, make sure I'll let you get back to your soaking."

"All right. You and Akane have fun tonight, okay?"

"I'm sure we will."

"Oh, and Kasumi?"


"Thank you."

Kasumi simply smiled as she finished dressing.

Nabiki breathed a sigh of relief as her sister exited the furo—she'd managed to keep her relationship with her owner a secret. Granted, if Kasumi was a little more knowledgeable about unusual sexual practices she would have been toast, and she still had to resort to what was essentially begging to get her sister to promise not to pry further into this, but her tactic was still a success—at least she hoped it was.

As Kasumi left her home to meet Akane, she thought about the decidedly unusual conversation she'd had with Nabiki. Despite what some persons might think, she wasn't totally oblivious. The context of the conversation left absolutely no doubt in her mind that the collar had something to do with her sister's sex life—it was the few subjects that Nabiki felt uncomfortable talking to Kasumi about, and all of the other possible explanations certainly wouldn't qualify as "one of the best things" in Nabiki's life. Besides, from the mischievous look in Ranma's eye when he first greeted her, it was certain that he knew (and approved) of the collar—or at least, whatever the collar was a larger part of, and let's face it, pretty much all of their activities that day would have some sort of sexual aspect to them. What confused Kasumi was how a dog collar could possibly come into play when two people were making love.

As far as Kasumi was concerned, there were basically two aspects of sex worthy of attention: emotional bonding, and mutual gratification. But one didn't need accessories for that—not really. Perhaps it was a bit like lingerie. After all, covering up select parts of the female body usually increased the desire of one's lover to remove said coverings. But this possibility left Kasumi with the same question—Why a collar? It was all so very confusing…

Then again, Nabiki had been pretty sure that her older sister wasn't ready to hear all of the details. And Kasumi had promised not to look any further into this…

With a sigh, Kasumi reluctantly let the subject drop. She'd made her promise, and besides, she had to turn her attention to her night out with Akane, anyway.

After drying herself off, Nabiki rejoined her Master in the living room.

"Is the coast clear?"

"Yeah. Guess everything went okay, huh?"

"I suppose so. It wasn't exactly my finest hour, but I managed to get the job done."

"Whaddya mean?"

"Well, Kasumi noticed my collar, and she used the 'concerned maternal figure' routine on me. I can never trick her when she's like that, mostly because she only pulls it out when she really is concerned about something, so I had to resort to begging her not to ask any more questions. I think she's naïve enough about sex that she hasn't figured anything out—she's probably confused more than anything else."

Ranma looked worried at this. "Are ya sure about that? After all, she's shown us over and over that she's sharper than she looks."

"Master, Kasumi's opinions about sex are so old-fashioned, she probably thinks that the cowgirl position is kinky—I doubt she knows very much about the sort of thing we do. Besides, she's promised me she won't pry, and I trust her."

"Well, alright. Guess I may have been asking for too much."

"Like I said, I wouldn't worry about it." Nabiki then changed the subject to something a bit more pressing. "Master, is it safe to get this collar wet? I submerged it in the furo when I first tried to hide it from Kasumi, and before she left she mentioned something about leather shrinking as it dries."

"Huh? Oh—I don't think ya gotta worry 'bout that. The guy at the pet shop said it wasn't real leather—some sorta fancy plastic or somethin'."

"Oh… wait—the pet shop?"

"Um—yeah… where else would I get all that stuff for the first time?"

Nabiki would have made a comment about a certain type of "specialty" store, but she realized that there was no way in hell her owner would have been able to work up the courage to go to one of those on his own, so she let the subject drop. "Well then, what will we be doing next, Master? Or haven't you thought that far ahead yet?"

"Uh… not really… other than what we did this morning with the Denial Point, I've just sorta been wingin' it, ya know? Why? Do ya have any ideas?"

Nabiki gave her owner a playful smirk. "Well, now that you mention it…"

"Well, now that you mention it, I was hoping we could start the process of helping you appreciate your cursed form—you did say you wanted my help with that, and this is one of few times we're almost certain to have privacy…"

Ranma sighed. His pet was right, of course. This would be a good time to start that, and the fact that he was so nervous about it just went to show how necessary it was. "Ya got an idea on how ta do that?"

"A few, actually. But first I need to know if you want to do this now, Master. I don't want to push you."

"Nah, it's alright—I think I might really need this."

"Good. Now, do you want me to keep my collar on, or do you not want to let that part of our sex life to get involved in this yet? I have ideas on how to do this either way."

Ranma gave some thought to that. It might make him less nervous if Nabiki was his nominal equal when they did this the first time—but he dismissed that idea. After all, in reality, the collar was little more than an indicator of how he wanted his pet to behave at any given time. "May as well keep wearin' it. After all, it's not like ya aren't my pet when ya ain't wearin' it, so it's not like we can keep our sex life outta anythin' else, right?"

Nabiki smiled—she was hoping her Master would choose to do it this way. Not that she wouldn't have been glad to do it under any circumstances, but this way would be more… interesting. "Alright, Master. Just give me ten minutes to set things up, and then meet me in the furo, okay?"

Set things up? What does she mean by that? Ranma's curiousity was certainly piqued. "Alright… ya sure ya won't need any help?"

"No, Master, I don't think so… it would probably be best if you couldn't prepare yourself mentally for what I have in mind. And with that in mind, could I request that you stay in your room for those ten minutes?"

"Sure, you can request that."

"And will you grant me that request?"

"I suppose—but this better be worth it."

"Oh, it will, Master. I have no doubt about that."

Kasumi was late; popping in for a quick cleanup had taken quite a bit longer than she expected due to Nabiki's unusual behavior. And her promise not to pry any further into that collar issue—she'd try her best to keep it, but she wasn't exactly sure how long she'd be able to keep her curiosity in check after that exchange. What did Nabiki mean when she said I "wasn't ready"—Kasumi abruptly cut off her thoughts before they could go any further. Nothing good could come from that train of thought.

To get her mind off of Nabiki, she went over the schedule for her night with Akane. Alright, once I pick up Akane, we'll head over to Dr. Tofu's so she can change out of her uniform, and then we'll head back to the shopping district—Akane can pick up something nice to help her get over the loss of Ranma. Then, around six, we can see a movie, and when that's done we'll have dinner—or should it be dinner, then a movie? Kasumi paused as she attempted to make up her mind, only to start moving again after a few seconds. After all, she was late, and didn't have the luxury of stopping right now. I suppose I'll have to decide later… or maybe I'll let Akane decide. But either way, we're going to want to keep the conversation light over dinner, so we can't really discuss her feelings about this then… I suppose I'll just have wait until the time is right to do that. At least, I hope that there will be a right time. But anyway, after that, perhaps we can partake in some of the city's nightlife, and if there's still time left after we're done, we can take a walk in the park. Then we can come home, and I suppose Akane can pick up that uniform on the way back from school tomorrow.

All in all, Kasumi had a nice evening planned… well, she probably would have liked it arranged in more detail, preferably down to the minute, but perhaps there was something to be said for flexibility in this case. She turned the corner to see the entrance to Furinkan—and a mildly irritated Akane staring at her watch and tapping her foot. Oh, my. I hope she hasn't been waiting for too long. In any case, Kasumi wasn't about to let her youngest sister wait any longer than she had to, so she called out, "Akane!"

Ranma sat in his room, wondering what his pet actually had planned to help him with his curse—and more importantly, why that plan involved him sitting in his room while Nabiki took care of some sort of "preparations." He almost came out to see what was going on as he heard Nabiki grunting, as though she was moving a large object down the stairs. What in the world is she up to?

Sure, there was really nothing keeping him in his room; in a relationship like theirs, an instruction from Nabiki had all the force of a polite suggestion. If he decided to see what was going on for himself, she might be a little disappointed, but she'd hardly be angry about it, and there wasn't much she could have done anyway. But it was just so nice to see this side of Nabiki—a side that was eager to help him, rather than trying to bilk him for everything he had. He didn't really want to do anything to discourage this part of Nabiki's personality. In fact, one might say that one of his goals was to train his pet until occurrences like the one happening at the moment were commonplace.

So, he waited—and sure enough, almost as soon as the ten minutes Nabiki had asked for expired, she called upstairs, "Okay, Master! You can come down to the furo now!"

Ranma screwed up his face upon entering the furo—he was pretty damn sure that it hadn't contained a large object covered by a sheet the last time he'd cleaned himself, and yet, leaning against the wall next to his beaming pet, there it was… whatever it was. "What the heck is that?"

"All in due time, Master. Would you mind getting undressed?"

Ranma didn't really mind this at all, and soon shed his garments. "Okay, Nabiki. What've ya got in mind?"

"Well, you know how you said you were open to the idea of a harem?"

Ranma wasn't sure what this had to do with his problem, but he figured that Nabiki had to have a good reason for bringing it up. "Uh, I guess… though it ain't somethin' I plan on jumpin' right into."

"I know, Master, but really, from a certain point of view, you could say that you already have a harem."

"Huh? What the heck are ya talkin' about?"

"I mean that you already have another girl—in fact, you've had her for some time. You just haven't been willing to take advantage of that yet."

"What? Who?"

Instead of answering directly, Nabiki picked up a bucket and splashed her owner in the face with cold water, leaving the redhead sputtering for a moment. With a flourish, Nabiki pulled down the sheet to reveal a full-length mirror. "She is the other girl who belongs to you."

Ranma-chan finally pushed the wet, red hair from her eyes, revealing an expression that was somewhere between confusion and disbelief on her face. "Um, Nabiki, that girl is me."

Nabiki smirked at her owner. "And you own yourself, don't you?"

"Well… I guess…."

"Well, 'Mistress,'" Nabiki said with a definite twinkle in her eye, "that means you own the redhead as much as you own me—more so, in fact."

Ranma sighed. "I dunno, Nabiki. I mean, I can kinda see where yer comin' from, an' I appreciate that yer tryin' ta use my thing for Domination ta help, but this whole idea seems kinda weird."

"Come on, Mistress, it's not like I'm even trying to get you to completely accept your female form yet. I'm just trying to help you get into the proper mindset where you can feel comfortable doing some… exploration."

Ranma was still hesitant. "Eh…."

Nabiki decided that she'd have to pull the 'sad puppy face' trick again. "Please?"

Ranma wanted to say no… but ironically, she found that she just couldn't refuse her pet. Not when she was trying this hard to please her, anyway. "Okay… I'll give it a shot."

"Thank you, Mistress!" This was going to be good. "Okay, now, like I was saying, you own that redhead in the mirror in an even more personal way than you own me."

"Um, I'm still Dominant when I'm a girl, though."

"Work with me, here. Just because your redhead doesn't wear a collar, and just because I will gladly submit to the redhead as readily as I will to the handsome young man, doesn't mean the redhead has any independence apart from—she depends on you for her very existence."

Ranma was still a little wary of the way her pet spoke of her girlform as though it were a different person, but she decided to play along. "Okay… so I own her?"

"Of course. You can make that redhead do absolutely anything you want her to, and she can't refuse; she'll never be able to refuse you, because she is you."

Surprisingly, as she stared at the naked girl in the mirror, Ranma really was starting to get into the mindset her pet spoke of. "Yeah… I… I think I understand… k-keep going…."

Nabiki walked up behind her owner and embraced her, wrapping her arms around her midsection and pressing her breasts into her back. "This girl… this woman, is yours, and that means that you have every right to explore and take pleasure from every inch of her body."

Ranma was starting to breathe heavier now. "And… and if I like it?"

Nabiki tightened her embrace as she spoke quietly into her owner's ear: "Then you're taking pleasure in that which belongs to you. It's no different than when you take enjoyment from my body. My body exists for your fulfillment, as does yours. The fact that you can enjoy your female body won't make Ranma Saotome any less of a man." The pet wasn't sure if she was violating a rule, but right now, she didn't care. Her owner's long-term wellbeing was at stake, and if she had to take some punishment in order to get her point across, then so be it.

Ranma closed her eyes—she could almost see where Nabiki was coming from… the redhead did belong to her… and she would obey Ranma without question… sort of. Why should she be afraid of enjoying her self?

Ranma's pet continued speaking: "You've let your curse control you for so long… and I, for one, think you should take that control back." Sure, Nabiki was exaggerating her owner's situation a bit for dramatic effect, but it seemed to be working, as the redhead's muscles loosened and she let forth the tiniest of moans.

Encouraged, Nabiki slid a hand onto her owner's breast—which elicited a gasp from Ranma, who quickly broke from the embrace and turned to face her pet. "I'm sorry, Nabiki, but I just ain't ready for… for somethin' like that. Not yet." She sighed, "I know ya tried hard, and I gotta admit that tryin' ta use the whole Domination thing ta get me ta look at this in a different way was pretty creative, but… but I just ain't ready for sex as a girl—with or without help."

"You don't need to apologize to me, Mistress," Nabiki replied. "I'm hardly in any position to tell you what you should do with your body."

"Speakin' of which, I think I'd like ta get back in my male one right now."

Nabiki simply gestured towards the furo. Ranma picked up the bucket her pet had splashed her with earlier, dipped it into the steaming water, and poured the contents over her head. "Much better," he commented. "Now, I believe we have a little matter to resolve."

"We do, Master?"

"Yeah. Ya called me 'Ranma' a few minutes ago, an' that's a definite no-no."

"I'm sorry Master—it was… force of habit I suppose."

Ranma smirked. "Well, I suppose even the best pets still gotta be trained, right?"

"Whatever you say, Master."

"I'm pretty sure that's the whole point."