Hey this is frozen2night.

This is a challenge that I accepted from DarkbladeNaruto.

I was in a bit of a depression at the time of accepting it.

Thanks to the confidence I gained from the review of my other story 'Start of a Legend'. I was able to work on this one.

Before all I don't own DxD or Naruto.

Story start!

Prologue: Revelations

"Ugh." Groaned a young teen who has awakened from his slumber. His body was both sore and aching, with pain jolting on his right shoulder. Obsidian blue slowly revealed themselves to see a white ceiling. One that he has frequently seen in his childhood. 'A hospital…great.'

The teen lifted himself from the hospital bed taking a sitting position. His spiky sun kissed blond hair shined sunlight. Part of his face along with the rest of his body was covered in Medical tape. He had a grey long sleeve shirt and pants. This boy is Naruto Uzumaki.

'How did I ended up here?' thought the blond as he recalled his fight with a certain Uchiha.

The fight was destructive to say the least. They had gone all out in that duel. He was stabbed by that a Chidori right where the jolt of pain was. Later he tapped into the Kyūbi's chakra while the teme tapped the cursed seal power. Then everything went blank.

"How do you feel?"

Naruto turned to look at the source of the voice their entering the room was a brown eyes and straight, shoulder-length blonde hair that she usually keeps tied in two loose ponytails. she wears a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizeable cleavage. She had on an open-toed, strappy black sandals with high heels. She has red polish on both her fingernails and toenails and uses a soft pink lipstick. This woman is Tsunade Senju, the Godaime Hokage.

"I feel great…uhm was I able to bring Sasuke?" asked Naruto curiously.

Tsunade sighed and walked towards him and took a seat beside his bed. "You were successful in stopping the Uchiha. Kakashi found you two knocked out on the water. Brought the two of you to the hospital."

"That is great. I was able to keep my promise." Said Naruto with a smile.

"…However." The busty Hokage said capturing Naruto's attention. "The Civilian Council with the signature of the Fire Daimyo. Has decided to…banish you."


Tsunade looked at the devastated boy. "I'm sorry Naruto. Even do I tried to veto the banishment. They used Konoha Law against me, making it impossible to do anything. My granduncle, Tobirama, was very good when it comes to covering any form of loopholes. Now they used his own law to banish you."

Naruto looked crushed. He has brought them the last Uchiha, and defeated a giant sand monster for them and what does he get? Banishment.

"But this brings me to the reason why I am here." Tsunade stood up. "Naruto I know you are almost fully healed. So I will bring you to learn of your inheritance."

"M-my inheritance?" asked the boy curiously.

"Yes, it's time for you to collect everything that belongs to your parents. Since you no longer will be a shinobi or civilian. All of their belongings will be yours." Said Tsunade. She did a sly smile at her own use of Konoha law.

-behind the Hokage Monument-

Tsunade and Naruto soon appeared before a small house that looks fit for three people. It looked simple and not so extravagant.

"Okay Naruto place your hand on the door and put a bit of your chakra into it." Instructed Tsunade.

Naruto following her instructions placed the hand on the door and put chakra into the door. Soon the door opened revealing the inside of the house. The odd thing was that there was no sign of accumulation of dust or cobwebs. Naruto walked up to a painting that was on the family room.

On the picture was a man with similar look to Naruto only with bangs on the side. Beside him was a red haired woman with violet eyes. He had a sensation of knowing who these two people where. "Mom…Dad?" his voice sounded like it was going to croak.

Tsunade stood behind Naruto and placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort them. "Yes Naruto these are your parents. Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Or by their true names Minato Sitri and Kushina Bael."

"Sitri…Bael?" asked a confused Naruto.

Tsunade took a seat on the chair that was in the room. "A very small few knew of your parent's true name. Those that knew was me, Jiraiya and Sarutobi. They decided to use alternate names to start a new life here in Konoha. Kushina decided to have the name of Uzumaki as a way to honor the deceased clan of my grandmother. But they weren't as you can say 'normal'."

"How are my parents not normal?"

"Well your parents came from another dimension. And they are devils." Said the female blond dropping the bomb.

Naruto looked depressed at being called a monster. "So I really am a dem- OW!" shouted the boy in pain. As Tsunade hit him in the head hard.

"You are not a demon. You are a devil an entirely different thing from what you have read and heard." Said the medic nin. "Now don't call yourself that got it?" Naruto nodded quickly in fear.

"Good. Now you see Kushina's father didn't approve of her relationship with Minato. And she was also arranged to marriage another man from a different 'clan'. But the two were so in love that they eloped and escaped to Konoha to avoid her clan's wrath in such humiliation. Your parents soon saw Konoha as their own family and joined the shinobi forces. Your mother gained the moniker of Red Death for the sight of her red hair being their last. And you already know the moniker of your father." Said the Woman getting a nod from the boy.

"But why are you telling me this now? Why did Jiji tell me?" asked Naruto.

"Because…he wanted to use you as a weapon." Said Tsunade shocking the Jinchūriki. "Your parents told him of their respected clans ability along with me and Jiraiya. From Kushina's side she has an ability called 'Power of Destruction' which allowed her to send a powerful attack of black with red lining energy that destroy anything. From your father side was enhanced intelligence along with the ability to manipulate wind, water and ice. And combine that with the Kyūbi sealed inside of you…"

"I could over power any of the villages like it was nothing."

The woman nodded. "Yes he saw an opportunity to have the most powerful soldier that could make Konoha the most dominant village in the Elemental Nation. I learned of this when I read his black book, I was disgusted by how far he would go for the sake of power" Tsunade soon pulled out a white sheet of paper. "Naruto…since you now know the truth take this." She said handing him a paper with a blue insignia. "After you collect everything that is within this house use that contract seal to summon Minato's cousin. His name is Turbido Sitri most likely the current head of the Sitri family."

The blond shakily took the paper and looked at the blue design. Without knowing it he was hugged by Tsunade. "Be happy Naruto. You deserve this, more than anyone."

Naruto began to muster tears on his eyes at those words. His life always was a struggle never able to find true happiness. "I-I will…Tsunade."

Tsunade soon lifted herself and let Naruto to himself in his parent's home.

Once she was gone Naruto walked to the studies of the house. Their it had tips on how to use his mother's Power of Destruction. Along with some spells for wind, water and ice. When Naruto took seat on the chair he saw a letter written to him and blue symbol. Taking the letter he opened it and began to read the contents.

To my son, Naruto

If you are reading this. It means that both I and your mother had died. And we are sorry for not being able to raise you, and be there for you. But hope my cousin Turbido was able to raise you to a fine young man. And hopefully awakened your demonic power after you unlocked your chakra. Since I am writing this letter while the Kyūbi has began to attack, your mother is keeping it at bay so I can write this. You see Naruto us devil's are unable to seal Yoki into our systems. So I have sealed it away so that you are able to develop a chakra path way to use the Kyūbi's chakra. Best of luck my son for you may be the first devil to be able to use both chakra and yoki.

We love you,

Your father Minato Sitri and mother Kushina Bael.

After reading the letter Naruto began to cry in joy and anger. Joy for knowing that his parents loved him and also some relatives still alive. And angry that the man he saw as a grandfather betrayed him and took him away from having a happy young devil soon picked the paper up and focused on it. Soon the paper of his hand floated away and it turned into a blue glyph with the same symbol that was on it.

Soon the figure of a man began to appear. Their before him was a tall, bespectacled, and handsome man with short, black hair and violet eyes. He dresses in a dark suit and wears white gloves. The man looked down at the boy. His eyes widened as he looked at the boy.


Naruto shook his head. "I am not my father. I am Naruto Uz- Sitri Bael. His son and your 1st cousin once removed." This was how Naruto's life finally had a turn for the better. And going into a future than no one will be able to foresee. After all he is still the most unpredictable person in all of the Elemental Nations.