Summary: A drop in the ocean. A player of shadows arrives. And the cycle of rebirth begins.


Breaking Tomorrow


Trusting the Wrong Person


Children, children that will bring hope in a world filled with despair. You are the ones that will put life back into this barren earth, so the dreams of this future are placed on you.

Seems like a lot of pressure, right?

But what if those dreams are placed on the wrong people? For example, you can trust your dreams to a politician, but they won't always fulfil them. They will lie to you with sweet promises, and within seconds those promises would be broken. Now could you say the same for yourself? Would you promise to fulfil those dreams of bringing a great future to this Earth? If you did, would you break it?

There are many reasons why promises are broken, but not all are good.

For Harry, at the age of 10, a year before Harry's mother died and a few years after he had learnt to fly, he had promised his mother something, something that would cause a lot of internal conflicts in the future. It would be something that would cause a lot of…




Harry was in agony.

Well, not in a physical sense, but more in the mental sense. This was because the servants in this house were utterly useless, they caused him a lot of headaches. A week had gone by and he was adjusting to living in the manor, but having disasters happening in every corner was exhausting, though it kept him on his toes.

"And how did you break all these pieces of china, Mey Rin?" Harry asked the maid while pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"I-I was trying to c-clean them, but I t-tripped," she stuttered.

Harry sighed. "Be grateful Sebastian is out with the Young Master."

"Yes," she responded looking down.

"But at least you're not hurt," Harry said softly causing her to glance up in surprise. "Return to your other duties. I will deal with this mess."

He smiled reassuringly as her cheeks tinted red in response.

"T-Thank you."

When she left the room, Harry dropped his smile and sighed once again. He gazed down upon the broken pieces and contemplated fixing them with his magic, but decided against the idea as he would have to explain how he fixed them to Mey Rin if she asked.

After he was done carefully throwing all the pieces in the bin, he felt the presence of the Young Master and the demon step into the room. He walked to the front door to greet them. The other servants were also there.

"Welcome home, Young Master," they said cheerfully.

Ciel only nodded in acknowledgment.

"The manor does not seem to be in a state of disaster for once," Sebastian said taking note of his surroundings.

"Of course," the strawberry-blond haired gardener beamed. "We always look after the house properly when you are gone."

Harry held back a scoff and observed the servants incredulously. Yeah, if it was not for my help.

"Well, it's almost time for lunch," the demon announced. "Harry, come help me prepare the food."

Harry nodded and began to follow him into the kitchen. In the week Harry had been here he had found out certain things about the demon, like how he was the one who cooked the Young Master's dishes, not the chef, Bard, and Harry could see why. Though Bard was a kind man, who in their right mind would use a flamethrower to cook food?

"What are we cooking?" Harry asked as they arrived in the kitchen.

"We are going to be making an Haute cuisine." Sebastian explained. "It will appeal to the Young Master's taste, as it is a lighter dish. So please start by cutting the fresh vegetables."

Harry grabbed a vegetable and a knife and began cutting it on the chopping board.

"You seem to show immense skill at cooking, Harry," Sebastian observed after 30 minutes. "Who taught you to cook if I may ask?"

"My mother," Harry answered falsely as he stirred the pot. "She was not a chef, but her cooking was known to be heavenly."

The real reason Harry was good at cooking was because he had been a high-class chef in one of his many previous lives. He used to own a 5-star restaurant, thus he knew all kinds of dishes, across cultures and periods, but he could not share this knowledge to the demon, as it would raise questions.

"I would love to meet your moth-"

"You would not be able to," Harry interrupted. "She's dead."

Harry felt the bluntness of his words cause the demon to pause, but he quickly resumed his work.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Empty words. That's what you would say.

Harry said nothing in return. He just began dusting seasonings on the meat frying in the pan.

30 minutes more had passed and the meal was ready. It was presented in the dining room to Ciel who enthusiastically consumed the food. A simple dinner was also made for the servants, they ate in the kitchen after the Young Master finished.

"This is amazing, Sebastian," Bard exclaimed while munching on his piece of meat.

The other's nodded furiously in agreement while eating their own dish.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I could not have done it without Harry's help."

They all turned toward Harry as if they were admiring him in a new light.

"So, the new kid is good at cooking, huh?" Bard questioned.

Harry scratched his head in embarrassment under their curious gazes. Even after all these years, he would never be used to being the centre of attention.

"Aren't you going to eat as well, Harry?" Mey Rin asked.

Harry shook his head. "I'm not hungry. Please enjoy the meal."

"We will!" They said and turned their attention back to eating their food.

Harry stepped out of the kitchen and began his stroll towards the garden. He needed some fresh air and time alone. It was not that he hated being in this house with these people, but he was accustomed to his own company.

Finding a spot under a tree, Harry sat down. He let the cool spring air caress his skin. Lunch was the one of the only times he could be left alone, as everyone one else was busy eating. Today he proved himself unlucky. The demon was walking his way.

"So, this is where you are during lunch?" Sebastian said, shuffling down beside Harry.

Harry tensed up and the demon did not fail to notice this, but he asserted nothing.

"What do you want?"

The demon chuckled. "Are you always this untrusting of people?"

Only demons, he thought, though he not say it out loud.

"I just wish to talk," the demon explained.

"About what?"

"Can't I get to know you?"

Harry's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Sure…"

"You don't seem to believe me but I am genuinely hoping to be friends with you."


Harry thought back to this past week. The demon had not done anything that would harm him, even though his scent grew more potent. This made Harry wonder if he could trust the demon. He thought back to the promise he made his mother.

"I'm sorry," Harry spoke after a moment, "but I cannot be friends with you."

The demon frowned. "May I ask why?"

"That's a…"




Summer had arrived and the days were slowly getting hotter, but Harry took no notice of it. Instead he was focused on something else entirely.

They're hiding something.

The Young Master and Sebastian.

Harry had noticed this when Ciel received a letter this morning, resulting in the young master and the demon taking a trip to London for a couple days. Though not without Harry placing a listening charm on the boy.

It was during those few days that he found out the secret Ciel and Sebastian kept hidden. Sebastian was bound to Ciel through a contract, in exchange for his soul. Harry also found that Ciel was some sort of an investigator for the Queen, as they were working on the controversial and much talked about Jack the Ripper. However, the case had come to an end, not without casualties. The last of the victim being the ripper herself, Madam Red.

It had hurt Harry to find out that Madam Red was behind the killings. He could do nothing about it now, but let the dead rest in this time of…




After Madam Red's funeral, Ciel did not speak to anyone for the rest of the day. He kept to his study and only allowed Sebastian in. Harry knew it was because the boy did not want to let anyone see him grieve, as it exposed his weakened state.

He is but a child forced to grow too quickly, Harry thought, pitying the boy. Although, he could not help but relate to his pain as he was once in that position. If there was one thing Harry had learnt, it was to never be afraid of displaying your sorrow, it never meant that you were weak. It never meant that you could not stand on your own. It meant you could have others by your side to help you heal.

This was something Harry did not have, because he knew it would always follow. It being…


Death and Destruction


Children. Dear children, the event that caused Harry so much pain, so much ache, with it memories of the deaths of his loved ones. The destruction of something so sacred to him and his people that they could not survive without it.

So, he made a choice to change it.

And it gave his people life once more.

But it would forever be his curse.

AN: Sorry about the long wait for the next chapter. A lot of personal things had happened, which made me not able to write for a while. But I'm back and happy with the positive response I got with the last chapter.

Also, the reason I skipped the arc with Madam Red is because this is no actually reason for Harry to be involved with Ciel's investigations yet and he does not want to expose himself to soon. Plus people don't trust others with their secrets so easily.

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