The trio decided they needed to regroup as fast as they could so that they could try to sneak back into the palace. They needed a few things, like food if they were going to continue to run around the jungle.
"Okay, we're just gonna stop at the house and get some supplies," Pacha explained to Kuzco as the trio ran back towards the village. Atoc was trailing a little behind the two, her shorter legs not being able to keep up with their longer strides.
"Then we'll be on our way, right?" Kuzco questioned, wanting everything to be as clear as possible.
"Right," Atoc called from behind them.
As they ran up the stairs towards Pacha's house, two of the older villagers were playing checkers. They called out to Pacha, having seen his relatives earlier.
"Hey there, Pacha." The man playing with the red pieces called. "Hey, you know, you just missed your relatives."
"My relatives?" Pacha was confused, he wasn't expecting anyone to visit him soon.
"Yeah." The second man answered. "We just sent 'em up to your house."
"What did they look like?" Atoc wheezed, concerned about who was at the house with her family.
"Well, you see," The man moving the black pieces said, "there was this big guy and this older woman who was, uh... How would you describe her?"
"Scary beyond all reason." The first man responded without hesitation.
"Yeah, that's it."
Yzma and Kronk had arrived at the village only a little while before Pacha, Atoc, and Kuzco. Yzma had made up the story that they were Pacha's distant relatives and soon found herself seated at the table while his wife poured her tea.
"So, remind me again how you're related to Pacha?" Chicha was skeptical, to say the least. Pacha hadn't mentioned any relatives coming to visit and he certainly wouldn't have taken off if he'd known they were going to be coming.
"Why, I'm his third cousin's brother's wife's step niece's great aunt." Yzma replied with an innocent tone and a fake smile as if she was oblivious to the accusation in the other woman's tone. Before adding, "Twice removed" just in case.
"Uh-huh." Chicha's face showed nothing but disbelief at this woman's story.
"Isn't that right, Kronk?" Yzma hoped her henchman would back her up, but she found him playing with the two children instead.
"Ninety-nine monkeys jumpin' on the bed." Chaca sang as Kronk jumped.
"One fell off and bumped his head." Kronk sang along, enjoying his time playing with the children. Yzma was both unamused and unsurprised at his actions.
"You know," Yzma's head snapped back around and the fake smile found its way back to her face when Chicha started talking, "I am so sorry that you had to come all this way but" Yzma interrupted with an 'aw' and a wave of her hand, "as I said to you before, you may recall, Pacha is not here. I'll be sure and tell him you came by." Chicha was ready for this woman and her friend to leave, she was tired of their lies.
"Oh, would you, please? That would be just great." Yzma swung her hands out, knocking over the cup she'd just set on the table. "Oops. Silly me."
"No, no. Allow me." Came the sarcastic reply from the hostess, who proceeded to try and pick up the fallen cup. While the woman was occupied, Yzma dashed into the other room to confer with Kronk.
"She's hiding something," Yzma whispered to her henchman, jumping over the rope with him. "When I give the word, we search the house."
"Okay, but I still have 94 monkeys to go." Kronk turned to see who was going to jump in once Yzma left, and Yzma dashed back into the dining room.
"So, while we're waiting for Paca..."
"Pacha." Chicha corrected.
"Yeah, I... Oh, yes." Yzma was flustered by her mistake but attempted to recover. "Um, perhaps we can have a tour of your lovely home."
"You know, why don't you just come back when Pacha gets home? I'm sure he'd love to show you the..." Over the older woman's shoulder, Chicha saw her husband through the window trying to signal her to go to the kitchen. "Uh, excuse me, won't you? I think I left something in the oven."
In the living room, both kids were jumping over their own ropes, with Kronk in the middle moving them. "This is my variation of double Dutch. On the signal, we switch places."
"Kronk, it's time!" Yzma figured that while the mother was distracted would be the best time to search the house.
"Okay." Kronk and the children ran around and Yzma found herself holding the jump ropes in her hand.
In the kitchen Pacha was explaining most of what had happened to his wife, he decided the more life-threatening parts could wait until Kuzco was back at the palace and human again.
"So, we have to get back to the palace, find the lab and change him back."
"Hi, there!" Kuzco popped up in the window, only for Chicha to smack him with the frying pan that she was holding. Atoc was outside the window with Kuzco, having gathered some supplies while her father explained everything.
"Um, that was him," Pacha said, cringing.
"Whoops." Chicha deadpanned looking out the window at the llama on the ground, and then up at Atoc's shocked and amused face.
In the living room, Yzma had managed to get out of playing jump rope by giving the children each a rope so that they could swing it around themselves. Now she could search the house for Kuzco or any sign of him. Unfortunately, the little boy had decided to follow her as she looked around.
"You know what? I don't believe you're really my great aunt. You're more like my great-great-great..."
Outside, Chicha was trying to get her husband to leave, if she could keep these people here for long enough her family would have a better head start.
"Go. I'll stall them long enough for you two to get a head start."
"Thanks, honey." Pacha hugged and kissed his wife, wondering how he got lucky enough to have her.
"You have a lovely wife." A still dizzy Kuzco interrupted. "They're both very pretty." Atoc reached back and dragged the dizzy llama with her. "You very pretty too. Both of you."
Atoc blushed felt heat rise up her neck at the comment. she put the 'both' part down to him seeing double but was glad he thought she was pretty. "Thanks, Kuzco."
Back at the house, Tito was still following Yzma around, having not yet expressed how old he thought her to be.
"Great-great-great-great-great..." Yzma had reached her limit with the boy, and gave out a small growl, before snapping.
"All right! Are you through?"
"Great-great aunt," Tito added quickly after the older woman growled at him.
"So, where were we?" Chicha came back in, cheerier than when she'd left the room.
"Listen, sister, we're not leaving until..." Yzma was going to demand to know where they were hiding Kuzco, but Chicha cut her off rather quickly.
"I show you the house. Of course." Chicha pushed the other woman into the house, and away from the door.
"Hey, was it a good idea to leave your family with those two?" Kuzco asked as the trio ran, having finally stopped seeing double.
"Oh, don't worry. They can handle themselves." Pacha assured him.
"I'm sure they have some plan to stall them," Atoc added giggling. "Knowing my siblings, it will be hilarious and humiliating."
Chicha had showed Yzma and Kronk right into the one closet with a broken handle. The handle had a habit of falling off whenever it was touched, so locking the duo in there had been rather easy.
"What do you mean, the door is stuck? Try jiggling the handle." Chicha instructed over the sound of her children's giggles.
"There is no handle in here," Yzma called angrily through the hole in the door where the handle was supposed to be.
"There's not?" Chicha's voice was laced with fake concern as she held up the handle. "Are you sure?"
"All right, I've had enough of this." Truth be told, Yzma had reached her limit for the, in her opinion, bumbling peasant family ages ago, but she'd needed information. "Tell us where the talking llama is, and we'll burn your house to the ground."
"Uh, don't you mean "or"?" Kronk asked, concerned for the family.
"Tell us where the talking llama is, or we'll burn your house to the ground." Yzma corrected, irritated, and leaned down to the hole in the door.
"Well, which is it?" Chaca asked, Atoc had been teaching her about conjunctions and had stressed how important they were. "That seems like a pretty crucial conjunction."
"That's it, Kronk!" Yzma yelled at her henchman as she moved out of the way, "Break the door down!"
"Break it down? Are you kidding me? This is hand-carved mahogany." There was no way he was going to breakdown such a beautiful door, which probably took days to make.
"I don't care, you fool. Get out of my way. I'll break it down myself." Yzma pushed Kronk out of the way and prepared to throw all her weight at the door. "A-one!"
"Okay, kids," Chicha and her children had been listening outside the door and took that as their cue to set their plan in motion, "you know what to do."
"Two!" Yzma called from in the closet.
"Right, Mom!" The two kids said and hurried off to do their parts.
Chicha stuck the handle back in the door and opened it right as Yzma shouted "Three!" and ran out the now open door.
Yzma slipped on the floor, where Tito was buffing it, right through the bottom open half of the door, which Chaca opened, and into the wheelbarrow that had been put in front of the door. The wheelbarrow took off down the hill, where Tito was holding a hive of honey bees up, which Yzma crashed through thus drenching herself in honey. A little further down the hill, Chaca stood, holding up a pillow, which covered the honey in feathers when Yzma crashed through it. The woman was very confused, but then the wheelbarrow hit a rock and sent her flying, knocking a piñata out of place.
"Okay, children, on your mark, get set, go!" The teacher let her students go to town, whacking, what she thought was, the piñata.
"Stop it, you little brats! Huh?" Yzma spotted llama tracks accompanied by two other sets of footprints heading out of town. She followed the trail, just spotting Kuzco and two peasants hurrying over the ridge of a hill. "Ow! Oh, there they go, Kronk! And... They're getting away!" Yzma cried, trying to free herself from the rope she'd been caught in.
Kronk stepped out of the house, laugh at the scene before him, putting it down to a mildly harmless prank. "Well, I had a great time. Let's not wait until the next family reunion to get together." Chicha honestly like this man, he was a little dim but very genuine and kind. She just smiled at him and nodded.
"Kronk!" an annoyed cry from Yzma made Kronk hurry, knowing he'd be in trouble for taking so long.
"I, uh... I gotta run." Kronk saluted the family before taking off to get Yzma down.
Once the angry woman was freed, and most of the feathers had been removed, they took off through the jungle after the llama and the peasants.
Seeing the two would-be murderers coming after them sent the trio scrambling to get to the palace the fastest way they could. They tried to stick to clear areas and places that had roads, but eventually they came to a gorge with no bridge. Atoc used a bow and arrow to launch a rope across the gorge, allowing them to slide their way over. When they looked back, they could see Yzma and Kronk rounding the side of the hill. Kuzco bit the string, breaking it and preventing them from following.
Kronk continued to run at the gorge, pulling a string that released two large wings from the side of the tent. The wings carried them most of the way across the gorge, until lightning struck them, and they fell. That random storm allowed Pacha, Atoc, and Kuzco to make it to the Palace and find the 'secret lab' that Yzma had in the palace.
They found two levers, Pacha pulled one and Kuzco fell screaming through the floor into a lagoon of crocodiles.
"Okay, why does she even have that lever?" Kuzco asked, walking back into the room, kicking a crocodile that was still biting onto his tail.
"Probably for moments like this when someone is trying to break into her lab." Atoc supplied, preparing to pull the second lever.
When she pulled it, the trio were flipped over and dropped into a small car, while an animated voice said, "Please remain seated and keep your arms and legs in at all times." Then the car took off down a tight corkscrew of a track, everyone screaming as they went. At some point, the ride threw the lab clothes on to the trio. Pacha was stuck in Yzma's lab coat, while Kuzco and Atoc were both trapped in Kronk's.
"Huh?" Kuzco was confused by the outfit change, while Atoc giggled, her nerves still a little frayed from the ride.
"Well, this is cozy…" she mumbled. But they quickly shed the lab coats and began to search the lab for the right potion, which was not easy since they were all pink.
"What does it look like?" Pacha asked, picking up jars and looking at the labels, before setting them back down.
"I don't know." Kuzco whined, he was hoping there'd be a vial that said, 'Drink Me' or something easy to find, but that hadn't happened. "Just keep looking."
"Over here!" Atoc called, having found, and opened a large owl-shaped cabinet only to be faced with hundreds of vials filled with pink liquid. "It has to be one of these. Lions, tigers, bears..." She listed off the potions, only to see that the spot for the human potion was empty.
"Oh, my." A voice from behind them said. "Looking for this?" Yzma stepped out of the shadows holding the only human potion.
"No!" gasped Kuzco, as Pacha and Atoc whirled around. "It can't be! How did you get back here before us?" They'd seen the duo fall, so there was no way that they could have made it back, yet here they were.
"Uh..." Yzma went to explain, before realizing that she didn't know either. "How did we, Kronk?"
"Well, ya got me," Kronk said as he pulled down a map with each group's routes drawn on it. "By all accounts, it doesn't make sense."
"Oh, well, back to business." Yzma shrugged it off, she didn't really care since she'd won.
Kuzco let out a nervous laugh. "Okay, I admit it. Maybe I wasn't as nice as I should have been. But, Yzma, do you really want to kill me?" Kuzco couldn't believe that she was willing to go that far to get the throne, and he really didn't want to die.
"Just think of it as you're being let go." Yzma began to repeat the words that he'd said to her when she'd been fired. "That your life's going in a different direction. That your body's part of a permanent outplacement." Kuzco's face grew more and more horrified with every word she uttered.
"Hey," Kronk cut in, "that's kind of like what he said to you when you got fired."
"I know. It's called a cruel irony," Yzma explained to the man, reaching her limit on his idiotic comments, "like my dependence on you."
"I can't believe this is happening!" Kuzco had reached his limit, he was panicking now. Atoc started to reach over to comfort him, but she couldn't think of any soothing words to offer him. 'Sorry your former employee is trying to kill you' didn't really seem like the best way to calm him down at the moment.
"Then I bet you weren't expecting this." Yzma hissed, pulling the hem of her dress up her leg.
"No!" Kuzco screamed, horrified, as he covered his eyes and turned away.
"Aha!" Pacha covered his eyes and waved his hand trying to get the woman to stop.
"Ew!" squealed Atoc, turning all the way around and covering her eyes. Only for Yzma to reveal a knife strapped to her thigh.
"Oh, okay." That was so much better than Kuzco was imagining. They all breathed a sigh of relief, it was only a knife.
"Finish them off." Yzma tossed the knife to Kronk, who had a conflicted look on his face once he caught it. Then he started to talk to himself.
"Uh, where's the other guy?" He pointed from one shoulder to the other. "Yo!" He called looking at his right shoulder annoyed. "Well, Yzma just tossed me this knife and asked me to, you know, take them out. And then this guy popped up and then we waited for you, and quite honestly..." He explained the whole situation to himself while making various gestures.
Yzma looked back at the trio with a 'what the heck' look on her face as she pointed back at Kronk. The trio responded with shrugs indicating that they didn't know either.
"Kronk!" Yzma called. "Why did I think you could do this? This one simple thing. It's like I'm talking to a monkey. A really, really big stupid monkey named Kronk! And do you want to know something else? I've never liked your spinach puffs. Never!"
Kronk started to tear up, she didn't like his spinach puffs. Kronk looked like he'd had an idea and looked up at the chandelier that was hanging above Yzma's head.
"That'll work." He mumbled, before cutting the rope that was holding it up. Everyone looked horrified when the light came crashing down, but Yzma was not crushed, as Kronk had hoped, she'd fit right through the hole in the middle. "Strange. That usually works."
"And so does this!" Yzma reached over and pulled a lever disguised as a potion, triggering the trapdoor that Kronk was standing on.
"Ah. Should have seen that coming." Kronk muttered to himself just before he fell screaming: "Whoa!"
While she was distracted, Pacha snuck up and snatched the vial from her hand. Only for Yzma to jump on him trying to retrieve it.
"Give me that vial!" She hit the man on the head and accidentally knocked the potion out of his hand. He threw her off and dove to catch it, managing to grab it out of the air right before it hit the ground. Only for Yzma to jump on his back, digging her bony elbow into it when she landed. Then Kuzco headbutted the woman off his friend and sent her flying into the cabinet holding all her potions, as she dropped the one that they needed. Atoc moved to grab the potion as it rolled, and Pacha and Kuzco ran after it too. But Yzma had other ideas.
"Oops," she said, faked innocence lasing her voice as she knocked into the cabinet, scattering the vials across the floor. "Clumsy me. "Which one? Which one?" She sang as they tried to identify the one vial containing pink liquid that they needed from all the other vials of pink liquid on the floor. Yzma pulled to cord to summon the guards. If Kronk wouldn't kill the emperor, the guards could do it. "Better hurry. I'm expecting company." Doors in the wall opened, revealing the half red half blue guards ready to do as Yzma ordered. "Kill them! They murdered the emperor!"
The guards, now enraged, raised their weapons and charged towards the intruders.
"No, wait! I'm the emperor! It's me, Kuzco!" He tried to stop the assault, but the guards weren't listening, leaving the emperor shocked. "They're not listening to me!"
Pacha began to sweep the potions into his poncho, Atoc quickly helping. "Just take 'em all." The older man suggested. Kuzco swept up the last of the potions up with his hooves. But the guards were getting closer.
The trio scrambled up and behind a table full of potions. In an act of desperation, Pacha flipped the table, hoping it would buy them a little time to get away from the murderous guards. The potions splashed onto the unsuspecting guards turning the group into a warthog, a lizard, a flamingo, an octopus, a gorilla, and a cow. The sudden transformations made them pause for a moment before Yzma appeared beside them yelling:
"Get them!"
One of the guards, who was not taking the whole transformation thing well said "Hey, I've been turned into a cow. Can I go home?"
"You're excused." Yzma dismissed the poor man before snarkily asking, "Anyone else?"
"No, we're good. Yeah, we're-we're good." The rest of the guards confirmed. Prompting another "Get them!" to be shouted.
The slight distraction allowed for Kuzco, Pacha, and Atoc to get a head start running from the guards. Right now, only Kuzco could call them off, but only if he was human.
"We've gotta change you back. Try this one." Pacha uncorked a vial and held it up for the emperor to drink. Turning the poor ruler into a turtle.
"Uh, Pacha, Atoc? Little help!" He called, crawling along. Atoc quickly scooped him up as she ran, since she'd been just behind them.
"I got you!" she continued to run, holding the reptile ruler in her arms. And, though he didn't quite like being a turtle, being this close to Atoc was nice.
"Come on! Come on!" Pacha shouted, looking back to make sure that his daughter had gotten the emperor.
They ran through a door, only to find two sets of stairs coming down from above them and one larger staircase leading down below them. The octopus was coming down one of the sets of stairs, now wielding three axes. The trio jumped onto the polished handrails sliding down them. Atoc dropped Kuzco in the process and ended up on her father's back, who was standing on Kuzco's shell. At the bottom of the stairs were the flamingo, warthog, and gorilla, waiting for them to finish their descent. Pacha pulled a few vials out and Atoc pointed to one.
"Oh, please be something with wings." Pacha prayed as he opened the vial and got the emperor to drink it.
The group flew over the heads of the guards, Pacha now holding onto the tail of a bird.
"Yeah! We're flyin'!" Kuzco shouted, glad to not be slow anymore and to get away from the guards. Until he realized he was a parrot and could not carry one person, let alone two. "Uh-oh."
They fell and landed on the sculpture around a doorway, the guards still behind them. Atoc, again, scooped up the emperor and ran through the doorway with her father.
"We're not getting anywhere with you picking the vials. I'm picking the next one." Kuzco insisted, not at all happy with continuing to turn into animals. He just wanted to be human again. The only good part of this was that Atoc kept carrying him everywhere.
"Fine by me!" Pacha shouted, maybe the emperor would pick the right potion, and this would all be over.
"Give me that one." The bird pointed to a random vial that was offered to him, turning him into a whale. "Don't you say a word." Kuzco had made the worst choice so far, but he did not want to hear any snarky remarks about it.
The bridge they were on was not built to hold the weight of a whale, so it crumbled out from under their feet. The three screamed as they plunged towards the canal below. They splashed down right in front of a shocked Yzma and the guards.
"Quick! Drain the canals!" Yzma ordered. She was determined to win, she was so close.
Thankfully the canals were deep and wide enough to fit a whale. When everyone had surfaced, the two villagers on the back of the whale, Pacha quickly pulled out another potion for Kuzco to try.
"Open up!" Pacha demanded before throwing the potion into Kuzco's mouth. Once the smoke from the transformation dispersed, a llama was floating in the water of the canal.
"Yea! I'm a llama again!" Kuzco cried happily, splashing the water before he remembered that he didn't want to be a llama. "Wait."
Atoc giggled at the emperor's antics before they were all distracted by the water suddenly draining out of the palace, sending them down a massive whirlpool. The water was drained through the nose on the front of the palace, thankfully everyone was able to grab onto the rim of the nostril, saving them from breaking a couple of bones on the stairs of the palace.
Yzma looked down the drain, and upon seeing them still alive, she ordered the soldiers after them. "There they go! After them!"
"Come on, men!" The lizard said, rallying his troops. "Nobody lives forever! Charge!" The guards all jumped down the drain, only to find the surface slicker than they were expected and they all fell out of the nose.
Yzma watched as the guards failed and figured if she wanted this done right, she had to do it herself. So, while Atoc, Pacha and Kuzco climbed up the outside of the palace, she ripped down a couple of curtains so that she could make her way down the nose. She dropped down and bounced, sending her careening up and around. She landed between Kuzco and Pacha, who was holding the last two potions.
"Okay, only two left. It's gotta be one of these." When Yzma landed, Pacha fell back one way and Kuzco fell back the other, knocking into Atoc. The potions that Pacha was holding flew into the air over Yzma's head. Both her and Kuzco dove for the two potions on the ledge between them. When they landed, Yzma's elbow crashed down on one of the vials.
"No!" yelled Pacha, which could be the potion that Kuzco needed. There was an explosion of pink that accompanied the transformations.
Deep evil laughter and a set of glowing eyes came through the smoke. Atoc clung to Kuzco's neck out of fear of what this potion turned Yzma into until the smoke cleared revealing a tiny grey kitten, who meowed.
"Awwwww!" cooed Atoc. "She's kinda cute!"
"I'll take that." Kuzco grabbed the potion that would make him human again, smiling smugly at the kitten.
"This is the one. This'll change you back to a human." Pacha said, relieved that this was all over.
"Are you ready to be human again?" Atoc asked, just as relieved as her father to have this all over with. She was so done with running around the jungle.
Kuzco nodded, before putting the cork between his teeth, prepared to pull it out and become human again. But of course, Yzma had other plans. She launched herself at Kuzco's face, scratching it with her newly acquired claws.
"Ow!" The emperor cried out. "Hey, get her off! Ow! Get her off me!" Pacha and Atoc moved to pull the cat off the poor llama, but Pacha got claws in his arm.
He pulled his arm away and lost his balance, falling over the side of the ledge that they'd been standing on. He managed to catch hold of the eye before he fell too much further.
"DAD!" screamed Atoc, panic coursed through her veins at the sight of her father falling. She wanted to find a way down to help her dad, but she couldn't see a safe way down. Tears of frustration began to roll down her cheeks.
Kuzco finally got the cat off his head by slamming her into the wall. He looked over the edge of the outcrop to see if Pacha was really all right.
"Drink the potion!" Pacha called back up. Kuzco couldn't do anything to try and save him if he was still a llama.
"Okay, okay!" Kuzco brought his hoof up so that he could drink the potion, only to see his hoof empty of said potion. "Where did it go? Where is it?" He panicked, did he drop it? How could he have lost it?
"Looking for this?" A squeaky voice asked him. He looked down to see Yzma holding the potion in her tiny paws. Yzma on the other hand, was more concerned with how the transformation had affected her voice. "Is that my voice? Is that my voice? Oh, well."
She held the potion towards the edge of the ledge, scaring both Kuzco and Atoc.
"No!" cried Atoc, though she made no move towards the potion, scared that the crazy woman would drop it out of spite.
"No, no! Don't drop it!" Kuzco begged.
"I'm not going to drop it, you fool! I'm going to drink it! And once I turn back into my beautiful self, I'm going to kill you!" Yzma laughed, reveling in the fact that her evil plan was working. Then she bit down on the cork, trying to use her teeth to help her get it out. But it was stuck in the bottle. She tried pulling on it with her other paw, the hit it on the ground, then she tried jumping on it, before she was finally so frustrated that she threw it, hoping it would shatter. The vial did not shatter, but rather bounced off the wall and off the side of the ledge. Yzma jumped after it, before she realized that she too would fall.
"Oh! Uh-oh," were the last things that Kuzco and Atoc heard her say before she was falling. The potion, however, was caught by a curve in the architecture and bounced around a bit more before stopping on a small square outcropping.
Pacha tried to climb back up, but only ended up losing his footing.
"Dad! Stay there!" Atoc called down. "I'm coming!"
"No, stay there!" He called back. He wasn't going to risk his daughter's life. Kuzco was more worried about getting to the potion and leaped across the edifice of the building going after it.
"Kuzco!" Pacha called out again, knowing that Kuzco would be able to make it down to him. Llamas were very good at climbing places.
"Be right there! Give me a minute!" Kuzco was so close to getting the potion, and then he could go save his friend and everything would be fine. He stretched himself out but could not quite reach the potion.
"Kuzco!" Pacha called desperately as he lost his grip with one hand. "Whoa!"
"Kuzco, please!" Atoc cried, still helpless on the ledge. She'd never been a fan of heights, so this was her worst nightmares come true.
"Kuzco!" Pacha cried once more, his voice laced with anger, sadness, and desperation. But Kuzco kept reaching for the vial. Pacha screamed as his left hand started to slip off the curved stone, Atoc sobbed loudly from above, shutting her eyes tight. She couldn't watch her father fall to his doom.
But a pair of hooves grabbed Pacha's hand just as he started to fall. A relieved sigh left his mouth as the llama pulled him up.
"The vial!" Pacha realized it was tipping too far and then it fell.
Atoc, who had peaked between her fingers when she'd heard her father speak again, saw the vial teetering off the edge and made a move to try and grab it, but it plummeted towards the ground before she could.
Unbeknownst to the three people that were stranded on the exterior of the palace, a trampoline salesman had set up one of his products in the loading bay down below. The grey kitten that was now Yzma bounced off the trampoline and headed right back up the way she came, the way the vial was falling. Yzma caught the vial and continued the upwards path, laughing at her success.
Pacha had managed to climb up to stand on one of the features on the wall, when Yzma passed them and smashed into the bottom of another feature, dropping the vial again. It bounced down the face of the building, landing just above Pacha and Kuzco.
"The vial!" Pacha gasped, worried it would tumble off again, but then he noticed the architecture up to the vial. "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" He asked Kuzco.
The llama nodded, completely understanding where this was going. The two stood back to back and began to climb up the gap like they'd done in the gorge. Only this time went a lot smoother.
"Yes!" Atoc yelled, jumping a little. "You're almost there!" She encouraged them as they climbed, then she saw the sneaky little cat climbing down. She took a deep breath and steeled herself for what she was about to do.
Atoc began to slowly climb down the outside of the building, hoping she would be able to stop, or at least delay, Yzma from getting to the potion.
But Yzma got to the potion first. She snatched it and jumped away. Laughing once more at her success.
"I win." She stated before she was smashed with a trapdoor that nobody was expecting. The vial flew through the air and Pacha caught it. Finally, it was over.
"Whoa." It had been Kronk who had thrown open the door, and he was just as stunned as everyone.
"Got it!" Pacha announced, not really paying Kronk much attention.
"What are the odds of that trap door leadin' me out here?" Kronk wondered, taking in the view.
Pacha and Kuzco were able to pull themselves up onto a ledge, and they laughed and hugged each other, relieved that it was finally over.
"Hey!" a voice from above called. "Don't celebrate without me!" They looked up to see Atoc struggling her way down before she too noticed Kronk. "Hey Kronk!"
"Yeah?" Kronk looked up, noticing the girl above him.
"Catch me!"
"You got it!"
Atoc leaped from her perch and the ex-henchman caught her and lowered her down to her dad and the emperor, where she joined in on the hug before the two men realized that they were hugging each other for too long and pulled away.
"Here, uh, let me get this for you." Pacha pulled the cork out of the vial and passed it to Kuzco, who happily accepted.
"Well, see ya on the other side." He said, before drinking the whole vial.
There was the cloud of typical pink smoke, signifying that the transformation took place, and once it had cleared, Kronk helped the three through the door, and peeled Yzma off the wall, before shutting the door.
A few days later, after everything had been explained to the court and Kuzco was emperor again, he was working on fixing all his old mistakes. He had almost finished. He was apologizing to the old man that he'd thrown out of the window for throwing off his groove.
"Oh, now, you-you-you stop being so hard on yourself. All is forgiven." The man forgave the young emperor, since he was fine.
"You're sure?" Kuzco wanted to make sure he really was forgiven.
"Oh, it's not the first time I was tossed out a window, and it won't be the last. What can I say? I'm a rebel." The old man pretended to box the emperor, making Kuzco hold up his hands in surrender.
"Whoa-ho-ho, tiger. Oh, hey!" The man landed a punch and though it didn't really hurt, Kuzco let him pretend. "I gotta use that arm later. Okay, buddy, take care." Kuzco laughed as the old man went back to his duties. "He's a sweet guy." Then he spotted Pacha and Atoc sadly looking to the model of Kuzcotopia. And Kuzco knew he couldn't destroy their home anymore. Not after he'd seen the village and interacted with the people.
"So, you lied to me." Kuzco stood on the opposite side of the table looking annoyed with the peasants.
"I did?" Pacha asked, not remembering when he could have lied.
"Yeah. You said when the sun hits this ridge just right, these hills sing." Kuzco reminded him. "Well, pal, I was dragged all over those hills and I did not hear any singing."
Pacha and Atoc were confused for a minute until they realized what Kuzco was doing.
"So, I'll be building my summer home on a more magical hill. Thank you." Kuzco removed the model of his summer home and held his hand out for the model home that Atoc was holding.
"Couldn't pull the wool over your eyes, huh?" Pacha joked as his daughter handed over the piece.
"No, no, I'm sharp. I'm on it." Kuzco replaced the house on its proper hill. "Looks like you and your family are stuck on the tuneless hilltop forever, pal."
Pacha just smiled and looked down, thankful that the emperor had changed his mind after all. Kuzco sat down on the bench next to Pacha, Atoc was still standing and inspecting the model, since she wasn't present at the first meeting.
"You know, I'm pretty sure I heard some singing on the hill next to us," Pacha mentioned casually. "In case you're interested."
"And the singing hills that you heard about was probably me," Atoc mentioned, holding up one of the model houses to get a better look at it. "I sing when I do my chores and it echoes through the valley."
Kuzco looked at her, amazed that she was the reason for the singing in the valley. That's when he knew exactly what he wanted to do.
"Ha! Boom, baby!" Kuzco yelled, kicking open the door to his new summer home, dressed in his swim trunks. Pacha had helped build the emperor a decent-sized hut on the next hill over, just below his.
"Ha! Boom, baby!" Pacha repeated the action, dressed similarly.
Kuzco ran down to the waterfall that would lead him to the swimming hole and jumped, landing with a cannonball in the pool. While Pacha swung in on a vine and created a huge splash, which Kuzco used to float to the edge of the pond.
"You'd be the coolest dude in the nation,
Or the hippest cat in creation
But if you ain't got friends then nothing's worth the fuss
Chicha and her newborn baby, Yupi, were waiting with Atoc. When Kuzco approached them, Atoc held out a green knitted fabric, which Kuzco put on only to find out it was a poncho with a llama design on the front. Kuzco was so happy to have it, and looked at the design fondly, before hugging Atoc tightly.
A perfect world will come to be
When everybody here can see
That a perfect world begins and ends
A perfect world begins and ends
A perfect world begins and ends with us
The whole family joined in the hug, as the theme song guy slid into the clearing, with some back-up singers, finishing the song he'd been singing.
Atoc looked up at Kuzco's happy face, glad that he was human again, and that he'd changed so much for the better.
Kuzco looked down at the girl beside him, happy to have met her. She blushed and looked away before she looked back at him and kissed his cheek. Kuzco was left a little dazed, but happy. And Atoc just ushered her siblings away to their Junior Chipmunk meeting, a blush evident on her cheeks.
Pacha only laughed at the two teenagers. He wondered how this adventure was going to end.