New chapter! It's a bit shorter than I'd like but I just couldn't leave this part out, I just love it so much. I hope you all enjoy the chapter and I'll be back next time with chapter three!
(Marshalanime does not own Naruto or Nyan Koi!)
"Why am I the one who's always buying groceries? They know I have things to do" Naruto muttered to himself as he walked through the local shopping district with full shopping bags in both his hands. Well, he could always send a clone to do the shopping if need be but that's not the point!
"Hey, you" the blond heard and so turned his head in the direction the voice came from. Walking up to him were two, assumed, stray cats. "You're the one who broke the jizo's head?" one of them asked just before the second all but demanded he give them what was in the bags.
"You guys want food?" Naruto questioned with a glare sent at the ruder of the two cats. In response the first one nodded it's head enthusiastically while the other shivered at the look Naruto was giving it, perhaps it could've worded itself better? 'Sorry Nyamsus, I'll pick up your food latter' he thought as he put one bag down so that he could rummage through the other one.
'That's another request done I suppose' Naruto thought to himself as he tossed out the now empty tin cans. Honestly, right now he couldn't imagine anything getting hum pumped up.
"Ah, Uzumaki!" perhaps he spoke too soon. Glancing in the direction that familiarly happy voice came from had him looking at Mizuno as she came up to him from the rental shop she'd just come out of. Her attire was different from the other day, this time wearing a light yellow dress that stopped just past her hips and had a square opening for her head and neck with brown frills that matched the frills that ran along the openings for her arms. Her pants were blue jeans that had the legs folded up to just below her knees and had on white sandals that showed off a good amount of her feet while coming up past her ankle. Even her hair was in a different style with less being held up in the back allowing the rest to flow down to her mid-back.
"So what's the deal, you throwing a party?" the girl asked.
"No, just some shopping" Naruto said with a smile and slight shoulder shrug. Was it just his imagination or was he running into Mizuno more often lately? In all the time he's known the girls he'd only ever seen her outside of school twice, now and just the other day when he got his first request. Eh, it was probably just coincidence.
'How'd it end up like this?' Naruto wondered as he was walking through the shopping district once again, only this time Mizuno was walking with him as they both held onto one of the bags. He just couldn't say no when she asked if she could help. "Sorry for making you carry half of it" Naruto apologized, even if she was the one who offered.
"No, it's fine" Mizuno told him. "But I'm not made of glass you know. I can carry more than his" the girl told him.
"It's alright. I keep my body in pretty good shape so this is hardly an issue for me. Besides, you're already doing so much for me as it is" Naruto said with a smile. Truthfully he could have the groceries home much faster if he carried them himself but he didn't want to tell her that, she was so nice to help him in the first place.
"Is that so? I guess I never really noticed" Mizuno said as she took in what she could of the boys body. From what she could see it didn't look like he was making it up. "You know, I think you should try out for one of the sports clubs at school. I'm sure you'd get in, no problem" the girl told him with a slightly wider smile.
"Eh?" the blond let out as he gave her a shocked look before quickly shaking it away. "I-I'll think about it" he said. It's not that he didn't want to join a club, he just couldn't dedicate enough of his time to attending every meet up. As such he was relegated to the 'Go-Home' club.
Looking around for anything to change the subject his eyes landed on the rectangular paper bag she was holding against her chest. "Did you rent a movie?" Naruto asked her.
"Oh what? This?" she commented as she looked down at her package. "This is, um" she went on to say as she held it a bit closer and seemed almost embarrassed as she spoke. The blond briefly wondered what kind of movie it was before the girl continued. "Ha, it's kind of embarrassing but I really love watching it" Mizuno softly said before pulling the DVD case halfway out of the package. "This series!" the girl excitedly said as she showed him the cover, which had traditional looking Japanese woman kneeling with a wakizashi in her hands, the blade pointing up and over her shoulder. The name of the DVD was very clearly Yakuza Wives Ten and Naruto got a very strong sense of insight into Mizuno's personality.
'To each their own I suppose' Naruto thought as Mizuno put the DVD back in the package, a stunned look on his face.
"I really love things that are manly" Mizuno said as the pair exited the shopping district, the big SunRoad sign now at their back. "Ten is actually one of my most super favorites" she told him as she glanced back down at the package. "Like when the Don was trying to protect his wife and got stabbed, so incredibly manly and violent" the girl started to go on as she looked back at Naruto.
As she spoke a soft smile crept across his lips as he simply took in the moment. It was nice, this feeling. Walking along side her, chatting, and enjoying themselves. He really loved this world. "Sir, what do you like so much about that woman who reeks of dogs?" well there goes the mood.
"What are you two doing here?" Naruto harshly whispered as he head jolted to the side to see Tama and Nyamsus following him. "Wait?" the blond said as the question sunk in. "Who said I like her!?" the blond blurted out while still trying to maintain a whisper, a blush creeping across his face. Fortunately Mizuno was still preoccupied with talking about Yakuza Wives.
"Forget about that, aren't you suppose to be helping cats?" Nyamsus told him, her face clearly showing her lack of faith in the boy on this matter.
His blush calming down at the change of topic Naruto told her "For your information I just helped out some cats". As if it were an after though he then added "Oh, and I'll pick up your food later".
"Well, at least you're making progress with the curse" Nyamsus said with after a sigh, she couldn't fully blame him this time.
"See? Now why don't you-" Naruto was saying when he felt a small tug on the bag him and Mizuno were carrying accompanied by a splashing noise and Mizuno's startled voice. Looking over to see what happened he was met with the sight of a man in an off-white business suit, wearing thin sunglasses, with a thin mustache, mole on his nose, and a big bushy afro.
"Hey! Where do you think you're looking!?" the man asked, his mouth being the only part of him that moved for the most part. Mizuno, clearly intimidated, tentatively started to apologize for bumping into him and as a result spilling the man's drink on his suit. "Sorry isn't going to cut it for this" the man said as he tugged around the damp spot of his jacket.
"Is that?" Tama suddenly blurted as he recognized the man. Though he was able to say little else as Nyamsus's back paw slammed into his face as she told him to be quiet.
"It's the man's job to protect the woman, we can't interfere" Nyamsus told him.
"I'm really really sorry. I'll pay to have it cleaned" Mizuno offered with a slightly bowed head, though she flinched a bit when the man got in her face.
"I was on my way to meet a very important lady and there's no time to get it cleaned" the man told her as small tears began to form in her eyes.
To say this guy was pissing Naruto off would be an understatement. "That's enough!" Naruto said as he took a step forward and put his arm between Mizuno and the guy. "She already apologized, even offered to pay for the cleaning and you act like this?" the blond questioned, his words cold as he glared at the guy surprising both Mizuno and Mr. Afro here.
Hardly a moment passed by before the guy's head dropped and he looked to the side with a quivering lip. "I'm sorry" the man meekly apologized getting stunned looks from the two teens.
"Um, the cleaning costs?" Mizuno said, still taken back by the sudden mood change.
"Ah, don't worry about it" the man said as he turned away from the pair.
"I'm sorry" Mizuno tried to apologize again, her hands pressed against each other.
"No... I'm the one who is sorry" the man said, has back turned to them now as he hiked up his collar in an attempt to hide his face before running off with tears streaming down his face. Left behind were two rather confused teens as Tama chased after the man with Nyamsus chasing after him.
A moment of silence fell around them as they tried to work out what happened in their heads. Soon though Mizuno's gaze shifted from where that odd man had been to the blond standing in front and just to the side of her, a faint blush on her cheeks. "Uzumaki, I'm sorry" Mizuno's words caught his attention and he turned his confused expression to her. "I caused more trouble for you" the girl said as she faced him with a lowered head.
Seeing her like that and apologizing for that whole mess Naruto couldn't help the grin that formed. "You've got nothing to apologize for. We're both fine aren't we?" Naruto told her.
The girl had a stunned look in response to his words but it quickly faded into a soft expression. "Thank you so much fro sanding up for me. You were kind of cool there Uzumaki" Mizuno told the teen and getting him to blush faintly at the praise. "You looked just like a Don!" the girl added with an excited expression.
'A Don!?' Naruto repeated in his head before a smile crept up again. 'Don huh? Man, Tatsu's going to lose it when I tell him about this' the blond thought with a big grin before another thought crossed his mind, 'Haven't I seen that guy's face before?'.
Back with Tama and Nyamsus at the temple.
"So that's how it is, huh?" Nyamsus commented with a huff as she watched the priest remove his wig with Tama crying next to her from his owner's actions.
"I get so pushy when I put on a suit. I'll have to seal away this outfit for a while" the man said with an embarrassed grin as he set the afro down next to him.