Len stayed still on the bed as the man on top of him grunted his way to completion. He refused to let the angry and humiliated tears break free of his eyes. When the man was finished, he collapsed on top of Len for a moment before rolling off and walking to the dresser in the room. Len didn't watch, just lay there as he heard the drawer being pulled open. He didn't sit up until he heard the tell tale clatter of a gun being picked up. Len jumped to his feet, putting his hands out in front of himself. He was about to speak when the man in front of him beat him to it.

"You know, this is a good arrangement we have. I do my part, you do yours, and we keep each other happy. Unfortunately for you, a better arrangement has come my way. I'm going to have to...terminate our acquaintance." After speaking, the man turned toward Len, who was wearing a shocked expression, and pointed the gun at him. Rage and fear began to bubble up within Len. He gritted his teeth before rushing forward and grabbing the gun. The two struggled with it for a tense moment before Len came out ahead. Gun in hand, Len stood, huffing in anger and exertion, facing one of two men he truly hated. Len fired the gun, hitting the man in the chest. The man let out a surprised gasp and fell back against the dresser. Tears flooded Len's eyes as adrenaline took over and he fired the gun over and over until the clip was empty. When he was able to take in a shaky breath and look at what he'd done, he saw the man laying against the dresser, bleeding from multiple wounds. He was dead.


Barry bent down near the cold body of Judge George Johnson. The man was naked and had seventeen gun shot wounds all over his torso.

"It looks like whoever did this emptied a whole clip into this guy." he said, looking up at Joe and Eddie. Joe bent down and knelt beside his foster son. Barry used a pen to pick up one of the shell casings that littered the floor. "We're looking for a 9mm."

"Looks like whoever did this was angry." Joe said. "I mean, why pop off seventeen rounds? Seems like overkill."

"Exactly what I was thinking." Barry stood and gestured to the room. "We've got fibers, fingerprints, and DNA to run. We'll find something." Eddie stepped forward, putting the pad he had been writing on back in his pocket.

"That might take a while. After all, this is a hotel room."

"That's true, but this particular room has been exclusively rented out by the judge for the past two years. Now, who knows how many people he's brought in here, but at least it's not going to have been as busy as it would have otherwise." Barry explained, hopefully. Eddie nodded and the three of them made their way out of the room.


Barry moved around his lab with the seamless fluidity of a dancer. He was moving from machine to machine, computer to computer. He was running tests and analysis on the evidence collected from the judge's hotel room. So far, everything was inconclusive. No DNA hits or fingerprint matches. Barry looked up from his computer screen when Eddie entered the room, a tablet in his hand.

"I think you need to see this." he said, approaching the CSI. When Eddie reached him, Barry looked down at the small screen he held. "This is the camera that's trained on the back door of the hotel. I have two clips you need to see." When he hit play, Barry sucked in a breath when he saw Leonard Snart enter through the back.

"Son of a-" Barry said, cutting himself off. He ran a hand through his hair, agitated.

"That's not all." Eddie pressed play on a second clip and they both watched as a shaky Snart left the hotel. His clothes were disheveled and it looked like his hands were shaking when he pulled out his phone to make a call.

"Guess the Flash is going to pay Snart a visit."