Alright guys it's time for a fanfiction. But not the loud house. It's an old nickelodeon show that any early 2000's cartoon fan could enjoy. I don't own Danny Phantom.

Danny was walking through the park on a normal day. He was looking around, enjoying this day.

"This is nice. No ghosts, no Guys In White, no Freakshow, no Valerie, and especially, no parents trying to be ghosthunters and failing." Danny couldn't help but feel happy. But then his ghost sense goes off. Danny looked around and saw a girl with a red hat, blue hoodie, and red shorts. He got his smile back.

"Hey Danny how's it going." The little girl asks. She also had a big grin on her face.

"Dani. You scared me. What are you doing here in Amity Park?" Danny wanted to know because he only saw Dani on two occasions. Once when she was working with Vlad to try and kidnap him to be Vlad's son. And the other where she nearly melted into ecto goo. But with the help of Valerie, he prevented that.

"I wanted to see my favorite cousin." Danielle said as she gave Danny a hug.

"I also wanted to ask you a favor." Dani broke away from the hug and was a little serious.

"What is it?" Danny asked with a concerning voice.

"Well since I have nowhere to live and no one to turn to, I wanted to know. Could I live with your family. I promise that this is no evil plot." Dani said with her right hand over her heart and left hand in the air. Suddenly their ghost senses goes off. They look to Danny's right and Danielle's left. Everyone started running from the threat. It was Bones and Youngblood.

"As soon as we deal give this kid a spanking, we'll convince my parents." Danny said.

"WE'RE GOING GHOST!" They said in unison. Just then, two bright blue rings surrounded their waists and moved up and down. After their transformation was complete, Danny and Dani Phantom raced off to fight Youngblood.

"Hey YoungButt. Over here." The ghost child looked over his shoulder and two plasma beams along with two ecto leg swipes. Youngblood dodged the leg swipes and the beams, but the beams followed him.

"Hey no fair!" The immature ghost said flying down on Bones.

"Life's not fair." Danny said making his go down.

"Cool. How do you do that?" Dani asked.

"Just keep your beams going and move your hands. I mastered this technique to make sure I wouldn't cause extra damage to the city." Danny explained.

Dani held up her hands, targeted Youngblood and Bones, fired her blasts, but she ended up canceling out Danny's ecto blasts.

"HAHA. Looks like the little ghost girl had an accident. Well I'd love to stay and chat but we've got more work to do." And with that, Youngblood took off.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm really sorry." Dani tried to apologize.

"It's ok. I mastered the move. You'll need practice. Come on let's go to my house." Danny said.

"Actually, I need to do something first." Dani said.

"Ok. Even better. I'll see you soon."

"Ok Danny. Later."

"Later." And then Danny flew off.

Once Danny left, Dani turned around and flew in the direction of Youngblood.

"Where are you? I can sense you." Dani said as she landed and walked.

"Right here. What did you think of my performance?" Youngblood asked.

"I think it was a little too much." She kissed Youngblood on the cheek. "But I think we convinced him."

"Ok. See ya later sweet lips." Youngblood said as he flew away.

'That cute boy' Dani thought.

Okay guys that ends the first chapter of ghostly love. And before anyone asks, this story is before Phantom Planet. Or at least before everyone knew who Danny Phantom was. Don't forget to review and/or leave an idea. Take care.