Disclaimer I do not own anything all of the rights of Spider Man goes to Disney, and to Marvel and to Stan Lee. I also do NOT and will never own Kung Fu Panda it is own by DreamWorks.
Hello dear readers my name is "Death Fury" and I am the new author of this story and owner of this account well more like steward until the true owner comes back.
Thank you "BottomBitchBebe" for your review as well; Yup the Lizard is nigh with Tai Lung.
Thank you "Jestalnaker94000" for your review as well; Yup, Peter has a split personality just like Hulk and Bruce Banner, or Jonny Blaze and Ghost Rider, or Jekyll and Hyde
Thank you "The Story's Shadow" for your review as well; Well I did not know that was going to happen either, but it did and it works, or I hope it does.
Thank you "Guest" for your review; I almost forgot about this, thank you for your review. This chapter is to you!
The story continues…. (with a new author)
(Peter's Point of View)
I found Tigress and Ava in the training room sparring, I think Ava is winning, until they must have smelled me, they both looked at me as if I was a piece of juicy meat.
I did the only think I could do I bolted full speed out of the training room in into the bamboo and Iron Wood forest, leaving them in the dust, but they were following me and tracking me.
I knew Ava loved play cat and mouse, well tiger and spider, but this is ridicules!
I stopped and glanced behind me I saw a orange object and black and a white and black object coming in hot, I booked it again.
They were in hunting mode. I was their prey.
May they have mercy!
I ran full speed, I climbed up a tree and began to leap from tree to tree jumping and skipping trees at a time at times.
After a few minutes I stopped and climbed to the top of the tree as I catch my breath.
I tried to hide as I closed my eyes and held my breath.
I began to control my breathing I could feel my heartbeat slowing down, I could feel something in the back of my mind, I remembered 'the gift'.
When I opened my eyes and looked down at my body, I almost freaked out.
Where my body should have been, was the tree... I was gone, I could not see myself, my hand. I was invisible.
But I could smell myself though, but my scent was weak, well weaker than I thought it would.
Moments later I could see Tigress and White Tiger below me, they stopped and smelt the air I could hear them whispering, but I could not make out WHAT they were saying.
I smirked as I webbed them before I jumped down.
I heard them cry out in surprise as the web struck them, I landed a few feet in front of them and I could be seen again.
Tigress and White Tiger glared at me, I grinned sheepishly at them and quickly undid them.
I looked at them as they slowly stood up and brushed themselves off, still glaring at me, I wanted to run, but it felt like under their glare the bottoms of my shoes had melted down and became glued to the ground beneath me.
I whimpered slightly and said "Sorry?"
Tigress and White Tiger both growled at me for a second before sighing.
I smiled a little and said "Okay then... I think we should get moving along..."
I once again do not own anything all of the rights of Spider Man goes to Disney, and to Marvel and to Stan Lee. I also do NOT and will never own Kung Fu Panda it is own by DreamWorks.
I am sorry for such a long wait, I forgot I even had this account and life has been very, very busy as of late... so here is a foretaste.