A/N I wanted to put into words a totally non-cannon yet close to cannon story about Bella and Jasper. I'm unsure if this has a happy ending, but things will go very differently than the true series.



My birthday party had certainly gone to shit. Carlisle was stitching me up in his study, all the while answering my questions about his past. Alice walked in, more somber that I had ever seen her, and asked Carlisle to step out.

"Sure, Alice… One second, Bella, I'll be right back." I nodded and smiled at Alice, who shot a faint one back to me, not sincere, worried. Whatever was going on, it wasn't good. I'm not sure you could call my birthday party particularly good though, since Jasper, Edward's quote on quote adoptive brother had tried to kill me.

I heard snarling coming from outside, followed by shouts from Edward. I faintly heard them.

"That is NOT the case and you know it." Growls and the sounds of trees crashing interrupted my boyfriend's words.

I sighed, will I ever get back to a normal life? Or at least semi-normal with the Cullens? Perhaps I just needed space away from Edward, to remember the good memories we had instead of the possessive nature he now exuded. Carlisle stepped back in, looking extraordinarily anxious. "You okay, Carlisle?" I asked, concerned. He simply gave me a quick nod and went back to his work of stitching up my arm.

When he was finished, I slipped off the examination table and began to walk, feeling woozy. Carlisle chuckled and held me up, "easy there, Bella. Wouldn't want to have to prop you right back up onto the table, now would we?" I gave a quick laugh as response, shaking my head sheepishly. Something about the Cullens never seemed quite right- at least, not how it was.

Carlisle led me to the huge dining room table and sat me down at the head. "Wait, don't you want to take the head, Carlisle?" I assumed this was nothing more than a continuation of the party, but he shook his head, "this is all about you, Bella."

Carlisle looked troubled, though I assumed it was because of his son's actions, and continued actions, outside. Edward stormed in, followed quickly by Jasper and then Emmett. All of them had black eyes… In fact, looking around the room, every single coven member had black eyes.

"Come on, Bella, we're going." Alice quickly intercepted Edward from making good on that statement, shoving him away from me. Rosalie simply looked shocked from whatever conversation had happened too low for me to hear. "Edward, Bella deserves to at least know, don't you think?" Edward glared at Rosalie, "no, Rose, I don't. As for you, Alice, your mate, or should I say companion, almost took her away and I'm not about to let that happen for real."

I stood up, and everyone's eyes were on me. Jasper moved closer, only to be met with nasty snarls from Edward.

"Son," Esme started, "why don't you sit down? In fact, why don't we all? Yeah, everyone sit down… I think it's time we have a little," she stopped to think of a proper word for whatever was about to happen, "heart to heart."

I remained standing, everyone else moved to their places, which seemed natural to them, and sat. "Wh-what's going on?" I started. Jasper motioned for me to sit down, and for some reason, I had no objections. "Jesus, I can't even begin… Alice?" Jazz looked at her pleadingly, and she obliged.

"Bella," Alice started, shifting uncomfortably in her chair as she looked at Edward, who was glancing around murderously at just about everyone, including me. "Jasper and I… We aren't mates. We never were, and we knew that. We used each other for companionship and, well, after so much time, we didn't really think we would ever find our true mates. That seems to still be the case for one of us, but…" Rosalie cut in, sensing Alice's remorse and hopelessness in the situation. "Jasper seems to have found his mate." I was puzzled, and stood up excitedly, "well congrats, Jazz. I hope to meet her someday. I'm sure anyone who you feel a mated connection to is… Great!" Carlisle sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, "No, Bella… Jasper found his mate in you."

In me? My head was spinning, confusion and frustration flooding into my head, only to be met with an overwhelming calm. I looked at Edward, who was staring blankly at the table, and then at Jasper, who was staring intently at me. Could this even be possible?

End note: Please review! I want to know if this story should continue, and if so, if y'all think it's any good. Until next time, Rach