Loud Universe chapter 7



AN: at this point I'd like to recommend coyoteprime1100 story 'The Magnificent 10'. It's good.


...5 minutes earlier...

"Uh...nice to see you Leni." Stated a flustered Ronaldo. "You too Ronaldo!" Shouts Leni as she bounces in...closely followed by all her sisters as they once more took advantage of Ronaldo's crush on Leni to get free stuff...

"Good to see you Lucy." Flustered Pedee as he mindlessly gave her some free fries...

Peedee's as well...

Ronaldo coughed. "In any case...I'm glad to show you my latest documentary!" The girls groaned but grinned and bared it...it was the least they could do for scoring all this free grub(Peedee was rewarded with kisses).

Ronaldo smirked. "Ladies I give you 'coconuts': Veggies or parasitic vampire spiders?' "

The girls looked at him weird. "Wait, don't you mean FRUIT or parasites?" Asked Lori confused.

Ronaldo chuckled. "HA! Don't believe the lies spoon feed to us by big Brand X, Fruits are a myth!"

"...I'm not even going to dignify that with a response..." Said Lisa under her breath.

Ronaldo started it up. "Right...so it's a work in progress...turns out there's only one person in town who likes coconuts...so I basically followed them all week...but as soon as I can afford bus fare...I WILL get more footage." He affirms.

And so they watched as Ronnie Anne bought coconuts...at first it was a complete snores fest...until the scenes where Ronnie started picking on Lincoln...

"See! Clearly the parasite is making this girl aggressive!" Shouted Ronaldo excitedly. And the girls were excited too...but for different reasons...


Beofore Ronaldo's eyes...the girls fused into the dreaded Sister-nado!


And so all of beach city was being thrown about by this horrific conglomeration...a horrible conglomeration that was screaming:




Not far away Lars and Sadie are watching the tornado on the beach grow. Lars drops to his knees praying for a way to make it stop. They hear the winds saying "kiss her! Kiss her!" The two look at each other...then Lars turns back to praying and begging for an answer while Sadie looks disgruntled...

Connie and Steven scream as they embrace one another as their whipped around by the winds-


Shouts Garnet as she jumps up and grabs the both of them. "Hold on Greg!" Shouts Amethyst as she catches him with her whip. And Pearl just grasped her spear that was dug into the cliff and gawked at the sheer power all Loud girls combined can unleash.

Meanwhile, Lincoln and Ronnie are holding onto the wooden banisters on the stairs for dear life. "What is going on here!?" Screams Ronnie. Lincoln quickly explains this sort of thing always happens when they all get excited about the same thing...Though never this big...and never where the Gems or dad could see them.

"They'll just keep going until they get what they want!" Admitted Lincoln. "We'll give it to them then!" Shouts Ronnie.

Lincoln blushes. "Uh...your not gonna like it." "I DON'T CARE! JUST DO IT!" Lincoln frowns but shrugs. "Okay, I warned you." He Then somehow manages to lean over, pull her in and kiss her.

The sisters let out one last eardrum bursting squeal...and then the tornado stops. They all drop down run to their brothers...only to vomit at the sight of their naked bodies.

Ronnie anne gives Lincoln a look of disbelieving wonder-


Before punching him in the face and storming away angry-


Only to be whacked on the head by Garnet. Ronnie glared at her. "What? Don't give me that! I hate that jerk!"

"No you don't. your only hurting him because it's easier than saying you love him." Stated Garnet flatly.

Ronnie 'epped' and flustered at this...then chuckled nervously. "Wh-wha? What are you-

"Oh give it up." Said Lynn smirking.

"Were not boys. We know how our own gender thinks." Agreed Lucy

Garnet just shakes her head. "I still think that's ridiculous. If you love someone why would you do something that makes them think you hated them?"

The girls began to crowd and talk as if the flustered girl and flustered/beaming boy weren't there.

Greg just shakes his head at the whole thing and turns to Steven and Connie. "I'm glad you two didn't go down that road." He says simply...which causes them to blush as well.

Lincoln just smirks. "...I guess today wasn't so bad after all." He says out loud.

"Put your clothes on Lincoln." Said Pearl flatly...



AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.
But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas?

Love me, flame me, review me