Will POV

I woke up two times during the night, all that Brax helped me go back to sleep from. It helped being in his room, but I didn't want the other boys to know incase they called me a baby or soft. I get up early and go to my room. I change into my bikini and grab my surfboard.

"Wait up Will! We are all coming" Heath states.

I nod and in under five minutes, all my brothers are at the door with there surfboards ready to go. We walk down to the beach and when we arrive, the River Boys howl and cheer. I can't help but laugh and the boys make there way over to us all, hugging us and patting our backs.

"It's good to have you all back!" Tim cheers, he lead the River Boys whilst we were away, he is Braxs best mate.

"Feels good to be back" Brax laughs.

We walk past them and dive into the water. The saltwater rushes through my veins as soon as I put my head under. We swim and surf for about an hour. I stop but and sit on my board, looking out at the water.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm going to go to school. I need something to go back to normal, this can be it" I state.

"Alright, Case is going, you two should head home" Brax suggests.

"Yeah, let's go Will" Casey smiles.

I nod and we walk in from the surf.

As we are walking up, Tim leads the boys over to us and stands in front of me.

"I'm sorry about Seth, we all are. We're here if you need us" he declares.

I smile and nod thankful to all of them, then Casey and I continue walking home.

"You sure you're ready for school?" Casey asks, but I don't answer when I see Seth's mum standing at my door. I walk towards her and so does Case, but he stands a bit behind.

"What are you doing here Carly?" I ask annoyed.

"Who do you think killed my son?" she asks.

"Your pathetic husband did" I glare.

"He didn't, so, don't you dare tell anyone he did" she hisses.

"Really? Then who did it?"

She doesn't answer, just scoffs and passes me a paper. It's a invitation to the funeral.

"I'm surprised you did this" I comment meanly.

"I can't make the funeral, so you do it" she demands.

"Seth did not deserve a mother like you, as far as I'm concerned, you helped kill him" I glare.

"He didn't deserve a whore, bitch little brat like you!"

She raises her hand and hits me across my face hard. Casey stands in front of me protectively.

"You should leave" he says to Carly.

"I'd be happy to" she scoffs and storms off.

Casey turns back to me and I sadly laugh.

"Maybe no school?" I ask.

"That's okay, let's sit inside, watch a movie?" he suggest kindly.

"Um, I just want to be alone" I force a smile and then walk upstairs to my room.

I go into my room and sit on my bed. I open the invitation and it has a photo of Seth on the front; his latest school photo. I smile and then, tears drop down my cheek. I go to my bedside table and grab out the vodka bottle. I take a sip and a couple more.

I've finished half the bottle in half an hour, when Casey walks into my room.

"Will!" he shouts and grabs the bottle from me.

He sits down on his knees in front of me, as I sit on my bed. His hands lift my chin up so my eyes come in contact with his.

"Will, are you okay?"

"Not really" I answer.

"What can I do? How can I help?"

"Take the alcohol out of the house. Please, I'm scared, I'm going to go back to that bad place" I plead.

"Okay, I'll take all of it out. Are you going to be okay why I do that?"

I nod and he goes to leave the room.

"Casey! There's a bottle under the bed" I say.

He then, puts the bottle already in his hand down and rushes to me. His arms wrap around me and I cry heavily and uncontrollably into his shoulder.

"He's really dead" I cry.

"I'm so sorry Will, I'm so so sorry" he sighs, stroking my head.

"Case...will you please come to the funeral with me?" I ask leaning back.

"He will. We all will" Brax says, I look to see him and Heath at my door.

I quickly wipe my wet, teary face and then smile grateful to them.

"I'm going to try to sleep" I say.

"Alright, I'll see you when you wake up" Case smiles kindly.

Casey POV

I walk downstairs, me and the boys all stand in the kitchen.

"She asked me to get all the alcohol out of the house. She's scared she's going to go bad. That stupid bitch Carly slapped her and called her a bratty bitch whore" I explain.

"I'm going to go have a talk to that stupid woman" Heath growls but Brax grabs him and pulls him back.

"No you won't. We are going to get all the grog out of this house" Brax states.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door and we all look to each other confused. I open the door, Brax and Heath behind me, to reveal a cop, but she must be new cause I don't recognise her, but she's hot.

"Hi, I'm Constable Chapman, I need to speak with Willa Beaxton" she announces.

"Why?" Brax asks stepping to the front.

"About the murder of Seth Mathews" she answers.

"She's asleep, come back later" he responds.

"I'm sorry, she can come now-"

"Just let her sleep alright?" Brax insists, a hint of pleading in his voice, which she notices.

"Bring her to the district at six tonight, no later Braxton, I know all of your records" she glares.

"So you know my number then?" Heath smirks from behind.

Me and Brax chuckle, but Chapman doesn't see the humour and walks away.