It's another morning. I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking if I should even get up.

"Oi, Will" Casey says, "Were going for a surf, you coming?"

"Yeah, yeah I'll meet you downstairs" I nod.

I'm up. I change into my bikini, grab my board and then head downstairs. All the boys are waiting at the door, so as soon as I join them we leave the house and start walking to the beach. Surfing is a big thing with me and my brothers, us Braxton's are sort of known for surfing and rule the beach. We run the River Boys. River Boys, I know, not River Girls and boys, but I guess I'm the only girl so it doesn't matter. My three older brothers; Brax, Heath and Casey, we all live in Mangrove with our alcoholic, drug addict mother and our abusive, dead beat father who are both never around, but that's good. Brax and Heath are out of school, Casey's in grade twelve and I'm in grade ten, I'm fifteen. We get to the beach and go for a surf. We leave the surf when we see the River Boys come on to the beach. I walk onto the sand with my brothers and pick up my towel.

"Case, we should get going we've got school" I note.

"Who cares? It's school" he scoffs and walks over to the River Boys.

"You staying?" Heath asks.

"Nah, I'm going to head home" I sigh.

"Alright, later" he says and then walks to the River Boys.

"I'll see you after school" I state to Brax.

"Yeah" he nods and leaves to join the boys.

I start walking home and when I get there go to my room and change for school. We don't really have a uniform, it's just a blue shirt. I put it on, tying a knot so it's tight on my waist and then a pair of ripped jeans. I put my hair in a messy bun, grab my bag and then head down stairs.

"Willa! Willa, I need ten bucks" Mum shouts.

"What for?" I question.

"That's none of your business, now give me the god damn money!" she shouts.

I put my bag down and get the money, slap it into her hand and then leave the house and walk to school. I walk outside and see a dodgy looking man walking up to the door. I stand in his path.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm looking for ya mum kid, she inside?" he asks, not bothering to answer my question.

"What are you giving her?"

"Some weed, why? You want some baby? Cause I'll give you some, if you give me some" he smirks, leaning in close to me and putting his hand on my ass.

I throw him off of me and he falls over a chair on the deck. He looks at me mad and stands up, but Heath appears in front of me.

"Piss off" he demands.

The guy huffs annoyed and walks away. Heath turns around to me.

"You alright? Did he touch you?"

"I'm fine Heath, I've got to get to school" I groan and walk past him.

I get to the bus stop just in time. I hop onto the bus and see my best friends waiting for me.

"Hey guys" I sigh and sit down.

"Morning Will, how ya doing?" Matt asks.

"Fine" I answer.

"Clearly not. What happened? Your mum?" Seth guesses.

"Yeah, anyways, any news?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Apart from me getting more good looking by the day. Nah, no news" Matt shrugs.

I scoff laughing and Seth rolls his eyes. We get to school and all go to our lockers. After I get my books, I close my locker and see Joseph 'Joey' West, walking in with his posse. He's in Casey's grade, he and his brothers 'gang' have had a rivalry with the River Boys for years. They call themselves the 'River's Hell'. As in that they are Mangrove Rivers 'Hell'. It's a shit name but is does represent them well. Joey walks towards me with a cocky smirk on his face.

"How are you doing Braxton?" he asks.

"Worse now that your here" I smile.

"Oh, come on baby, you know you love me. Just admit it" he chuckles.

"I don't know who in their right mind would ever be, remotely, interested in a piece of shit like you!" Matt laughs over dramatically from my side.

I chuckle and so does Seth, but Joey looks pissed.

"Shut your mouth Paige or I'll beat it off" he glares.

"What do you want West?" I ask annoyed.

"I'm here, because I want to know what you want" he grins, then puts his arms next to my head, resting them on the locker and leans towards me to try and kiss me.

I grab his shirt before he can and shove him hard into the lockers on the other side of the room. He laughs and I glare at him.

"Don't come near me again or I'll rip your tiny balls off, asshole" I threaten and then walk off, Seth and Matt standing next to me.

"You should've punched him" Matt hisses.

"Yeah, but that was still sick" Seth laughs.

"Hell yeah" Matt adds

Matt laughs, giving Seth a high five. I can't help but laugh with them and we all get to class.