Finally, here is the first chapter of Rainbow Fighters. If you've been following my other stories, you know I've been a bit absent the last two or so weeks so I'm glad to say this is finally out.

As usual, this is a story aimed for a teenage or more mature audience (keeping in mind the actual set up of Power Rangers) and I do not own anything you would recognize.

Also, the prologue to this story is in my other story, Power Rangers: Animal Guardians on the second to last chapter, if you haven't read it already. It isn't necessary to read to understand the story, but you can read it if you choose.

Thank you to Aquilla the Eagle, who created this team. I only created Adrianne, the villains, and a few of the minor characters.

John is portrayed by Nick Robinson

Brett is portrayed by Colin Ford

Molly is portrayed by Nathalia Ramos

Doug is portrayed by Asa Butterfield

Jessie is portrayed by Rhyon Nicole Brown

Adrianne is portrayed by Emily Swallow

Jetta is portrayed by Zooey Deschanel

Darcei is portrayed by Tahj Mowry

Fuscienne is portrayed by Zoe Saldana

The opening video link is in my bio, and all of the characters, with the exception of the villains, introduced in the this chapter have pages up on my wiki, if you want to check those out. Anyways, enjoy!

On the outskirts of a small town in Northern California rested an alien ship. After a few weeks of being there, the ship appeared to be completely dormant and quite small, with most of it lodged deep into the ground from the force of the impact when it landed.

Inside the dull-looking ship, a human-looking alien warrior sat, looking through some data on his computer like device. His armor was Grecian-looking, similar to most warriors of his race, and he had dark hair, dark eyes, and tanned skin.

His fingers danced quickly across the keyboard in front of him, his eyes staring intently at the screen. While there was a lot of information flying across the screen, he immediately stopped typing and sat back in shock when something popped up.

He hummed in satisfaction, but also out of annoyance. "They were found," He whispered under his breath.

"Darcei," A voice came from behind him, causing him to quickly jump out of his seat, startled. The alien woman behind him raised an eyebrow, an amused look crossing her features. She also had black hair, brown eyes, dark skin and was wearing Grecian armor. "Did I startle you?"

Darcei glared at her in annoyance, relaxing his nerves. "No." He answered, his expression calm and uninterested. "What do you want, Fuscienne?"

Fuscienne leaned against the doorway, her eyes catching on the computer behind him. "You found them, haven't you?"

"How does it concern you?" Darcei said defensively, stepping in front of the device.

She let out a laugh. "Do you think you could keep up that facade if I came over to look at the screen right now?" Fuscienne drawled, causing him to look down at the floor. "Exactly. Now, I'll ask again - have you found them?"

"Yes," Darcei ground out through gritted teeth, obviously not wanting to tell her. "Five out of eight. They've bonded with humans." He looked Fuscienne up and down as she walked slowly over to the device behind him. "You are aware that letting these humans bond to the crystals was a bad idea, right?"

"I am aware," Fuscienne nodded. "But we had no choice - it was the only way to track them." Her eyes scanned the screen carefully. "We have to destroy them to gain the crystal's power for ourselves." She turned back to him. "I'll call on a warrior, you track the crystals."

"And what of Jetta?" He crossed his arms. "I assume you're going to tell her of our discovery."

Fuscienne smirked lightly. "We'll see... She'll be informed after we get the crystals. Let's just focus on one thing at a time."

"That's surprising," Darcei commented, raising an eyebrow at her. "I figured you would bound over to her the moment you found out where they were."

"Well," She shrugged. "Jetta is resting at the moment. I don't wish to disturb her."

Darcei shook his head. "I don't know why we don't take her out right now."

Fuscienne launched herself at him suddenly, pinning him against the wall with her hand clutching his face. "Talking like that is what gets us killed. I don't wish to hear anything like that from you again; do you understand?"

He leaned his head back, refusing to look her in the eye. "I understand." He said, although his tone suggested defiance. She dropped his regardless, giving him one last look, before leaving him to himself. "I understand that you'll perish along with her, should you stand with her in the end."

- Cue Opening (link in bio) -

It was a bit past 7 am on the Monday after the high school in Rainbow Rivers got out, and yet, a few students were still walking towards the school. It was the first day of summer school for said students, and most of them were not pleased at the idea of spending their summer cooped up in a classroom, even though they had no choice.

One student walking was a 16 year old male with brown hair, brown eyes, and lightly tanned skin. He was quite tall and had a lean body, and wore a red 'Drama Club' t-shirt, red and black shorts, and red tinted sneakers. He was walking alone, earbuds stuck into both of his ears and his eyes scanning his surroundings.

While he wasn't necessarily happy about his situation, knowing that he would be able to do more of what he wanted the following year was enough to get him motivated to go and try to do well.

He continued to walk alone for a while, avoiding walking through the grass in the park near him and staying on the sidewalk, when he felt a hand clasp down on his shoulder. He was a bit confused, immediately reaching up to pull one of his earbuds out to see who had approached him.

Taking it out, he turned his head and almost immediately broke into a smile, seeing one of his oldest friends standing next to him.

"Doug," The boy greeted him, looking him up and down in surprise. Doug was also quite tall, standing at about 6'0, and had brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. He wore a green t-shirt, blue shorts, and green tinted shoes. "Dude, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Same could be said about you, John," Doug chuckled as they began walking together towards the high school. "I totally forgot that we were gonna be in the same class for the summer."

John nodded. "Yeah, me too. I'm glad we are, though; I didn't really know any of the others, so it's nice to see someone I do know."

"I can agree on that," Doug said. "But who knows? Maybe we'll make friends them. They could be really nice."

"Hopefully." John shrugged. "I don't know - summer school doesn't really seem like the place to make a bunch friends. Most people are just here because they have to be." He said as they crossed the street and arrived on campus, walking in the direction of the portables where their class was.

"Most, but not all," Doug pointed out. "I mean, I doubt anyone's here to make friends, but that doesn't mean that we can't be. For all we know, we could have the best summer of our lives."

John scoffed. "Really? At summer school?"

"Yeah," Doug nodded. "Is that so hard to believe?"

"Kinda. I appreciate the optimism, but I highly doubt this will be anything other than a regular summer; albeit a boring one." John chuckled.

"You wanna bet on that?" Doug crossed his arms, leaning against the wall of the portable as he waited for John to open the door.

John gave him a look, before smirking. "Alright, I'll take you up on that." He and Doug shook hands. "Let's see who's already in the lead." John said, opening the door and letting them both in.

- PRRF -

"I'm pretty sure we're late, Brett," A 14 year old boy commented, looking up at his older brother, who was walking quickly next to him.

Brett snorted. "You don't think I know that, Brian?" He and his brother both shared light brown hair and pale skin, though Brett had blue eyes where Brian's were brown. Brett stood tall at 5'11, and wore an orange t-shirt, blue cargo shorts, and orange tinted sneakers. "Look, we're almost there, so why does it matter?"

"I don't know - maybe it has something to do with being responsible or something," Brian said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at him.

"You're too uptight," Brett muttered, sighing as the two walked towards the school. "You know, it's too early for this."

Brian nodded. "Yeah, I know. You do know that you didn't have to do this if you didn't want to; your grades were fine."

"Well, I did do it and now regret it," Brett gave him a look, though found Brian ignoring it. "Hey, can't you support my complaining and struggle here? You know I don't wanna go."

The younger boy scoffed. "Then don't. Why are you complaining so much? Just don't go," Brian said, as if the statement was obvious.

"If I can't complain to you, who can I complain to?" Brett smirked as they crossed the street.

Brian shrugged. "I guess you could complain to Jessie once you get to class." He nudged him. "Speaking of going to class, that's where I'm going. I..."

"Aww, do you need your big brother to walk with you?" Brett mocked him slightly, nudging him back.

"Shut up," Brian chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll see you here after school, right?"

"You worried I'm gonna get lost or something?" Brett raised an eyebrow at him, before noticing someone familiar walk by. Not even hearing his brother's remark back, Brett nodded. "Yeah, I'll meet you here. I gotta go." He walked away from Brian, ignoring the look he gave him. He jogged a bit and caught up with the person he saw. "Hey, did you ever find that contact you dropped?"

The girl he spoke to looked over at him when he suddenly appeared next to her, before rolling his eyes at his comment. "Oh, it's you.. whatever your name is," The 14 year old gave him a look. She was average height, about 5'4, with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and lightly tanned skin. She wore a yellow t-shirt, blue jeans, and yellow sneakers. "I don't know what else I should've expected."

"Well, if you expected greatness, you got it," Brett nudged her, making her frown at him. "By the way, Molly, it's Brett. I figured it might seem rude to forget your name, but obviously you didn't care too much about it."

Molly crossed her arms. "Considering that I don't even know you, you shouldn't have expected anything out of me."

"Well, considering we're going to be in the same class for about three months, I guess you should try to get to know me." Brett mimicked her exactly, right up to crossing his arms like she had.

"I probably will. Hopefully I find something at least halfway decent about you," Molly nodded, looking him up and down. "Then again, maybe I'm expecting too much from someone I don't even know."

Brett shrugged. "Hey, I'm not asking you to like me," He said as they approached their classroom. "Though it'll probably be hard not to."

Molly rolled her eyes, watching him walk up in front of her and open the door for her, smirking as he looked her over. "What?" She asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He put his hands up in defense, holding the door with his back. "Hey, I'm just waiting for you to come in.. like most people do when someone holds a door for them."

"Okay," Molly nodded slowly, accepting his offer with the door and led him into the room. "Thanks," She said, offering his a small smile in return.

Brett gave a little chuckle. "Not a problem." He looked around, finding only three other students in the room, one of which wasn't even a student, but rather a teacher's assistant. The teacher's assistant had black hair, brown eyes, dark skin, and stood at about 5'3. She wore a blue shirt, boyfriend jeans, and white sneakers. As he walked in, Brett clapped her on the shoulder, startling her. "Hey, Jessie." He greeted. "I forgot you were gonna be in here."

Jessie smiled up at him from her seat next to the teacher's desk. "Yeah. It's not the ideal way to spend the summer but it would definitely help to have some extra credit, you know?"

"Definitely," Brett nodded, looking up as the teacher walked in. Their teacher appeared to be about 30 years old with brown hair, hazel eyes, lightly tanned skin, and was about 5'7. She wore a white shirt under a black blazer, black slacks, and slight heels on her feet. "Hey, teach," Brett greeted, nodding his head at her.

She smiled at him as she set her purse down on the desk next to were he and Jessie were. "Hello, guys," She looked around the room. "I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Ms. Smith. Since this is a small group and I think we can all be friends here, you can call me Adrianne."

Jessie looked from Adrianne, back up to Brett. She nudged him lightly. "Go sit down," She whispered.

Brett chuckled and grabbed the open seat next to Molly, ignoring her irritated look. All of the tables in the classroom had two seats, and given that he didn't want to sit alone, he figured he might as well sit with her, since John and Doug were already at one of the tables.

"So," Adrianne spoke, taking her blazer off and setting it on the back of her chair, before walking around the desk and leaning against it like a chair as she faced them. "I figured that since today is the first day, we might as well take it easy and get to know each other a bit better." She looked at them. "Or do you all already know each other?"

The small group all exchanged looks with each other. John was the first to speak up. "I only know Doug," He gestured to the boy clad in green next to him. "I don't really know anyone else. I've maybe seen them around, but never talked or even know their names."

"Same," Doug nodded, and turned to the other three. "But I'd like to get to know you guys. I don't know you, but you seem cool." He shrugged, giving them small smiles.

Molly smiled back. "I don't really know anyone, but I'd be up for getting to know the rest of you too."

"Umm.. you know me," Brett nudged her, causing her to shoot him a look. "Hey, don't get all mad - it's true!" He chuckled, "But, besides Molly here, I know Jessie," He gestured to her. "She's my cousin, so you know.. I know her."

Adrianne looked to Jessie, who seemed a bit surprised that she wanted her to speak, but did so anyways. "I only know Brett, honestly, but I'm always open to new friends,"

After they all spoke, Adrianne smiled. "Alright, seems like we do have people we know and people we don't. Does anyone want to come up here? Maybe, say a few words about yourself?"

"I'll do it," John almost jumped up from his seat, walking quickly to the front with a smile. Adrianne moved to the side, and let him speak. "I'm Johnathon Sawyer, but you can call me John. I've lived in Rainbow Rivers my whole life, and I've always been really interested in theater. I'm taking this class so that I can free my schedule up for more theater next year."

Adrianne smiled and nodded. "Alright," She looked around the room as he sat down. Her eyes caught on Brett. "How about you go next?"

Brett chuckled and stood up, sauntering over to the front of the class room. "I'm Brett Richards. I'm Jessie's cousin," He shot her a smile. "I have a younger brother, Brian, who's also in summer school, and I've always lived here. I'm only here to get grade from my previous social studies class up so that I look better to colleges." He noticed Molly's slight smirk. "Adrianne, I think Molly wants to go next," He said, startling her by putting her on the spot.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," Adrianne gestured for Molly to come up to the front of the classroom, which she did with a slight glare towards Brett.

She stood at the front and offered them a smile. "I'm Molly Sumner. I'm the youngest kid in my family - I have two older sisters, one of which graduated a few years ago and one is going to graduate after this upcoming school year. I sometimes volunteer at a daycare, where my mom works. I'm here because I failed history, but I don't mind being here that much. If I wasn't here I wouldn't be doing anything so.. I'm happy to be here and have something to do."

"Alright, what about you?" Adrianne gestured to Doug, who stood and walked to the front of the room at her request."

"I'm Douglas Perry, but you can call me Doug. I'm on the baseball team, and I hope to be on it next year. I have a brother who goes here, though he's not in summer school, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys over this summer. I'm here to make up my social studies class, and I don't mind being here either. I'm glad to be here and meet some new people," Doug stated, smiling at them.

"Jessie," Adrianne said as Doug went to sit back down. "Would you like to say some things about yourself?"

Jessie stood from her seat and walked a few feet until she was in front of the desk. "Okay. I'm Jessie Williams. I'm here to get some extra credit for next year, and I really love being around new people or friends. I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys, with the exception of Brett," She chuckled when he gave her a look, "Since I already know him."

Brett nodded, smirking. "That better be the reason." He laughed.

Once she went to go sit down, Adrianne came up to the front of the class. She opened her mouth to speak, when an explosion interrupted her. They all turned their eyes immediately to the window to see what was happening, shocked to see strange looking creatures outside of their classroom.

The creatures were dark looking entities, with completely black bodies and the head being the skull of an animal - likely a cow - with no eyes. The skull's jaw moved in a way that would've unhinged a normal jaw as the creatures screeched at students they were attacking. They also had large horns coming out of the sides of their heads, and were carrying daggers in their hands.

"What the hell are those things?!" Molly exclaimed as Adrianne immediately closed the blinds on the windows and locked the door, pulling a chair out and latching it under the knob. "What's going on?!"

Adrianne was shaking her head and pacing back and forth as the teens watched her - the loud panic going on outside. "This isn't happening. Not now," She whispered, the group of five coming up to her desk, which she was pacing behind, all of them looking to her for answers.

Most of the other teens were very startled and shaken up by what they had just seen, so Jessie, who had taken a deep breath and remained calm, spoke up. "Adrianne, what's going on?" She asked, keeping her voice level and relaxed, much to the shock of the others in the room.

The teacher sat down in her chair and ran a hand through her hair, before looking up at them. She sighed. "Look, I chose you all to be in this class for this very reason. I know you five found the crystals, and I needed you in case of this. Those creatures are named Zilla - they're part of the dark warrior's army."

"What are you talking about?" John demanded. "You know what's going on here? You knew we would get attacked?"

Adrianne almost glared at him. "I wasn't sure, but when you found the crystals I had a feeling something would happen. Those crystals you all found in the ground - the ones you have on you right now because your instinct told you to have them on you at all times - they're not just crystals," Adrianne went into her closet and brought out a wooden box, opening it to reveal eight cell phone-looking devices. "They're the fuel for these morphers - they're the fuel for a team."

The five teens didn't speak for a bit, the room almost deafeningly silent, save for the destruction outside. "What does this all mean?" Doug asked, his eyes flickering across all of the eight golden morphers.

"When you found those crystals, you opened up a new world. You five are the next generation of light warriors.. you five are the next generation of power rangers." Adrianne told them, looking at each of them to see all of their responses.

Molly looked down at the ground, speaking up first. "Is this for real?" She asked quietly, though it was heard throughout the whole room. "Are you saying that we're the only things that stand in front of these things trying to destroy the Earth?"

Adrianne nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying," She responded. "I know you didn't choose this, and I know this is very sudden and seems like I'm leaving you with no choice, but you have to make a decision. People are going to die out there if you don't stop them. Please, take these morphers and fight them. There's no else."

They exchanged looks, before John reached forward and took the red tinted morpher. He took the crystal out of his pocket, it shining red in the light, and put it inside of the empty compartment. When he closed said compartment, the numbers on the morpher lit up and it powered on. The others, after a moment, followed suit - Brett taking the orange morpher, Molly taking the yellow, Doug taking green, and Jessie taking blue.

"They work," Adrianne whispered under her breath as the teens observed the morphers. "When you go out there, yell, 'Rainbow Fighters, Fight The Darkness,' and that's how you'll morph. Afterwards, you fight your hardest and watch each other's backs," She looked at the five, who seemed a bit uneasy. "I have faith in you."

"We can do this," John said after a moment, removing the chair from the door. He looked back at the other teens. "Right? We can do this."

The four looked at each other, before nodding. "Yeah, we can do it," Brett smirked. "Open the door - it's time to fight back."

- PRRF -

The zilla were attacking and destroying anyone and everything in sight, their fighting wild and untamed. They were unruly and didn't care about anything they did, even if it hurt each other in the process. As long as they were hurting people, it didn't seem to matter to them if they were getting hurt or destroyed as well.

"Hey!" John yelled from behind the group, causing the whole small army to look back at the five teens behind them. This, thankfully, caused all of the people they were attacking to have a chance to escape. When no one was there, John spoke again. "Ready, guys?" He asked, pulling out his morpher.

"Ready." The other four also pulled out their morphers, the crystals shining bright.

The five of them typed in 325 on their morphers and held them up towards the sky as they shined brightly in their respective colors. "Rainbow Fighters, Fight The Darkness!"

"Red Fighter!" John announced.

"Orange Fighter!" Brett called out.

"Yellow Fighter!" Molly cried.

"Green Fighter!" Doug yelled.

"Blue Fighter!" Jessie exclaimed.

John looked down at himself after he morphed. His suit was mostly red, with a white chest and torso, and half of his legs being gray. He had a black line down the middle of his chest with a thinner white line in the middle, his belt being the same way. His helmet was completely red and he had two black stripes on the wrists and ankles of his white gloves and boots. On his belt sat a sword in it's holster. Brett and Doug looked the same, just with their own respective colors.

Molly and Jessie also looked similar, just with a skirt that was their respective colors, yellow and blue, and with a large gray area in the middle.

The five teens looked at each other, putting their hands on their swords as they did so. They then looked back at the zilla, pulling their swords out, and running into battle with a cry.

Jessie ducked under a punch from one of the zilla's free hands, and kicked it's feet out before it could swing it's dagger at her. She punched one when it got too close to her and kicked another back as well. She hissed in pain when she felt the slice of a dagger on her arm, and swung her own sword back, stabbing the zilla and throwing it back into a nearby few that were also rushing at her.

She took a few deep breaths as more came towards her. "Don't worry, I'm not done yet," She leaned back to avoid getting her head taken off and sliced her sword down that zilla's body.

Doug ran back and jumped onto the railing of the portable nearby to avoid a hit, kicking his foot out to avoid getting taken down from his spot above them. He jumped down, bringing his sword down hard at the zilla in front of him.

"You want some too?" He asked, looking around at the group that had surrounded him. He gripped his sword tightly and spun his body around, hitting every single one and causing the group to explode.

He thought he was in the clear when he stumbled forward from a punch on his back. Doug kicked his foot back and knocked that one back as well.

Molly ducked under one of the railings on the portable, bringing herself up onto the taller ramp and kicking one that tried to pull her back through. She looked in the open classroom to make sure no one was in there, before quickly stabbing a zilla through it's middle when it ran at her. She grimaced and shoved it off of her weapon before running down the ramp, finding herself blocked off by a small group of them. "I can take you too," She muttered.

She punched the first one as hard as she could, knocking it into two others. Molly blocked a kick with her hands and slashed her sword at the remaining few zilla in front of her.

Molly then ran forward farther and sliced down one that was getting too close to Jessie. "Thanks!" The blue ranger smiled under her helmet.

The yellow ranger nodded. "No problem!" She then stood back to back with Jessie and the two began slashing every zilla that came at them.

Brett almost laughed from the amount of adrenaline rushing through his body. He sliced his sword down one zilla's body, and turned to slam it into another. He jumped back from a zilla that tried to stab him and found an overturned garbage can in front of him.

He smirked under his helmet. "You're bigger garbage than this is," He chuckled, kicking the middle of the garbage can as hard as he could, launching it into the air and at the zilla, which knocked them all down.

"Something tells me you're not done yet," Brett cracked his knuckles as a few more came to fight him. He punched his way through the few and moved on to anymore he could find.

John jumped over a foot that came to knock him to the ground, and slammed his own foot into the zilla, which sent it flying into the parking lot nearby. He clashed his sword against a dagger that came down at his head, and shoved back against it, knocking the footsoldier to the ground.

He ducked under a punch and used the opportunity to knock the zilla off of it's feet. He then came up, slashing another who had come to aid the one that had just fallen.

"You all want a piece, don't you?" John punched his fist into another, sending it into a few that were also running towards him.

John grabbed one by the arm and flipped it over his head, slamming it into the ground hard, causing ripples to go through the ground and make the final zilla collapse.

After all of them were gone, the team regrouped in the middle of the portables, looking around at all of the bodies of zilla, which quickly faded into nothingness, leaving behind a bit of damage but, thankfully, nothing too severe.

They were about to demorph, but Adrianne called out to the them and rushed them inside the room, allowing them to demorph once they were inside. "You did it," Adrianne said breathless, extremely proud of them.

"We did, didn't we?" Doug said as he sat down heavily, finally allowed to relax after that sudden strain on his body.

The other rangers also sat down, the rushes of adrenaline that they got finally calming down. "So, what does this mean for us?" Jessie asked, looking around at the others.

"It means, if you'd be willing, that you would fight against the dark warriors at any time you're needed," Adrianne told them, looking at all of them for a second. "Are you willing?"

The five teens looked at each other, before John nodded first. "I am,"

Jessie seconded this, "Yeah, me too."

"Same," Doug said.

Molly ran a hand through her hair. "I'll do it."

"Yeah," Brett leaned back in his chair. "Just because I know you guys want me here so badly." He smirked.

As they began to talk amongst themselves, Adrianne smiled as she looked at them. They can do this. I know they can. She thought.

Next time on Power Rangers Rainbow Fighters: John struggles to learn that being the center of attention isn't always a good thing.

Next Chapter Title: No I In Team

So, after this I'll be posting the first (and possibly second, since it's a two-parter) chapter of Earth Defenders. If you don't follow my other stories, then you should note that I have a schedule now that will (mostly) be used for updating, except in certain cases like multi-parters or such. The schedule is Guardians of the Galaxy, then Emergency Responders, Rainbow Fighters, and finally Earth Defenders. Knowing this could help you know what story is next up, if you read the others, or if you just wanna know when this will be up.

Here is the list for the next 5 upcoming chapters. Keep in mind these may change around if needed.

Ep 3: Protection - Brett focused chapter.

Ep 4: Origins - Molly focused chapter.

Ep 5: Alone - Doug focused chapter.

Ep 6: Treat Yourself - Jessie focused chapter.

Ep 7: Too Far Part I - Brett and Molly focused chapter. Introduction of new characters.

I hope this first chapter lived up to expectations - I tend to struggle a bit with first chapters. I'll see you guys with the next chapter soon!

© Copyrighted by Charlotte 'Charlie' Hartley