IB: "Honey Trap," a KureShin fic by Emma (KarasunoShugoshin) on AO3

(The plot really doesn't matter. This is just an excuse to write a Shizaya date-rape fic. I'm not sorry.)

Orihara Izaya was in a dangerous line of work—especially for a middle schooler. He'd known the dangers, welcomed them even, in the beginning. When he'd first been hired for the underground detective agency in an attempt to make connections, he thought it'd all be excitement and action. Of course, it was, but there were other parts to the job as well.

He glanced up from his coffee cup, sliding his gaze across the café until it rested on a familiar figure in the opposite corner, sipping slowly on his coffee, hard brown gaze fixed on his phone. Izaya recognized the face under the mop of blond hair immediately—he'd studied it thoroughly beforehand, of course. Along with everything else about the guy. Why wouldn't he? His mission was to seduce the monster, after all.

Taking a breath, Izaya drained his coffee cup and pushed himself back from the table. Making his way across the café with a confident step, he planted himself before the blond—who was the same age as Izaya—who slowly glanced up from his phone screen with an annoyed expression.

"What do you want?" he said immediately, the irked tones in his voice causing the words to grate out harshly. Izaya set a smile on his face to cover up his unease at the unwelcoming reaction—even though it was expected, with the information he'd been given on the guy's attitude.

"Hi," Izaya grinned, making his voice light and friendly. "I was just sitting over there, and I couldn't help seeing how lonely you looked over here." The man didn't answer, and Izaya was already pulling a chair from the table even as he asked, "Mind if I sit down?"

The man frowned, obviously displeased, but Izaya offered his hand anyway as he sat down, his smile unwavering. "I'm Orihara Izaya. Nice to meet you!"

Hesitantly, the man reached across the table and grasped Izaya's hand in his own strong grip. "Heiwajima Shizuo," he answered, the distrust carved into every syllable that fell from his lips.

Izaya let out a little laugh. "What a name! I think I'm going to call you Shizu-chan!" At the blond's immediate glower and the faint warning rumble in the back of his throat, Izaya quickly backtracked. "Shizuo, then. Shizuo is fine. And you can call me Izaya."

Shizuo eyed him suspiciously. "Why are you talking to me again?"

Another laugh. Who would've thought laughing was this tiring? "I just told you! Were you even listening, Shizu-ch—uh, Shizuo? I thought you looked lonely, so I came to keep you company!"

"I don't need company," the blond frowned again, lifting his coffee cup to take a sip.

Izaya ignored his comment, instead leaning over the table to breathe in the smell of Shizuo's coffee. The blond jumped back, nearly spilling the dark brew on himself, as Izaya closed the distance between them, smirking up at the blond. "Mm, smells delicious."

Shizuo gave him a look, lowering the cup to the table. "It's just black coffee," he said. "It's literally the cheapest thing here." The raven was about half a foot from Shizuo's face now, and at that proximity he could see all the emotions flickering through the blond's eyes. Confusion, suspicion, distrust, and a faint glimmer of shock all swam in their brown depths.

"Well," Izaya grinned, "I see you're a man who likes to save his money."

"Sure," Shizuo said, looking at Izaya with a new emotion in his eyes—one that the raven couldn't decipher. "Hey…what was your name again?"

Izaya sighed dramatically. "Must I repeat everything for you, Shizuo? You call me Izaya. I-za-ya. Got it?"

Shizuo gave a displeased "Hm," but didn't complain about Izaya's condescending tone.

"Say, Shizuo," Izaya rested his elbows on the table, leaning his head against his hands as he continued to look into the deep brown of his eyes. "Are you busy after this?" Of course, he already knew the answer. He'd been tracking the blond's routine for the past few months now, wanting his first honeypot mission to go exactly according to plan.

A shrug. Izaya inwardly kicked himself. Of course he's not going to agree to anything that easily…ah, I fucked up. What the hell am I supposed to do now? "Well," the deep voice suddenly interrupted Izaya's thoughts, "I suppose I am."

A flash of shock passed through Izaya, but he kept his face a mask. "Maybe," he continued in as low and seductive a voice as he could manage, a glow of hope in his chest because Wow, this is actually working! "You want to…head back to your place?"

Shizuo was silent for a few moments, and Izaya could feel his own pulse racing. "Yeah," the blond suddenly agreed, the edges of his mouth curling up, "Yeah, sure."

Those files, those files…they're supposed to be in his apartment, why can't I find them? Izaya's hands were sweating slightly, but he fought to keep his calm composure. Shizuo was the son of one of the most influential people involved in the underground, and it was Izaya's job to get into his apartment and search for a specific document that would allow for his own employer to gain a whole lot of power. Hearing ceramic clanking from the kitchen and heavy footfalls, Izaya quickly slid the drawer shut and made his way back to the couch, where he sat as if he'd been waiting the whole time.

"Tea's ready," Shizuo's half-uninterested voice said, and the guy himself appeared around the corner carrying a tray with two teacups and a steaming pot. Izaya met his eyes and smiled at him, concealing the twinge of unease he felt when he got no reaction from the blond. Shizuo set the tray on the table, sitting on the couch a few feet away from Izaya.

"Why, thank you, Shizuo," Izaya chuckled, watching Shizuo pour the hot liquid into the two cups. "You're so kind to me, ne?"

Shizuo said nothing but "Here," when he handed one of the cups to Izaya. Accepting it with a smirk and a subtle wink, Izaya blew gently on the steaming tea before raising it to his lips. I have to find a way to increase my stay…I have to find those files. I can't fail this mission, I'll never hear the end of it. My reputation…

"Mm." Izaya swallowed the burning liquid, which had a surprisingly nice taste to it. "This is really good tea, Shizuo."

"My friend got it for me," Shizuo replied, smiling slightly as he watched Izaya take another sip. "I'm glad you like it." Izaya grinned at him. How the hell do I figure this out from here…If I can't find the documents, I've already failed…But they have to be in this house somewhere. I just need more time to look. Maybe if I…? No. Nope. That'd be over the line. I am not sleeping with this monster.

"Hey, Shizuo," the raven tipped his cup up again, sipping the delicious drink. "You live alone?" He'd just said it for means of conversation, but of course he already knew the answer. He'd done his research.

"I live with my father," Shizuo said, "Well, technically. He only visits on the weekends." Izaya noticed that he hadn't drunk any of his own tea.

"What, you don't like the tea?" Izaya asked, nodding to the still-full cup in Shizuo's hands while gulping down the last mouthful of his own. "It really is good. Why would you pour yourself a cup if you weren't going to drink it?"

Shizuo smiled at him. Izaya wasn't sure why, but that smile sent a shiver up his spine. It was a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Oh," the blond said, his voice surprised, but that cold smile still on his face. "Sorry, I spaced out for a bit." He went to raise the cup to his lips.

Something's wrong.

Izaya could still taste the burning tea on his tongue, the heat prickling down his throat and burning in his stomach. Suddenly the heat in his stomach intensified and he doubled over, gasping with the pain. "Sh-Shizu—" he gasped out, breathing hard as the fiery feelings swept through his veins, making his skin hot and prickly, too confined by the heat of his clothes.

"Oh," Shizuo said again, that cold smile growing colder as he locked eyes with Izaya. "You seemed so keen to come home with me. Were you not expecting something like this?" He raised his own full tea cup to Izaya's lips, the steaming liquid burning the raven as he kept his mouth shut tight. "You're too trusting for your own good," Shizuo laughed, his thumb forcing Izaya's jaw open as he poured the scalding tea down the smaller boy's throat.

"Gkk! Agh!" Izaya gagged on the burning heat as it ran down his throat, leaving a trail of prickly discomfort before pooling in his stomach. Once the liquid was down, it was all he could do to catch his breath, his lungs burning almost as badly as his insides.

"Come on, Izaya," Shizuo taunted, tossing the empty cup to the side and gripping Izaya by the back of the neck, pressing his fingers into the fair skin. "Did you not want this?" Izaya felt the fingers around his neck, pushing hard, constricting his air. He gaped his mouth open helplessly, fighting for a breath that wasn't there, as every nerve exploded with a fiery heat when Shizuo touched it.

The fingers loosened for a moment, allowing Izaya a desperate half-gulp of air, but then they were squeezing tightly again. The blood in his veins thrummed desperately against the strength of Shizuo's grip. Izaya could feel the liquid leaking from his eyes and mouth, the saltiness dripping down his cheek and the saliva sliding down his chin. How the hell did it end up like this? I just came here for a few stupid documents. Am I going to die here, at the hand of this…this monster?

Shizuo suddenly let go of Izaya's neck altogether, and the raven doubled over as he coughed and sucked in air desperately. He glared up at the blond, his chest heaving as he panted, the fire in his veins causing his muscles to twitch at random.

Shizuo just stared at him and laughed. Laughed. "I'm not going to kill you," he chuckled, "Just what do you think was in that tea, anyway? I just wanted to see your expression when you thought your life was going to end."

Izaya sucked in another breath, his lungs aching. "Th-then," he tried to speak, but his tongue stuttered over every sound he made. "What was-s in th-the t-t-t—" Somehow nothing he thought in his mind was making its way into the open air. He found himself unable to control his own tongue.

Shizuo seemed to know what he was saying. "What was in the tea?" the blond echoed easily, as if showing off the fact he could speak normally. An almost scary grin cracked across his face, his brown eyes alight with some strange mixture of rage and excitement and terrifying pleasure. "Let me give you a hint, I-za-ya." He hissed Izaya's name, the half-whispered syllables inducing an inexplicable shudder through the raven's small frame. This kid's insane! Izaya thought frantically. Then, honoring his promise to 'give a hint,' Shizuo leaned forward and pressed a hand directly over Izaya's crotch.

Izaya didn't think he'd ever jumped so badly in his life—his heart pounded in his chest as all his muscles jerked and spasmed in shock and his body twitched to escape the offending touch, only…only the touch didn't feel bad. It didn't feel bad at all. The burning sensation across his body fired up at the touch, and Izaya could feel his own sudden hardness straining at his pants. He found himself rolling his hips slightly as Shizuo began palming him through his pants. Wait…did that moan come from me?

"Uuuuhhhhhnnnnn," Izaya's head fell back against the couch as the unnatural noises rolled off his tongue. "Nnnnnnngggggghhhhhhhaaaaaaa…" Shizuo let out a little chuckle as the raven started to jerk his hips back and forth, trying to intensify the feeling of Shizuo's hand on him. Izaya could feel the heat on his face, knew he was blushing humiliatingly, knew that there were still tears in his eyes and saliva still dripping down his chin. He knew that right then, he was literally begging for Heiwajima Shizuo to touch him, begging for more of the delectable feelings the blond was giving to him. He knew he had no control over himself anymore.

"Aw, Izaya," Shizuo laughed, his free hand moving up under the raven's black T-shirt, sending every muscle he touched into a spasmic dance. When his fingertips brushed against Izaya's sensitive nipples, the smaller man felt a loud, uncontrollable moan of pleasure tear itself from his throat.

"Sh-Shizu—Shi—" Izaya panted incoherently, gasping and moaning as Shizuo pinched the pink buds, one after the other, sending brief blasts of pleasure arcing through the helpless boy's body. Izaya had absolutely no control over his own body—his muscles twitched and jerked on their own, his hands were limp and helpless at his sides, and his voice seemed to fall from his lips without the permission of his brain. His mind itself was a muddled mess of questions and exclamations that he wanted to say out loud but couldn't gain the control of his tongue to do so.

Shizuo took both hands off Izaya's body, and Izaya didn't even recognize the sudden petulant whine as his own. The blond used both hands to pull the raven's shirt over his head, sending a gasp or moan out of Izaya's throat every time he brushed against his skin. Izaya found his hips moving on their own, rolling upwards, his body begging for Shizuo's touch again. No! Stop it! What the hell am I doing! I can't just let him do whatever he wants, this is rape! But no matter how hard his mind fought, he couldn't overcome the animalistic urges of his own body. He drugged me, Izaya screamed inwardly, He drugged me and I was stupid enough to not see it.

"Loosen up, I-za-ya," Shizuo murmured, the way he hissed Izaya's name sending a shiver down the raven's spine. The blond ran his hands down Izaya's torso, sending waves of fire through the smaller man's muscles. Izaya jerked, small moans and whines escaping him as Shizuo unclasped the raven's belt with a single smooth motion and yanked the waistline of his pants down, exposing his achingly hard need for Shizuo's touch.

"Sh-Shizu-o!" Izaya cried out as Shizuo trailed his finger lightly up the raven's weeping erection, circling the tip. The simple motion turned every thought in Izaya's head to mush, and every sound that came out of his mouth was gibberish. Shizuo paused in his motions for a moment to tug his own shirt over his head and cast it to the side.

"Louder, Izaya," Shizuo grinned down at him, sliding his fingers through the weeping liquid that escaped Izaya's erection and spreading the juices across the raven's lower torso. Izaya's back arched as Shizuo curled the fingers of his other hand around Izaya's boner, sending the smaller man's muscles into a spasmic dance. Every inhale was a gasp and every exhale was a moan, and Izaya couldn't even fully comprehend what was happening to him; all he knew was that it felt incredibly good.

Suddenly Izaya felt a single digit slide into his opening. A loud groan escaped him, pleasure dripping from the unexpected noise and sending waves of alarm blaring through his shocked mind. But Izaya had no control over his own body anymore, and his spine was already arching and his hips were already moving and he was sliding himself down onto the digit, then up again, feeling the finger curl and twist inside of him. Bursts of pleasurable heat exploded inside of him as another digit slid in, the two fingers scissoring inside of him to stretch his fiery muscles.

"See, look how much you're enjoying it," Shizuo grinned, his smile going in and out of focus in Izaya's overwhelmed eyes. He pushed deeper, a third finger stretching the tight muscles more and causing more shudders to run through Izaya. The raven's back arched, his muscles tightening around the digits, his spine curling and uncurling to move himself up and down over the fingers. Moans escaped his mouth, louder with every breath. Why am I going along with this? Why can't I even control my own body? What has he done to me?

Shizuo's free hand clamped over Izaya's painfully hard erection, suddenly rubbing quickly up and down on the heated flesh, the friction causing Izaya to cry out and clench his muscles down on the fingers. He tried to yell something out, but all his sounds came out as pleasured moans and sighs. "Sh-Shi—" he tried, but his words were quickly overtaken by his own pants. A heavy shudder passed through his entire body, his muscles clenching and unclenching, contracting over and over until he felt the splatter of his own liquid against his stomach, but the heat wasn't gone. The heat wasn't gone at all, his erection was still painfully erect, the sweat was still dripping down his body and the fire was still burning through his muscles.

"That's once," Shizuo whispered, his words just barely registering in Izaya's foggy mind. "Let's see how many more times you can come for me." The blond's fingers slid out of Izaya, an unrecognizably childish whine slipping past the raven's defenses as Shizuo did so, letting out a little laugh. Izaya breathed in sharply at the feel of wet warmth over his sensitive nipple, glancing down to see Shizuo's blond hair in front of him. Shizuo licked once more, dragging his tongue over Izaya's nipple. The smaller man melted into the feeling, involuntarily leaning his head back as a low moan tore itself from his throat. Izaya began panting, his breath coming quick and leaving him light-headed, as Shizuo began to suck on the sensitive bud. The sound of a belt unbuckling and fabric sliding over skin barely registered in Izaya's lost mind until he felt the blond's wet erection against the inside of his thigh.

"N-nnnn—" Izaya tried to protest, but the words refused to form on his tongue. Shizuo brought up a hand to pinch his other nipple and the raven crumbled under his touch, reduced to a mumbling mess beneath the blond. Shizuo lifted his head, and Izaya inwardly cringed at the way his brown gaze hungrily took in Izaya's heated face and sweat-coated skin, under which muscles burned and twitched at random.

"Ready?" Shizuo asked softly, teasingly. Because he knew Izaya couldn't think straight. Because he knew Izaya's tongue couldn't form the sounds he wanted. Because he knew that Izaya had no choice. Because he's a fucking monster! Izaya fumed inwardly, his thighs jerking to the sides as Shizuo lightly touched them.

Suddenly—too suddenly—Shizuo's erection was sliding past the tight ring of muscles at Izaya's entrance. It was sudden, and yet…Izaya's body moved on its own again, his back arching past what he would've thought possible, his knees bending around Shizuo's back to draw him closer, his fingers clawing at the fabric of the couch beneath him in any attempt to push his hips down onto Shizuo's length. Somehow, in some way, the feeling of Shizuo's pulsing organ inside of him made Izaya crazy, made him want more and more of it. Before he knew it, the blond was in to the hilt, and Izaya still didn't feel full.

The raven moaned helplessly, begging for more while at the same time pleading for it to end. Sweat ran down his body, heat radiated off his skin, his muscles contracted at random as the pleasurable feelings raced through him. His ankles were locked behind Shizuo's back, his toes constantly curling and uncurling with every slight move Shizuo made. His fingers clenched into fists then unclenched, his nails scratching at the couch then at his own skin.

Shizuo stayed in to the hilt for a while, holding Izaya's hips still, as the raven struggled to feel more. Thoughts and feelings were racing through Izaya's head, conflicting and confusing in his drug-numbed brain. One thought rose above the rest, forcing itself past his lips. "Move," he gasped out, his body twitching against Shizuo's grasp on his hips. "Move." As if he'd been waiting for Izaya to say that, Shizuo smiled a smile that didn't reach his eyes and slid out then back in again.

The shivers ran through Izaya's body, growing more and more intense. His muscles contracted around Shizuo's length, pulling him deeper every time. The friction was building, every movement sending a moan out of the smaller raven and causing his fingernails to scrape against the fabric of the couch beneath him. "Hnnn," he groaned, biting his lip as the sound rushed through him, "Mmmm!"

Suddenly Shizuo's hands were underneath Izaya's bottom, causing the raven's muscles to twitch and burn from his touch on the fiery skin. The blond lifted slightly, holding Izaya's hips off the couch, sliding in all the way at the new angle. He brushed something inside the raven that made Izaya yelp, his voice raising to what would be an embarrassing level if he'd been in his right mind. A wave of heat swept through him, a coil of pleasure building deep inside him where Shizuo had touched. He shuddered, his cries building in volume and intensity. Shizuo's name rose to the tip of Izaya's tongue, and he sank his teeth into his own lip to keep the name from slipping out.

"Hnnnnn!" Izaya groaned against his teeth, tasting metallic blood on his tongue as he bit down harder, the fire rushing through his body in waves as Shizuo hit the same spot again. Unable to hold back the second time, Izaya gasped out "Shizuo!" as he climaxed once more, his entire body shaking and shuddering with the loss of control.

"Twice," Shizuo laughed, grinding slowly against that sweet spot deep inside Izaya. "I'm sure you can do much better than that." Izaya's head fell back against the couch, his entire body jerking and contracting against the feelings that Shizuo's throbbing organ was giving him. Sweat rolled down the shorter male's body, and saliva slid down his chin. His chest heaved with every breath and the air rushed past his teeth faster and faster with every passing second.

Izaya didn't know how much more of this he could take. The pleasure was becoming painful, the feelings racing through his body becoming terrifying. Every time a muscle jerked, every time a moan slipped out, Izaya was reminded of how little control he really had. Shizuo held all the cards, controlling every feeling that tortured the raven. Izaya panted, struggling to hold back his moans so that he could just breathe, as his lungs were beginning to ache from the lack of full breaths. His muscles were tired, so tired from the constant contractions.

"Sh-Shizuo," Izaya forced out, feeling incredibly proud of himself as soon as he was able to finally get the sounds out amidst the pants and groans that surrounded his syllables.

"What is it, I-za-ya?" Shizuo murmured, and Izaya could feel the blond's grip circle around to settle on his hips, fingers pressing tight against the soft skin there. Izaya couldn't help the moan that escaped him from that simple touch.

"St-Stop," Izaya groaned, then gasped as Shizuo slammed against his prostate.

"Oh? You want me to stop, do you?" Shizuo grinned as he drew back and slammed back in again, feeling Izaya unravel beneath him. His next words came out low and intimidating. "Don't tell me what to do, flea."

Izaya's entire body gave up at that, his mind falling apart and his muscles giving into the constant jerking motions that controlled them. "Aaaahhhhnnn," Izaya moaned as Shizuo began pounding against his sweet spot again and again, faster and faster. "Sh-Shizu—ohh…mmmnnnnngggghhh…"

"I won't stop." Shizuo smiled, but it wasn't really a smile—just a cold, unfeeling, cruel curl of his lips. "I won't stop until you stop."

What the hell does he mean by that?! Izaya was feeling too overwhelmed to even think. And yet, he could almost grasp the idea that Shizuo was talking about. He understood how, with every thrust Shizuo gave, his own body responded by pushing down onto the blond. He wants me to stop…reacting? Reciprocating? How am I supposed to stop, he drugged me! With another monstrous slam into Izaya's prostate, the raven felt his body undergo the same shuddering, convulsing motions it had before as he ejaculated for a third time.

"Three times," Shizuo echoed Izaya's thoughts, "That's twice now you've come just from me being in your ass. Do you like these feelings, Izaya? Do they feel good? Do you want to feel even more?"

Izaya struggled to regain control of his lungs, sucking in a quick breath to respond. "N-No," he whined, even though his spine was pushing his hips down onto Shizuo's length. "Stop—stop it—no more," he panted, a harsh stinging in his eyes reminding him what tears were.

"No more?" Shizuo repeated, that same scary grin still on his face. "No more? And yet you're still pushing down onto my dick? How lewd, Izaya." He gripped Izaya's hips tightly, and Izaya felt the blond pushing in to the hilt, grinding against his prostate. The raven's body dissolved into shudders again, his mind falling apart under the overwhelming feelings. He didn't even register what was happening to him until Shizuo laughed and said, "Four times, Izaya. And in such a short amount of time, too. You really enjoy this, don't you?" He pulled back, allowing Izaya a half-second to regain his breath, before thrusting back in at a normal pace.

Izaya groaned, feeling his own sticky cum on his lower stomach, glancing down to see the clear-white thick liquid sliding down his skin, pooling on the fabric of the couch beneath him. "No more," he panted again, forcing the words out with a numb tongue. "I can't—I can't come anymore."

"Oh, I'm sure that's a lie," Shizuo laughed, and Izaya tensed up as the blond's tight grip moved from one of his hips to his achingly hard erection. "See? Look how hard you still are. Granted, I did give you an incredible amount of aphrodisiacs, especially since you're so small." He let out another laugh as moan after moan spilled out of Izaya's mouth. "Well, we'll just have to see how long it takes to wear off, right?"

Shizuo began to move his hand up and down over Izaya's weeping erection, leaving the smaller boy to dissolve into convulsions and moans beneath him. The feeling of Shizuo against his prostate had been one thing—but now that feeling, paired with the deliberate attention to Izaya's hard-on was almost too much for the raven to handle. His moans built in volume, his muscles tightening around Shizuo's length to pull him deeper with every thrust. Izaya's eyelids slid half-shut, and everything kept going in and out of focus as his mind became completely and utterly overwhelmed with everything that was happening to him.

"Oh?" Shizuo laughed again, but the sound was fuzzy in the raven's head. "That's four times. Ahh, you're still coming. Izaya, look at all this!" His voice rose in what almost sounded like excitement, and Izaya slowly focused his eyes on Shizuo's fingers in front of his face, coated in a thick white-ish liquid. "Ah," Shizuo suddenly moaned, his voice losing its confidence for a moment as he drew the slick finger back to grip Izaya's waist. "I'm going to come inside of you, Izaya. Do you like that? Does the thought excite you?" Izaya couldn't even think well enough to voice his immediate rejection.

Suddenly there was a strange sensation deep inside of him—a hot liquid pooled inside, filling him and making his stomach ache. Izaya let out a moan of discomfort, yet it held an undertone of pleasure to it. He felt the loss of Shizuo's pulsing length inside of him, but the sperm filled him up just as well. "Ugh," Izaya groaned, his nails scraping against the fabric of the couch beneath him as his body twitched, his member still achingly hard. "Sh-Shizuo," he panted, finally able to catch his breath now that the blond had stopped abusing his prostate. "Are—are you…done?"

Shizuo only grinned in response, ducking his head down out of Izaya's field of vision. Unable to gather the energy to crane his neck, the raven simply laid his head down against the couch in defeat. Suddenly his entire body tensed up at the feeling of the blond's tongue on his length. Izaya felt a cry of intense pleasure tear past his lips, a wet warmth engulfing his tip as a rough hand began pumping the bottom of his shaft.

"Shi—Shizuo!" Izaya cried out, rolling his hips into the fantastic feeling. Despite the exhaustion weighing him down, his muscles reacted strongly to the attention Shizuo was finally giving to Izaya's painfully hard erection. The warmth disappeared for a second, and Izaya didn't even recognize his own half-scream of pleasure when his body shook and his ejaculation arced through the air for the fifth time.

"My, my," Shizuo laughed, "I didn't even think it was possible for a single person to come this much in one night. You've exceeded my expectations, Orihara Izaya." Izaya shuddered once more, another moan grating over the back of his throat before spilling into the open air as the blond took Izaya in his mouth again.

That was the point Izaya could remember up to. That was the point where, despite the fiery feelings still racing through him, the exhaustion and overwhelming shock of everything that had happened finally caught up with him and his mind sank away. That was the point where Orihara Izaya finally lost consciousness.

Next two chapters will be up over the next two days, after I edit them a bit

Review! ^_^