Hiya! This is my first "actual" story, so I'm hoping for some feedback. Cover image by Eliocelot13. Check out her profile on QuoteV! Huge thanks to luigi207 for fixing my Morse code!

"it's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming. on days like this, kids like you..."

Frisk stood shrouded in darkness, even though the room was illuminated with a soft golden light. They didn't look good. Dust stained their small hands, one of which was clutching a razor sharp knife. A smile stretched across their face, which was almost identical to the smile Sans wore himself. However, neither of their grins contained any mercy. The two of them stood glaring down at the other. Pure blue eye met bloody red eyes. One set of eyes would never see the light of day again.

". . . ."

Sans summoned his full arsenal and hurled it at the demon across from him. A gaster blaster clipped Frisk's SOUL, and they winced. A look of pure malice crossed their face.

"I killed the lady behind the door. She was so nice, wasn't she?" A menacing whisper emerged from the seemingly innocent child.

"I killed the captain of the royal guard. That idiot refused to die." Frisk's voice suddenly increased in intensity.

"I killed your brother, Sans. He was so pathetic!" Frisk's - no, Chara's perverted grin seemed to stretch even wider.

"Guess who's next, Sansy-pansy? You! How fun! Will you put up a better fight than the ones you love?" Chara giggled, and Sans inwardly grimaced. Kids like them were supposed to be playing with toys and watching cartoons, not killing like a genocidal maniac. However, Sans wasn't listening to Chara. He was watching to see where they would strike next. Chara leaped forward, with their knife aimed directly at Sans's heart. Sans dodged easily.

"did you think i would just stand there and take it?" He chuckled mirthlessly before launching another barrage of bones. Chara swerved crazily to avoid his attacks, almost crashing into several gilded pillars.

"anomalies have been occurring in the time space continuum," Sans began.

"timelines jumping left and right," Sans suddenly felt a sense of deja vu. Had he done this before?

"this is your doing, isn't it?" Sans continued, his hoarse voice barely a whisper. He felt a presence looming behind him.

"Oh yes, Sans. It is. And always will be." The presence behind Sans was shuffling closer, its foul breath pervading the air.

"And to help me, I brought my little friend. Look behind you!" Sans turned around slowly and carefully, expecting the very worst.

Nothing was there.

"Kid..." Sans growled.

"Whoops!" Chara giggled.

"You turned around and messed up the battle sequence! How terrible!" Chara put an and exaggerated look of distress. Sans honestly had no idea what they were talking about.

"It looks like we need to fix the game, don't we Sans?"

Game. Sans had many theories about the odd resets, but the whole world being a game was a new one. However, he did know one thing. Monsters who didn't follow the script simply disappeared. Monsters like Gaster.

"You little-" Sans's voice gave out as a small white dog appeared in front of him. Sans's eyes widened.

"Sans, you have disobeyed the program. You have committed a fault of the highest order!" A huge voice bellowed out of the seemingly tiny dog.

"You shall be banished from this world as atonement for your transgressions!" Sans felt a powerful force push him to his knees as his arms were tightly bound behind him with a cyan magic. Sans struggled, but to no avail. He had actually seen a banishment before, and afterwards had hoped with all his SOUL that he would never be banished. Would he be erased from everyone's minds too? What would happen to Papyrus? Would he forget him too? Sans unconsciously eyed the old red scarf looped around his neck. He closed his eyes. He was not ready to leave this world, yet when was he ever ready? Darkness began to swirl around him, a sharp painful void that cut down his HP astonishingly quickly.

1 HP

0.1 HP

0.01 HP

0.001 HP

0.0001 HP

0.00001 HP

0.000001 HP

0.0000001 HP

0.00000001 HP

0.000000001 HP

0.0000000001 HP


-.. .- .-. -.- / -.. .- .-. -.- . .-. / -.- . - / -.. .- .-. -.- . .-.