Author's Note

Oh boy, it's... it's been awhile hasn't it. Okay so this fic is not quite dead but on life support. There are many reasons and we're going to go through them so...

Part 1: School

When I first started writing this, I was in the middle of a doss year and had more free time than I knew what to do with. I am now going into my final year of school complete with all the stress an education defining exam like The Leaving Cert will do and as such I won't be posting too much. The past year has also been very busy on the schoolwork side and I've barely had time to breathe let alone write this. It's been ... urgh. Not great. (Understatement of the fucking decade)

Part 2: Why that was the understatement of the fucking decade

To be blunt, my mental health took sky dive from 'not great' to 'symptoms of GAD'. I don't particaurly want to go into it and if you're interested you can look up GAD but let's just say it's not great and it makes actually being productive really hard. I'm very lucky though as I have a lot of support and I am seeing someone and it was caught before it could become a fullfledged disorder. Needless to say, I had to put this fic to the back of my proirities so it didn't end up joining the parade of things I needed to do otherwise I was a failure of person. Please allow me to be able to not make this a priority in my life. This has always been a passion project and I don't want that ruined by having it cause me anxiety.

Part 3: Less Heavy Real Life Stuff

I was also just really busy. I was involved with several plays and I got a job and I kept falling sick. Like I was sick A LOT. It was crazy. Like I had tonsilitus and the flu AT THE SAME TIME. It was nuts.

Part 4: Shifting Fandoms

Sadly I have found myself slipping into other fandoms and Hetalia is no longer my main fanfiction hub and I no longer spend time reading hetalia fanfics. It will always hold a very special place in my heart but I have escaped hell (hetalia).

So, I hear you ask (that's right, I'm psychic), what now?

Well... I have still been working on chapter 23 (and when that's completed it'll be replacing this) however I am only about a third of the way through so don't expect it too soon. What I can do, because I HATE unfinished stories, is summarise what'll happen in the last few chapters so you will know what happened and then if I ever get around to finishing those chapter then there'll be a summary and a chapter. So let me know if you want me to do that or wait indeffintely for me to update.

Thank you to everyone who's read this, reviewed, sent me messages and everything. I rreally do appreciate all of it. And to those people who just found this fic and read through it, know that this fic is not dead and it will not be dead until its complete. (If that makes sense)