Alright, before I start the next part of Puella Magi Madoka Prime, I little announcement I should make. Now as you know now, the Magical Girls will be siding with The Autobots to stop the Decepticons in conquering the world. Well, I've been thinking about this and came up with an idea. If the Autobots would have Magical Girls, why not the Decepticons? Now I know this sounds ridiculous, but there has to be an opposing team to rival that of Homura and her team. It might be a bit much, but it would help expand the story further down the road and would help make the stakes go really high. Now I have a few ideas to handle the Magical Girls for the Decepticons and how they would be recruited, which I won't tell. But I can't make the Decepticon Magical Girl team on my own.
Which leads me right to you readers. I want you to vote which team will be recruited by the Decepticons. Now the choice would regard the other Magical Girl shows that have a twist. I will provide you with the list below and an explanation of each of these choices.
Choice #1: Any Magical Girls from the Puella Magi Madoka Magica Universe
This one is the most obvious as this does take place in the Madoka Universe. That includes that of the mangas. Now when I said that it would be any Magical Girls from the manga series, which would include any character from Kasumi, Oriko, and Suzune. Now there are a few exceptions such as the Tart series as it takes place in France in the 1800s so that won't count. I also won't include the Magia Record series, game, or the manga that came out with the first publish in the US. That one I'll be saving for this story. If you choose this one, please give me the name of the characters and series so I know whom I'll write in. You can even mix and match the Magical Girls from any series, so you get to see Oriko, Kasumi, and Suzune characters together in one team. Course, the team would consist of four to five members, so don't give me too many. Course that's one choice, the other choices would be from different series. Such as…
Choice #2: Yuki Yuna is a Hero
This is one of the Magical Girl series with a bit of a twist like Madoka Magica. If you don't know about the summary, it's about members of Hero Club lead by Yuna are driven into a world to protect against the Vertex who seek to destroy the divine tree. Using a special phone application granted by Taisha, an organization dedicated to the Shinju, Yuna and her friends must transform into "heroes" with magical powers to protect their world from imminent destruction. Now I don't want to go further into the short series, as it would be spoilers, but feel free to watch it when you have the chance. However I do want to say that this show is similar to Magica with a few differences. And considering the number of these 'Magical Girls' in that series, that would be a good enough rival team for Homura's group.
Choice #3: Magical Girl Site
This here is a much darker turn in the Magical Girl genre as it was created by the same publishing company that did Magical Girl Apocalypse , which isn't included on the list mind you. Summary is about a tormented withdrawn middle school student named Aya, who gains the ability to become a magical girl through a mysterious website. She soon finds friends that provide her strength in other magical girls like herself, making friends and enemies as the magical girls discover that the very website that gave them their magic is planning a dark surprise that will threaten all of humankind. This is definitely a dark approach for the series and certainly is gory on certain occasions. But the way they present it is the best out of it and the magical items they use were unique in a way. I mean a gun that can teleport people randomly, a cell phone the freeze time, a yo yo and slices people in one hit. That's something that could make for unique fight scenes. I would say that the main characters of the series would be perfect allies for the Decepticons. That is if you choose this.
Choice #4: Doki Doki Literature Club
Now this one is going to be the dark horse of the voting process. And from what I know, one that brings in a niche audience. Now this is a Dan Salvato game that is mostly a dating simm click adventure, one of those boring click bate that don't give you much. But as the story progresses, it slowly starts taking a dark and twisted turn as three girls go through sick and disturbing things all under the watchful eye of the one pulling the string. I look into this game through many youtubers and I can see potential with spin off games and the like. However, looking at this, I started to wonder if it would include the girls from Doki Doki being Magical Girls. And judging by their characteristics, they would each of different Magical Girl characters such as Sayori with the nooses, Natsuiki with the chef baking, Yuri being the assassin with the many knives, and Monika with a futuristic type look with a magical pen that can rewrite reality. I do believe that these four would make perfect rivals for Homura and the others.
So that's it with the choices, I do believe that these are good decisions on who will be on Megatron's side. It will be a while until I get around to the chapter of the Decepticons recruiting Magical Girls on their own. Still I will put the poll on my profile and keep it there until I get to the chapter. When it's up, you will choose between any Magical Girls from the Magica manga series, Yuki Yuna is a Hero, Magical Girl Site, or Doki Doki Literature Club. I mean I can tell this is going to be a tough choice from this end, but I hope there will be a clear winner. I mean who knows who will make the cu-
'heh, heh, heh… Doki Doki will win…'
Whoa… What the hell…? That didn't happen in my stories before… Just hope it doesn't happen again. Hmph… Anyways, voting starts now, and it will remain on until I reach the chapter. Make your pick!
Getting to the next chapter, in the aftermath of the Omega Lock, there will be questions regarding not only the Magical Girls, but Jack's shock that he's not really human. What will become of all of them? Meanwhile, Megatron must find out more of the Magical Girls that attacked his ship. But some mysterious allies will come to aid of the overlord.
Chapter Notes
This chapter will have a bit of everything. You get Jack's somewhat origins plucked out of the TFA series, considering that I left a cliffhanger on the last one. But then I am going to add two Decepticon characters from the Transfomers movies. Not going to tell you which ones, so you have to read to see for yourself. As an added bonus, I will bring a Decepticon from the TFP series, something that all of you will be in for a treat of. But again, you will read and see for yourself.
Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers Prime or Madoka Magica
Chapter Twenty-Four: Aftermath
Deep in the Arctic, the Decepticon tower of Darkmount stands tall as deep in the chasm with hills of ice around it. But above the tower, the Nemesis and floating overhead and hovered rather lowly. Inside the ship, Megatron looked to the smoldering wreckage of the communication room and was eerily silent by what happened. The screens were shattered, console was short-circuiting, and any technology looks to be inoperable. Starring at the damaged room, Megatron lowered his head and was contemplating what just happened. It was then that he started to demand what happened.
Megatron: "Please, Silas, explain to me what transpired here."
He peered his head to see a few of his soldiers standing in attention. They include, Starscream, Knockout, Soundwave, Dreadwing, and Silas. The former MECH leader stepped in and explained to his boss what has happened.
Silas: "Yes, Lord Megatron. As you knew, we had both the Autobot recruits and the humans kept locked up and secured. But the moment you left, things went downhill pretty fast. Apparently, two more humans managed to sneak aboard the ship and went on a rampage, probably looking for the captives. At the same time, both recruits managed to escape interrogation and were searching for the human companions. The moment they set them free, they sort of seek refuge into that room, preferably discovering your plans. From what Soundwave managed to piece together, the spacebridge was hacked, taking over both the propulsion system and the targeting sensors, which lead to the bridge selecting a new target away from where the Autobot base is located. Before we could even figure out what they did, it was too late."
Megatron heard it from their newest member and was silent the whole way through. Turning his head down, he just couldn't believe what transpired. He thought he had everything under control. He thought that he could taste victory in his servos. But now things went down south and even if he has a base of his own, it's not placed in the spot where the Autobots were hiding. Groaning, he asked about the two new intruders that managed to get on the ship and went on the attack.
Megatron: "These two new intruders you've mentioned, are they like the other two?"
Hearing that, Silas knew what he was referring to and nodded.
Silas: "Indeed. From what the survivors mentioned, those intruder are young girls in their teens. And like the two I've encountered in the spillway in Jasper, they do possess unknown powers. There is also another one who is far older that I encountered too on the ship as well, but she disappeared in a blink of an eye. They were the ones who helped the recruits free the human prisoners."
Thinking of this, he asked about the recruits as well.
Megatron: "And how did the recruits managed to escape. They were held against their will and their weapons were far from their reach."
Silas thought of that and didn't have a clue either.
Silas: "To be fair, sir, I don't have the foggiest. But Dreadwing was the last one who came in to interrogate, but the security camera went offline during the interrogation, Soundwave try to bring it back online while Knockout and I check to see what transpired. But when we arrived, we saw him down and out."
Hearing that, Megatron started to wonder about that part and was concerned. So he turned to Dreadwing and asked what happened.
Megatron: "Dreadwing, you were the one that encountered the recruits when we kept them captive. Please, explain to me how they managed to escape."
Dreadwing turned to his leader and was silent for a brief moment. Thankfully, he and the others didn't know that it was he who set the two Autobots free and covered up the fact that he was the one who used the enemy weapons and used his personal flash drive to knock off the cameras. But he needs to keep it to himself, otherwise he won't last long. Starscream noticed this and slowly walked behind him, demanding him to answer.
Starscream: "Your master just asks you a simple question, Dreadwing. Answer him. Or the reason why you're silent is that you're hiding something from him."
The former commander peered to him and was keeping his cool.
Dreadwing: "Unlike you, commander…I don't hide anything from my superior."
Starscream: "Then tell us why two recruits managed to outsmart you."
Looking back at the leader, he explained what happened in his processor.
Dreadwing: "I went on ahead, and started to ask those two questions in regards of the Autobots and any known weaknesses, the defenses in their base, and any future relics. But before I can say anything, one of them, I do believe the red mech, had a flash bang in his possession and blew it up, blinding us. Then the femme had some sort of lock pick to break them free from their stasis cuffs and grabbed their weapons to take the drones out before they could recover. Then they took me out and left me for termination. Thankfully, Silas and Knockout came by, otherwise I would've been joining the Well of the All Spark."
Megatron heard his side of the story, his lie, and was curious about that. Meanwhile, Starscream heard it as well and was a little confused.
Starscream: "What? Impossible! We checked for any possible weapons and besides the sword, energon pistol and the tofus, there weren't any weapons within them."
Dreadwing turned to him and told him about the crew.
Dreadwing: "Maybe you should've had your men do a much theral check, otherwise, none of us would've been in this predicament."
Starscream: "You dare question my squads. I'll have you know that I lead Airadicons to victory on Cybertron. Even you and your brother."
Dreadwing: "Indeed, my brother and I were among your crew. Course that was before you have Skyquake destroyed and you resurrect him as a lifeless shell!"
Scream rolled his optics around and was getting annoyed by that.
Starscream: "Oh, not this again. Let me remind you that that was my mistake as I was going through some problems of my own. I'm now a changed Mech and you should respect me as one."
Dreadwing: "And while you might have changed, I still won't forgive you for what you've done!"
Megs heard enough and decided to stop this.
Megatron: "Enough!"
The two stopped arguing and turned to the leader, looking rather upset.
Megatron: "I will not have this ship in disarray, even after what had occurred. As far as what Dreadwing said of what happened, I believe him."
The commander heard that and was shocked.
Starscream: "WHAT?! But my liege-"
The Decepticon leader lifted his servo up and continued with what he's trying to say.
Megatron: "The Autobots are as devious as before, especially considering recent events. Apparently those recruits were more prepared then expected, something we cannot simply ignored. Dreadwing, I am thankful that you are still functioning on normal levels. I hate to see one of my most loyalist of soldiers falling under the servos of two recruits."
Dreadwing listened and was amazed that he believed his lie. So he bowed down gracefully and thanked him.
Dreadwing: "Thank you my liege, I promise I won't drop my defenses again."
Megatron gave him a stern look and hope that his former commander doesn't screw up again.
Megatron: "For your sakes, Dreadwing, you better not fail me like this. Now return to your quarters and get some rest."
To that, the Con got up and returned to his quarters to rest, knowing that he got away with it. At the same time, Megatron looked to the others and told them on further orders.
Megatron: "As for the rest of you, the Autobots might have claim a victory over my plans, but that will be short lived. We must gain an advantage if we are to succeed in my global conquest. Knockout, Soundwave, head to Cybertron to salvage the remains of the Omega Lock. Even if it was destroyed, we might need something from the debris. Silas, you're in charge of the Nemesis. Have it survey the area incase we have any sign of intruders. Starscream, you're with me. Please follow."
With that, the group separated and went about their assign posts. Silas though was about to leave, but then he spotted something in the comm. room and went in to investigate. Bending down, he noticed a badly damage thumb drive that looked Cybertronian in nature. Course that is Dreadwing's drive that he gave to the recruits, but he didn't know about it yet. Picking it up, he started to wonder who the drive belonged to. Putting it away, he left the comm. room and headed to the bridge.
Down the hall, Megatron and Starscream were heading to the hanger bay, as the commander was upset about what Megatron did.
Starscream: "I cannot believe you let Dreadwing go. I understand he's your most loyal ally, but he's a complete loose cannon, especially what happened the last time he tried to terminate me. And to think you believe in what he said? Utter suspicious."
Megatron sighed and reminded him of the soldier.
Megatron: "I'm fully aware of Dreadwing's behavior since he lashed out on you because of your actions. But he's the most loyalist soldier that would serve me and I will keep him around. However, I will not let him distant himself from my goals. Still, I will leave your own concerns under consideration."
Starscream sighed and decided to focus on the real task at hand.
Starscream: "Well, despite this little hiccup, we still have a base on this planet, even if it's in the wrong location. Your first phase of your global conquest. Even if those recruits and the humans managed to relocate Darkmount, we still have the location of where the Autobots are hiding. I'll dispatch my strike unit and bombard that town so we can-"
Megatron: "That won't be necessary…"
The commander heard that and was a little confused by that statement.
Starscream: "Uh… Master?"
Megs soon explained to him the two obstacles that are in their way.
Megatron: "Even if we begin our assault, the main goal is to locate the Autobot base in the town, so we can destroy it. Until then, I will keep the invasion on hold until we had the exact coordinates. Besides, I have to delay it because of much more pressing matters."
Scream sighed and knew what he was referring to.
Starscream: "Of course I know what you're talking about. Young human femmes who possess mystical powers. I find that hard to believe that a small batch of those exist. It doesn't make sense."
Megatron: "Neither was Unicron sleeping underneath this planet. But they are real; I witnessed it on a few occasions. And from what Silas had to say, it does prove one thing."
Starscream: "And what is that, my liege."
Megatron: "That there are more of these humans, perhaps a few thousand of them around the world. They could be an apposing threat to my cause."
Starscream turned to him and thought of a way to handle this.
Starscream: "If you want me to eliminate them, just say the word."
But the leader thought of something much more devious.
Megatron: "As much as I want to see them gone, I was thinking of something much more."
Starscream: "And what will that be?"
Thinking this through, the warlord came up with an excellent idea.
Megatron: "It has come to my attention that the Autobots have this small batch of humans in their possessions. Wouldn't it be fitting if we have our own?"
Scream heard that and did a double take.
Starscream: "You kidding me? We have humans to fight with us. Lord Megatron, as your commander, and with all due respect, are you INSANE!? It's one thing to inject yourself with Dark Energon it's another to recruit humans that have these powers. We don't really know what they are capable of or any strengths or weaknesses."
Megatron heard his complaint and understand what he's saying. Recruiting them is one thing, understanding these girls is quite another. He needed information on their powers, their weaknesses, and their unlimited potential."
Megatron: "Perhaps you're right, Starscream. If I am to recruit these humans, I must understand what they are capable of and use it to our advantage. Until then, we must wait."
The group reached the hanger bay as the huge hole in the door was still exposed with the worker drones trying to cover it up.
Megatron: "Now then, rally our troops."
So he and Starscream transformed and flew out through the hole the Jackhammer made and left the ship. The two soon started to nose dive down and reached the top of the tower, where all the Cons were present and standing by for their leader. Once they hovered over the spiral, they transformed and landed on the flat surface, pedes first, standing back up with confidence. The moment they land, all drones, including Vehicons, Airadicons, Insecticons, and the now called Tankicons bowed down to their master, welcoming him home. The leader looked at the sight and was happy about what he is witnessing. Seeing what he created, it's no doubt that that his quest to conquer this planet will bear fruit. Looking right at the throne that's before him, he slowly walked up to it with Scream following him. By the time he reached up the stairs and in front of his chair with Starscream on his side, he turned to his legion and gave them a big and robust speech.
Megatron: "Decepticons! Take a good look around you. Savor it. What you are looking at is the beginning of our conquest. Even if the Omega Lock is destroyed in the servos of Optimus Prime and a spacebridge compromised, our plans in making this planet ours is still on schedule. However, we face a foe that will thwart our goals. Not only the Autobots, but younger human femmes with mystical and mysterious abilities. They had infiltrated our Nemesis and lay waste to our fallen comrades. Indeed, this threat is inevitable, should they return. But know this, we will rise up against their kind, just like the Autobots. They will be crushed by our pedes and learn that they will never cross with our legion. They will all learn that no matter how powerful they are, they will never defeat the all mighty DECEPTICONS!"
Starscream soon stepped in and raised his first in the air, giving out one huge cry.
Starscream: "All hail Lord Megatron!"
Soon enough, the group in front of Megatron got up and raised their fists in the air, repeating what the Commander had said.
Megatron slowly sit on his throne and watched as his minions call out his name. With a smirk on his face, he knew that his time of conquest will come. All he needs to do is learn about these human girls and their powers and maybe, just maybe, use it against the Autobots.
Meanwhile, static appeared on the monitor as it was searching for something. Just then, the screen changed into a Fox News alert as clips of what look like military trucks, soldiers, and tanks all entering Jasper as a new correspondent explain to the public on what is happening.
"Breaking News overnight. Military personnel from the US Army Department in Las Vegas have entered Jasper, Nevada. The citizens of Jasper noticed tanks and dispatch units surrounding the town while checkpoints are in place in freeways and roads entering the city with choppers hovering overhead. There are concerns of this strong military presence in the area, but General Bryce is urging people to remain calm."
The scene soon changed to a press conference in the White House as Bryce was at the podium explaining to the American people of the situation.
General Bryce: "Yes… The strong military presence is concerning, but I can assure to you that there is no alarm. What is happening down in Jasper is only a military exercise. They are just training for any potential terrorist attack incase a huge city like New York, Chicago, or Detroit are threatened. The American people can rest easily knowing that our men are handling any situation, be that big or small."
It was then that a reporter raised his hand and asked if this exercise is related to what occurred not too long ago.
"General, do you think that this military training exercise is connected to a mysterious incident at the Antarctic? Astrologists and weather analysts across the globe are stating a mysterious beam of light that hit the middle of the Antarctic, fearing that it would lead to some serious global warning. Could it be possible that this unknown event could be connected to this military exercise?"
The general heard him and knew that he was connecting the dots. So he tries his best in covering it up.
General Bryce: "No, there is no connection. As far as this weather anomaly you mentioned, it is just a random occurrence that went under military's radar. However, we are monitoring this situation incase the beam of light melted any of the polar ice caps. Thank you, no more questions."
He soon left the podium to make his exit as more reporters were asking questions on these strange events. Backing away, every Autobot in the base was watching the news event on one of the screens with Fowler watching with them. Arcee looked to this and was impressed on the general's handling of the situation.
Arcee: "Got to admit, the general knows how to keep our secret under wraps. You think this will be put under the rug?"
Fowler heard her and turned to answer truthfully.
Agent Fowler: "In truth, I don't know. Let me remind you that he is still miffed over the debacle with Nemesis Prime. Even so, he knows how to keep the American people at ease. Still, with all this military hardware surrounding Jasper and the base, the Decepticons will think twice in invading."
Optimus look down to the agent and told him that it won't be easy.
Optimus Prime: "Don't be to sure about that, Agent Fowler. With the Decepticons already having a base on your planet, they will be more devious in their attacks."
Ratchet soon stepped in and finished with what the Prime is saying.
Ratchet: "Even if it were the case, the Decepticons can't attack until they have the actual location of our base. Which thankfully gives us some advantage. Now, when you talked to Bryce of the situation, have you mentioned about…them?"
Hearing that, Fowler turned to the lounge and saw all four girls sitting around the table with four soul gems getting purified by the remaining Grief pellets they have left. Those four are Homura, Mami, Kyoko, and Miko a group of Magical Girls that managed to overcome the Decepticon onslaught. Course, their identity had to be kept a secret, as Homura managed to get through it. But thanks of Kyoko and her blunder; the cat is out of the bag and Homura had to explain everything to them. So far, she managed to talk about the Magical Girls, the contract, the wishes, the gems, and even he Law of Cycles. Course, she didn't mention about the Witches before in front of Mami and Kyoko and mentally told Kyubey to take Bebe back to the Darby residence so they shouldn't be involved. So technically told everything to them. Fowler looked to the group and told the team that he didn't say that to the general.
Agent Fowler: "No… Not yet at least. I still need to understand all this. I mean, real life Magical Girls with powers to fight these Wraiths and Nightmares while under the watchful eyes of this god of theirs? This type of nonsense only exist in books and TV. Then again, aliens didn't exist either until you guys arrived. So, technically, this is pretty much the norm."
Optimus turned to the group of girls and was still debating about this.
Optimus Prime: "Indeed… These girls managed to withstand a group of Decepticons with ease and protected the recruits and our human companions. I even find it baffling that Miko is one of them as well and both her and Homura never mentioned anything to us, all but a few."
He soon turned to Arcee, Bulkhead, Strongarm, and Sideswipe and demanded an explanation.
Optimus Prime: "Arcee… You, Bulkhead, and the recruits knew about the existence of these girls, yet you never mentioned anything to me. Please explain…"
The four looked to each other and knew that he demanded an answer. Sideswipe soon stepped in and told him that it wasn't their fault.
Sideswipe: "Now hold on Boss Bot, those girls just showed up and helped us. You have no right to blame us for-"
Strong arm soon lifted her servo up and stopped him, knowing that it could make the situation worse. Arcee looked to the red mech and returned to the Prime to give him her side of the story.
Arcee: "With all due respect, sir, yes, we did keep this from you. Though we didn't know it either until they revealed their secret. To me, Homura revealed herself during a Decepticon chase, yet she didn't know about our existence either. As for Bulkhead, he didn't know of any of this until he witnessed a fight with Silas, Homura, and Miko at the spillway. And of course the recruits ran into two new ones and they helped them freeing our friends and escaping the ship. But understand that Homura wanted us to keep it a secret for a reason.
The leader heard her and was curious on what she meant by that.
Optimus Prime: "Go on…"
Arcee nodded and explains this secrecy.
Arcee: "If the Homura's secret came out, it will endanger every Magical Girl around the world. The Decepticons will hunt for them and take them out. That is the reason why Homura wanted to keep all this under wraps."
Bulkhead though stepped in and told them of what happened recently.
Bulkhead: "That was until one of Homura's friend decided to blow Homura's secret by attacking Ratchet."
Kyoko overheard that and turned to him, exploding in complete anger.
Kyoko: "Hey! I'm not Homura's friend! I'm a mutual partner. And by the way, I didn't know that Homura was keeping our secret and I just got upset over your grandpa over there getting upset about what happened, even though he did nothing while we all did the work!."
Ratchet overheard her and was getting upset.
Ratchet: "Now hold on! I'll have you know that I was working hard in keeping all comms operable. Course, I never got into contact with the team because the Decepticons have blocked off communications. You are thankful that if it weren't with the recruits gaining communication through the Nemesis, we all would've known of Megatron's true intent with the Omega Lock. Though things would've worked smoothly if Optimus didn't destroy the only thing to restore our world.
He soon turned to Prime, still miffed over loosing the Lock. Optimus turned to him and knew he was angry over that, and though to have him cool off.
Optimus Prime: "As stated before, Ratchet. We has little time to stop Megatron and what I did was the only way to end this."
But then, he turned to the Magical Girls in the lounge and approached them, talking to one of them.
Optimus Prime: "As for you, Homura Akemi, you shouldn't have kept this a secret from us. I was able to explain to you of our existence when Arcee revealed herself during that Decepticon attack. It would've been best if you let us know about you and your friends."
Homura peeked up and could tell that they needed an explanation, repeating what Arcee said.
Homura: "Even if it were the case, you think I want to expose the existence of Magical Girls. You should know that the moment I do that, I leave every girl in danger. I managed to keep this secret for this long until Kyoko decide to reveal our existence to all of you."
Kyoko sighed and repeated what she said over and over again.
Kyoko: "Apology number 356. I never knew you kept all this from these metal bastards."
Mami then looked up to her and told her if all the things would've been resolved a whole different way.
Mami: "And besides, you kept this secret from us as well. These Autbots and Decepticons… This war… You knew this the whole time and you never told us any of it."
Homura turned to Mami and gave a deep breath.
Homura: "Even if I told you, the both of you wouldn't believe me. Besides, this wouldn't have happened if you two didn't get dragged into this battle."
Kyoko soon got annoyed and reminded her of two things.
Kyoko: "Well, we're so sorry for coming in uninvited and rescue both you and your little student over there. I mean, if it hadn't been for us, your soul gems would've been kept as trophies while your bodies rot away. Speaking of which, did you know that our very souls are in those gems?"
Mami turned to her and lifted her hand to stop.
Mami: "Now Kyoko, don't judge her. She's been through a lot. We've all been through."
Kyoko slouched on the chair and decided to save it for another time.
Kyoko: "Fine… Whatever…"
Miko watched the fight going on and figured that what they all went through on the Nemesis is really starting to get to them. Her teacher turned to her and pat her on the shoulder.
Homura: "Don't worry about them. They're just going through the aftermath of the fight. But they are also well reserved and managed to get on by. Don't take them too personally."
Miko turned to her and was surprised at how these two are behaving.
Miko: "I know… It's just that you told me about Mami and Kyoko. But I thought that you all work as a well oiled team. Now I can see you three don't get along well."
Homura turned to the two and get what she's saying.
Homura: "Indeed… We are a team, but there are times where we don't get along really well. Mami is a great veteran, but she is still recovering with loosing her previous student. And Kyoko lost so much because of her wish and can only care about herself. But in battle, they work together as a cohesive unit. I mean, Mami and Kyoko once work together before."
Miko heard that and was surprised by that notion.
Miko: "Get out! Those two? You're pulling my leg."
The veteran chuckled and told about them.
Homura: "No, it's true. They joined when Kyoko was hunting down a witch from her territory and Mami helped her. They became as thick as thieves, that is until what happened to Kyoko's family. It's a long story."
The student turned away and thought of something else.
Miko: "And now they too are dragged into this war. This gets more complicated by the second. But at least they can work together like before."
Homura turned to Mami and Kyoko as they were just talking about their first experience in fighting against the Decepticons and could tell that this is something they must get use to.
Homura: "Of course. Mami and Kyoko never expected this, to which I should blame Kyubey for dragging them into this mess. But whether they like it or not, they are here to fight and it's something they need to get use of."
It was then that Miko turned to see someone and was a little concerned.
Miko: "Yeah… Some more so then others."
Homura heard her and turned to see what she was looking at. That's when she saw Jack sitting on the railing, contemplating what he just witnessed. He still has the wound exposed as well, but there was no torn muscle or leaking blood. Instead, it was silver skin and ripped circuitry with a bit of sparking. Ever since seeing that, he was contemplating why he has this and for how long. He remained like that for a while and didn't know how to react. Shocked? Angry? Betrayed? There's so much to get to. Homura couldn't help but to feel sorry for him. He's going through with so much and didn't know how to react to it.
Homura: "Poor Jack… He's been like that since that shock. I wonder what he's thinking about."
Miko thought about it to and came up with something.
Miko: "My guess, questioning himself if he's human or not. I can't blame him. If I was in his shoes and saw that on my shoulder, I would be screaming mentally on it."
Homura sighed and had to do something to speak to Jack. After all, he needed the necessary company after what he's going through. Turning to see her gem completely purified, she picked it up and turned it into a ring, slipping it into her finger. She soon got up and walked down to him to talk.
Homura: "I'm going to speak to him. I just hope that he is ready to talk."
As she was walking, Miko looked on and wondered if it was wise for her to handle Jack. So she got up to get to him as well. But that was before a younger male voice called her to stop.
Raf: "Don't do it Miko. Let Homura take care of it."
She heard that and turned to see Raf sitting on the sofa with his laptop, checking up on social media of any and all sightings of the white beam of light from the Omega Lock to delete or remove. She soon explained why she wants to join up with Homura to aid with Jack's dilemma.
Miko: "But Raf, Jack would need some comfort after what he's going through. We're his friends, we should help him out."
Raf though looked up out of the laptop and shook his head, assuring her the Homura can handle it.
Raf: "I think we should give him some time before we can speak to him. After all, Homura understands what is like to get through with life like this. Let her speak."
Miko heard him and sighed, knowing that Homura should be the first to speak. Sitting down, she got miffed and groaned with her hand on her head and the elbow on the table. As she was pouting, Kyoko looked to her and asked about all of this.
Kyoko: "So… Is it always like this in this place."
Miko turned to her and shook her head.
Miko: "No… This is a first."
Meanwhile, Homura approached Jack and wondered what to say. There he is, trying to question his existence. Maybe it wasn't a good time in speaking to him, but she needs to help him go through all this trying time. But she needs to get him out of the funk and speaking to him is the only way out of it. So with a deep breath, she tries to start the conversation.
Homura: "Hey Jack. Is everything okay?"
The Darby didn't answer, he just sat in the railing, still distraught over the shock he has. Homura could tell that he still didn't feel like talking, but she wouldn't give up just yet. So she continued on.
Homura: "Look Jack, I know that you are confused by all of this. Just the fact that you found out that inside of you is not human is all it can break you. But you can't just shut everyone from it. If you want to talk to me, then talk to me. We can help you out, no matter what."
Jack still remain silent and didn't want to utter a single word. The Magical Girl sighed and figured that it was the case. Arcee soon turned to notice her talking to him and figured that she isn't getting anywhere. So she decided to join in and approach the two in talk him out of his funk.
Arcee: "Homura is right, Jack. You can't distant yourself from everyone after what you seen. Sometimes, you need a friend to help you through this. Trust me, it took me a long time before I gain trusts with friends until Cliffjumper came. So please, if you want to talk about it, talk to me. I am your partner after all."
Jack was still silent and sat like he was a statue. The two looked to each other and could tell he has a lot on his mind, so they decided to leave him be. But just as they were about to turn…
Jack Darby: "Why…?"
The two heard him and turned back to see Jack asking himself that.
Jack Darby: "Why did this have to happen to me?"
The two could tell that he's questioning himself and decided to comfort him from this situation.
Homura: "Don't worry, Jack. Everything is going to be all right."
The Darby looks to her and still didn't feel like it's going to be the case.
Jack Darby: "No Homura, everything is not going to be all right. Look at me. Look at my shoulder! I'm not fully human! I'm just, some part of a robot or android or…"
Arcee: "Cybertronian…?"
The two turned to the femme and was confused what she meant by that. Cee soon looks down to Jack and pointed the wound on his shoulder while explaining it.
Arcee: "That exposed metal skin and circuitry it's almost similar to that of a protoform, the basic building blocks in creating a Cybertronian. It's seems obvious the way it looks."
Hearing that, Jack lifted his head up and immediately groaned about that thought.
Jack Darby: "Great… Now there's a chance that I might be half Cybertronian as well!"
He soon put his hands on his face and was extremely distraught. Homura saw that and gave a quick glare to the two-wheeler.
Homura: "Arcee? You're not helping."
The femme turned to her with a glare back.
Arcee: "I was only trying to state the facts. Don't blame me if I was just being thoughtful."
The Magical Girl rolled her eyes around and decided to iron out that wrinkle. Approaching Jack, she told him to not get pressured in what he's going through.
Homura: "Listen Jack, I know how hard it is trying to accept a life that I'm prepared for. Life of a Magical Girl isn't all happiness and smiles, as I stated to you before. But in the end, I must pick myself up and keep moving forward. To protect those that matter to me. My home, my friend, even my family."
Jack heard that last word and lifted his head up, realizing the only family that he has, or the family that took him in.
Jack Darby: "Oh shit! I almost forgot about mom! Does she know about this? How long did she know of this? Is she even my mom? Did she take me away from my real family? Am I adopted?"
Arcee noticed that he's asking himself so many questions and had to snap him out of it.
Arcee: "Jack! Stop! You're overloading yourself with questions that you can't answer yourself. I'm sure your mom might have answers for you. But for now, you can't go through this alone. No matter what, we'll help you get through it."
Jack turned to Cee and placed his hand on his wounded shoulder, looking a little calm after hearing her words.
Jack Darby: "Promise…?"
Homura then got to the side of Jack and turned with a bit of a smile.
Homura: "That's a promise from us Jack. We are going to help you through this."
Jack heard her and turned with a bit of a smile after this dark time in his life.
Jack Darby: "Thanks, Homura… Arcee… At least I have friends that will look after me."
Just as things started to normalize, they heard the sound of a car horn honking through the tunnel entrance. Every turned and saw a red car coming out of the tunnel and immediately parked. When the driver side door opened, June got out of it and looked around with worry.
June: "Is Jack here? I got the call from Raf saying that he was hurt and I left home as soon as I got the message. Where is he?"
The group could tell that June was here for Jack as Arcee turned to her and told her where he is.
Arcee: "He's here, June. He's just a little shocked from the injury. You know what I mean when you see for yourself."
June looked to the femme and was a little confused about that.
June: "Okay… I'll see for myself."
She soon got her medical bed in the back and rushed to the steps. As she was walking towards the steps, the two-wheeler turned to him and told him to go to her.
Arcee: "This is your chance, Jack. The moment of truth. Hope you're ready to face it."
The Darby heard her and lowered his head, sighing at the thought of it.
Jack Darby: "Sure… No turning back now."
He soon got off the railing and walked to the steps, heading down it. Everyone looked on and wondered how this would end. By the time he got down the steps, both he and his mom starred at each other, as she wanted to know what happened.
June: "There you are, Jack. I was so worried about you. When Raf called that you were hurt, he didn't tell me the details of it. I rushed as soon as possible to go and check on you. So tell me, what happened? Where did you get hurt? Was it on the arm you're gripping? Did you fall? Scrap yourself? Show me!"
Jack could hear the tone of her voice and knew that she wanted answers. Looking to the wound he was holding, he took a breather and decided to let it out.
Jack Darby: "Mom…"
Slowly he removed the hand from the shoulder and showed her what happened. June starred before having her mouth agape and her eyes wide, dropping the medical bag in the process. Seeing the exposed metal skin and circuitry, she was completely horrified with her hand on her opened mouth. That shock soon turned into sadness as she lowered her head and closed her eyes. Seeing the changes in expression, Jack knew something, that June hid this from him. She soon got her head back up and opened her eyes, realizing that he needed answers.
June: "Jack… We need to have a talk."
Somewhere in deep space, the stars were shinning with planets floating around. Just then a ship came into view and was floating through the cosmic stars. It is a medium size ship with a red paintjob with three thrusters at the bottom and two solar flare wings on top, with the front looking like three glowing red visors with to antenna blasters on the lower sides. In side the bridge, two shadowed cybertronians were looking at the holo map on the console, looking right at the high-energy readouts coming from Cybertron.
?: "You sure this is accurate, Shatter."
Shatter: "Indeed, Dropkick. According to the scanners, they picked up a huge energy spike coming from the Planet Cybertron. It was a short spike, but it proves that something was activated."
Dropkick: "That's impossible. There hasn't been any life on that graveyard since it went dark. There is no way that there would be any energy signature coming from there."
Just then, the two heard a voice from behind.
?: "Cybertron is more then meets the eyes, Dropkick. You should know."
The two turned to see another shadowed mech approaching with glowing green optics approaching them. The two knew who it is as Shatter gave attention.
Shatter: "Lockdown… Do you know anything about this?"
Lockdown approached the holo screen and starred at the map.
Lockdown: "Only through rumors. According to legends, there is an ancient relic that can restore our home world and convert many planets to ours. They call it the Omega Lock. I thought that just stories that the elders talk about. But judging by the spike, I do believe that the legends were true."
The two looked to each other and was confused by the choice of words Lockdown mentioned.
Shatter: "Were?"
Lockdown turned to the two and explained to them the situation.
Lockdown: "Since that energy spike, it ceased breams after. If it's the case, then it either means that the Lock is shutdown or destroyed. If that's the case, then we must head to the coordinates of the energy spike and investigate."
The two heard him and wondered if one more member on the ship knows of this.
Dropkick: "That sounds like a bold statement. Does he know of this as well? Has he even been told?"
It was then that the three heard heavy footsteps coming from the bridge entrance, followed by a booming voice.
?: "Of the energy spike? Yes I have."
The three turned to the entrance and saw a huge figure with a cannon attached to the arm.
?: "I even find Lockdown's theory of the Omega Lock quite fascinating. And if what he said is true, then I believe the most logical course of action would be to investigate the anomaly. Set course of Cybertron. It is time to come out of hiding."
It was then a huge red optic started to glow, resembling that of a cyclops. The ship soon started to set course for Cybertron, wondering if who or what caused the Omega Lock activation could still be there.
Returning to Earth and the Autobot base, Arcee and Homura were in the hall, waiting outside the infirmary where Jack and June were. Once the reveal happened, the mother wanted to talk to the son of that wound, but in private. So they were in the infirmary, where June would patch her son up. Homura and Arcee though wanted to know first hand on what she would say, so they waited outside to get their answer once she's done talking to Jack. Homura was pacing back and forth, waiting for them to come out. But they've been in there for a while; it started to worry them.
Homura: "It's been five minutes now. What's taking them so long? June said that it wouldn't take too long."
After a bit more waiting, she decided to take matters into her own hands.
Homura: "That's it. I can't take it. I'm going in there and get my answers."
She soon headed to the door and was about to kick it open. But before she could even reach it, Arcee told her to stop.
Arcee: "Hold on, Homura. Give them time. They would need it."
The Magical Girl turned to her and told her that this is unacceptable.
Homura: "But Arcee, June told us that she won't be long. And yet five minutes sounds like an eternity. We need to know the secret June is keeping from Jack."
Cee rolled her optics around and told her that it was difficult.
Arcee: "If June kept this secret from his son, there no doubt that she needs some time to explain it. Give her time. She has a lot to think about."
Homura heard her advice and groaned, knowing that she's right. There's no telling how long Jack's mom kept this secret from him. So she needed to think of what she would say. Feeling defeated, she turned and crossed her arms, having to wait for a little while more.
Inside the infirmary, June was tending to her son, covering up the wound on his shoulder. She managed to use the bandages to wrap Jack's exposed body, since he had to remove his shirt, and she wrapped the bandages around the front and back of his body. Once she finished, she tightened the bandages and was all done.
June: "There. That should cover that wound."
She soon swiveled the chair to get the roll and scissors into the bag, explaining to him on what to say.
June: "Remember, even if that exposed skin is well hidden, you need to come up with an excuse on why you look like that. I have a few good excuses to keep what you say a secret. Say something like a trip and fall, or you bonked your shoulder on something sharp. They might believe you if you tell them from what."
She soon swiveled back and noticed Jack being quite and his head and body was drooping.
June: "Jack? Are you okay? Did I have the bandages too tight? I can loosen them up for you."
She was about to proceed, he uttered one word.
Jack Darby: "Well?"
June heard that and looked up, wondering what he wants.
June: "Well, what?"
That's when he look down to her and demanded answers.
Jack Darby: "I'm waiting…"
June blinked a little before realizing what he was waiting for.
June: "Oh… Yes… That… Well… You see…"
Jack crossed his arms and still not buying it.
Jack Darby: "Still… Waiting…"
June turned away and didn't know how to explain it to him.
June Darby: "It's really complicated."
Jack just about had it as he spat at her on how she would say it.
Jack Darby: "'Hey Jack, guess what? You're a robot.' HOW COMPLICATED IS THAT?! You knew all this time and you haven't told me about it?! What's happening to me?! What am I?!"
Hearing his complaint, June knew that he ran out of patient and tries to calm him down.
June: "Oh, Jack, you're right to be angry with me and I know you have many questions that need to be answered. But in truth, I don't know much about you and where you came from. I don't even know where to begin."
Jack managed to calm down and slowly turned to June, wanting to tell him as much as she can.
Jack Darby: "Then tell me all you know. What happened?"
June sighed and decided to tell him all she can recall.
June: "All right, I'll tell you. Long time ago, when we were married, you father and I always wanted to have a child. But no matter how we tried, it didn't work out. When we went to the doctors, they found out I was barren, that I lack…the necessary parts to make a baby. I was devastated, so much so that I don't know where to go from there. There were even talks of signing up for adoption to find a kid, but I wanted one that has my flesh and blood, not no one else. Then one day, we were camping out of Jasper down at Shoshone Range, just so I can clear my mind and figuring out on our future. But during the night, we've notice a mysterious shooting star coming down and crashing close to us. We've thought that it was a meteor went to investigate. But when we got to the crater, we discovered that it wasn't a meteor, but a strange looking pod in the form of an egg. Out of curiosity, I approached the pod to get a closer look. The moment I got close, the pod opened and revealed what appeared to be a tiny little being made out of liquid metal. John told me not to touch it, but something made me reach out to it. Being the protective husband, he rushed in and tried to stop me. By the time he grabbed me, we both touch the liquid being and felt a huge shock on our arms, causing us to fall to the ground unconscious. By the time the both of us came to, we both heard a baby cry from inside the pod. The moment we investigate again, we didn't find the liquid metal creature, but instead, you… You were the cutest baby we have ever seen. I didn't know what came over me, but I carried you and you stopped crying, looking at me and giggling the most baby laugh. It's almost like someone saw us yearning for children and given us you. We soon took you to the camp site and after that, we raised you as our son."
Jack heard the whole story and was silent. The fact that he wasn't part of the family is one thing, but the fact that he came from some mysterious pod is another. But there were still so many questions that was bothering him and wanted to know more.
Jack Darby: "But… I go to school. I have a birth certificate. A social security number. How's it possible that I have those yet I don't exist."
June knew he wanted to know about that and explained that as well.
June: "John had connections to the military, Jack. That also include medical records for military families. He had a close friend of his make fake documentations on your birth and it was accurate. That is why you have a legitimate Birth Certificate. We want you to have a normal life."
Jack turned away and was still angry over what he went through.
Jack Darby: "So all this time… All the years… You two kept this secret from me and you never told me all of this till now?! Why? When were you going to tell me all of this? On your death bed?"
June heard his complaint and knew he has a point. She should've told him of this for years and yet she never got around to it. But now he made the discovery himself and it wasn't what she wanted to happen. Turning her head away, she explained why she didn't tell him the truth sooner.
June: "It's difficult to explain. When you came to our lives and made you our son, John and I were worried about what you happen if you ever found out the truth. We were waiting for the right moment to tell you. But when your father died on duty and I was alone with you, I was conflicting in telling you the truth now or wait longer. So I decided to keep it a secret until I am ready to tell. But now you found out when your shoulder was ripped and… I didn't want this to happen. Jack, I am so sorry."
Jack listened to her apology and wasn't happy about it. So much so that he balled his fists to dig into his pants and slowly started to lash out, jumping down on the table and berating her.
Jack Darby: "You're sorry…? YOU'RE SORRY?! You kept this from me since the day I was 'BORN', and you never told me of this until now! Do you really THINK that I would be okay of you taking me in and not saying anything? I mean, what was the end result when you tell me. That I would be all right with all of this and that we would always be a family? Let's face facts, you weren't even a family! You aren't even my mother! You just took me in and pretended to be one!"
June slowly staggered up, nearly tripping on the stool and knocking down the medical bag, letting the bandages and supplies scattered across the floor. She never seen Jack this angry before and after what he went through, there's a reason why he's behaving like that. Of course, she immediately notice what appears to be his eyes starting to glow and it was starting to concern her, so she tries to calm him.
June: "Jack, please, calm down for a moment. You're starting to behave strangely. Please listen to your mother!"
But Jack kept on getting much more angrier as he kept on complain with her.
Jack Darby: "Don't say that you're my mother! You have never been one! You were just some lonely woman wishing for a kid! I don't want to see your sorry face ever again! I want you out of this base and out of my life! NOW!"
He soon pointed to the door to show her and way out. But when he did that, something really strange happened. His arm soon started to shift and click, exposing what appeared to be circuitry and mechanical gears. A blaster soon stick out of his arm as the hand sank in. The blaster soon went to a full charge and fired a laser like beam at the door. Around the same time, Arcee and Homura were waiting for the two family members to come on out. But as they were waiting, the door was busted out with a beam of blue light and hit the others side of the wall. The two saw it all go down and had shocked expressions on their faces. When the beam disappear, the two started to peak into the opened hole where the door use to be and saw Jack standing there with a horrified expression and a blaster instead of a hand. He slowly look down to his now blaster and didn't know how to respond to that. Almost instantly, the blaster shifted back and his hand reappeared, leading to him flexing his fingers, wondering if what happened was real. June saw that and knew he was trying to process what just happened and tries to comfort him.
June: "Jack… I know you are scared. I know you have a lot to deal with. But no matter what, I am here for you."
She tries to reach out to touch him by the shoulder. But that was a big mistake as Jack turned and screamed at her.
Jack Darby: "DON'T TOUCH ME!"
He pushed her and she fell on her back, nearly knocked her out. She slowly got up and looked to her son and had that sorrow look in her eyes. Jack glared darkly at her and decided to sever their relationship for good.
Jack Darby: "Get away from me… I'm done with you… You're dead to me…"
It was at that moment that June's heart broke, hearing what her son said to her. Jack soon turned around and started to run away, getting through the opening he made and nearly shoving Homura in the process. She could see him running away and tries to stop him.
Homura: "Jack! Wait!"
But before she can go after him, Arcee managed to stop her.
Arcee: "Homura, stop!"
The Magical Girl heard her and stops to turn. That's when the femme told her to let Jack have his space.
Arcee: "Leave him be. He's going through so much in one day. Give him time to himself. I'm sure he'll get over it."
Homura heard that and got the message. Jack's been through too much and he needs to blow off some steam. So lowering her head, she sighed and got the message. Jack's needs to be with himself before things get blown out of proportion. As she accepts Jack's wishes, the rest of the team approached the hall, wondering what the sound of the blast was.
Ratchet: "What in the All Spark is that infernal racket?!"
Bulkhead: "We heard it from the command center."
Bumblebee: (Did something happen?)
Fowler, Raf, and the other Magical Girls were there as well, wondering what happened. The two looked to each other and knew they needed some answers. Arcee soon stepped in and told them of what they think happened.
Arcee: "Family issues. I think it's wise to have Jack be alone until he's calm and ready."
As she was talking, Homura turned to the infirmary entrance to see June on her knees with her hands on her face, crying. Seeing this, she went in and comforts her.
Homura: "There, there, Ms. Darby. It's going to be all right. Jack needs time to himself."
But June wasn't listening to her, she was still crying,, wanting to apologize to her son.
June: "Oh, Jack… I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…"
Meanwhile, Jack went to one of the storage areas that is collecting nothing but dust and was still furious. Putting his shirt back on, he kicked a box in the process while knocking down a few cans on one of the boxes. He punched a box and formed a hole in it, a wooden crate. He soon proceeded to hitting the pillar multiple times, creating multiple indents in the process. For a normal human, it would hurt them, but for Jack, he didn't feel any pain. Guess it's because he's half robot, or half android, or even half Cybertronian. He didn't care anymore. All he cares about is his anger to his so-called mother. She lied to him. Kept this secret from him all this time and never told him till he found out about it. And now she's seeking forgiveness after what he had been through? That's so manipulated! He pulled one more punch and the pillar was completely ripped from its foundation. Jack slowly backed away and leaned on the wall, slowly slumping down, crying completely. He never wants to see his mother again. He never wanted to be referred to a Darby. He just wanted to be alone. Just alone… He kept on crying until he can't cry no more and pass out sleeping.
On Cybertron, Decepticon drones were at the remains of the Omega Lock, searching for anything to recover from the wreckage. As they were searching, two Elite cons were keeping watch. One of them is Soundwave as he was surveying the recovery effort. But for Knockout, he was
looking to the lone tower that was repaired by the Omega Lock and sighed to himself.
Knockout: "Such a shame… To see the Omega Lock could do something like that only to be destroyed. All of that wasted. Doesn't matter, at least we have a place to call home. Kind of sad, I already miss this place."
Soundwave turned to see Knockout marveling at the one thing that was repaired and gave a bit of a glare behind the visor. The Medic turned to him and could tell that he was getting annoyed by this.
Knockout: "What? Don't tell me you didn't miss this place. I'm sure you wanted to stay on Cybertron too once the war has ended."
The Intel Officer remained very silent and went back to surveying the recovery effort. Knockout sighed and figured that he won't say anything.
Knockout: "Typical… I don't know what's with you and this so called Silent treatment. I know it's a code of honor, but for Primus sake, say something."
He soon turned to clean up crew and demand if they found something in that mess.
Knockout: "Well, found anything?"
One of the drones turned to him and gave him the bad news.
"Nothing to report. This place is a mess when Optimus destroyed the Omega Lock. The only thing we could find are a bunch of dead drones scattered about. Hard to tell which part goes to who?"
Knockout listened to that and didn't like the sound of it.
Knockout: "That's just great… We search every square inch of the place and didn't find anything useful. Really wish that the Autbots didn't take those Iacon Relics. I really wanted to get my servos on that Phase Shifter. Wanted to give a certain bot payback for what he did to me…"
As he was thinking about that, Soundwave started to pick something up and turned to the medic to get his attention. Tapping his shoulder, Knockout turned to him and asked what he wants.
Knockout: "What is it Soundwave? Can't you see I'm brooding here?"
The Intel officer responded by turning on his visor and showing a Cybertronian ship entering the planet's atmosphere and approaching their position. The medic looked to the screen and was a little iffy about it.
Knockout: "Hmm… That's strange… There's a cybertronian ship that entered the airspace and is approaching us. And there is no evidence of any Autobot of Decepticon insignia. I wonder who's piloting it?"
As he asked that, he noticed the beeping like getting closer and heard the engines from the distance. Both he and Soundwave looked up to see the huge red ship coming down through the clouds and slowly starting to land. The rest of the drones notice it as well and stopped what they're doing, looking right at the ship coming down. Seeing this ship, Knockout decided to handle it.
Knockout: "Whoever is in that ship should know that he picked a bad time coming here. Surround the ship, arm weapons. We'll give him a nice warm welcome."
The group soon left the wreckage and got around the two elite Cons, surrounding the ship that just about to land. With their blasters armed, they pointed to the ship and were ready to fire. Knockout and Soundwave soon started to join in as the medic got his saw and drill out while Soundwave has his cables out at the ready. Once the ship landed, they all waited to see when this pilot or the crew to come out. Just then, the door at the front slowly started to open up and the ramp lowered. The group remained in position and were waiting for the crew to come out. So far, they didn't see anything as of yet. But then, they started to hear footsteps coming down, loud footsteps. The group remained still; hoping if whatever was coming out is a friendly. It was then that they could see a shadow coming down, one with a big cannon and a one-cyclop optic. They all slowly lowered their weapons, noticing something familiar about this one. But by the time the mysterious figure was shown in the light, all of their optics were wide and couldn't believe what they were seeing.
Knockout: "No way… Impossible."
The mysterious figure started to stand before them and surveyed the area. Around the same time, the three more came down and went behind the figure looking right at the group around them.
Dropkick: "Well… This is going to be awkward…"
Knockout looks to the four and decided to let Soundwave know what they have discovered.
Knockout: "Get on the horn with Megatron. Tell him that we found something."
Returning to Earth, a racecar was driving down the suburban streets of Jasper. And with a lot of military around the town, at least they have orders in passing through those with Autobot insignias and attack those of Decepticons. Smokescreen drove down the street until he stopped at the Darby residence, parking to the side. Inside, Homura was at the front passenger side with June on the driver side, still a little distraught by what has occurred. Since she told the truth to Jack about who he really is, turned out, he didn't take it well and blames her for all that had happened since he was brought into the world. She was upset about what happened and was in no condition in driving home. So Smokescreen and Homura decided to bring her home so she can have some time to herself. Once he parked, the Elite Guard member let them know that they have arrived.
Smokescreen: "Welp… Here we are. Home sweet home."
Homura heard that and turned to the steering wheel, thanking him for the drive.
Homura: "Thank you, Smokescreen. I really appreciate the help."
Smoke chuckled and let her know that it was all right.
Smokescreen: "Pft… Don't be. I'm just doing my part. What with June here looking a little…"
Homura turned to see June looking really out of it and knew that he was right about that.
Homura: "Yeah… I know… Those two need some separation to gather their thoughts. They've been through too much as it is."
She soon got out of the passenger side and headed to the driver side to open June's door. When she did that, she told her to get up.
Homura: "Come on, Ms. Darby. Get up. We're home."
June heard her and turned to see her, with her eyes already red from all the crying.
June: "Sure…"
She soon offered a hand as June took it and lifted herself up. She soon walked ahead and headed to the front door while Homura looked to Smoke and told him to come back with a bit of a reminder.
Homura: "Remember to pick me up first thing tomorrow morning. I need to check and see how Jack is faring back at the base. Oh… And make sure Mami and Kyoko are safe in the base. Last thing I want is Kyoko to cause another problem like what happened hours ago."
Smokescreen chuckled and figured she would ask for that favor. Back at base, Optimus decided to have the kids return to their homes after what they have all been through. While Homura, Raf, and Miko have returned home, Jack didn't want to considering what transpired. And for Kyoko and Mami, their homes are Mitakihara and believe it or not, they don't feel like returning, even when they sort of saved the world. They want to stay and get answers of what occurred. So they decided to remain in the base and wanted to know everything about the Cybertronian and the war they were dragged into. Once he heard about that, he responded with a bit of a joke.
Smokescreen: "Don't worry; I'll make sure that Ratchet doesn't get assaulted by one of you guys. Er… Kyoko is the red haired one, right?"
Homura chuckled a little and figured he's getting use to which Magical Girl is which.
Homura: "Yeah… That's her all right. Just make sure that she doesn't get into any trouble then she already is."
With that, she closed the driver door and patted on the front hood, letting him leave. The Elite Guard drove on ahead and returned to the base and Homura turned and followed June, making sure she doesn't hurt herself. June managed to get her keys and opened the door to her own home, walking in rather weakly.
June: "Jack… I'm home…"
She soon tossed her keys to the side, walking into the hall, only to realize her son wasn't home.
June: "Oh yeah… That's right… Jack's not home. He'll never be home after what happened."
She soon walked away and headed to the living room. Homura entered the house next and closed the door, flicking on the light to turn it on. When she walked into the living room, she could already see June on the coach with her legs to her chest, still crying after what has occurred. She soon decided to leave her be, as she might need some time with herself.
Homura: "I'll be in my room to sleep. It's been a long day."
She soon walked away and was going to return to her room. But just as she was going to leave, she heard June asking something.
June: "Homura…? Can I ask you something…?"
She soon stopped and turned to her, wondering what she wants.
Homura: "Sure. What is it?"
June turned to her, with tears to her eyes and asks about the one important question.
June: "Is it…wrong of me in keeping this secret from Jack? That he wasn't really my son, just some strange alien being that I just brought in? But as the years went by, he became the son I never had and I love him so much. I wanted to tell him the truth, I really do. I just never knew how to tell him. And now this happened and… I'm afraid he took what I said the wrong way. I just never wanted any of this to happen."
Homura listened to her grief and lowered her head to sigh. She understood what the poor Darby is going through. She went through the same thing in keeping the secret from Madoka and the others that she was a time traveler and was going back in time to save her. It was hard to let it all out to her on the day she was planning to face Walpurgisnacht on her own. That was the time where Madoka made her wish and became the Law of Cycles. Thinking of that, she decided to tell June the honest of answers.
Homura: "It's difficult to answer. See, lying or keeping secrets is one way in protecting those you cherish. But how long to keep it is the problem. When the time comes, it's really hard explaining it. And when you do tell it, people could be confused, hurt, or angry. You saw how Jack felt when you told him the truth."
June heard that and got the message, turning away feeling more hurt then ever.
June: "I see…"
Homura though decided to lighten this up and told her that it was going to be all right.
Homura: "Everything is going to be okay. Jack's just over reacting to the situation. It might not look it now, but he knows that he still loves you, and still consider you as his mother. Give him some time. I'm sure he'll be back to normal first thing tomorrow."
June wiped the tears from her face and got the idea. Jack's just getting little ahead of himself and needs to think things clearly. Hopefully, tomorrow, he'll be fine."
June: "Thank you, Homura. Thanks for understanding what I'm going through right now."
Homura smiled and told her that it was nothing.
Homura: "Just helping out someone in need."
She soon walked away and returned to her room. June saw her leave and started to wonder if Jack was indeed overreacting to the whole mess. Yes, it was shocking, but the least he could do was the calm down. Then again after seeing that truth right in front of his face, it comes to no surprise that he would react the way he did. Turning to one of the shelves containing all the old photo albums and home videos, she decided to look back into the past and wanted find a way in comfort. Maybe a bit of a drink along the way to calm the nerves.
In Homura's room, Bebe was searching the area for some snacks or something to nibble on. Kyubey looked to her searching the room and sighed to himself.
Kyubey: "You can search all you want, you might not find anything to eat."
Bebe turned to him and babbled in her language and he and the Magical Girls know. The Incubator sighed and figured that was the case.
Kyubey: "Fine then… If you want to get something to eat, I'll take you back to Mami where those Autobots are. I'm sure they'll appreciate your company."
Bebe froze up and realized one thing, that she would be with those metal giants. She went through all that in the Nemesis, she doesn't want more of that. Shaking her head, she responded in her language to stay put and Kyubey liked the answer.
Kyubey: "Just what I thought."
Just then, the door swung open and Homura walked into the room, looking a little gloomy about what happened today. The two turned to see her and wondered what happened.
Kyubey: "Well then, you took longer in the base then expected. I take it things went well down there."
Homura glared at him and explained about everything in a fake like expression.
Homura: "Oh sure, everything well. I mean besides the fact that all the Autobots now know of the existence of Magical Girls, Mami and Kyoko now dragged into this war, and the fact that Jack is some alien humanoid robot that was raised by June, everything is all fine and dandy."
Kyubey heard the tone of her voice and realized it was bad.
Kyubey: "I see… It was that bad. Though I believe it was bound to happen sooner or later."
Homura turned and walked to her closet where her little sanctuary is located and blamed the incubator for what happened.
Homura: "Don't test me… You were the cause of this. If you didn't bring Mami and Kyoko to the Nemesis, none of this wouldn't have happened."
Kyubey sighed and reminded her of what happened if he didn't make that risky decision.
Kyubey: "True… But if I didn't bring those two, you and Miko would've been nothing but a pair of rotting corpses. Not to mention that we wouldn't have discovered the Decepticons plans in cyberforming this planet. That would've spelled complete disaster throughout the entire universe."
Homura had her hands on the handles and stood there, knowing he has a point.
Homura: "You might have a point in that, but it doesn't mean that you can go on ahead and expose our existence to more Autobots or Decepticons. Now I need to be the one doing damage control because of it."
She sighed and slowly opened the closet door.
Homura: "With what happened, how can this day get any worse?"
But as she opened the closet, a huge face with three holes for eyes was starring right at her, giving out a loud roar. Homura had her eyes opened to that and was completely in shock at the sight of Oktavia starring right at her. Almost instantly, she grabbed her by the armored hand and squeezed her tight to prevent her to escape, only to pull her in. Kyubey and Bebe saw that and were even more horrified at the sight of it.
Kyubey: "Homura!"
The Magical Girl was being swung very violently and was pinned to a wall in her santuary. Homura struggled to get out, but the grip of this Witch was too strong. She couldn't even get her soulgem out otherwise that would get crushed as well. As soon as she was pinned, a lone figure sat on top of Oktavia and jumped down to wrist, pointing her sword to the Magical Girl's face. Turns out, that person was Sayaka and she looked very pissed. Homura opened her one eye and saw her starring at her very coldly and darkly.
Homura: "Sa…Sayaka…?"
The blue haired Magical Girl looked to her and wasn't happy about recent events.
Sayaka: "Hello there, Homura. Funny we tend to meet up everytime something happens. Though from what I witnessed, you really screwed up now."
She heard that and remembered that she is an consultor and observer, observing anything that Homura has done. And from what transpried, it's no doubt that she's upset over this.
Homura: "Sayaka… Please listen… I know you are angry over what happened today. But let me explain."
Sayaka wasn't buying it and reminded her the last time they meet.
Sayaka: "Angry? Try furious! I told you not to use your magical powers on these Decepticons. What did you do?"
Oktivia's grip grew tighter, causing Homura to struggle in breathing.
Homura: "Sayaka… You're choking me…"
Sayaka wouldn't listen and barate Homura on the incident.
Sayaka: "I told you not to drag anymore Magical Girls into this war. What did you do?!"
Homura's skin started to turn blue in the face and couldn't take the grip anymore. Of course, as that was going on, a shadow started to loom over Oktavia and starred her down. Both Sayaka and Oktavia felt that and turned around to see what's looming over them. Turns out, it was Bebe, or the witch Charlotte starring down on them with an even pissed off look. Sayaka blinked and realized the mess she officially got herself into.
Sayaka: "Huh… Didn't see that one coming."
Bebe, or Charlotte, immediately lunged at her, going for the first attack. Quickly, Sayaka jumped out of the way as Oktavia let go of Homura to get into battle position. In a brief moment, Charlotte bite Oktavia's arm and held on for some time as she struggled to get the snake like creature off of her. Homura started to fall and land on the ground, coughing after getting choked for quite a while. As she was recovering, Kyubey fast approach her and checked on her.
Kyubey: "Homura! Are you okay?"
She cleared her throat and assured the Incubator that she'll be fine.
Homura: "I think I can manage. Cutting it too close, Kyubey?"
Kyubey lowered his head and said that he was sorry.
Kyubey: "My apoology. I didn't expect Sayaka to come and attack you. It just came out of nowhere."
Homura heard that and gave a sigh.
Homura: "I guess we all didn't expect that coming."
They looked up to see both Oktavia and Charlotte duking it out with the snake like witch constrictng the knight mermaid like witch. Sayaka was looking at this mess too and was getting annoyed by all this, turning to Homura for answers.
Sayaka: "Okay! That's it! I can't take this no more. You're going to give me answers!"
She soon pointed her sword to her and wanted to know what has happened.
Sayaka: "Start talking…"
Homura could tell that Sayaka wasn't in the mood and try to calm her down the best she could.
Homura: "Sayaka, listen. I know this looks bad, but most of it wasn't my fault."
Sayaka tilt her head while the battle behind her was going on.
Sayaka: "Really…? So exposing Mami and Kyoko into this Cybertronian War, endangering them, and ultimately revealing our existance to both the Autobots and Decepticons wasn't your fault?"
Homura nodded and wanted to explain to her of the situation. But Kyubey butted in and told her the absolute truth.
Kyubey: "It's true… She didn't drag Mami and Kyoko into battle, I did."
Sayaka peered her eyes down to the incubator and was curious about that. Homura soon told her that she'll tell her anything.
Homura: "Please, Sayaka… Let me explain to you everything that happened. I promise you that what happened today wasn't any of my intentions."
Sayaka remained silent and didn't know if she can trust her or not. But being her consultant, she must have a few things clear before pushing forward. So giving a bit of a sigh, she decided to listen to them for once.
Sayaka: "All right, fine… I'll listen to your side of the story. But you have five minutes of telling me everything that happened. Got it?"
Homura sighed in relief and was glad that she'll listen to her.
Homura: "Okay… Sounds fair… Now, do you mind breaking this up. Last thing I want my little home getting trashed."
Sayaka heard that and turned back to see Oktavia and Charloette fighting it off with one trying to slice the snake up with her sword, while the other sheds its skin to recover. Looking at this brawl, she decided to end it now.
Sayaka: "Sure… Whatever you say…"
Looking to Oktavia, she told her to stop it.
Sayaka: "Hey! Oktavia!"
She soon stop swinging and turned to see her master/partner while Charlotte stopped and flapped, looking to the two.
Sayaka: "That's enough! Homura is going to explain to me about what transpired. Just be on stand by incase she keeps quiet."
Oktavia heard the order and nodded in approval, diving into the floor with a splash of water color. Homura looked to that and was impressed.
Homura: "Impressive… Even if you and your witch self are one and the same, she follows your own orders. I must say, that's quite a feat.
Sayaka chuckled and her hands on her hips and reminded her of one of the perks.
Sayaka: "What can I say, both me and Oktavia are one, but I'm pretty much the boss. Besides, someone has to keep the witch side in line. What better person would be the one who created the witch. One of the many perks she gives us."
As she was talking, Charlotte/Bebe were slowly sneaking away, knowing damn well that she would be in big trouble as well. As she was about to leave…
Sayaka: "Hey! Where do you think you're going?"
Charlotte stopped dead in her tracks and froze up, slowly turning with a bit of a shiver. Sayaka stomp her foot and didn't like where this was going.
Sayaka: "Yeah, I'm talking to you. You got some nerve in not following her orders. And now we're all in this mess because you didn't look after Mami's safety. You got a lot of explaining to do, Nagisa."
Homura heard that name and blinked, confused by what she meant by that. Turning to her, she explained about that name in general. So she asked about the name."
Homura: "Nagisa? But I thought that…"
Sayaka chuckled and told her straight away.
Sayaka: "Sure Charlotte is her Witch's name and Bebe was the name Mami gave her when she found her, but she was once a Magical Girl like me before the Law of Cycles brought her in. So she does have a name before hand. Nagasi, why don't you re-introduce yourself to Homura?"
The witch like being peered her eyes to Homura and was a little miffed, but decided to do it anyways, considering the cat's out of the bag. The snake like being soon went around and swallowed her tail before the body compressed into a black poka dotted ball and begins glowing. Admist the glow, there was a pop and a human like girl materialized and landed gracefully on the floor. It was then the Homura got a good look at this new Magical Girl. She looked to be a young girl at eight years old with long wavy white hair and orange and yellow eyes. Shw was also wearing her Magical Girl attired that comprises of beige buttoned cloth that goes around her body with white Santa like linings and was showing her midrif, poffy dark brown skirt with suspenders that go around her shoulders and red ribbons at the bottom end, a pair of brown fingerless gloves, a pair of dark brown boots that go all the way up her legs, and a dark brown cat ear like cap on her head with dangling spheres on both ends. The young girl started to bow her head down and introduce herself.
Nagisa: "Apologize for not introducing myself. My name is Nagisa Momoe. I am pleased to meet you."
She looked up and has an innocent look to her face. Homura starred at her for a brief second before pointing to her and stating the obvious.
Homura: "She's just a kid."
Nagisa heard that and was a little annoyed by that statement.
Nagisa: "Of course I am a kid! What were you expecting?"
Sayaka quickly hit the floor with her sword to get both of their attention and told them to start.
Sayaka: "Time has already started. Explain… Now…"
The two turned to her and knew she needs answers. So they decided to explain to her everything.
Five minutes later, the three were sitting on the circular chairs and sofa to resemble a clock as the pendulum started to sway back and forth with the gears slowly turning. It was then the Homura and Kyubey explain everything, from the Cons pursuing her and the others in the highway in Jasper and the capture, to Mami and Kyoko getting dragged by the Incubator, to the rescue and the discovery of the soul gems, the dark reveal of the Decepticons plan to use the Omega Lock to cyberform Earth, and the reveal that Jack isn't human at all. It was indeed a lot to take in as Sayaka listened to all of this. Hearing all this to the end, Sayaka gave a deep sigh and figured things went bad really fast.
Sayaka: "I see… So things went beyond your control, as you said."
Homura nodded and told her that she couldn't get out of this.
Homura: "It's true… Even if it were the case, Miko and I wouldn't be caught along with Jack and Raf, and our Soul gems would've been separated from our bodies for a long time. Let alone discovering Megatron's plan in cyberforming Earth, wiping all life from existence, including the Magical Girl Community. All and all, I say that this incident, helped save all Magical Girls if things went ugly."
Sayaka rubbed her chin and was in agreement.
Sayaka: "Hmm… Makes a lot of sense. If you and your student didn't get caught and rescued in the first place, then there won't be a Magical Girl Community left to protect. Still…"
She soon looked to Kyubey and was upset about him bringing Mami and Kyoko into this mess.
Sayaka: "You, Kyubey, should've known better then the drag Mami and Kyoko into this war in the first place."
The Incubator lowered his head and explained his actions.
Kyubey: "My apology… With Homura's and Miko's soul gems taken and trapped in some new location, I need to rely on the help of other Magical Girls. Mami and Kyoko were the only two I can trust considering they are friends."
Homura turned to him and remind him about that.
Homura "Not friends… Mutual partners…."
Sayaka crossed her arms and was still upset about this.
Sayaka: "Regardless, this is becoming a problam for all of us. And what's worse is that the both the Autobots and Decepticons know of our existance. You sure that it was Kyoko who caused the reveal?"
Homura crossed her arms and legs and explained about that part.
Homura: "You could say that. I was trying my best keeping our secret from the Autobots with a few exceptions. However, it was Kyoko who decided to jump the gun and revealed us instantly, not knowing I was keeping it from them for this long. Certainly kicked Ratchet in the face before slamming him down and pointing her spear at her, alogng with other many huge spears surrounding him. Quite a mess she made."
Sayaka couldn't help but to laugh it off, as she remembered about her.
Sayaka: "Typical Kyoko. Always causing trouble no matter where she goes. Speaking of trouble…"
She soon turned to Nagisa and wanted an explanation from her and fast.
Sayaka: "You have a lot to say to me. You are supposed to be a consultant to Mami and your duties are to look after her and protect her. What you did was the exact opposite of your duties. Why didn't you stop Mami or let alone Kyubey when they went on that mission?"
Nagisa turned to her and knew she wanted answers and tries to smooth it out.
Nagisa: "I didn't know what Kyubey took us to was infested with those ugly metal giants. Besides, I didn't leave her side, so that's a plus."
Sayaka raised an eyebrow and didn't buy it.
Sayaka: "Oh no… You're not getting away with this. If you didn't waste your time on scarfing down sweets and focus more on protecting Mami, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. It's no wonder why she assigned you to protect her."
Homura thought of that and remembered what Nagisa was like.
Homura: "I could think of many reasons."
Nagisa looked to the two and lift her hands up in frustration.
Nagisa: "Can you blame me? All of Mami's sweets are so delicious! You know that I have a sweet tooth since I had my wish."
Homura peered to her and wonder about that wish of hers.
Homura: "And what is this wish exactly?"
Nagisa looked to her and explained about it pressing her fingers to each other and was a little nervous..
Nagisa: "Um… Yeah… My wish… My wish is one single cheesecake which my mom will think it is the best?"
Homura gave her a deep glare and figured that she wasted her wish on something pointless.
Homura: "You're hopeless…"
Nagisa started to have a fit and complained to her.
Nagisa: "Hey! I like cheesecake! Don't judge me!"
Sayaka could see the complaining and decided to stop it.
Sayaka: "Focus you two. We got bigger problems to deal with. Now that the cat's out of the bag, the Decepticons will target us, especially you and the others. If they target you…"
Homura waved it off and told her that it will be all right.
Homura: "Relax… I dealt with Cons before as well as Miko. And Mami and Kyoko managed to get by against them. I'm sure we can handle it now that we were all dragged in."
Sayaka: "It still doesn't mean that there would be problems if they find out more."
That's when Kyubey looked to Sayaka and assured her that they'll be safe.
Kyubey: "Rest assured, I'm certain they won't know about you guys."
Homura's consultant looked to her and wondered about what he said.
Sayaka: "What do you mean?
Kyubey: "While your existence had been exposed, the Decepticons don't know squat about any knowledge of Magical Girls let alone their exact locations. If they need to find any information, only I have it."
Homura heard that and knew why.
Homura: "Of course you have. You live in our planet for thousands upon thousands of years."
Sayaka thought that too and decided to let that part slide.
Sayaka: "As long as the Cons don't know about us entirely, then I guess we'll be safe. Now what about this older Magical Girl you mentioned before. From what I gathered, she was on that ship as you and the others. Is that true…?"
Homura turned to her and told her about it.
Homura: "You could say that. She came when we were in a pinch. Held them off long enough until our gems were purified. Though if I was being fair, I didn't have a clue as to why she came aboard the Nemesis. If I were to guess that Incubator of hers must've brought her onboard in the first place. Speaking of which…."
She turned to Kyubey and asked about this mysterious creature the older Magical Girl was with.
Homura: "Hey! Kyubey. Do you know any Incubator by the name of Quvey?"
Kyubey heard that name and wasn't too sure of it.
Kyubey: "Hmm… That name I haven't heard of before. Does he look like me?"
Homura thought of that and knew what this Incubator look like.
Homura: "No… This one had black fur, bunny ears attach to his regular ears, and bat like wings on his back. Does any of that ring any bells?"
Kyubey thought about it more and believe in a bit of a theory.
Kyubey: "Not that I've seen before. But the way to talked about him, reminds me of those defect Incubators."
That got the three's attention and asked about these defects.
Homura, Sayaka, and Nagisa: "Defective Incubators?"
Kyubey soon explained to them about what they are.
Kyubey: "Indeed. My alien species are comprised of the same type of incubators who share a common goal, to keep balance in the universe. All around the world, there are about thousands if not tens of thousands on our kind looking out for all of you. Sadly though, there are a few rare occasions of Incubators who look different or have different goals then us. Hence why they are called Defective Incubators. Oh sure, they can still grant wishes and provide Soul Gems, but they use different means in their mission. One, for example, I heard that was a fat rat like incubator who understands granting wishes to girls, yet choose an old lady that turned into a Magical Girl. It's much more complex to explain."
Homura thought about this and recall one thing that seems out of place.
Homura: "Or if a defect stays too attached to one of the Magical Girls and stays with her till the very end. Just like this mysterious Magical Girl. Seems to be a connection. I just wish we know the identity of this mysterious and older Magical Girl that's in Jasper."
Sayaka thought that too and decided to think about the bigger problem at hand.
Sayaka: "I'm wondering about that too… But now isn't the time to find out. Right now, our main concern is keeping any information of Magical Girls clear. And to do that, is to protect Kyubey. Homura, you are closely related to him. I do believe it is best that you look after him and make sure he doesn't get taken. That won't be a problem for you, isn't it?"
Homura heard her and looked to the Incubator to see if she can handle that. She spent most of the time with him, especially with their…history. Sighing, she decided to accept that order.
Homura: "Fine… I'll look after him… Not like that it's going to cause some serious problems down the line."
Sayaka smirked and figured she still has a grudge with Kyubey for a long time. So she joked around and reminded her or recent events.
Sayaka: "Just don't shoot him or anything. Last thing we want is another one getting taken, defect or otherwise."
Homura groaned and got the message.
Homura: "Yeah, yeah… I got the message."
Nagisa then thought about the mysterious Magical Girl and asked about it.
Nagisa: "Wait! What about the older Magical Girl? Shouldn't that be our top priority?"
Sayaka laid back and told her to wait.
Sayaka: "One thing at a time, Nagisa. The safety and security of Magical Girls is more important then some random shrouded girl of mystery. Besides, we all know she lives in Jasper, so it narrows down the search. I would find it hard to believe that she would be so close to us."
Meanwhile, in the living room, June was watching some old home videos and have photo albums strewn across the table. There was also a bottle of wine close to her as she was drinking it through the bottle to ease the pain. Looking through and old Christmas video of a young Jack opening his presents, it pains her to know that she will never have any more memories of this now that Jack didn't want to see her again. She placed her hand over her eyes and sobbed silently over the fact. But as she was crying, she could hear a voice from behind her.
"I take it I come at a bad time?"
June stopped crying and heard and peered her eyes to behind her.
June: "What do you want?"
Panning a bit, a shadowed silhouette with red eyes was sitting on the kitchen counter and answered the Darby.
"I was just checking on you. You really did a number on that alien ship and protected those girls. I need to make sure that your magic hasn't bee depleted yet."
June sighed and told the shadow to not speak to her.
June: "I'm not in the mood to talk… A lot has happened today."
The shadow heard that and figured what it was.
"I take it that it has something to do with your son."
That got the mother's attention and asked of this.
June: "What do you know…?"
The shadow sighed and remembered about that.
"I know you kept that secret from your son since he came to you. I know that you wanted a child after marriage. I even know that even after your husband's death, you kept this secret without knowing how to explain it. And judging by what I am seeing, I take it he found out, badly."
June groaned and drank through the bottle again with one gulp, explaining about it.
June: "You could say that. Jack discovered the secret when he scrapped his shoulder and his skin was exposed. His other skin, mind you. I did my best in explaining it to him, but he got it the wrong way and blames me for what happened. He sort of disowned me and stormed off. I never knew how to say it, and yet he's angry with me. Some mother I turned out to be."
There was a bit of silence as she kept chugging the wine bottle. The shadowed being watched on and wondered of something else.
"Does Jack know of your other secret? You know the one I'm talking about."
Jack heard him and knew what he's talking about.
June: "No, he doesn't. I never told anyone about that other secret. Not my family, friends, or my husband and son. No one knows of it."
The shadow was quiet until he thought she should say something.
"I must say, I'm quite impressed. You managed to keep this secret for so long, that you managed to keep it from others so well. But I fear that it is going to be inevitable."
June heard him and wondered what he's talking about.
June: "What are you saying…?"
"I'm saying that you might as well tell him everything. You managed to tell your son one part of the story. Maybe you should tell him and the others the rest."
That caused June to tighten the bottle and didn't like the thought of it.
June: "No… I can't tell him about that. I kept this secret this long, I cannot say it."
"But you have to! If you are to amend your relationship with your son, you have to speak to him about your secret. Him and the others."
That annoyed her and decided to end this talk.
June: "I think you overstayed your welcome. Get out…"
"But June…"
That's when June had and turned to lash out.
June: "I said, GET OUT!"
She soon tossed the wine bottle to the shadow, hoping it will hit him. But the shadow vanished the moment she turned and the bottle hit the counter, shattering it in pieces and the liquid spilling out. She took a breather and was at least glad that he's gone. But she collapsed on her knees and sobbed her heart out, knowing that he was right. She has to tell him the whole truth to repair their relationship. But to tell everyone about it would be too much to swallow. She had to figure out a way to get around it. But she fears that the worse is yet to come. And the worse is coming.
Back in the Arctic, Megatron was sitting in the throne room of Darkmount and was contemplating all that happened. Between the botch job with the Omega Lock mission and the Magical Girls ruining most of it, it seems to be a bit much to go around it. If these Magical Girls could be a threat, he would need to fight fire with fire. All he needs is more information about these girls and how they operate. He needs a source about them. He tapped his digit, contemplating on how to find the source. As he was doing it, Starscream, Silas, and Dreadwing watched on and were a little concerned about his behavior.
Dreadwing: "Lord Megatron seems to be very silent ever since that speech. I thought this victory would make things better for him."
Silas though turned to him and told him of the situation.
Silas: "If I were to guess, these girls with those powers is really getting to him. With recent events, it's no doubt that he didn't expect this new threat."
Scream though thought of that as well and reminded the two on what he said to him.
Starscream: "Not entirely… From what he told me, Megatron wishes to even the playing field, perhaps have some of these humans join the cause."
The two turned to him and was really curious about that.
Dreadwing: "Have these young femmes fight for us? That is entirely impossible."
Silas soon looked to him and told him about his experience.
Silas: "Maybe… But he did recruit me into the fold when I was proving my worth. Maybe he has a change of heart with these human allies."
Scream though glared to him and reminded him the last time an alliance with Decepticons and humans happened.
Starscream: "Need I remind you the last time I allied with you and your MECH, you shocked me and took my T-Cog!?"
Silas turned to him and explained his actions.
Silas: "That is because I told you to bring the first T-Cog and you failed to retrieve it."
Starscream: "Only because I that pesky scout was going to take it. Had to take drastic measure to ensure that he doesn't get his servos on it. Ergh… That's beside the point. The point is the issue with these girls and their powers. If Megatron recruits humans of that nature then the Autobots won't stand a chance. If only we have more info about them, we might use them to our advantage."
Silas could tell that he wants to let it slide and crossed his arms in annoyance.
Silas: "Perhaps… But the main concern is how to gather that Intel? For what we know, it would take us time looking for the answers we seek."
Scream though thought about it as well and decided to let the leader figure things out for himself.
Starscream: "You're right. This will take time, but I'm sure that we'll find a way in finding the mysteries of these human girls and their powers. I'm sure of it."
He soon heard a beeping in his comm. and decided to take it.
Starscream: "Excuse me for a second.
He soon went on the comm. and wondered whom it is.
Starscream: "Yes?" … "Ah, Knockout, nice to hear from you. You found anything?" … "Really? Well what is it?" … "What do you mean I have to see for myself?" … "A surprise…?" … "Very well… Have Soundwave open a bridge for the both of you. Up on the throne room. Megatron wants to see what you found."
He soon ends the comm. as Dreadwing and Silas watched on. That's when the former commander asked what that was all about.
Dreadwing: "Well…? What did he say?"
Scream turned to the two and told them what he got.
Starscream: "He said that they found something, but he wouldn't tell me anything. He just wants to bridge to show Megatron what he found. Really strange…"
Silas heard that and wasn't too sure about it as well.
Silas: "Strange indeed… If that cocky doctor say that he found something, why not tell us through the comms? Why he wants to bridge here to show us?"
Scream brushed his shoulders and thought it was nothing to worry about.
Starscream: "Don't know… But it would seem that whatever they found has to be something important."
He soon walked down to the throne where Megatron is perching and bowed to him to give him the news.
Starscream: "Lord Megatron, Knockout and Soundwave have found something within the wreckage of the Omega Lock. They are on their way back right now to show it to you."
Megatron heard the news and was delighted that there was something from the Omega Lock they can use.
Megatron: "Good… Whatever they found could be of use to my plans."
Just like that, the portal opened up as Scream walked away and stood next to the leader. Silas and Dreadwing soon appeared on the other side and looked to see what's going to come out of the spacebridge. It was then that Knockout stepped through followed by Soundwave as they stood and bowed their heads at attention.
Knockout: "My lord…"
Megatron looked down to the Medic and asked what he found.
Megatron: "Nice to see you back so soon Knockout. I thought you would be back a little later."
The red Con brushed his chest plate and told his boss that it was nothing.
Knockout: "It was either that my lord or having the Sea of Rust ruining my armor plating. But other then that, we have stumbled upon something that will please your interest."
The group looked to the medic and had skeptical looks to their faces. Megatron though wanted to see what he found and asked him to reveal it.
Megatron: "Please… Show me…"
Knowing that he got their attention, he turned to the opened portal and called someone out.
Knockout: "You can come through now!"
The two then stepped away from the bridge as they all waited to see what's coming through. Just then, a huge black figure slowly emerged through the portal and stomped on the hard metal floor. The group looked on in complete shock and didn't expect someone like this one to arrive unexpectedly.
Megatron: "No… This is impossible…"
Starscream was in deeper shock as his leader as he knew that he hadn't seen him since the spacebridge incident on Cybertron.
Starscream: "He lives…"
Standing before them, was a huge Con draped in dark purple and dark gray armor with glowing purple markings on a couple of places. His frame was bulky; he had a huge cannon attached to his left arm, and a huge red optic covering his front helm. This huge Con was none other then Shockwave, the Decepticon scientist who everyone thought was dead. He lowered his head and bowed gracefully to him.
Shockwave: "Lord Megatron… A pleasure to finally meet with you after all these decacycles."
The group starred on in surprise and didn't believe that he was still around.
Dreadwing: "I can't believe it! I never thought that he survived after all these cycles."
Silas though looked to this and was a little confused about this Con. So turning to Dread, he asked about him.
Silas: "I'm sorry, can someone explain to me who this Cyclops is? I'm still getting use to working with this team."
Dreadwing turned to him and explained who this Con is.
Dreadwing: "That is Shockwave. He is the science officer within the Decepticon science division during the great war. But how can this be possible? Decepticon chatter stated that Shockwave perished in a spacebridge accident."
Megatron heard that and agreed with the Con.
Megatron: "Indeed… We've all believed that you have joined the Well of the All Spark. Starscream made that announcement through our private lines."
Scream gulped and realized he made that type of mistake, didn't thinking that he'd still survived. He quickly cleared his throat and tried to explain his sudden sharing of the news.
Starscream: "Er… Yes. Lord Megatron thought you'd perished at the hands of the Autobots – as did we all."
The science officer could tell that they were confused by how he survived. So he assured them that he was still ready to serve.
Shockwave: "Though the news of my death were spread wide, reports of my demise were greatly premature."
Megatron: "Is that so? Then tell us Shockwave, enlightened us about what happened on Cybertron."
Shockwave nodded and told them what happened with the spacebridge on Cybertron.
Shockwave: "But of course my liege. I was working on the spacebridge on our planet to transfer the armada to the location of Optimus Prime and his team. But as I was about to complete it, a pair of Autobots infiltrated my facility, sabotaging my invention. I gave chase through the bridge, but failed to accurately calculate the outcome. One of the Autobots, a femme, struck me in the optic, blinding me. I've managed to escape before the portal reached critical mass and survived. But as I awoke in the rubble, I soon realized that I was abandoned, left for dead. I thought I wasn't going to survive, but as luck would have it, I was saved."
That got Megatron's attention and asked who saved him.
Megatron: "You were saved? Hmm… Strange… If you were saved, Starscream would've sent a search party to find you."
He glared to Scream, wanting an explanation, as the commander was a little cheeky over it.
Starscream: "Heh, heh… To be fair, that explosion left everything in shambles. No one would've survived, not even Shockwave."
Megatron soon looked back to the science officer and asked who save him from near termination.
Megatron: "Tell me, who exactly save you if it wasn't us?"
As he asked that question, he heard a different voice through the bridge answering.
Lockdown: "That would be us."
That got everyone's attention as they look back to the portal that was till opened and three shadows were walking through it. One all three of them show up, they were even more shocked at who they are.
The first one is a huge gray mech with missiles pointing up on his shoulders, a hook attached to his arm, and a visor that opened up to reveal his glowing green optics and his grizzled attitude. The second one is another mech with a blue paintjob and huge winglets on his back with what looked like two different Cybertronian vehicle modes scattered across his body. His face has red optics, but instead of a mouth is a voice synthesizer that delivers green waves when he speaks. The third one is a femme with red paint job with a combination of jet thrusters and folded winglets on her shoulders along with other Cybertronian parts meant for two vehicles and glowing red optics. These three are Lockdown, professional bounty hunter, Dropkick, the muscle of the group, and Shatter, the articulate strategist. The group saw these three and were amazed that these three saved him. Megatron soon got up and knew who the three are.
Megatron: "Lockdown! Shatter! Dropkick! This is quite a surprise! Haven't heard from the three of you for stellar cycles."
The two behind Lockdown bowed down and was pleased to see him as well.
Shatter: "Lord Megatron… It is indeed a pleasure to meet with you again. As Decepticon peacekeepers, Dropkick and I have been keeping peace throughout the universe."
Dropkick soon chuckled and reminded him of that type of peace.
Dropkick: "Yeah… Even if it means making the indigenous creatures across the galaxy go pop."
Lockdown though crossed his arms and was a little annoyed, even if he isn't working to the Cons.
Lockdown: "Sure… You two can go ahead and suck it up. Me? I prefer to handle my business."
Megatron look down to Lockdown and figured that was the case.
Megatron: "Of course. You are not associated with us, nor the Autobots, but you are provided with hunting down any targets for us for rewards. Still, I am quite surprised that you rescued my science officer, yet never mention it to me."
Lockdown turned to the leader and explained about that.
Lockdown: "Most of the comms were down for some time. Not easy for business and all. But yes, we did save him. We were salvaging for parts and found him in a complete wreck. We've brought him into my ship and repaired as much as possible. And while he was grateful for the save, he only wishes to perform experimentations for new weapons."
Megatron looked to Shockwave and told him to continue.
Megatron: "Shockwave, please continue."
Shockwave heard him and picked up where he left off.
Shockwave: "But of course, my liege. As Lockdown stated before, he and his team rescued me from my inevitable fate. In exchange for their services, I would aid them with whatever they need, be that weapons and modifications. To accomplish that, I do tend to work in the lab on my own then out in the field. Until one solar cycle, the ships scanners have detected a massive surge of unidentified energy. We traveled to investigate the strange disturbance at the edge of the Sea of Rust. There, we've discovered a small Decepticon unit searching through the remains of what seems to be a structure. By the time we landed, we have discovered Knockout and Soundwave were leading the team and told me that he was assigned by you, searching for any salvageable from the Omega Lock."
Shatter soon joined in and finished with his story.
Shatter: "And considering you assign these two, we did ask for an audience with you. Find it surprising that we all get a chance seeing you again after this long of a time."
Megatron listened to Shockwave and was amazed of his story.
Megatron: "Interesting… I never thought you have survived your ordeal, let alone recovered from your injuries. But I'm glad that you are still online after what you've been through. And considering that you've also brought in a few more to the cause, I do believe we might have a fighting chance in defeating the Autobots and ruling this world."
Lockdown soon heard that and told him that he's not into picking a side.
Lockdown: "Hold on for a nano click. I'm not here to pick on any side. I'm only here for the hunt, depending on the price."
Dropkick soon joined him and knocked him on the shoulder with a laugh.
Dropkick: "Ah… But you are still a Con if you hunt down Autobots. That is something worth mentioning."
Lockdown staggered forwards and turned to his accomplice, looking rather mean.
Lockdown: "Hit me again and I'll start scraping you for parts!"
Dropkick chuckled and thought his threat was rather cute.
Dropkick: "Sure thing, you old mech. You go do that. Like you would kill your teammate and all."
Lockdown raised an optic ridge and was thinking about it.
Lockdown: "Yeah? Well I'm still debating that. Just don't test my patience."
As that was going on, the science officer nodded and was pleased that his leader was appreciated by his story.
Shockwave: "Thank you, my lord. It's acceptable that you had never given up on me. Yet it leaves one unanswered question."
He then started to approach the second in command and demanded answers.
Shockwave: "Why was I left for scrap? Abandoned? Why?"
Starscream backed up a little and realized that he had left Shockwave for dead, getting a little scared. Megatron then turned to him and asked about that too."
Megatron: "Yes Starscream, I was wondering about that as well. Why did you give the news of Shockwave's termination, yet he'd been online all this time?"
The others soon turned to him as to wonder how Starscream announced Shockwave's demise while he was still functioning. Shatter soon crossed her arms and was eager for an answer from the commander.
Shatter: "Oh… This is going to be good."
Now the commander was scarred completely as his leader wanted answers as well. It's one thing to get hurt by Megatron, but Shockwave is a whole lot worse. He had to get out of this and fast. So being a little nervous, he told him his reasons as truthfully as he could.
Starscream: "I swear by the All Spark that it wasn't my fault! The last thing anyone witnessed at our end was Shockwave charging to the spacebridge portal as the power core chamber exploded! No one saw him coming out! We thought there was no way you could've survived! Please spare me, that's all that I know!"
Shockwave starred the Con down with his red glowing optic and remained quiet. After being in deep thought, he responded.
Shockwave: "I find your reply to be… logical."
He then stepped back as the commander took a breather and was glad he was out of hot water. Looking back to his leader, he told him that he still had some unfinished business.
Shockwave: "Though I appreciate my return to your armada, I would wish to pay the two Autobots back for what they've done to me."
Hearing that, Starscream perked up and decided to boast about what he had done with the one of them.
Starscream: "Well, you'll be pleased to know that I avenged your seeming demise by personally terminating the Autobot, Cliffjumper."
Knockout had his arms cross and rolled his optics around, knowing that Star is trying to kiss Shockwave's aft.
Knockout: "Careful, Starscream, you may dislocate a landing gear patting yourself on the back."
The scientist turned to him and asked about the other one.
Shockwave: "And what of the femme that took out my optic? Has she suffered the same fate as her counterpart?"
The commander was now getting a little nervous as he explained about his fight with the femme when he was exiled from the Decepticons.
Starscream: "I tried to take her out on one occasion, but she was too strong to offline."
Shockwave: "Yet here you are in one piece. That's a little unexpected."
Scream laughed a little and told him that the two-wheeler was a little weak.
Starscream: "That pathetic femme spared my life unknowingly when she had her chance in terminating me. It's strongly obvious that she had a past life she doesn't dare to cross."
The scientist nodded and knew that Autobots aren't as strong as that of the Decepticons.
Shockwave: "A foolish error in judgment. Doesn't matter, she will soon suffer my wrath?"
Just as soon as he said that, he started to wonder where he was. Looking at the distance, he noticed nothing but ice caps and snow as far as the eye can see. Looking at the view, he could tell that he was someplace completely new as he turned to his leader for answers.
Shockwave: "Lord Megatron, if I may ask, where are we? What planet are we on?"
The other three notice it too and wondered the same thing.
Shatter: "Indeed. I recall that this is Darkmount, however this doesn't look like Cybertron at the least."
Dropkick then butted in and said something about this place.
Dropkick: "Not to mention that it's cold as a CPU cooler in here. What is this place?"
Megs looked to the four and could tell that they were confused at what they're on. So he explained about what had happened.
Megatron: "You're on Earth, a planet filled with life and protected by the Autobots. Well, for now at least."
Shockwave turned to his leader and asked about this.
Shockave: "I don't see the logic behind this. Please explain."
Megs gave the nod and filled him and the others in on the situation.
Megatron: "Let's just say a lot has changed since you're exile. We've been battling the Autobots for this planet for stellar cycles. We've lost great soldiers during that time and had a couple of betrayals. But we managed to recover and grew stronger in conquering this world as all others. Then recently, we managed to acquire a small set of Omega Keys to unlock the Omega Lock, where we can revitalize our planet. Not only that, but I can create a new Cybertron out of this planet. Those remains you saw while Knockout and Soundwave was salvaging were what's left of the Lock when Optimus became selfish and destroyed our only chance in saving us. Not to mention that I paid a hefty price."
He then showed his stub where his arm use to be and continued.
Megatron: "Despite a few hiccups, we have managed to accomplish phase one of my global conquest. I now have a base and we know of where the Autobot base is located. The exact location is a mystery, but once we find it, we'll launch and all out assault on Team Prime and those who are affiliated to them. However, we do have a far greater threat then that of the Autobots."
That got the four's attention and wondered what he meant by that.
Shockwave: "A threat far dangerous as the Autobots? I find that logic to be a bit baffling. Please, elaborate."
Megatron soon turned to Soundwave and told him to show them.
Megatron: "Soundwave… If you may…"
The Intel Officer nodded and approached the four, turning on his visor. They all gathered to see what Megatron wanted them to see. When the static faded, they can see footage of Homura, Miko, Mami, Kyoko, and the mysterious magical girl fighting against the Cons in previous incidents. Megatron soon explained to them this new threat they are facing.
Megatron: "As you can see from this footage, the Autobots have gained an ally with these humans. Young femmes gifted with strange, yet unique powers. Some of my subordinates have encountered them on a few occasions and they have proven to be quite skilled in their craft."
Dropkick watched the screen and wasn't impressed.
Dropkick: "What? That's it? That's your new threat? Younglings of this planet? There's no way your top boys can get beaten by those pricks. They're too small!"
Knockout soon stepped in and explained to them of these girls.
Knockout: "Trust us. Giving how they managed to out beat us in any way, you find them to be quite difficult to defeat. One of them certainly did a number of me as well. Had to do some huge repairs to fix up my arm."
He showed his already repaired arm to him as Dropkick turned and laughed with his wavy mouth.
Dropkick: "Really? They blew your arm off. Didn't think you were much of a fighter, Knockout."
Knockout crossed his arms and didn't like Drop's tone.
Knockout: "Please… I don't dirty my servos unless I need to."
Megatron soon cut to the chase and decided to let Shockwave in on the idea he has.
Megatron: "Getting back to the point. I do believe that these humans have allied themselves with the Autobots so they would gain an advantage. With that, I need the playing field to be evenly matched."
Shockwave looked to this and wondered what he has planned.
Shockwave: "And what do you have in mind, my liege."
Megatron soon stood up from his throne and approached the scientist, asking for one thing.
Megatron: "There is an old Earth saying that goes like this 'Fight fire with fire'. If the Autobots have gained an ally with these girls, then I believe it's time to recruit some of our own. And considering that you have returned to my good graces, then I believe that I could use your help in finding and converting them to our side."
Shockwave heard of Megatron's plan and finds it to be a bit iffy.
Shockwave: "While I appreciate the notion of gaining allies of our own, there are some questionable issues that we need to address. While these girls due possess these unique powers and abilities, I cannot begin work unless I have the research needed in understanding these creatures."
Megatron heard that and understood what he meant by that.
Megatron: "Indeed… We need more information on these girls and how their powers work. Unfortunately we don't poses the information needed in understanding this new threat. If we are to attain a slither of it, our best option would be to capture one of these girls."
As they were talking, Lockdown looked at screen and notice something that could be use.
Lockdown: "Or we can capture something affiliated to these humans."
Both of them heard Lockdown's remark and turned to see him still looking at the screen. This sparked their interest and wondered what he was referring to.
Megatron: "What did you find, Lockdown?"
That's when Lockdown pointed to the screen in what he sees.
Lockdown: "That…"
Megatron got next to the bounty hunter and looked to the screen. What he was looking at is a fight that happened when Mami and Kyoko entered the ship unexpectedly and attacked the drones. But in the middle of the fight, there is a white creature that's too far to see. Looking at this, he told the Intel Officer to zoom that image in.
Megatron: "Soundwave, pause and zoom in the image of that creature Lockdown notices."
On cue, Soundwave paused the footage and selected the particular image from the footage. Going into close up, he showed what appeared to be a white cat hybrid with beady red eyes and arm like things attatched to the ears. Looking at this, he was intrigued by the creature.
Megatron: "What exactly am I looking at?"
Lockdown soon explained to him of what that creature is.
Lockdown: "That is the answer you seek. From what I'm seeing in these footages, that creature is always present with them. It is just me, but it seems like whatever information you seek with these girls could be within that creature."
Shockwave soon headed down to the see the footage. Megatron turned to him and asked him about Lockdown's discovery.
Megatron: "Shockwave, what do you think?"
The scientist looks to the creature on the screen and thought that it would be a best bet.
Shockwave: "It would seem adequate. If this creature does contain the information you seek, then the best of options would be to acquire it and gain these answers. Though I feel we need to look for it and giving how big this planet is, it would take some time to find it."
Megatron heard him and knew where to start.
Megatron: "That won't be a problem. As I stated before, the Autobot base is located somewhere in Jasper Nevada. And from what I can deduce, one of these girls with those abilities lives there. No doubt the creature you seek is there as well."
Soundwave soon show the map of the US and place a dot of where the Autobots, and Magical Girl are located. Lockdown, Shatter, and Dropkick looked to the map and knew where they need to go.
Lockdown: "Then Jasper Nevada is where we will go."
Megatron soon explain to them the possible threats that will come.
Megatron: "Remember this. Both the Autobots and these humans are within the area. If they get in you way…"
Shatter approached him and assured him that they can handle it.
Shatter: "Not to worry, my liege. If any Autobot or these girls get in our way, they will be handled swiftly.
Dropkick soon butted in and armed up his cannon.
Dropkick: "And if there's one thing we're good at, it's making creatures go pop."
The science officer then turned to the three and told them about further instructions.
Shockwave: "When you retrieve that creature, bring it to me in Cybertron. I still have some equipment in my lab that can help retrieve the answers we need about these girls."
Hearing that, Lockdown assured him that he got the message.
Lockdown: "So, bring the creature alive? Seems fair enough."
He soon looked back at the Soundwave's screen to see the footage of the creature and was ready to take this creature to Megatron.
Lockdown: "Soon, we will get this creature."
Megatron walked back and returned to the throne, sitting on it, with a devious smirk on his face.
Megatron: "And soon, the secrets of these girls will be answered and I will use them against the Autobots. By any means necessary…"
That will be all for chapter twenty-four. Got to admit, this is the most complicated one I did. Not in action scenes, but in explanations. I this was a long one to accomplish, having to deal with setting stuff up, it was tough to get it all go down. But regardless, I can say that this was pretty good for an aftermath, not to mention I brought in four characters into the mix. And before any of you ask, that's right. That's Shockwave from the Prime Universe, Lockdown is from Age of Extinction, and Shatter and Dropkick are from the Bumblebee film. Told you I give you a surprise after. And of course, I will leave the voting above to let you decide which enemy Magical Girls the good guys would face. Remember, there are four.
1. Any Magical Girl from the Madoka Magica manga series
2. Yuki Yuna is a Hero
3. Magical Girl Site
4. And Doki Doki Literature Club
Voting does start now. Make your pick and see which one will wi-
'Oh, I do believe we all know who to winner is…'
There it is again! Seriously, this never happened to me before. I wonder what's causing it. Hmph… Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Next one will be crazy as the hunt for Kyubey is on. Will Homura and the others protect him from Lockdown and his cronies, or will Megatron get what he wanted. Stay tune to see for yourself. Please review. #WherearetheGoodCartoons?