Please don't mind any mistakes I might have missed!
Summary: Yugi and Ryou spend a stormy October night watching horror movies. However, what happened when something in the shop catches their attention? *Heartshipping* *Slight Dragonshipping*
Genre: Romance/Horror/Humor
Movie Night
"What about this one, Yugi?" Ryou asked, turning from the television to show Yugi what monster movie was to show next.
Yugi, curled up on the couch and wrapped in a warm, Halloween patterned blanket, tilted his head to the side, "That one?"
Ryou nodded, "It's been a while since we've seen it last and it's almost on."
"Does that I mean I get to cuddle with you when it gets too scary?" Truth be told, horror and monster movies scared the crap out of Yugi. Sure, he had grown to get used to them once he and Ryou became a thing, but that still didn't do anything to sooth his fears. While Ryou did freak out a bit at horror movies, it was never as bad as Yugi, making him the perfect cuddle buddy.
Ryou gave him a warm smile, "Of course."
At that, Yugi shrugged, "Alright."
Ryou's warm smile morphed into an excited grin, "Perfect!"
Half way through the movie, it had started to storm outside, only making Yugi's fear grow. He cuddled closer to Ryou, ready to hide his eyes against Ryou's chest. In turn, Ryou wrapped an arm around Yugi's shoulders, pulling him close whenever Yugi would get scared by something that happened during the movie.
The movie went on, inching ever so slowly to another scary part, which only caused Yugi to move closer to Ryou.
Ryou ducked his head, kissing the crown of Yugi's head, "It's okay, Yugi." He whispered out, "I've got you."
Yugi's hands gripped at Ryou's sweater and he nodded, finding a small comfort in Ryou's words. Yugi wanted to look away from the movie, but he couldn't. He kept his eyes glued to the screen, right up until a female's scream sounded through the television's speakers, and a gory image of some monster popped up on the screen, causing Yugi to yelp out in fear and bury his face into Ryou's chest.
"Shh…" Ryou slowly rubbed Yugi's arm, "It's okay, Yugi."
Yugi breathed in Ryou's scent, a pleasant mix of vanilla and cinnamon, the scent easily making Yugi relax. Yugi kept his face buried in Ryou's chest for a few seconds before speaking again, "Is it safe?"
Ryou nodded, a soft smile on his face, "It's safe Yugi."
Just then, there was a loud clap of thunder and the power went out. Yugi screamed again, hiding his face in Ryou's chest. Ryou merely pulled the blanket further up Yugi's petite body and held him closer, slowly rubbing his back.
The two sat in silence, the sound of the rain outside hitting the roof reaching their ears and the loud claps of thunder continuing to scare Yugi a bit. Thunderstorms were never Yugi's favorite thing in the world, however he was sure that had outgrown his childhood fear of thunder, but when the sound of the storm mixed with the horror movie, it was proven that Yugi hadn't outgrown the fear as much as he had hoped. Ryou, however, was patient beyond compare and continued to whisper sweet nothings to Yugi and did anything he could to help his boyfriend relax.
The silence continued on until the sound of the door to the game shop opening and closing caused Yugi's to perk up. Then, there was a creaking noise mixing with soft whispers. Yugi whimpered, his fears still not completely leaving him. He clutched Ryou's sweater again, hiding his face in his boyfriend's chest, "Someone's downstairs, Ryou." He whispered out.
Ryou rubbed Yugi's back and whispered back to him, "It's probably just Yami, Yugi."
"What if it's not?" Yugi asked, "What if that monster got Other Me?"
Ryou couldn't help but make a face; seriously it was just a movie. However, mixed with the thunderstorm, he could understand Yugi's fear, "Do you want me to go check?"
Yugi nodded, "Please?" However, once Ryou made the effort to get up, Yugi clutched at his waist, "I changed my mind, don't leave me."
"Do you want to come with me? I won't let anything hurt you, Yugi."
Yugi considered this for a while before nodding, "Okay."
Ryou stood, grabbing the flashlight on the coffee table and turning it on while Yugi clutched his arm, blanket still wrapped around his shoulders. The two made their way out of the living room and into the kitchen, finding it empty. Ryou turned to look back at Yugi, before heading down to the shop.
The two stopped in their tracks when they heard muffled whispering coming from the shop. Yugi clutched Ryou's arm tighter, giving him a frightened look, "Are you gonna go look?" He whispered out.
Before Ryou could give an answer, there was a scuffling sound and the door to the shop opened and closed once again. Ryou gulped, slowly making his way to the shop, shining the light in front of them. Not even one step into the shop, and Ryou found himself bumping into someone and the flashlight fell to the floor. The new person making an 'oomf' sound, the clank of the flashlight hitting the ground, another loud clap of thunder, and the shop lighting up with lighting seemed to all happen at once. Yugi screamed out and pulled Ryou closer to him.
"Wh-who's there?" Ryou called out, his own fears getting to him.
Before the other person could utter an answer, the eldest Muto came rushing down the stairs, a flashlight in his hands, "What's going on down here?"
Yugi kept his eyes shut and continued to cling to Ryou, "Grandpa! There's some creepy person in the shop!"
"Yeah, me." A familiar deep voice answered for the older Muto.
Ryou also shut his eyes and turned to Yugi, holding him close, "Get rid of him Mr. Muto!"
Solomon merely sighed, and rubbed his temples, "I'm getting too old for this." He mumbled under his breath, "Just pick up the flashlight and look, I'm going back to bed." Solomon turned, walking back up the stairs, "Kids today…"
"Go look, Ryou." Yugi urged his boyfriend.
"Yes, Ryou, look." The familiar deep voice spoke again, dripping with a mix of annoyance and amusement.
Ryou slowly opened his eyes, turned, picked up the flashlight and shined it on the new person before them. He looked, feeling stupid.
Yami stood there, his arms crossed over his chest and an amused smirk on his face, "Movie night was a success, I take it?"
"Who is it, Ryou?" Yugi asked, his eyes still shut.
"Why won't you see for yourself, Partner." Yami spoke up, answering for Ryou.
Yugi's eyes snapped open and a bright blush dusted his cheeks. He sheepishly peered out from behind Ryou, and took in the sight of Yami standing there, ready to burst into laughter. Yugi giggled, moving and standing next to Ryou, "Welcome home, Other Me."
Yami's eyebrows shot up in amusement, "Thanks for the warm welcome, you two."
Yugi pouted, "You scared us!"
"What were you doing in the shop anyway?" Ryou asked, eyeing Yami's disheveled appearance.
It was Yami's turn to blush. He looked away, "N-nothing."
Yugi couldn't help but grin, "It's was date night with Joey, wasn't it?"
Yami shook his head, "I don't know what you're talking about."
Ryou took a step closer, "You two were making out in the shop, weren't you?"
Yami's eyes widened and he quickly made his way up the stairs, "No!"
Yugi, forgetting all about his fears, grabbed the flashlight from Ryou and chased after Yami, letting the blanket fall to the ground, "You did, didn't you? I'm telling Grandpa that you two got all handsy on the counter!"
"You will do no such thing, Partner!" Yami shouted back, his blush growing. He locked himself into the former guest that was now his own bedroom, "Now, go to sleep, Partner!"
Yugi chuckled, walking back down the stairs. He set the flashlight on the floor, the light shooting up and lighting the area around the couple. Yugi gave a blissful sigh and leaned into Ryou's chest, "It's getting late, you should spend the night." He wrapped his arms around Ryou's waist and buried his face in his neck, breathing in his scent, "We can go out and rent the movie in the morning."
Ryou closed his eyes and smiled, holding Yugi close to him, "I'll be fine walking home, Yugi."
Yugi shook his head, his hair tickling Ryou's chin, "Please stay. It's still storming outside too, anyway."
Ryou chuckled, "How can I say 'no' to you?"
Yugi grinned, looking at Ryou, "You can't. Maybe tomorrow morning we can stop by the Halloween shop too!" He removed himself from Ryou's gentle embrace and held his hand, "We can start getting ideas for costumes."
Ryou smiled, picking up the flashlight and let himself be gently pulled by Yugi, "That's seems like a nice idea. We'll make it a date, then."
Yugi nodded, "Perfect."