Chapter 7: Preparations
Meanwhile, Erasa and Videl were having a conversation in her bedroom after Videl's father presumably went to train.
"I'm just saying," Erasa bit her lip as she tried to reason with her friend. "They looked so real! How could they be tricks?"
"It had to have been faked," countered Videl as she rested her face on her palms. "My father confirmed that seven years ago."
For a moment, Videl doubted her father's claim of trickery at the Cell Games, but she immediately got back in line with her father's doctrine. How could she question her father? After all, he was the defeater of Cell! It was just when she saw it up close in person that those tricks seemed so real. She reasoned she must be missing something, which her father's cunning martial arts eye saw. Her father was the only reason she felt any confidence that everything would be okay.
"But we saw Gohan fly into a building," explained Erasa.
"Right," she agreed as she straightened herself. "And he should have died from the impact."
Thank goodness he didn't, she said in her mind. That was another mystery to add. Mito flung Gohan into a building at an extreme rate, yet he survived.
"And that monster wants you to come to the Cell Games 2!" Erasa was visibly concerned, but her friend remained confident.
"My dad defeated him seven years ago," Videl reminded her friend once more.
"And Mito said that he came back to life," Erasa responded as Videl frowned.
"Which is preposterous if you think about it," said Videl. "But, I know my father defeated Cell. Dad must have thought he killed him and somehow Cell survived."
Erasa threw her hands in the air. There was no reasoning with her friend, but even she could tell the look of concern on Videl's face. According to Erasa, Gohan appeared to be the Gold Fighter and agreed with her best friend that he was also likely Saiyaman. It was incredible that the shy kid from the countryside that randomly showed up to school was a sort of superhero. But, her best friend was convinced it was trickery despite some serious doubts, in her opinion. Perhaps, confidence was needed in this tumultuous time and Videl genuinely believing in her father made her at ease. Erasa, however, had serious doubts of the claimed trickery.
"I just don't want you to get hurt," Erasa said concerned.
"I won't," Videl reassured her friend. "But, I have to be there to help save the world, just like dad did seven years ago."
Videl didn't know if she could gather the courage to go to the battlefield as her father had. Just the thought of that sent chills down her spine. But, she was motivated to follow in her father's footsteps.
"What about Gohan?" asked Erasa.
"What about him?" Videl responded, raising an eyebrow.
"Cell said that he was the one to defeat him seven years ago," Erasa said taking a step back. "And the only kid there was that golden-haired kid, the Delivery Boy!"
Videl froze, realizing her friend's conclusions. That's right, she silently confirmed.
She was so caught up in all the trickery from Mito and Gohan, she momentarily forgot about the Delivery Boy seven years ago, which she found out earlier that day when their dorky classmate turned his hair golden as Mito turned into Cell. The Gold Fighter and the Delivery Boy had very similar characteristics. They have to be one and the same, Videl agreed.
That would mean that he showed up to the Cell Games when he was like 11 years old, she realized as she tried to figure if his appearance was related to courage or just plain stupidity. Or, perhaps it was just because of Gohan's apparent heroic nature given that he's likely Saiyaman, despite the trickery. Sure, he might only be able to perform tricks, but those tricks saved people at considerable risk to himself, for that she was certain. There clearly was more to the mountain boy than she previously thought. Because over the past few months, not only has she noticed him more as a friend per se, but it also appeared he had some deep connections with the Cell Games. It was like some weird circle, which was crazy.
She sighed. "I'm not sure about Gohan right now. All I know is that he's associated with tricksters. Some of those same people that were here today were at the Cell Games seven years ago, and this time, I don't want to be left out."
"Videl, please," she pled, drawing nearer to her friend. "Let your dad or Gohan take care of it. I don't want to lose my best friend," she whispered that last part as her heart thumped thinking of that possibility.
"Pshhh, I'll be fine," she scoffed. "I'm tired of being left in the dark. I'm not sure what's going on, but I intend to find out by first tracking down Gohan. I can't believe he just left us in the dark!"
"I'm not sure either," admitted Erasa. "But I think there's something big that we don't know," alluding to how the definition of tricks has bent to fit something else because in her eyes, they weren't tricks.
Videl rolled her eyes. "No kidding and I intend to find out!"
"How?" asked Erasa as she watched her friend look toward her desk.
"I will track down where he lives and go from there."
Videl got up and marched over to her computer, logged into the school website, and looked through the directory.
Son Gohan.
Videl smirked and wondered why she hadn't looked before given her detective-like nature. After clicking his name and seeing the information, she frowned.
439 District. 35.7989, 130.2312.
Videl wasn't sure why Gohan didn't have a physical address but instead coordinates. She remembered her classmate told her that he lived in the 439-mountain region, which was at least a 10-hour car ride from Satan City or a one in a half hour flight. She also remembered asking him how he got to school, and he had a generic response that he flew.
Just like Saiyaman, Gohan doesn't fly to school on a plane or copter! He flies using some trick! There must be some mechanism in his shoes that allows him to fly, she reasoned even though she saw nothing of the like when she was with Saiyaman. Videl sighed and saved those coordinates, hoping they would lead to some answers.
"You're coming, right?" asked Videl with a renewed sense of confidence.
"I found Gohan's address," she beamed while smirking. "Let's go find him!"
"Uh, okay," Erasa shrugged.
The two walked outside, and Videl threw her a capsule on the ground, revealing her incredibly fast plane. The two jumped in and took off in the direction of the 439 district.
After a boring but anxiety provoking two-hour flight given the uncertain future, the pair was nearing the coordinates shown on the school directory. She hadn't seen any signs of civilization for at least 30 minutes of flying. Only rolling hills, lakes, and rivers existed out here with snow-capped peaks off in the distance. She recognized the mountain range as Mt. Pazou from the geography she was taught.
Gohan lives all the way out there? She questioned. He really was a mountain boy, as described by Sharpner.
Despite the condescending description Sharpner gave Gohan, according to Videl, it was clear Gohan was no boring backwoods kid. The fact that he came from a fighting background despite the tricks interested her. By thinking of him, his smile crept into her mind, giving her a little peace, which was desperately needed during these times. But then she was reminded that her mysterious friend left her in the dark about Cell. She shook head confused about the young man.
"His house has got to be out here somewhere," Erasa said, breaking her thoughts. Videl squinted her eyes in the distance.
"Or maybe he lives in a cave out here," Videl said, rolling her eyes.
"I see it!" Erasa proclaimed, pointing off in the distance, ignoring her friend's remark.
"Huh?" Videl followed her friend's finger.
Low and behold, a small dwelling was off in the distance. Videl began to descend toward the house, ready to find some answers. She could feel her confidence building hoping to finally uncover something about what happened today as it was the wildest craziest day she'd ever witness, and that's saying a lot given Earth's history. It was also one of the darkest days as several students she knew at Orange Star High died in the horrific building collapsed caused by Mito. She was still in a bit of a daze from that.
Once she landed, the front of the plane opened, and the two jumped out. Wasting no time, she decapsulated her plane and made her way to the front door. She knocked loudly, hoping someone was there, as there was no indication of anybody home.
After a moment, a lady opened the door.
"May I help you?" the woman said, but one could tell she had an in-depth look of concern.
Videl couldn't blame her after all that had happened that day. Mito turned into Cell and made a broadcast proclaiming the Cell Games 2, and it was just a few days away.
"Hello mam," Videl politely responded. "I was wondering if someone by the name of Son Gohan lived here?"
"My baby!" she screamed and then leaned in closer. "Have you seen him anywhere?"
"Uh," Videl said taking a step back hoping she'd calm down. "Yes, I saw him earlier today. I go to school with him. Is he here?"
"Is he alright? What happened at Orange Star? Where did my Goten run off to? Where is Gohan?"
"I'm not sure," said Videl, surprised by the barrage of questions. "And we came here to find out."
"Well?" the lady said. "When did you last see him?"
"Uh, when Mito turned into Cell, Gohan fought him, and then left with a bunch of random people," Videl explained as she watched the woman's eyes widen.
"…Come again?"
Videl sighed. "Somehow, Cell was disguised as a teenager at school. When he transformed back to Cell, all hell broke loose!"
"Oh," was all the woman said slouching while looking toward the ground.
"Do you have any idea where he might be? Where he could have gone?" asked Videl surprised by the emotional rollercoaster the lady just displayed.
The woman shook her head violently and in a profound look of concern. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath staring at the two in front of her.
"Please come in," she said, leading the way.
Videl momentarily looked at her friend who nodded. The two went in behind the lady, unsure of what was to happen next. Would they finally get answers? Videl needed answers.
"So, it's really true?" the lady asked the two as her breath shook.
The two left questionable looks on their faces.
"Cell is really back?" she clarified.
Videl nodded her head.
"Figures," she said, shaking her head. "These good times we've had could only last so long, of course."
"Huh?" murmured Erasa.
"Look," the lady said as she walked over to a counter area. She took a picture in a frame.
Videl examined the photo the lady showed them. It was her, and a child, and a man, probably related. For some reason, the man looked incredibly familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.
"That is my husband and my son," the lady said.
"Is that Gohan?" Erasa asked, staring at the wild haired 11-year old child.
He looks so happy, Videl noted.
The lady nodded her head. "I'm his mother if you haven't figured it out. I'm so sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Chi-Chi."
"Videl" was all she said offering her a smile.
"So sorry for not introducing us either. My name is Erasa," she explained, offering a smile. "Uh, we are Gohan's friends at high school."
Chi Chi smiled. "Ever since I met Gohan's father, I knew what I was signing up for, but never wanted to realize it," she said leaving a questionable look on the two teenaged girls, but she continued. "Goku put the lives of the entire planet first, which was hard on our family."
Videl took a closer look at the photo remembering the past champion of the Worlds Martial Arts tournament and suddenly flinched remembering that Gohan's father was Son Goku. She also remembered hearing about the old tournaments when Goku, at a record-breaking young age, made it to the finals of the World Martial Arts Tournament. No wonder he looked so familiar in that photograph, her thoughts broke as Chi Chi continued.
"And they were always fighting. It's in their blood," she said as the two stared at her in awe. "And, once again, I, Gohan's mother, has to sit by the sideline while some maniac is trying to kill my son. Do you know how hard that is on me?"
Videl took a deep breath, vaguely understanding what she was saying. She had no idea what those other times Gohan's mother was speaking of, but it was clear that Gohan and his family were quite accomplished. It was no wonder why he didn't care about mine and my father's accomplishments when I met Gohan earlier in the year, she reasoned. She remembered being shocked and actually somewhat upset that Gohan didn't think anything of her father. At the time, it also was refreshing as everyone associated her with her father.
"That's awful. I'm sorry to hear that," Erasa added.
Gohan's mother took a step forward. "I've already lost my husband, and I don't want to lose my kids!" she cried.
Videl gasped. She'd forgotten that detail that Gohan had told.
"Well, we were trying to find Gohan," Erasa explained.
She snorted. "Good luck," Chi Chi said. "I bet by now, Gohan and the others are hatching a plan to defeat Cell again. I can't stop them, but I won't let my youngest son get involved!"
"Huh?" Videl said, straightening herself. "My father was the one to defeat Cell so he'll do it again."
Chi Chi frowned. "Sweetheart. You are misunderstood."
Videl was about to defend her father and his accomplishment, but Erasa slapped a hand over her friend's mouth, and whispered. "now is not the time."
Videl nodded. Somehow, all these people that associate with Gohan, the Delivery Boy, believe that he, a child, was the one that defeated Cell. Her pride took a shot when her friend shut her up, but even she realized, now was not the time, and also realized she was missing so many details. But for her, she still remained confident that her father was the one that finally finished off Cell.
Meanwhile, back at Kami's lookout above Korin's tower, Gohan and the others were still working on a plan.
"We should follow in after him," Piccolo said while Vegeta walked toward the time chamber. The Saiyan Prince paused and turned around.
"I won't be distracted by you and certainly not the halfling that has failed to keep up with his training," he said smirking. "Besides, only two can go in at any given time."
Piccolo smirked back at him. "You do know that was a lie, right?"
His eyes narrowed. "Explain."
"Goku only said that so you and Trunks could have some alone time. There is no limit to how many can be in the chamber at one time, but the 48-hour rule applies per person," explained Piccolo as Vegeta scoffed.
"Kakarot lied? I didn't know he had it in him," he said sarcastically. "We must alert the Gods."
Bulma cringed. "Oh, quit with that Vegeta," she said, turning toward Gohan and Piccolo. "But I agree, you guys shouldn't waste any more time."
"She's right," said Gohan. "I believe if we had several months in the chamber, which would only be several hours in real time, we could attain new levels of strength! Cell still doesn't know about the chamber."
"Good point," Krillin added while nodding his head.
"While you guys are in the time chamber, Krillin and I will get the dragon balls prepared," Bulma added. "Uh, no offense, Krillin."
All Krillin could do is sigh. It was clear that he had no shot against Cell and needed to rely on the Saiyans and Piccolo to defend the planet.
"Pff, those damn balls again Woman," Vegeta barked. "Brute strength will determine the outcome of Cell's little game, and I will finally show Cell the true power of a Saiyan Elite! It's clear that Gohan hasn't kept up with his training while I've trained every waking moment."
Bulma rolled her eyes. "I can attest to that, but the dragon balls will be for after all is said and done. We need them to wish back those he killed today, remember?"
"Bah, enough of these distractions," Vegeta said as he marched away. "I'm going to the chamber."
"Golly?" Bulma said, straightening herself watching him walk away. "Wonder what has gotten into him?"
"Forget about him," Piccolo said, turning toward Earth's guardian. "Dende, you must stay safe so we can use the dragon balls. Unfortunately, Cell is aware of the dragon balls."
"Yes," Dende said cautiously. "I wonder if I can alert the Namekians on New Namek about the situation. Not sure."
"Yes!" Bulma said enthusiastically. "At the same time, I'll make sure we have a space ship prepared if we need to vacate to New Namek at the last second. I've been working on a new ship anyway after that whole Frieza debacle."
"Good idea, Bulma," added Gohan.
"If worse comes to worst, we can escape to Namek, and use those dragon balls," she added.
Krillin drooped. "Wait a second. Are you saying we might not be able to win this?" he asked while Gohan and Piccolo looked away. "We can do it, right guys?"
"Well," Gohan said apprehensively. "I want to remain positive, but it's a good idea to have backups in place."
"Without Goku, it's going to be much tougher," Piccolo added while the other's nodded their head solemnly.
This time, things were different. There was an eerie feel in the air as everyone's anxiety levels were far more heightened than the last Cell Games. They were missing their beloved Goku who always managed to turn something negative into a positive light. He had always been there, and things just felt different this time.
"We're coming too!" two boys said in unison.
"Not a chance!" Bulma screeched, but Trunks wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"But we can help!" Trunks explained.
"No," she scolded. "You two are coming with me to look for the dragon balls!"
"But mom!"
Bulma glared at her son, causing Trunks to duck his head slightly.
"Let the boys train," Piccolo said, leaving Bulma bewildered and Trunks smiling.
"But they are just children!" Bulma countered.
The Namek pivoted towards Bulma. "Yes, but they displayed great strength earlier. Your son transformed into a Super Saiyan Bulma."
Trunks awaited her mother's reaction taking a step back.
"s- super Saiyan?" she stuttered.
"Yes," Piccolo affirmed. "They have incredible strength, which may be of use."
"But," she was about to retort, however, was cut off.
"It's amazing how far along they are," Krillin added. "They've far surpassed me."
"See?" Goten pleaded to Bulma. "We can help."
Her mouth gaped open, trying to understand her child, her baby, was now a super Saiyan let alone Goku's youngest son. She sighed.
"Don't worry Bulma, it wouldn't hurt for them to get some training. It doesn't mean they will actually fight Cell," Gohan reasoned and then looked at the two boys. "Anyway, we should probably get going."
"Yeah!" the two boys beamed excitedly.
"Let's do six months in the chamber and then come out and see where we are at. That's twelve Earth hours," Gohan explained.
"Oh, alright, but you will NOT fight Cell, son," Bulma conceded while Trunks nodded. "Krillin and I will start looking for the dragon balls. But first, I want a big hug, Trunks!"
"But mom!" Trunks cried.
"Fine," he said slowly and grudgingly walked toward her mom. Once there, he gave a hug but was embarrassed as Gohan watched. Trunks let go quickly.
"You two better be good!" said Bulma.
"We will!" the two boys said.
Just as Gohan and the others were walking toward the chamber, they heard a plane off in the distance. Gohan completed a ki sweep of the immediate area, and his heart dropped at what he was sensing. Videl Satan.
Gohan cautiously turned and watched the plane land on top of the platform. By now, he was sweating bullets.
Crap, what do I even say? Gohan inwardly tried to find the words. Despite the crises the planet was about to undergo, he most certainly didn't want to lose Videl as their friendship seemed to be gaining traction, especially in the past few weeks. To Gohan, there was something special in Videl and to maintain his own sanity, he didn't need to add Videl to this mess the planet was in.
Gohan saw Videl jump out of the plane, then decapsulated it with Erasa shortly behind her. As she was approaching him, her glare was piercing, to say the least.
"Uh, Videl, listen," Gohan started.
"Can it," she said, rolling her eyes while Gohan ducked his head slightly by Videl's tone. She was about to explode on Gohan but was interrupted.
"Gohan?" Krillin asked, getting his and everyone's attention. "Who are these people?"
"Uh," he started feeling the stares of everyone. "This is Videl and Erasa. Umm, they are, uh, friends from school."
"Videl and Erasa, huh?" Krillin snickered. "They wouldn't happen to be-"
Gohan interrupted his father's old friend. "Krillin. Not now."
"Mmhmm," Krillin smirked.
"Videl?" Bulma raised her eyebrow, turning back to the young Saiyan. "As in Videl Satan?"
"Uh, yeah," Gohan nervously laughed, rubbing the back of his head.
Meanwhile, Videl quickly recognized the woman to be Bulma Briefs, CEO of Capsule Corporation. She remembered Gohan mentioning her from before. Erasa, on the other hand, had her eyes wide open quite shocked that Bulma Briefs was standing before them.
"Listen here, Gohan," Videl recollected herself after seeing Bulma Briefs and glared at the young Saiyan. "You left us after I specifically said I wanted answers!"
Gohan stood silently, trying to figure out what to say.
"After everything that's happened, you knew something, and left me in the dark!" she accused.
While this was true, he hardly had time to explain things to Videl given what little time they had to prepare for the Cell Games 2.
"I had no idea that Mito was Cell," he defended.
Videl continued ignoring his lackluster comment. "You know what the Cell Games mean to me. Such a friend you are," she sneered, but in the process of saying those hurtful words, her eyes began to swam in tears because in reality deep inside her, she felt a profound connection to Gohan. She couldn't explain it.
"You're right," added Gohan as he turned away slightly taken aback from her hurtful comment. "And I will explain everything."
Piccolo interjected. "You don't have time."
Gohan nodded at his old master. "Just give me a few moments."
"Piccolo's right," Bulma said knowing darn well it wouldn't take just a few moments. "Gohan, you should go inside as every minute on the outside is 6 hours in the chamber. I'll explain things to Videl."
Gohan peered toward Videl to see if she would be open to this. The heroine of Satan City looked away slightly and also surprised at the seriousness of everyone.
"Fine," she conceded as she realized something more significant was afoot here. "But I want an explanation from you also. Tell me exactly when that will happen."
Gohan paused. "If you come back here just over 12 hours, I will explain everything."
"Alright," Videl nodded. "You had better."
"It'll be fine," Bulma reassured. "I'll take her with us while we find the dragon balls."
The young Saiyan winced as he realized there was no going back from this. He sighed as things were so much simpler even just a few days ago as he wasn't sure how Videl would react to all this information. He offered Erasa and Videl a wave, before following in after Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks. This was going to be a long six months in the chamber, something he was not looking forward to.
He turned his head once more to get a look at Videl and noticed her arms crossed while she stared at him. He could feel her ki swinging back and forth, a sign of an internal struggle as she will likely be baffled learning the truth about her father. She is so confident her father defeated Cell, he pondered. He shook his head, knowing that it was not Videl's fault she didn't know. That would the last time he'd see her for six months.
After a few minutes' walk to the chamber, he and the others finally reached the chamber door. Gohan took the honor to open the heavy guarded door into another dimension. Once open, Gohan and the other's walked in. He shut the door behind him, sealing off the connection between the two dimensions. He turned and saw Vegeta eating a large meal at the one table near the entrance of the chamber.
"It's so heavy in here!" Goten whined as the time chamber had ten times Earth's gravity as Trunks nodded in agreement.
"Finally, you made it. It's already been a week," sneered Vegeta but quickly noticed his son and Goten. "You brought the brats?"
"Dad!" whined Trunks. "Stop calling us that!"
Piccolo cleared his throat. "After witnessing their transformation, they may be useful. I will train them while you and Gohan could focus on gaining your own strength."
Vegeta smirked. "True," but then opened and glared at his son. "Don't think we won't be discussing you keeping that from me."
Trunks gulped. "Uh, okay."
Vegeta then turned his attention to Piccolo continuing to smirk. "Green Bean can train you two as long as you stay out of my way."
Meanwhile, high above Korin's tower on Kami's lookout, Bulma threw a capsule on the ground revealing a state-of-the-art plane wasting no time.
"Alright, let's do this," Bulma said confidently.
"Before we go wherever it is we are going, I want an explanation," Videl put forward as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Bulma observed Mr. Satan's daughter. "I'll explain on the way there."
"On the way where?" Erasa asked.
"Come on!" Bulma pointed toward the plane. "Get in!"
Videl looked at her friend, who offered a quizzical look. It had been a wild goose chase thus far, so Videl knew this was her only chance to get answers.
"Let's go I guess," Videl told Erasa who shrugged her shoulders.
The two followed inside the plane after Krillin. Inside, Videl noted the spacious cabin and wasn't aware of this plane existing.
"What type of plane is this?" Videl asked Bulma.
She offered a smile. "It's not on the market."
"Hmm," Videl looked at the controls.
She was well aware of planes produced by Capsule Corporation as she flew many for her volunteer work with the Satan City Police Department. She noticed Bulma pull out a small hand-held device from a compartment, something of the like she has never seen. Suddenly, the device started beeping, and Videl noted several dots on the device.
"Just like old times, huh?" Bulma said to the small man that Videl hadn't been introduced to.
"Yeah," Krillin meekly said. "Not in the best circumstances, though."
"Right," said Bulma offering him a half-smile.
"So, are you going to explain what the heck is going on?" asked Videl while the plane started flying.
"Oh yeah," Bulma said while she punched a few buttons putting the plane on autopilot. "Sorry for everything but my mind has been a bit preoccupied."
"Right," agreed Videl while the famous scientist scratched her head.
"Golly, where to begin?" the scientist said then turned to the smaller man along for the ride. "Where are my manners. This is Krillin, a longtime friend."
Videl offered her hand to shake. "Videl."
"And I'm Erasa," the blonde also said, shaking the man's hand.
"Nice to meet you," Krillin said, giving the two a half-smile. "You two are friends of Gohan's?"
Friends was probably stretching it at this point, but to keep things moving along, Videl nodded. "Yes, from high school."
"High School?" asked Krillin. "I didn't even know Gohan was enrolled."
"Yup, he started not too long ago," Erasa added.
"Wow, anyway, you two probably have a lot of questions," Krillin suggested.
"Yes," Videl said, eager to get to the point. "First, I want the story of Gohan."
Krillin raised an eyebrow. "The story of Gohan? Aren't you his friends? Don't you know?"
Videl shook her head. "He's purposely kept his whole life a secret." Bulma snorted.
"Makes sense," Bulma said, nodding her head and then turning to the young crime fighter. "I'll give you the rundown, but this is a conversation you'll have to have with Gohan. But since the Earth is in serious danger, it'll do you two some good to know what's happening."
"I will most definitely have this conversation with Gohan as promised in twelve hours," Videl agreed. "But, I would like to know who really is Gohan."
Bulma nodded. "Where to even start," she pondered. "Well, just to give you a few facts. Gohan has seen things in his short life that nobody should ever see. Just to name a few, he's been kidnapped, traveled space to fight evil tyrants, watch his friends die, and has even gone up against Cell during the first Cell Games, all as a child."
Erasa's mouth gaped open while Videl raised an eyebrow at the absurdity of what was just said. If it had come from anybody else but the richest most successful woman in the Earth's history, she would have immediately discredited what was said. Travel to different planets?
There has to be some truth to that, Videl reasoned after thinking about it for a moment. She now knew for a fact that Gohan was the 'Delivery Boy' that fought Cell years ago. She watched him turn his hair golden, which made no sense to her since it seemed so genuine at the time. And also, Bulma probably has access to some crazy technology and flying through outer space might be one of them, she thought. Perhaps it wasn't as insane as she thought, but she still had many questions. If all that happened, how on earth is Gohan smiling all the time?
"What is Gohan exactly?" she pressed on. "What's up with the golden hair?"
Bulma offered the two a quizzical look. "You two have no idea," she said then sighed, turning her attention to Krillin. "What should I say?"
Krillin shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure we should be the ones to tell."
"Huh? Tell me what?" Videl stood up. "We have to know!"
"Listen," said Bulma. "I cannot be the one to explain why his hair goes golden. You'll have to have that conversation with Gohan."
Videl momentarily wanted to demand answers but conceded. She'd know in less than twelve hours at this point since Gohan went off to train, at least that was her vague understanding. How anyone would gain strength in twelve hours was anybody's guess, but at the same time, she knew she had no idea what was going on.
"Was he really the Delivery Boy?" asked Erasa.
Bulma slowly nodded.
Wow, he was the child going up against Cell? Videl always believed all the lights and theatrics were tricks that both Cell and the Delivery Boy used. She saw no mechanism, wires, or anything of that sort that would indicate those tricks were anything but real. They felt so real, she thought remembering when Mito somehow turned into a Cell look-a-like. That fight with Gohan kept appearing in her mind over and over again as it was still very fresh in her memory.
Her father always claimed those tricksters at the Cell Games had wires and bombs to create explosions. But how was it that the army was defeated with a wave of a hand, she pondered. Then they all came back to life as if it was all a dream. Videl shook her head, confused by everything. She had to have faith in her father as she felt confident he was, in fact, the one that defeated Cell with brute strength. But, with everything that had happened, she was confused about what her father always told her.
Then, her thoughts wandered back to Gohan. Just a few months ago, he was nothing but a mountain boy that attended Orange Star High in the 'big city' despite the charming smile. Over the course of several weeks, she dismissed him upset that Erasa invited him into their tight-knit friend group. However, she warmed up to him over time only to have everything shaken up over the past few days. He was just secretly trying to have a normal life, she thought given that there was so much more than met the eye with Gohan.
And even now, Videl was inside a plane with the most successful person on the planet, on some adventure of which she had no idea. Now that she thought about it, she recognized the smaller man from the past tournaments. With just a few days left before the tournament, she felt completely in the dark, which frustrated her.
She still wanted to pinch her cheek to see if this was some god-awful dream, but reality was setting in as hers, and everyone's future was very uncertain.
A/N: Wow, it's been a year and a half since I updated. Horrible, I know. I've focused on my other story lately, and I will finish both this one and the other. I don't know about you, but I had to reread this story, and it seems quite messy, but I do have an overarching structure in my mind of how it will go, uh, I think. Hope I still have a few that want to read on! Apologize for the absurdly long delay, but I will try to update more regularly. Thanks!