Clary's POV:

October 3-

I walk into the bar, shaking the New York rain off my jacket and ringing out my damp fiery hair. Wayland's is a small sports bar, and not a very busy one either, although it is 7:30 on a Monday night. I wouldn't be here myself, I think, if it weren't for Izzy and I deciding not to pay for cable anymore. I walk around the bar, scanning the TVs for my desired program, and wind up at the last chair, disappointed.

"What can I get you?" The bartender appears out of nowhere, and I smile politely at him.

"Actually I was wondering, since it's not too busy right now and there doesn't seem to be a particularly special sporting event going on, if you could change the channel?" I ask quietly, giving him a small smile.

He smirks at me, shaking his head. "Sorry carrot top, we don't run Lifetime."

My eyes narrow instantly, smile dropping from my face. "Umm no. I'm referring to the BTN Wrestling Dual Match. It's the first of the season, so naturally I can't miss a minute of it," I explain. Douchebag. The bartender raises his eyebrow at me and I raise both of mine back, daring him to make another sexist remark. "Channel 610. And could you bring me a Pabst and some wings?"

He smirks again, and rummages around under the bar for something, coming up with a remote. While he watches the channels flip by on the TV, I watch him. He has shaggy golden hair, and a sun kissed tan despite it being October in New York. But what really catches your attention are his eyes. They're such a light brown, like a deep tone of saffron. He's made of gold… What the hell?

As he turns back towards me, I cast my green eyes up to the TV, hoping he hadn't caught me checking him out. The BTN in the lower corner makes me smile with excitement, and I check my phone to see how much longer until the match starts. Only 11 minutes left… I'm practically bouncing in my seat by the time he comes back with my PBR. "So what's your name?" he asks curiously, sliding the beer across to me.

I pause for a second, then shake my head and take a swig of the Pabst. "I'm not telling you." He looks thoroughly surprised for a second, as if he has a right to know my name.

"And why is that? Don't you want to know my name?" He leans across the bar, his face reaching into my personal bubble.

"No, I don't. We're not friends, I'm just buying a drink at a bar. Doesn't require names." I see him raise an eyebrow, and check the time again. 4 more minutes…

"How quickly you dismiss our friendship!" He places a hand over his heart, as if struck, and I can't help but smile a little at his act. "You mean you don't trust me?"

I roll my eyes at this rhetorical question, and decide to answer honestly. "No, and you don't trust every stranger either, buddy. I mean come on, you have a sign that says 'No tip jar, please leave tips with an employee'." He opens his mouth to argue, and the sound of the BTN theme sounds, signalling the start of the program. "Shh it's starting!" I whisper, eyes glued to the TV as I drink more of my beer.

His body shakes with laughter as he walks away, and I wave a hand to shoo him off. He puts his hands up and backs away, wiping down the bar on the other side.

Jace's POV:

One beer and two hours later, the match is over. I see the redhead collect her things, and walk over to her. "You all done here, Red?"

"Red? Really?" she scrutinizes as she lays down some cash along with the tip.

I laugh at her scrunched up nose, wiping down the bar. "Well apparently we're not exchanging names," I defend myself, leaning against the bar to watch her put on her jacket.

"Fair enough, Blondie," she teases, sticking a bubblegum pink tongue out at me.

I laugh again, a rarity in my case, that seems to come easily around this redhead. "You know I could just card you. You do look awfully young," I threaten, looking the petite girl up and down.

"Oh puh-lease. I've been over 21 for quite some time. I can't help it that I'm short and have childlike features," she explains, looking slightly put out.

"How long is 'quite some time'? Two months?" I ask jokingly.

She scoffs, "Try two years, jackass. I'm not that young." I laugh and shake my head at her sass, collecting payment from another customer. 23 years old… Not too young after all.

I'm still chuckling at her perturbed face when I come back over, "You are so young, you don't even know. I'm 27, trust me."

Her bright green eyes get wide with wonder. "Oh wow. You're four years older than me! Please, oh ancient one, tell me the lessons of your years!"

We both laugh at her dramatics, and open my mouth, about to lay on the charm, when her cell goes off. "Hey Si," she answers. Who is Si? As her hand brings her battered cell phone to her ear, I notice for the first time an engagement ring. Holy shit, she's engaged? "Yeah I'm on my way. Totally. Already hailing a cab." I snap out of it when I hear the fib, and pretend to chastise her. She flips me off before waving and walking out the door.

I sort the cash register and clean things for closing time at 10, thinking about the redhead. She's engaged… And that makes me upset… Why do I care? She's just a random customer. I doubt I'll ever even see her again. As I lock the doors behind the last stragglers, I hope with every fiber of my being that I'm wrong.

Author's Note:

Okay, hey guys. This is my first ever fanfic. Some of the chapters might be a little on the short side, like this one, but I will be posting EVERY Monday unless some kind of disaster occurs like I lose a hand.

Anywho, thanks for all who read, and extra thanks for all who review. Constructive criticism is encouraged, just don't be an ass hat.
