Harry Potter had seen Dudley watching a show called Dragon Ball and wished he could be like Goku. Then no one would pick on him, or beat him, or anything because he'd be super strong and brave! He was already short. of course he was only 5 but still he was small like Goku. He went to bed that night wishing with all his might he felt weak all of a suddenly and then felt that something had snapped apart inside of him and he felt really good and tired.

When he woke up he was happy to see he had a monkey tail just like Goku.

Good morning Harry Potter you are now a Gamer.

"What's that mean?" Harry asked,

It means you can level up , train stats, and create skills. You can allot five skill points for everytime you level up.

Think or say stats.

'Stats' Harry said, in his head. He didn't want to wake anyone.

Harry Potter

Title : Freak

Level 1

HP: 20/20

MP: 20/20

Ki: 20/20

Str: 0

Dex: 0

Int: 0

Wis: 0

Vit: 0

Luck: 0

Money: 0£ 0ʛ 0s 0k 0z

Harry Potter is a small scared boy who wants to be stronger and smarter so that he can always do his best no matter what. Harry is far behind where is supposed to be for his age. He knows nothing about his past. Harry hates his Aunt , Uncle and cousin because they hurt him. He doesn't understand why strange things always happen to him. Harry Potter has sworn to work hard to become smart.

'I'm really weak.' Harry said, 'and stupid.'

Say Skills.


Gamer's mind-Passive-Level Max

Allows you to think rationally and remain calm in situations.

Gamer's Body-Passive-Level Max

You have the body of a Gamer.

Tail of a Sayin-passive-level max

This allows you to have increased Dex, Str, and Vit. Will not not register in stats.

Lesser Ki Affinity- passive-Level 1

Ki is the energy of life, an energy born in all living things. Through training and hard work normal people may be able to unlock it.

Ki recovery-Passive- Level 1

Call Ki into yourself from around you to recharge the Ki you've lost in battle

'Cool.' Harry thought. 'I wish my hair was more like Goku's.'

Skill Created!

Metamorphmagus-passive-Level 1

You can change how you look! For now only one thing but you'll be able to change more when you level up.

Accidental Magic-passive-Level 1

You can't control it but you can use it. With use you could learn to control it.

'Cool.' Harry beamed to himself. He opened his door and came out. He closed it and went to the kitchen. He saw a quest mark.

Cook breakfast for your family.

Cook Bacon (100)

Cook Eggs (100)

Cook Toast (100)

Pour OJ (3)

Pour Milk (3)




Harry began cooking but burnt things. He put all the burnt stuff into the inventory that had appeared when he thought about it. As he continued on and on until he had all the food cooked. He even put some of the good food into his inventory. He poured a lot of juice and milk and stuffed it in to his inventory. This was for when they decided to starve him. For some reason he never ran out of things he needed to make things.

His family came in and blinked in surprise.

"Aunty, Unle I make you food." Harry said, his tail flicking. "I twy my bes..."

They sat down and looked over the food.

"When did you learn to do this?" Petunia sniffed.

"I pwactice." Harry said, happily bouncing on the balls of his feet. "I go skool?"

"Not yet." Petunia told the boy. "It's too early." Her eyes flashed, "Where did you get that tail?"

"Grewed it." Harry said, hugging it. "Wike it." he looked scared though his mind wouldn't allow him to be. "I keep it."

"This good." Dudley was eating everything his pudgy little hands could reach.

The adults ate as well.

Cooking -passive- Level 10

Recipe- Scrambled Eggs

"I keep tail?" Harry begged meekly as he pulled on his best hand me downs so he could go to school and got his school supplies that he'd taken from Dudley. He put all his treasures in his inventory. He pulled on a beat up back pack to keep up appearances. "You say I born wif it that why no une sees me out side."

+1 Wisdom for a great idea.

Harry was happy for that.

"That is ...not a...bad idea. " Vernon said, "Come for an idea like that I'm buying you something."

"Tank yous." Harry said, "You nos has to."

Vernon grunted and loaded them into the car. They stopped at a store it was a good will .

"Oh a sale." Petunia said, brightly pulling Harry along by his arm. "Vernon look clothes for him are half price."

"Get him two outfits I don't want to be accused of neglecting the boy."

"Cofs fer me?" Harry asked, as he stood getting clothes held up to him. "Dat!" he pointed at a purple shirt and pants. "Dat, Aunty."

"What?" People were staring she grabbed the purple tank top and purple pants. She held them up to him. "They'll fit. Ma'am may I carry him out in this?" she asked the woman , "His house burnt down and my sister was killed. He has no clothes. "

"Dat!" Harry said, again reaching for the outfit. "Dat."

"He's very slow." Petunia said, blushing.

"Of course ." the woman laughed. " but ...uh...why does he have a tail?"

"He was born with it and he likes it too much for us to remove it."

"Dat!" Harry insisted.

Petunia took him to the bathroom and let him change they fit him perfectly. Harry was cheering . She had to admit it was rather cute.

"Hurry up and pick out one more." Petunia told him once they were back at the rank. "It's almost time for school. "

"I done." Harry said, to her. "Ony dis."

Petunia payed and they quickly left. She explained what happened to Vernon in the car. Dudley was staring at Harry in confusion. Harry was touching the top of his shoes they didn't match Goku's . He wanted Goku's shoes. His tail flicked.

Harry sat at his desk and watched the other kids run around the room he just sat and watched.

Skill Created!

Observation-passive-Level 1

You can get information on people and things. It's weak so you wont be getting much.

He got information on everyone in the room.

"Okay, everyone sit down." the teacher called. All the other kids sat. Harry stared at her. "I'm going to call each of your names and I want you to say here." She began reading names. His was last." Harry Potter."

"Here." Harry said, quietly. Dudley glared at him.

"Alright , everyone's here." The teacher said, "Today..."

Harry tried to pay attention but Dudley kept throwing paper balls at his and the teacher didn't notice.

'Fine then.' Harry huffed. He picked up one of the paper balls. He pictured gold energy flowing down his arm into the paper ball. Goku's energy was gold. The paper ball was soon glowing Harry threw it . It hit the teacher. Harry quickly put the ones around him in his inventory.

"DUDLEY DURSLEY!" Dudley was about to throw another ball at Harry and blinked. "HOW DARE YOU THROW A PAPER BALL AT ME!"

Ki Paper Ball-Level 1

You can charge a paper ball with your Ki and throw it. This is really weak and wont do much damage.

"I not." Dudley said "Fweak did. " he pointed at Harry.

Harry was now practicing his letters slowly tracing them trying to look like he'd been working hard. He was of course because he wanted to get smarter.

"NONSENSE!" The teacher bellowed, "LOOK AT HIM HE'S WORKING!"

Harry sat in the very back of class working . The teacher called the office and the Headmaster arrived shortly after frowning.

"But I not!" Dudley cried, "Fweak did!" he pointed at his cousin. His cousin was still working.

"A...B...C...D...F...no..." Harry scratched his head with his pencil. "A...B...C...D..."

"E, sweetie." The teacher said. "E comes after D."

"Wight." Harry nodded. He traced the the letters over and over again. "E...F..."

"Very good."

For constant studying +1 Int

'So that's how I raise that stat. ' Harry said, 'Okay I will try.'

Dudley protested loudly that it was Harry that had thrown the paper ball. Harry kept tracing the letters and repeating them over and over again. The teacher corrected his grip and walked around doing the same with others as Dudley threw a fit.

"If Dudders says it was his cousin it was." Petunia said, when she'd arrived.

"Harry has been working very hard today." The teacher said, with a smile . Harry was catching on but was far behind where he was supposed to be but was trying and that counted. "Look at him."

Harry was now practicing his numbers his tail flicking absently.

'Okay I feel smarter.' HArry said thinking to himself. 'I can think a little easier. Stats.'

Harry Potter

Title : Freak

Level 1

HP: 20/20

MP: 20/20

Ki: 20/20

Str: 0

Dex: 0

Int: 2

Wis: 1

Vit: 0

Money: 0£ 0ʛ 0s 0k 0z

Harry Potter is a small scared boy who wants to be stronger and smarter so that he can always do his best no matter what. Harry is far behind where is supposed to be for his age. He knows nothing about his past. Harry hates his Aunt , Uncle and cousin because they hurt him. He doesn't understand why strange things always happen to him. Harry Potter has sworn to work hard to become smart.

"Okay, class." The teacher said, " it's art time."

Everyone looked at her. She set them up with crayons and paper.

"Harry, dear do you know what to do with these?"

Harry blinked at the woman.

Emmaline Vance

Level: ?

HP: ?


Emmaline Vance works for the Order of the Phoenix. She was put here by Dumbledore to watch Harry Potter and make sure he doesn't learn who he is too early and stays beaten down. She wants to help Harry bloom and is starting to question Dumbledore's plan for Harry and who Harry is living with.

"I do dis?" Harry took the crayon and began coloring.

"That's right." Emmaline smiled. "Very good. "

"I'm telling you it had to be Harry." Petunia was in the hall with the Headmaster and Dudley. "Dudley is a sweat little angle. Harry..." the door shut.

Harry tried to draw Goku but it wasn't very good.

He tried hard to pay attention in class but kept loosing focus. Finally it was time for lunch. He ate his lunch then hid in the library.

He grabbed a book and tried to read it. He opened it.

English Learned!

English-Level 1

You can not read that well or speak that well. You are slow and far behind.

Harry huffed and worked through the book trying his best to read it. His tail flicked this way and that. It was hard but he finally got past the first page. He huffed and checked his English level.

English- Level 3

"Ugh." Harry huffed, and turned to the second page it was a baby book but he was having so much trouble. "I gets dis yet."

The librarian glanced at him she hadn't even seen him come in. They were closed but she didn't tell him.

By the time Harry had finished the book his English was Level 5.

He left the library as the bell rang and went back to his class.

'Stats?' Harry asked, 'Int.'

Int: 2

'So all that and it didn't go up.' Harry frowned, 'wait where did she say we were going?'

The answer was gym. He had no problem with the pushups because of his Sayin Tail Skill. But he noted that his Str, Con and Dex rose one point as he worked. He was then running for his life around the yard with Dudley's gang chasing him. He ran just like Goku and almost as fast. He laughed as went. After the third lap he got more stat points.

The gym teacher was in awe of the small boy he'd never seen a boy that small run that fast before. He'd noticed the tail as soon as the boy stepped in the yard for gym.

He chuckled at the small boy . The boy suddenly made a huge jump on to the top of the swings landed on top of them then hung by his tail upside down he blinked amazed.


Str: 3

Dex: 3

Int: 2

Wis: 1

Con: 3

Luk: 0

'That's great.' Harry thought swinging back and forth by his tail Dudley and his gang were yelling at him for getting Dudley in trouble. 'They're annoying. I know! Accidental Magic!'

Suddenly numbers spun in front of Harry's eyes. It came back as one. Dudley screamed he was suddenly face down and covered with mud.

"The Fweak pushed me!" Dudley yelled pointing up at Harry.

"Harry is all the way up there." The gym teacher snapped, "I don't like kids that tell lies."

"Da Fweak pushed me!" Dudley yelled. Harry swung happily.

'I should find quests.' Harry thought.

+1 Wis for a smart thought

'Hey, why do I speak better in my head then I do outloud?'

+1 Wis for a smart rational question.

'That doesn't answer my question.' Harry huffed. He swung and flung himself into the air he did several somersaults and landed on his feet his Dex shot up to 5.' I need to find a quest.' He began wondering off. 'Just a simple one. '

He saw a green arrow .

'Bingo.' He walked over for some reason he just knew to press the ? to get information.

Move the rock pile .

Doesn't matter where you move them to just move it.


+10 pounds

Skill book.

20 xp

Harry pressed accept and began shoving rocks into his inventory. He worked piling all of them into his inventory. He could use these he knew it. When he was finished he was happy with his success.

He grabbed the skill book out of his Inventory.

Skill book.

This skill book contains Konoha Academy Novice Taijutsu Style Fighting would you like to learn?

Harry pressed yes. He wondered what Konoha was but ignored it for now his class was going back inside he quickly ran to join them. He was soon sitting back in class. When school let out for the day he got another quest.

Harry Hunting.

Dodge Dudley and his gang!



100 xp

20 pounds.

Harry blinked and took off running he had no problems out running them. He was by the school kitchens when he felt like he was being turned inside out. He was suddenly on the school roof.

You've learned to Apperate!

Apperate-Level 1

100 xp

20 pounds

"Cool." Harry said hiding as Dudley's Gang came looking he sat in the middle of the roof. "Hey, game? What's Apperating? Oh, right , Uh...Skills, Apperate"


is a form of magical travel and is basically the magical action of travelling by having the user focus on a desired location in their mind, then disappear from their current location and instantly reappear at the desired location; in short, it is a form of teleportation. It is by far the fastest way to get to one's desired destination, but is tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched up.

"Oh, that's really cool." Harry crawled to the end of the roof. Dudley's Gang was still. "Pay back." he hissed, He charged a ball of golden Ki in his hand. "This is for all the times you've bullied me."

He threw the small ball down.

Ki Blast-Level 1

The weakest Ki technique.

He watched as Peirce died. He blinked.

"Game, do people come back to life?"

People respawn if they are not meant to die at that moment.

With that Harry shrugged and killed the others.

Would you like to loot the body?

"Can you like Auto Loot?" All of their clothes vanished. Harry opened his Inventory everything was there. "Wow, Pierce had a switch blade. " He Observed it. "Equip Switchblade." He was shown that the switch blade equipped at his ankle. " Which one of you has the white powder? That's drugs...Gordan's a bad boy." He heard noise below. "Respawn."

He killed them over and over until he was told he wouldn't get anymore Exp for it.

"I was getting Exp?" Harry asked going back to the middle of the roof so he wouldn't be seen. "Uh...stats."

Harry Potter

Title : Freak

Level 2

HP: 60/60

MP: 60/60

Ki: 60/60

Str: 3

Dex: 5

Int: 2

Wis: 3

Con: 3

Luk: 0

Money: 30 pounds, 0G, 0S, 0K

"Okay, now I got five stat points." Harry said, "Game what does Luk do?"

Luck: Influences your every day life, magic, critical hit. Can not train.

"All five points into Luck." Harry said. His Stats became.

Harry Potter

Title : Freak

Level 2

HP: 60/60

MP: 60/60

Ki: 60/60

Str: 3

Dex: 5

Int: 2

Wis: 3

Con: 3

Luk: 5

Money: 30 pounds, 0G, 0S, 0K

"Okay, if I'm ever going to fight people like Goku I'm going to need to train that new fighting skill."

So Harry was about to look up when he suddenly knew what moves he could do. He began with the stances and then began training every move. It wasn't Goku's fighting style but maybe it would help him in real fights. He trained and trained and trained. He lost track of time and only stopped when he realized it was dark. Then he called up his stats.

Harry Potter

Title : Freak

Level 2

HP: 60/60

MP: 60/60

Ki: 60/60

Str: 5

Dex: 5

Int: 2

Wis: 3

Con: 5

Luk: 5

Money: 30 pounds, 0G, 0S, 0K

"Great." Harry said, "Now lets train Apperate ." He appeared on the ground where he'd first Apperated from. "Okay, so I have to focus on where I want to go." he called up a picture of his cupboard.

He felt himself be turned inside out again. When he opened his eyes he was in his cupboard.