Author notes : Hello. Nice to see you again and sorry if I keep you wait so long. Maybe my soon is long more than I thought. I have a little problem with my life. But it's OK. But, since it took me so long. I don't sure if story is smooth enough. lol. Sorry for that. Anddddd like always, My English is suck. Sorry for any errors.

IceOreoTriangle : Thank you for take your time review for me. I was start chapter 3 again when I saw yours. I wish you could enjoy this chapter too.

It's Dark.

Everything dark.

Where am I?

Nobody here.

Where are they?

Are they alright?

Please. You guys. Please be alright.

"What are you doing here?"

The serious tone from aimed at the little blonde-hair girl, who was leaning the tree near Sunny with her tense feature. She glared back to found the Navigator with the Cook were gawking her.

"Nothing." She answered lazily. "Just wait for the worst case."

"What's the case? Didn't Luffy clear for you that Zoro will never hurt us." Nami snapped.

"So, he still alive?"

"Of course!"

"That's absolutely mean he is vampire now."

Silent filled the air.

Two Strawhats crew members bit their lips, stared to her, ready for attack if necessary.

The little girl looked at them a minute, then sighed.

"If he can't control himself. I wanna kill him before he can attack his crews." She turned and murmured. "This is the less I can help him."

Nami and Sanji, in their irritation, just look the little blonde walked away. Then, only thing the two pirates could do is stared at each other for a long time.

They have no word. Just stared, and glanced to the ship.


Didn't know what will happen next.


Just hope that their nakama will be alright.

Please, God. Please save Zoro. Please save him when we can't help him.

"If you want to save him, it's only way. Turn him back to human."

That voice, came out of nowhere, made both of them nearly jump. Snapped their neck with light speed. They found that little girl stand next to them.

"W-What!? Didn't you already go?" Nami yelled.

The girl doesn't look at them. Just slightly smile.

"If you want to help him. Come to me this evening. I will lead you all to Vampire's island."

"Well. We have no other way. If this has even just 1% to help him. We wanna do it."

It's final with Luffy decision, after Sanji and Nami back to their ship to discuss this thing with their crew. They all agreed to meet that mystery girl.


"You said you wanna help him. Please, Lead the way."

"Excuse me? I said that?" Confuse plastered on her face.

"Yes, YOU said that!" Nami snapped.

"Stop wastes the time and lead us to that damn island!" nearly screamed Luffy.

Studied their faces. The blonde just let out light sigh.

"Alright. If you say so. Bring me to your ship, we need the map."



"Zoro? Can you hear me?"

Whose voice?

"Zoro? Please."

Please what? What do you want from me? What's the hell happened?


Zoro jerked from the bed. Look around to found the youngest member stay by his side with watery eyes.

"Oh! Gosh! Zoro! You awake!"

Zoro glanced around the room. Don't have the sight of his other members. Concern grew by a second.

But before he could ask, the door burst out.

"Zorooo!" "Zoro!" "Moss head!" "Zoro-bro!" "Zoro-san"

After taken aback with the sudden embrace from his crew mates. He just smiled softly.

"Yeah, I'm back"

They chatted with joy and little relieve. At least their first mate still alive. They still could help him.

After let Zoro rest again. They went back to galley. The blonde girl waited there with map in her hand. When all of them ready, she open map and say with smile.

"Say, I'm Ares. Let's see what's the plan."

"Guy. You hear me, right?"

Who? Are those guys forgot something?

"Guy, I know you still awake."

He cracked his eye. Little blonde girl stood near him. Creepy smile plastered her face while cut her hand herself.

He saw blood.

Noise rang in his ears. He's sudden panic.

What's the hell happened to me!?

After that, Everything just White, and Red.

To be continue.

A/N : Aww. It's just a littleeee progress. I have to recover my plot before continue. Thank you for reading. I wish you enjoyed it. And thank you very much if you leave me some review. Thanks again.