Author notes : Hello. Nice to see you again. I want to tell you how I feel now. One day, I dreamed to my love Zoro *cough* *cough*. OK, I mean our swordman Zoro. Maybe because I read Zoro-centric fics more than ten time this week. So, I felt I want to share my story as well. The long story! At least, long more than my last fic. Oh, it's still really hard for me since my English-skill, especially grammar and vocab, is fair or scrappy. And this is the first time I wrote it in English at start, not in my language before. Do you know? I felt very very happy when I could finish for one chapter. I wish you could enjoy it. Sorry if my grammar was odd or wrong or something. And thank you very much if you would review for me.

It's evening. Sanji and Luffy was heading back to their ship after finished their shopping.

"Sanjiii! I'm starving!"

"Aye, aye. When we got the ship, I'll going to prepare din..ner." His gaze put on the red-hair girl who was caming.

"Excute me," she gave beautiful smile to them, "Are you guys Strawhats pirate, aren't you?"

After dinner. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji still stayed in galley. They mentioned about the girl they had met before backed the ship. Luffy, with his excited, explain to his firstmate how she want to visit their ship once because she is a BIG FAN of Strawhats pirate for a long time.

"Big Fan? Oi? Is she abnormal or something? We are pirates, not those idiot idol?" Zoro asked with his confuse.

"Shitty Moss Head! You shouldn't abuse the girl like that! You idiot!"

"Then you should take care of her, Ero-cook. Why I need to stay here?"

"Nah! Zoro, She told me she want to meet the three strongest of us. I'm sure she'd happy to see you too!" Luffy said with his wide grin.

"Hmm? three strongest of us?" Zoro raise his eyebrow.

How could she knows? or she is really big fan?

Suddenly they heard the knocking on the door. So, the cook walking to the door quickly and opened it.

"Hello! I came." sexy red-hair girl gave bright smile to them and came in.

"Welcome! My angel! Ahhh! I'm really happy you really come."

Why she knows where are us?

Zoro glared at that woman, narrowed his eyes, and then felt something was wrong. But he can't describe what the hell was wrong.

Sanji invited the girl to sit down at table and served her some drink. She thanking him and turned to others again.

"Hi. My name is Ella. I'm BIG Fan of yours." She looked around, and stop her gaze on Zoro.

"You surely Roronoa Zoro, right? I can see your three katana. Oh! It's really cool!" She seems excited.

Zoro felt uncomfortable so much. He glanced at the girl, then at the cook, who was giving him the Why-Is-She-Interest-In-You-More-Than-Me look, and at her again.

Finally he stood up, walked out from table headed to go outside.

"Oi! Where are you going, Marimo? such a rude if you get out when we have guest. Especially the adorable guest."

"Not your business, Shitty Cook."

"Huh!? You wanna fight!?"

"Nope. I just need some fresh air."

"What? The Moss on your head needs some air to grow up or something?"

The red-hair girl was entertained on their argue. She giggled and then moved toward Zoro so fast.

"I like you guy so much. Please stay here for a minute." She suddenly hug the green-hair swordman tight.

Zoro winced. He didn't know how to deal with this situation. He felt she put her chin on his shoulder, and then...


Sanji and Luffy widened eyes look at Zoro and the girl. They jump up and yelled to the swordman about what's going on? Running toward the girl who was still hugging their friend too tight.

The swordman stop screaming and punched to her belly. She not even moved. Zoro can felt he was drained a lot of blood from his neck.

He fainted so fast.

Luffy and Sanji, with the wide-eyed shock and horror on their face, saw their friend look paled very very fast.

Then, the red-hair girl let the limp swordman knocked to the floor. She turned round to the rest man in the room.

Luffy and Sanji's jaw dropped, looked at her grin while she wiped the blood out from her mouth.

To be continue. Ahhh, I wish I can write next chapter soon.

Thank you for reading. I wish you enjoyed it.