OK first off this is my first Walking dead crossover and I haven't seen past the prison yet, so this won't be very cannon. There will be changes on how and if they meet up with the rest of the group along with Shanes character ( I felt he didn't get enough love in the series) that being said he is not as big of an ass and isn't obsessed with Lori.
Also this story will have a major Lori bashing moment, and some characters may seem OOC, but i am really trying to redeem them. There will be a slash pairing but that can be up to you guys to decide if you want, I have one in mind but we will see.
"why is Shane such an ass?"
"He is just rude."
"... stick up his ass…"
"... No family…"
"...Thinks he is the king…"
Shane sighed and continued on towards the quarry. Once he was for enough from people he pulled a picture out of a man and a small emerald eyed boy and tenderly held it as a lone tear fell. " Harry.."
Eyes watched on curiously from the distance.
*Sniffle* *Sob* "Please wake up uncle Rick." *Sniffle* "I want my daddy…"
"Uncle Rick I'm gonna go find food, don't worry I have Shade and Pyra with me."
"Hey uncle Rick you think when we find daddy Carl will be with him?"
'Carl? Oh God Carl!'
"Hey uncle Rick... I'm scared... wake-up so we can find daddy and Carl... Please uncle Rick please wake up.."
Harry stared down at his uncle sadly, "I'm sorry uncle, but I have to find daddy. I hope you wake up soon.." Harry sniffled pushing the door open.
Harry gasped and spun around, "uncle Rick?!" He rushed over to the bed. "Uncle Rick!' Tears streamed from the little boys eyes as he clambered up onto the bed, his body sending waves of energy into his uncle.
Rick groaned and slowly sat up, Harry helping as much as a small 8 year old can.
"H...Harry," Rick croaked "What..What.. Happened?"
Harry snuggled closer to his uncle, "you got hurt, by a bad man when you and daddy tried to catch him! Oh uncle Rick I was so scared the world got mean and smelly people tried to bite me! I hadda hide under your bed! Meany aunt Lori left me *Sniff* she left without me!"
Rick held the boy close while the little boy broke down crying for his missing father and cousin, his own mind reeling from the fragmented information. "Shhh Harry shhh, we'll figure this out. We will find them little one, me, you, Pyra and Shade…. Where are those two?"
Harry sniffed a little "Shade's outside the door, and Pyra's over there in the corner."
Rick nodded and gently pushed the tiny boy off, "then let's get going! Harry can you still use your magic?"
The little boy nodded frowning, "My magic feels weird though, like i can't control it." Harry looked up at his uncle, "do you really think we will find daddy and Carl? Will meany aunt Lori be there?"
Rick smiled down at him and stroked the child's hair. "We will find them Harry, just think of your dad's reaction, he will be so happy that you are alive!" Rick stood up shakily pulling the IV gently out of his arm as he did so.
Harry giggled and swung his legs off the edge of the bed. "Yea! Daddy will be so happy! So will Carl!" The boy jumped off the bed and ran over to the closet yanking it open. "Daddy even left you clothes in case you ever woke up!"
Rick smiled and grabbed the bundle slipping the gun that lay next to them quickly inside before Harry could see and walked into the adjoining bathroom. "Your dad thought of everything huh?"
The little boy giggled before petting the sleeping giant also known as Pyra the daniff. "Nope," the boy spoke calmly, " he didn't think dead people would be undead."
A loud clatter was heard from the bathroom before Rick rushed out in his new sheriff's outfit. "WHAT?!"
Harry blinked up innocently at his currently freaking out uncle, As Pyra raised his head and gave a huffing woof. "I said smelly people, why do you think Shade is guarding the room?"
Rick gave a small hysterical laugh, "When you said the world went bad i thought you meant like worse! Not the dead roaming the earth!" Rick paced the room, "oh god do I even want to risk going out there? How has Harry survived? How long was I out!?" He whipped around and stared at harry. "How.. How long was I out?"
Harry shrugged and cuddled up to giant dog. "A while… You were sleeping for a long time before the smelly dead." The boy climbed on the dog's back and nudged it to stand up. "So can we go now? I really wanna find daddy and Carl…"
Rick sighed and nodded. "If the world really has gone to hell… I mean gone bad, we need supplies."
Harry beamed at his uncle. "I know just where to go! There is a nice man who helped me eat when you were sleeping!"
Rick looked back at the almost eye level child as he opened the door, and walked up to the kneeling black coated Clydesdale named Shade. "Well," Rick smirked guiding the horse up, "then let's go!"
Shane sighed and stared out into the forest, listening to the sounds of the camp behind him.
"Hey," a feminine voice spoke up from behind him, as a hand landed on his arm.
Shane looked at the brunet, "What Lori?"
Lori smiled at him sadly and looked out at the trees, "We will get through this… All of us… We won't lose each other or Carl, just.. Don't mourn alone.. I lost them too."
Shane clenched his fists, and looked at the trees with such an intensity that Lori was afraid they would explode. "I promised him," Shane croaked out a tear falling down his cheek, "I promised Harry when I adopted him that I would protect him! I broke that! My son died along with my best-friend! Our animals could be out there starving or dead! All I could do was save you and Carl! I couldn't even save my own son!" Shane's shoulders shook as he quietly sobbed out his grief, thankful that the camp couldn't hear them.
Lori choked back a sob and looked up at him with watery eyes. "I know Shane, and I am so sorry, but please don't shut us out."
Shane sighed and looked away, "please just leave me be for a while Lori."
The woman bit her lip and nodded, walking away. Unknown to all but herself the guilt slowly eating away at her.
So what did you think? I'm sorry it is so short but it is the first chapter...
Who's eyes do you think those were?