"What's this big suprise?"Shiori, blindfolded, asked as Serena and Yukina lead her up a stone path, the Spirit Detectives and Mohroh close behind.

"You'll see."Serena hissed,'She'll love this.'

Serena pulled off Shiori's blindfold to reveal a large mansion, complete with fountains, garden, and fence, in front of them. Shiori looked in awe,"What is all this?"

"Well, that little home of yours wasn't big enough, and it's right in the middle of town, to noisy."Yukina explained.

"So we put our money together and bought you this place."Kuwabara finished,"Most of it was payed for with Serena's prize money from the arts competition."

"It's beautiful."Shiori smiled.

"It's our way of making up for losing Kurama."Yusuke joked, receiving an annoyed glare from Serena,"Shutting up."

Hiei shook his head,"You really scared him."

"Good."Serena smirked,"Like my parents I intend to have a deadly reputation, and some baka ningen isn't going to get in my way, and I'm NOT talking about Kuwabara, Yusuke."

Later that afternoon

Serena sat perched in a tree in her new back yard, Hiei in front of her, chowing on pizza. Yukina sat on the ground, playing poker with Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Mohroh. Keiko and Shizuka worked on a book on the ground.

"It's strange,"Keiko looked up from what she was doing,"some much has happened lately."

"Yeah,"Shizuka played with her hair,"I lost track of all the strange nightmares somewhere around Togoru."

"And it's only going to get worse."Mohroh hissed, adding a few more chocolates, courtesy of Raven, to the pot.

"Mohroh's right,"Yukina looked up at her brother and best friend,"it's only going to get worse, no matter how hard we try."

"It's life,"Serena looked at the scars on her hand again,"survival of the fittest, or the one who has the strongest friends."

"And let me guess,"Yusuke glared up at Serena,"Kurama didn't make the cut."

With Hiei-like speed, Serena was on the ground with her staff up against Yusuke's throat,"You were saying?"

"Nothing!"Yusuke said quickly.

Serena smirked and returned to her perch. Hiei looked at the staff still her hands,"What the hell?"

"Hm?"Serena followed his gaze to see a large crack running up her staff,"It's cracked?"

"What's so strange about that?"Kuwabara asked,"You've put that thing through hell."

"Hiei's sword couldn't cut through that staff."Yukina looked up at Serena,"Your spiritual power must have been too much for it."

Serena nodded,"Probably."

"HEEY!"Botan suddenly flew up.

"God, not another mission."Yusuke groaned.

"No, no mission this time."Botan laughed, landing behind Kuwabara and stealing one of his chocoaltes,"But Koenma did send a few presents."

Kuwabara's ears perked,"Toys?"

"First he was actually WILLING to hand over these,"Botan pulled two fate pendants, one green and the other a dusty golden brown, out of thin air,"they were in the Royal Vault."

"Saves me some trouble."Mohroh muttered, taking the pendants.

"The second was this."she threw a white dagger up to Yukina,"It was found in Mohroh's old hideout."

"So that's who raided it."

Botan waved her hand and Serena's old staff was replaced by a new one. It was dark purple and had red, gold, and green stripes snaking up it. On the top was a dragon's claw holding an orb with a glowing, purple fireball inside it. "This was found in Kurama's old hideout,"Botan explained,"It's been in the Royal Vault for years. Lord Koenma noticed the crack in your old staff and decided you should have that one, since Kurama did steal it."

"It's beautiful."Serena whispered.

"Kurama would have wanted you to have it."Botan smiled.

"So, anything interesting going on in the Spirit World?"Yukina finally asked.

"Nothing yet, but something's bound to turn up."Botan rubbed her head,"I know I'm forgetting something." Serena formed a small ball of spiritual energy and flicked it a Botan's forehead. "OW! What was that for?! OH! Now I remember. Koenma wants Serena to take Kurama's place."

Hiei nodded,"I expected as much, Serena is a powerful fighter who could easily rival me or Yusuke, though I doubt she could beat us."

Serena formed a ball of spirital energy and flicked it at Hiei,"Shut up, fire boy."

"Got any more suprises for us?"Yusuke asked lazily.

"I've got one."Mohroh muttered.

"We're listening."Serena's wolf ears perked.

"Though I'd rather not say it."Mohroh quickly added.

"Spit.It.Out."Serena snarled.

'I can't tell her!!!'Mohroh mentally screamed,'I tell Serena she's part siren and it'll kill her, not to mention Hiei and Yukina.' "I'm leaving!"She said rather quickly.

"You're what?!"Yukina and Serena both screeched.

"Ow."Hiei muttered.

"I can't stand staying in one place for very long,"Mohroh explained,"my whole life after leaving the palace was spent running around and, as of now, if I stay here much longer I'll scream. Besides, I need to finish collecting the fate pendants." 'Besides, if I stick around I might accidentally tell Serena the truth.'

"There's more, isn't there?"Shuzuka asked.

"Yes,"Mohroh sighed,"but I don't really want to say it right now."

"And why not?"Serena hissed.

Mohroh was already gone. Keiko groaned and slapped her forehead,"And I thought MY parents were a pain."

"And I'm an orphan again."Serena snorted,"Oh well, I'm used to it."

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call this a good ending."Yukina looked at the sky.

"Who said it's an ending?"Hiei looked down at his sister,"This is just the beginning."

"This chapter in our lives may be over,"Serena smiled,"but there's always more than one chapter to a book."

"There are still loose ends that need to be tied up."Keiko smiled,"Puzzles need to be solved, enemies beaten,"

"friends saved,"Botan added.

"and love proven."Kuwabara finished, putting an arm around Yukina's shoulder.

"Back off."Hiei snarled.

"Relax Hiei."Yukina and Serena both rolled their eyes.

Yukina slipped Kuwabara's arm off her shoulder, giving his hand a loving squeeze,"Serena, we need to talk later."

"Yes, ma'am."Serena gave a fake salute, receiving a glare from Hiei,"What?"

"I'll bother you later."Hiei suddenly vanished.

"Oh shit!"Yusuke suddenly shouted,"I promised I'd help Keiko's parents! We were supposed to get back and hour ago!"He picked Keiko up and made a mad dash in the direction of the highway.

"I've gotta go too."Botan vanished.

"Now that the rest of the nightmare squad is gone,"Shuzuka snorted,"what have you been up to, Serena?"

"Who, lil ol me?"Serena faked an innocent looked and jumped down next to Yukina.

"What's up?"Kuwabara asked.

Yukina blushed, knowing what Serena was thinking about, then leaned over to whisper to Serena,"Do you REALLY have to do this?"

"Yes."Serena hissed,"Or do you WANT to hide your feelings for the rest of your life?"

"Feelings about what?"Shuzuka asked.

Yukina shakily turned to Kuwabara and propped herself up so she was eye level with him,"This." She planted a kiss on Kuwabara's lips.

Kuwabara went bug eyed, making his sister and Serena bite their tongues to keep from laughing,"Wha?"

"Looks like that little crush rubbed off."Shizuka smirked, remembering the day her younger brother had first laid eyes on the ice demon,"But Hiei won't like it."

"Who says Hiei has to know?"Serena smiled,"Or anyone else for that matter, this will just be our secret."

"Our secret,"Kuwabara got a dreamy look in his eyes,"as long as I get to be with Yukina."

Serena rolled her eyes,"This is my crazy life. Anyway, we'll have to sneak around Hiei and the others."

"Not going to be easy."Yukina smiled, cuddling up to Kuwabara,"But we can pull it off."

"But we'll also have to deal with the rest of life."Serena pointed out,"School, gangs, our jobs, life in general, finding Kurama."

"Finding you a boyfriend."

"Shut up Shizuka."Serena smiled,"The next chapter begins now."

"And,"Kuwabara added,"whatever happens, we'll face it as a team."
I'm done!!!!!!!! *does the happy dance* Finished!!! HA!!! I proved you wrong again Kail!!! Sorry, this ends the first story in the Thirteen Fates Saga. I intend to write a sequel or two.


Anyway, I'm also working on Inuyasha, Pokemon, and Cardcaptors fics right now

Yukina:*sweatdrop* That's a lot of work

That's life for me, well, anyway, see ya in my next story, Thirteen Fates 2:Through Sightless Eyes

Serena:Please R&R, for the sake of my sanity and my ears

My cousin's been chewing my ear for only getting a few reviews *sweatdrop* c ya next fic