Hey guys!

Listen, i've been incredibly busy but i had this idea in my head and i couldn't get it out so i decided to write it instead of getting enough sleep haha so here it is!

It's a little different from what i usually write but i think you'll like it; it's got twists coming but i'm not gonna say a lot because it would spoil.

So read, enjoy and excuse me if you feel it's a little rushed but i needed things to move forward fast.

The gang was at Tori's house playing cards as usual, their last class had been cancelled so they were hanging out and having a good time. "I won!" Andre exclaimed gladly.

"Yeah, again..." Tori said disappointedly and put the cards on the table.

"Guys!" Robbie suddenly exclaimed and everyone turned to him. "Look at what i just saw, it's some kind of contest and it says the players get 100,000 dollars"

"What? But what kind of contest?" Beck questioned surprised.

"It says, if you and a group of friends want to get 100,000 dollars and are willing to spend a month locked up in a house for a test, please call…and there's a number" Robbie informed.

"A test?" Tori asked.

"That sounds weird" Jade commented.

"That's what it says but it seems serious, and it's not that long…" Robbie responded and they looked at each other.

"I could really use some of that money" Andre said sincerely. "I need someone to take care of my grandma full time"

"Me too…" Jade added and sighed.

"What for?" Andre asked.

"I want to move out, I can't stand my dad and his stupid wife any longer" She responded.

"Why?" Tori questioned curiously.

"Because they can't stand me either, he hates and she hates me even more" Jade commented. "I can't wait to leave that house"

"What about your mom? You never mention her" Robbie commented and Beck looked down.

"My mom died" She simply said. "And I have no other relatives, only my dad and he doesn't care about me so it's basically just me in the world"

"You're not alone, though" Beck said and she gave him a small smile as he put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her head, the rest of their friends smiled sadly and thought about it.

"We should call and give it a try…" Robbie suggested and they did; they were told they would be part of a sociological test and that in the end, if they made their part, they would get the money. They ultimately agreed and since they were the first ones to call, they hired them and made them sign contracts.

"So this is it, we start today…" Tori said nervously.

"Do you guys think it'll be easy?" Cat asked.

"Hopefully" Andre said and then they saw a woman and a man in suits walking towards them.

"Well, well…it's time, are you guys nervous?" The woman asked.

"A little" Tori responded sincerely.

"Don't worry, dear, you can do it…the key is to stay focused and you're making a contribution to the world, the results of this test are important" she said and Tori smiled. "Okay, I have all your contracts with your info ready…but Jade, you didn't write down the name of your parents"

"I'm an orphan" Jade informed and the woman nodded.

"Okay but what about an aunt, uncle, grandma or godparents maybe? Someone who cares about you, you know in case we need them" The woman said.

"I have no one, I don't have relatives or anyone really, my godmother has lived in Australia since I was three, we are basically strangers…I've never met her" Jade commented and she nodded.

"Very well then, I suppose that's not really a problem…" The woman said. "Now, follow me" The gang followed the woman into a white room, there two people started putting bracelets on their arms and electronic collars on their necks.

"What are these?" Tori asked.

"Oh, a tracker…it tells us exactly where you guys are and it also tells us how you're feeling based on vibrations" She explained and they nodded. After that they were taken to what seemed to be an apartment, it was very big and elegant. "This is where you'll be staying for the next month, you will find that there's a room for each one of you and it has your name on the door, you'll be given what you need and you just have to do what we say and the rest of the time, do what you would normally do"

"That sounds easy" Cat commented and the woman smiled.

"It is, darling, you'll see…anyway, make yourselves at home" The gang went to their respective rooms, put their clothes in the closet and then reunited in the living room.

"This collar is a little tight, don't you think?" Tori asked.

"I feel like a dog" Jade added annoyed,

"Part of the job" Andre said and then they tried to feel less awkward by playing cards. The rest of the day and the following three days went by very slowly because nothing relevant happened, they were left alone and simply tried to kill time.

"How are they doing?" The woman, whose name was Marilyn, asked.

"They're bored, and they wonder what this test is for" A man, whose name was Alex, said.

"What do you think about her?" Marilyn questioned.

"She will do, she gets upset easily and she's got a jealousy problem…I'm sure we can make it work" Alex responded and Marilyn smiled as she stared at the screens.

"And he is a nice boy, right?" She asked and Alex nodded. "Perfect, let's start the game then"

A man in a white clinic suit stepped into the apartment and walked up to the gang, who were watching a movie. "I'm gonna need you to do the first test, so the first to go is…Beck" He said and Beck stood up; he was taken to a tiny room with metallic walls and he was told to simply stay there. He remained for about fifteen minutes and then it was Tori's turn so he returned to the living room with his friends, not really understanding the purpose of the test but he didn't really care.

Andre, Robbie and Cat had their turns, and Jade was the last to go but while she was at it, Marilyn and Alex appeared in the living room. "Hey guys"

"Hi" They said politely.

"Listen, this is where the test begins" Marilyn informed.

"What's the purpose of being locked in a room for fifteen minutes?" Andre asked curiously.

"The purpose is to put your friend away so we can talk, but we couldn't only put her there because it would be suspicious, she's not stupid" She explained and they stared at each other confused.

"Why did you need to put Jade away?" Tori asked.

"Listen, from now on your job is to make Jade hate each and every one of you, you have to isolate her and make sure she has a really bad time" Marilyn said and they got even more confused.

"What?" Beck asked upset.

"Why would we do that? She is our friend" Cat added.

"That's the point… Beck, she's your girlfriend, you'll be the one who breaks the news to her" Marilyn informed.

"What news?" He questioned coldly.

"That her life around all of you has been a lie, that none of your friends likes her, that you don't love her and only date her because of the sex and that you'll start dating Tori because she's a nicer, prettier and simply better girl and you better do a good job because she has to believe it, otherwise it won't work" Marilyn said smiling and they stared at her completely disconcerted.

"You're crazy, I'm not gonna do that" Beck said. "You can kick us out, I don't care"

"I agree" Tori said. "That's too low, we can't hurt our friend like that" she commented and Marilyn rolled her eyes.

"Sure you can, you will because if you don't then we will…in a worse way" Marilyn threatened.

"What are you gonna do? Kill her?" Beck questioned ironically.

"Exactly" Marilyn said and his ironic smile changed to a shocked expression as he and the rest of the gang looked at each other confused.

"You're kidding, right?" Tori asked fearfully.

"No, I'm not" Marilyn said naturally. "You see, those collars you are wearing are not just to see how you're feeling; and the bracelets are not just trackers, if we want, a tiny needle will get into her neck and arm injecting a substance that will kill her within a minute…and don't think you can take it off, the devices are meant to inject the host if it's forced to open" she explained as they listened terrified.

"You're saying this to scare us" Beck affirmed.

"I can prove you wrong, why don't we bring Jade out here to do the test?" Marilyn suggested.

"No!" Beck immediately said and she smiled.

"Right, then we wouldn't be able to trick her…mmm let me show you an animation of the devices" Marilyn said and Alex showed them the screen of his iPad, the video showed how the collar was manufactured and how it could in fact kill its host when given the order or when it was forced open.

"Okay, now that we are clear…it's time to put this in action, you have to wait a couple of days but you need to start acting colder and distant with her so it won't be so sudden" Marilyn explained. "Beck, you will be given what you need to know and then you'll tell her, if she doesn't believe it she will die so you better be convincing"

"You're a monster, this can't be legal" Beck responded.

"Too bad you can't go to the police, right? Come on, don't be a baby…you'll get the money in the end" Marilyn commented and he stared at her angrily. "Fine, her time is up so good luck! Your friend's life is riding on your acting skills"

This was an idea i got very recently and i hope you like the premise haha