Yep, I'm a Yandere Simulator fan. I haven't played the game yet, but I've seen plenty of people play it on YouTube, so...yeah.

YouTube is also how I found out about Midori x Yandere Dev. Which inspired me to write this little oneshot.

Warning: this is NOT my best work. Proceed with caution. Also, I don't think there's actually a mod that makes Kokona look like the theater rival. I just came up with that for the story.


Yandere Dev! Yandere Dev!

"Midori, what are you doing on my computer?"

Midori's heart skipped a beat.

She quickly swiveled her chair around and found Yandere Dev, the man she'd admired for a year or so now, looking at her in confusion.

"Oh! Sorry, Yandere Dev, my computer broke, so I'm using yours to play Yandere Simulator for now! I actually found a mod that makes Kokona look like one of the rivals-that theater girl?-so I'm testing it out!"

Yandere Dev raised an eyebrow. "May I see?" he asked.

Midori nodded enthusiastically and turned back to the computer screen. Yandere Dev leaned in to watch.

"I see you made Yandere-chan look like yourself," he noted, pointing to the green-haired figure on the screen.

"Yep!" Midori chirped. "And I made the in-game Midori look like Yan-chan!"

"So where's Kokona?"

"She should be around here...ah, there she is, having lunch!"

The two looked at the screen. Sure enough, there was Kokona, decked out to look like the theater rival.

Then she choked on her rice balls and fell in a heap, dead.

Yandere Dev looked at Midori. "You poisoned her food?"

Midori grinned. "Yup! She was gonna steal my Senpai! I have deaths planned out for the other girls, too!"

"Really, now?"

The two spent the next hour discussing and witnessing the best ways to kill off high school girls.

Because, you know, that isn't creepy at all.

Finally, after he felt that he'd seen enough (and after they ran out of girls to waste), Yandere Dev stood up straight.

"I'll be honest, Midori, you're actually pretty nice to be around when you're not peppering me with useless questions," he admitted.

Midori beamed. "Thanks, Yandere Dev! That means a lot to me!"

"Although, I haven't seen Senpai at all yet. I was kind of curious to see what you'd made him look like."

Midori's eyes widened. "Wait, I don't-"

"Look's like he's nearby-wait."

Onscreen, Senpai had finally shown his face.

He looked very much like Yandere Dev.

Yandere Dev turned to Kokona, whose face was now an odd shade of red.

"I-I can explain, Yandere Dev-senpai..."