Here it is. The end: of a very long series. Never thought this series would be

around thirty chapters. Oh well, now I have more time to work on my other

stories. Anyway, this one doesn't have many fans anymore, but hopefully I'll

still get emails for it years later.


(Bakura) to ((Yami Bakura/Kage))

Yugi to Yami Yugi

Seeking the light

By Firehedgehog

Epilogue- the fate of Hikari

      TK sighed as he looked at early morning sky, as it was the sun wasn't yet risen much.

      Down below on the streets he could hear early morning sounds, even so early in the morning he could see a few early morning joggers and cars about.

      His white hair fluttered around his heart shaped face, his wings covered him like a cloak. Gently he hugged himself as he thought; his mind was a confused whirl.

      He had come to a roof of an abandoned building to think, to get there he had switched to his non-human form... he had the privacy he needed.

      "It's finally over," he whispered to himself, down below a cat yowled. Somewhere, a trash-can was over turned by a barking dog.

      The angelic being smiled at these every day sounds, he enjoyed these sounds for just three weeks ago there was a chance he would never hear them again.

      His smile soon faded though; he had a decision to be made... one that would effect many lives. Closing his eyes he remembered a few days ago, he had spoken to Kage and Bakura... they had finally decided to give up on capturing

his soul.


      "I'm sorry TK, I only wish we could make you Hikari again... it just seems unfair that my koi won't ever wake up again," Bakura told TK, TK sighed feeling the sadness coming from kage and Bakura.

      "I wish I could go back, but I can't... I was reborn here for a reason and that reason isn't over yet. The real world and digital world still needs me, in this life I'm TK... but I feel we will meet again with me as Hikari again,"

TK promised, Kage smiled softly.

      "I'll hold you to that promise," Kage said with a grin, TK gave a musical laugh.

      Nearby Patamon and dark Patamon watched, they were both there in case the dimensionally dispalced group tried to take TK's soul again.

      Suddenly Kage leaned forward and whispered something into TK's ears.

      "By the way, are you going to tell anyone who Dark Patamon really is. I know because you told me about Daemon in ancient Egypt, or is it going to be one of your secrets?" Kage asked, TK blushed slightly and gave a giggle his

eyes dancing.

      "It will be my secret, they'd react wrong if I told them," TK whispered back, Kage grinned back.

      "Knowing you, they'll never find out," Kage said, they shared a laugh and then Kage told then when they would be leaving and where they would be opening the portal home.


      'What to do, if I don't do something Kage, Bakura and the others will be so sad. I can't let them leave like that, and I still love them' TK thought, yes it was true he loved Kage and Bakura. He now remembered everything of his

past lives, his powers were back completely... and his heart felt like breaking.

      He knew in this life he couldn't go back to being Hikari, he loved Davis too much for that... so he would have to watch his past loved ones leave in there saddened state.

      Then his eyes widened; quickly he spread his wings and took to the sky.

      Maybe... just maybe.


      Kage sighed as he and the other's readied to go, nearby Raito stood readying to open the portal. Because of TK the kitsune was completely healed, they were all grateful that TK held no grude against him.

      With another sigh he looked around and even at the sky, he was doing this because he was hoping TK would show. Never mind the fact Hikari wouldn't wake up and would die soon, he just wanted to see the blond one last time.

      "I guess he isn't coming," he sighed, he was about to walk to the others when someone called his name.

      "Kage," the voice said, turning he smiled at the sight of a human looking TK running towards him.

      "Hi TK," he said, with a laugh the young boy hugged the pale haired teen.

      "I almost didn't make it to say goodbye to you," TK apologized, Kage smiled.

      "That's okay, I'm just glad you made it," Kage said truthfully, TK grinned.

      "By the way I have something for you," TK said suddenly totally serious.

      "Oh?" Kage said raising a pale eyebrow.

      "I can't give it to you here, you have to get to your home dimension first," TK told him, Kage sweatdropped.

      "Can you give me a hint," he said, TK giggled.

      "Not one," he said, he hugged the older boy again before stepping away.

      "See you later," TK said in a mysterious voice, then before Kage could say anything the young destined had vanished.

      Kage was left confused, he knew he would never see TK again in this lifetime, after all only Raito was able to open portals to other dimension... no one else in his group had that ability.


      The group landed in a thump on a cold floor, with a groan they got out of the pile. Looking around kage realized that they were in the hospital, with a sigh Bakura and himself walked into the room Hikari's empty body lay.

      Familiar sapphire eyes as endless as eternity met his-own; the whole world seemed to pause.

      "I told you I'd see you later," Hikari said grinning, the pale haired boy lay in his hospital bed looking at his koi.

      "But how, I thought you would stay as TK... nothing could convince you to return to this body," Kage said bewildered, Hikari smiled at him gently.

      "Most of me is still there, I managed to put one forth of my soul in this body. This body is human now since my powers are so weak now, but one day when both myself and TK die we will be reborn once again as one being," Hikari whispered, with a gasp Kage ran forward and engulfed his koi in his arms and Bakura hugged Hikari also.

      "Thank you TK... Hikari, you don't know how much having you means to me" Bakura whispered, since Kage and Bakura were one soul in truth this didn't offend Kage.

      "But I do know how much his means to you, that's why I did it," Hikari whispered, he yawned exhausted and fell asleep in the arms of Kage and Bakura.


      Across dimensions TK smiled at the feelings he felt from his other half, while he had lost some of his power by placing one forth of his soul elsewhere he didn't mind.

      This way, there wouldn't be any sadness.


FH= Ta duh, the end finally. And Kage gets Hikari and Davis gets Tk, a happy ending... kind of brings tears to your eyes for the sappy ending.

R.Calumon= there will be no sequel for this fic (sighs in relief), now FH can work on her other fics without worrying about her weekly fic.

Ja ne