Disclaimer: I own no rights to Harry Potter, unfortunately.

Chapter one:

An echoing BANG woke up the castle, shaking the students, as they jumped out of bed. Up in the Gryffindor tower, the BANG's Struck devilishly through the room, the booming echo bouncing round the cool stone walls, and settling in the deepest fears of the students. A bright light lit up the sky, and suddenly students were glancing out of the Windows. An explosion of fireworks and flames. Adistant scream was thrown into the castle, sending chills down the spines of the students. Along with the tremors that shook the walls of the castle, causing the students to huddle, in fear. The candles were displaced and rolled onto the floor, extinguishing themselves, plunging the castle into an eerie darkness.

Silence over took. Broken by the rushed voice of none other than Professor Dumbledore.

"All students report to the Great Hall immediately" the door burst open and McGonnagal rushed in, with a flick of her wand the candles restored themselves, the Gryffindors glanced at McGonnagals disheveled Appearances, and panic evident in her eye. She silently ushered all the students out and down to the Great Hall. Once all the students were in the Hall, McGonagall vanished, probably to check the halls for wandering students.

"SILENCE" came the loud voice of Dumbledore. The hushed whispers faded and a deathly silence over took.

"There are plenty of port keys around this room. Each go to a different location where you will be kept safe from the war. You will have NO contact with parents or friends that aren't with you until further notice, so choose who you go with carefully. Before you go, I must ask that the following people hang behind. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. May those 10 stay behind. Everyone else. The port keys leave in 5 minutes. Please choose your partners CAREFULLY" he finished. The silence returned but only for a short while, as students suddenly started yelling, gathering their nearest and dearest.

"The port keys leave in 1 minute. Find one and grab on" Dumbledore yelled. There was a rumble as all the students dived for random items. There was a few loud cracks and port key by port key the student disappeared. Finally only the selected few remained.

"Professor Dumbledore, we are ready to fight" Harry said sternly. All the students looked up in shocked. Clearly not expecting him to say that.

"Maybe so but you shall not" Dumbledore said sternly. "You lot shall be put in high security. This means that aside from having no contact with the magical world, you shall also have your powers severely reduced so only untraceable spells can be made by you. Furthermore we are swapping your wands with ones unregistered. So you are unrecognisable. We have no idea how long this war will last. But should the worst happen, I demand that you stay in hiding. I insist that you have no contact outside of the ten of you, plus your host, Vanessa. If you need anything she will help you" Dumbledore said

"But sir, I want to fight. We want to fight. We're prepared to fight" Harry said sternly

"And if your services are ever required you will know imminently. But for now I must insist that you go" Dumbledore said dismissively. Dumbledore thrust an old boot to Hermione.

"Hold on tight, your belongings and new wands will be with you shortly" Dumbledore said

The castle shook again, greater than ever before, the death eaters could be heard from outside. "It's time. Good luck" Dumbledore said. The boot started to shake, along with the castle. They all grabbed onto the boot, Hermione and Ron making sure that Harry didn't let go.

A loud CRACK and a flash of white light erupted. The last thing Dumbledore heard from them was Harry yelling "Good luck" as their surroundings fade.