Project 3:

Tale of Two Hunters

City of Danger II

/-/ Ruby Rose Branwen /-/

Ruby didn't know how better she necessarily felt. On one hand she was no longer at the window letting loose everything her stomach had ever ingested. "I'm terribly sorry about your study," she repeated for the tenth time. In her hurry she hadn't pushed past her host fast enough. Her taxed body had betrayed her, and she had possibly ruined some of the woman's tomes, or notes, or whatever that particular mess of papers by the window had been.

"I said it's alright," her host said for the tenth time as well.

There in lay the other half of Ruby's current condition. She was now equally parts embarrassed and sick. Rather than needing to hold down vomit, she was holding down her lose tongue that wanted oh so badly to spew out apologies. The young hunter hadn't considered herself socially awkward in many years, there simply had been no time for it, but that didn't mean she still didn't realize how poor she could be with people. This was an odd situation all around, but she still felt bad about the mess.

"So," her host said, tossing the last of her ruined notes into a bin to be dealt with later. "Let's start over, shall we?" Ruby found it curious how controlled her host seemed. She let out very little in the way of emotion. Nothing betrayed what she may be thinking or feeling. She could definitely respect that.

Ruby nodded her agreement, albeit slowly, as the pain from her most recent wound was still fresh. "I'd like that," she said with a slight flush to her cheeks. Nonetheless she shook off her embarrassment and moved forward. "I'm Ruby, Ruby Branwen. Thank you for bringing me in."

The woman gave her a gentle smile. "I don't think I have the heart to leave strays out like that. My name's Blake, Blake Belladonna. I own this shop."

"Shop?" Ruby squinted her eyes, trying to press her memories into something readable. Visions of the sign that multicolored woman had pointed to her flashed briefly. "Oh! Right. I'm sorry. That creature showed me the sign for your shop before she attacked me."

Blake blinked twice but gave away no other sign for Ruby to read. "What do you mean she showed it to you? Did you not realize who that was till you got here, or did she ambush you?" She gave a small tilt to her head that emphasized her visible feline traits. Both ears stood tall but not in an alert manner.

"Sort of. I actually tracked and chased her here from an Inn I'm staying at. It's a long story, but I have more than enough reason to believe that thing was a vampire. I have no idea what type or if there was anything else special about it, but I'm sure it was a nightwalker." Ruby pushed two of her fingers together in a nervous fidget.

"Don't worry. I understand. I get a lot of stories of soldiers and civilians alike have encounters like this. It happens. More than the public generally cares to admit." She said. "I can't help but wonder why a little girl would chase after some like that."

Ruby huffed and stammered at first. "Excuse me," she finally said. "I'm twenty-one! I'm also a fully trained and capable Hunter, thank you very much." She crossed her arms and gave a puff to her cheeks, professional demeanor completely lost in the heat of her frustration.

The ravennette tried not to, that much was clear by the fist brought up to her mouth and how she bit on her thumb, but she laughed. "I'm sorry, but you're not being very convincing." Ruby made to argue only for Blake to cut her off with a raised hand. "But I believe you. Trust me, I know a lot of people who aren't what they seem on the surface," she added. "And you seem well… developed," Ruby couldn't help but blush slightly, the ravenette's eyes didn't betray anything unprofessional, yet she couldn't help but feel otherwise. Attention wasn't her forte. "You obviously have great endurance to keep up with someone across the district."

"Y-yeah… I… I trained a lot. Most every day for the past ten years." She grabbed at her arm, looking off into the distance in memory. She looked back with wide eyes however. "You're an alchemist, right?" Blake nodded at the outburst. "Well this is great! I have a few ingredients I need. You know how to make a Valeisian Glenn Cure?"

"For infection by the blood disease?" Blake asked.

"Ye'p'!" Ruby said. "I was going to mix it for myself and a client when we got here, but after this little incident, I definitely need it now more than ever. You can never be to careful in my field of work."

"Ah, so you're specifically a vampire hunter than?" Ruby nodded with a soft grin in reply. "You certainly have no argument from me then. How much do you need?"

Ruby hummed in thought. "Two vials now, then the root and dust to mix four more later. That should hold me over for a while yet."

"I'll get right on it," Blake said. She got up and gestured for the crimsonette to follow her. The two made their way down from what Ruby realized was the top floor to the bottom. Blake ducked into her cellar for a brief moment before coming back to the Hunter who was browsing the various potions and ingredients the woman's store offered.

"I was thinking down there," Blake began. "Don't you think it's kind of odd that a vampire would lead you here? To a place that can cure you?"

Ruby fiddled with a small bottle for a moment, focusing on it as she thought. "You're right. That is weird. I guess I didn't think about it in the heat of the chase." A weight formed within her gut. It was very strange. Even had the woman overheard her talking when they were travelling, it made no sense for the creature to bring her here to attack her. Maybe the creature wanted to be certain she wouldn't be turned by mistake? Siring a fledgling was difficult, but it sanguine Vamporosis still spread nonetheless.

/-/ Weiss Schnee /-/

"You're a dead woman, Ruby Branwen," Weiss said through teeth clenched with barely contained fury. Agitated was a very poor way to describe her mood. No, no, no, murderous was a much more accurate word. Bloody Hunter jumps out a window, only to run through the streets. Why? To what end was Ruby playing this strange game?

The only real assurance she had was that Jaune and the lion's share of her gear were still at that Inn. Weiss had only known the young woman for a short time, but she was certain the crimsonette would cut Jaune's sword arm off before she willingly lost her precious weapons. She'd feel bad of course, but that wouldn't stop her from it. Unlike Weiss, who was going to give her more than a stern word and feel nothing close to pity. That woman would need to do more than stutter out an apology for making her worry.

Ruby was her only life line in this City. East Gate was as foreign as the wastelands to the east. She knew no one and nothing else beyond that Hunter. Weiss was no stranger to cities, but that was in a much different position. Visiting as a dignitary with her father or siblings. She was treated like a princess. Being here as nothing more than a common adventurer or traveler was something entirely new to her. As nonsensical as she found most of Ruby's rambling, she certainly saw the logic in not flaunting her rank. Especially when she considered her lack of guards and basic entourage.

She snorted at her own naïve nature. Torchwick had grabbed her when she was trying to play it low. Even travelling alone, with not many people knowing where she was, if not who. She could only imagine the Marks people would see if they knew who she was here. Sure, the city seemed okay, but that was only because they decided to border on the nicer neighborhoods to the north of the commerce district. Her own home of Weissenberg even had a more criminal -if not desperate- underside. She was certain this City's was worse.

The Sorceress moved swiftly down alley after alley, chasing the phantom trail Ruby's Magic left behind. The concerning change in color of the Aura had changed from blood red back into the Hunter's silver that Weiss had come to know. Occasionally it would stain with red, but those parts were few and far between. Every time she came across a section like that she'd test it by pushing a little of her magic into it. The silver would flare and glow, empowered by her own, the bloody sections would darken before vanishing, taking her own Magic with it.

The Sorceress simply wasn't sure of what to make of this discovery. She didn't know enough yet. She'd make sure to find out though. Everyone was touched in some way by the Magic of the Aether. Souls, Aether, Dust. If something was wrong with Ruby's Magic, it could be something that would kill her without notice. By that same hand, it could be something marvelous. Weiss hadn't much experience in the field with her Magic, but she knew enough to know this hadn't been recorded before. She had used much of her station as an Heiress in Atlas to gather what she could on her powers, and when it came to a sorceress's natural connection to the Aether, there was much to say. She had eventually dipped into knowledge on Magic's occurrence as a whole.

Simply put, at the end of the day a single person should only be colored with their own soul. Even tinges by other people were easy enough to identify for a novice Mage. Complete change was unheard of, or at least not written of.

The snow-haired heiress huffed in frustration. She mentally shelved the unseen issue her friend was having. She had to find her first.

Stretches had begun to appear in the trail. These signaled bursts of energy, no doubt the Hunter had begun running. She ruled out Ruby being chased since she had left with no one behind her except herself. That meant Ruby was chasing someone else. She doubted she would've taken off otherwise. The woman was more than capable of taking out anyone chasing her. She would have stopped to engage.

She was chasing someone. Weis centered herself briefly, pausing for a moment to pull more of her Magic and cast a web. It was simple spell, but required more power than her Trailing spell. In a burst of soft blue light her vision readjusted again. This time the color of the world faded around her, in its place she saw more of the Aether's touches. More tails. It was easy to pick out Ruby's. Even simpler to pick out the one it aligned with. It was a murky black trail that sucked up any light around it, tinged with a dark pink glow.

She only had to guess what it belonged to. Ruby Rose Branwen, Vampire Hunter, no doubt chasing a creature of the night.

She sighed. She should've checked for this from the start. How could she have been so dense? It really was the most obvious answer.

Weiss let go of the spell, it faded as the natural color of the world returned to her vision. She shook her head before running after Ruby's trial. Bright silver leading her around corner after corner.

It was only a short while later she found the end of the trail.

Weiss held a hand before her mouth. She wasn't certain of what she was looking at. It was everywhere. She had thought it to be Ruby's trail, simply turned crimson again, but she had dispersed her Trail spell a soon as she had reached the alley between the shop. Her trail had burst into a vibrant display, telling her she had been her for more than a few moments, but also that it led inside the building, if the now heavy presence of her Magic was any tell.

What she saw after spell had subsided was horrid. Blood was everywhere. Even in the night, with nothing but the faint glow the City's numerous lamps and lanterns provided, she could see the slick red essence of life had been spilled from the far wall to the door of the shop across from it.

"Alright, Weiss," she said to herself in a hushed tone. "Let's do this." Power lit up subtly in one hand as she prepared a combat spell. With the other she made for the door handle as she crossed the small alley. A quick glance up confirmed this to be an alchemy shop of some sort, a potion brewer's place of work no doubt as well. It didn't matter though. Her only friend was in there.

/-/ Ruby Rose Branwen /-/

"I haven't ever had contact with a vampire before, not in anyway that would lead to me catching the blood disease, but mom always told me to be careful when it came to blood and dad always said it was better to use your remedies now then to regret them latter," Ruby rattled on. To her delight Blake had patiently listened to her talk a little about her profession and even let her ease into talking about her encounter outside. The faunus seemed to absorb every word even as she worked.

"Your parents must be quite wise. Catching an illness before it takes root is important. It's like blocking or dodging from a sword strike," the ravennette said as she put the finishing touches on her work. She had long since handed Ruby the small bags of root, dust, and other elements she requested. The crimsonette having secured them along her belt and paid without further question.

"Yeah, mom was," Ruby said in a more solemn tone, though her small smile didn't waver. "Dad still is, but let's just say he won't ever match up to mom," Ruby giggled. It was soft, but she felt warm, almost lightened of her worries. It was a pleasant feeling, one she hoped she could have with the rest of her companions now that they were in the city, able to hide from most of the danger that dogged her journey since Beacon.

Of course, she realized chasing vampires through the streets probably wouldn't help her in that endeavor.

"What happened to your mother?" Blake asked with a small frown. It was some of the first bits of emotion the faunus had allowed to betray her features.

Ruby leaned against a locked cabinet, careful not to rattle the contents. "It's a long story… but the short and dirty is that she was taken from my family in a raid."

"Did your father try searching for her?"

The hunter bit her lip. Blake hadn't caught on. She hated having to say it out right sometimes. The lie she could tell would be nice enough to believe, but she knew she could never betray her mother's memory like that. It was all she had most days. "She was killed. Vampires assaulted our village one night, they killed only a few, but that was thanks to the effort of my mother…" Ruby trailed off. Her eyes narrowed in anger, soft quicksilver turning to hardened steel for a moment as she clutched the hilt of her mother's own sword for comfort. "Of course, that's what I'm told. I've heard a half dozen different versions of the story now over my career." Not all of them painted her mother as the selfish hero she was. Anyone who kenw Ruby didn't dare disgrace the memory of her mother in front of her… or where they couldn't be sure Ruby was lurking. Those were few between though.

Blake paused briefly, like she had something to say but thought better of it. Instead she shook her head and cast the Hunter a soft smile. "I'm sorry to hear that, Ruby."

"Don't worry about it," Ruby replied before Blake could descend into some sort of apology or bout of sympathy. "It was a long time ago. I live to honor her memory, so we're all okay." She gave the faunus her best attempt at a reassuring smile. Ruby couldn't help but feel it fell short. Still, when Blake didn't press the matter she was relieved.

"Well here you-"

A large crash interrupted Blake.

Ruby jumped into action, rolling to the side behind a low counter and pulling out a set of knives while losing her sword. "Get down!" She yelled over to Blake. The Faunus had already moved herself however. The ravennette had cleared the distance between herself and the intrusion by half the room. She had drawn a wickedly shaped cleaver that Ruby had failed to notice before.

The door Ruby had assumed lead to the alley- had the blood remaining from her attack been any clue- had swung open crashing hard against the wall, in turn causing the contents of a glass cabinet to spill inside itself. Vials shattered, dozens of different samples mixed together. None of volatile like Dust, luckily.

The darkened shape of a small woman stood in the door way, silhouetted by the lamps outside and the poor lighting of Blake's shop at night. That woman had come back for seconds, the Hunter was sure of it. Ruby coiled her arm back and in one fluid motion sent her throwing knives through the air.

Rather than impale her target the blades froze over with ice and clattered to the floor with the added weight, failing entirely to reach their intended target. Magic user, Ruby was all Ruby thought as she leaped over her cover with her short sword now drawn. Silver gleamed in both her eyes and off the blade.

"Ruby!" Someone other than Blake shouted.

This caused her thoughts to halt, if not her body slowed. The light cast clear on her would be prey now. They were as white as snow. Their outfit was at least. As was their hair. "Wei-" Ruby began, but her crashing thoughts cut her ability to speak. "What are you doing here?" She yelled instead when the moment of clutter had passed her mind.

Blake hadn't noticed however. The ravennette ran low towards her target, ready to slash out at her with two different weapons, her cleaver having a hidden blade she pulled out. Or maybe it was the sheath? Ruby resisted the urge to drool over the weapon and decided it better to run Blake down.

"Attack my shop will you!" Blake accused more than asked. She was quick and on the white-haired woman before Ruby could stop her. She brought her blades across from two different angles. Weiss was ready though, blocking one weapon with a glyph while she spun around the other attack. The two danced like this, with Blake attacking viciously while Weiss deflected and absorbed the strikes with spells and glyphs.

Ruby tried to intervene but found it a difficult task to jump between the ravenette's deadly blows and the sorceress's spells of ice and frost. Steel slipped off ice and shattered it all the same. Bursts of frost and shards of hyper-cooled ice shot every which way, impaling displays and bookcases that the cleavers couldn't reach.

The fight was beginning to escalate as Blake's shop fell apart around them. Ruby reeled in her panic. She had to do something. Her charge was about to be murdered by her alchemist, who really was only defending her property, but she could also die and that would be a mess and-

Breath. Control. Command.

Ruby took a deep breath. Her eyes hut. She let it our slowly. Opening her eyes with renewed focus. A cool wave washed over her, carrying her fears with it. A renewed sense of power flowed through her, she felt like she had slipped into her element, like when she was in the hunt. She looked around through lenses of crimson. "Stop!" She yelled. "Weiss, Blake!"

The two hitched on her command before freezing all together when they heard their names.

"Stop," Ruby said sternly. The women looked at the crimsonette with wide eyes. They didn't dare glance at one another as they let their weapons down. Steel clattered onto the ground and a warm air drifted in from outside as the frost cleared from between the two combatants. "See, now that's much better, right?"

"Yes." The two replied in unison. If they noticed they didn't say a word, their attention completely on Ruby.

"Right well," the Hunter took a quick account of the shop now that the two had stopped fighting. "Snap out of it now. There's no need for you two to be fighting. I'm sure she didn't mean to charge in here like that. She was probably just looking for me. I may have left without a word leaving her with my friend and other charge and well they were probably annoying her. Though they are kind if not a little stupid sometimes but not in a bad-"

"Ruby?" Weiss groaned the Hunter's name as she gripped her head in her palms. "Ruby I have no idea what you're saying, can you please slow down?"

"I'm sorry but what are you on about?" Blake said in agreement with the sorceress. She gripped her head as well, massaging her temples with one had as she blindly grabbed at her fallen weapons. "I feel like I just fell up and back down a few stairs."

"Likewise," Weiss agreed.

"Are you two alright?" Ruby asked. She fluttered her eyelids in confusion, darting up to her friends. "You two were just fighting like madwomen, what happened?" She shrieked.

"Shhh, please. I'm sorry, give me a moment," Blake said. Her weapon was now back as one and stored behind her primary counter, near the stairs that lead up the buildings core. "Right. Right," she muttered. "You barged in here like you were about to kill us." It would've been an accusation in any other circumstance, yet Blake spoke with no such hostilities. Her words felt dull, as if the heat of their combat had been drained entirely.

"Yes, that's right," Weiss said. Her conviction for the assault seemed just as dulled. "I was searching for Ruby, I recall. My apologies for breaking in like that. I saw something that worried me."

"What was it?" Ruby asked with a cocked head.

"Blood," Weiss whispered. "Blood!" Her eyes widened and she frantically searched Ruby, stopping at the lose bandaging on her neck. "What happened to you?"

"I think you need to slow down now, Weiss," Ruby said struggling under her companion's critical inspection.

"I came searching for you and when I got here I saw all the blood just outside the door, I feared the worst, so I came charging in!" Ruby nodded along as the sorceress spoke. She didn't think she'd come after her. After the than stellar way their relationship was forming so far, she didn't think she warranted such worry from the snow-haired woman.

"I am terrible sorry for the damage I caused," Weiss repeated. "I'll do what I can to cover the damages."

Blake gave the sorceress a once over, as if measuring her, before she spoke. "I don't think that will be necessary. I handled the situation as well as you did. I mistook you for someone else." She shook her head and laughed silently. "It was silly really. We're all fine now."

"We'll at least help clean up," Ruby said. "Right, Sapphire?" She added nudging Weiss.

"I thought your name was…" Blake blanked out. Her face contorted as she tried to recall. Coming up short she shrugged it off. "Sapphire it is. My name is Blake Belladonna."

The trio worked silently. All though it wasn't entirely in comfort either. Ruby's reminder with her fake name stuck to Weiss. The Hunter could see it in the way she worriedly looked between Ruby and Blake. The calm and confusion by her stopping the fight seemed to have fully subsided by the time they were done, though whether that was for the better or not the crimsonette wasn't sure. The two made no attempt to attack one another, but the Hunter could see something behind both amber and ice colored eyes. They were measuring each, more than that, they had something they both wanted to say to the Hunter, or ask her. Ruby feared she didn't know how to answer whatever worry either had.

Ruby spent the time they had cleaning and organizing Blake's shop back into it's previous state trying to figure out how exactly she had stopped the two dead in the middle of combat. They had listened, sure, but without question, argument. There was no fire. They simple stopped. Blows jerked to a halt and Magic ceased to flow.

She had felt a rush of… well she wasn't sure. Something happened, she just couldn't pin it down.

As it turned out, Weiss had Ruby alone first. The Hunter doubted Blake would see here quite so soon, so whatever she had would have to wait. The way she watched with obvious curiosity as they left told Ruby she'd find out eventually what was stirring in the Faunus's mind.

Thankfully Weiss spared Ruby and immediate interrogation. While she seemed back to her normal self, the sorceress remained in deep thought all the way back to the Inn. It was no short journey either, given the distance Ruby had chased that vampire. Thankfully Weiss's trick worked two ways, and after a brief -although in no way informative- explanation, she used her Trail spell to retrace their steps.

The snow and crimson duo returned in silence.

Ruby let out a sigh of relief with she they entered their shared room. A quick wave to their blond companions to let them know they were fine and they had decided to retire for the night. She sprawled out onto her bed, fully intent to sleep. Three things kept her from doing so. The remedies she had in her pouches for her and Weiss, her recently developed inability to sleep at night… and a soft hand touching her thigh to no doubt get her attention. Only one of those reasons had her blood rushing uncontrollably and cheeks flushing a soft pink.

"Ruby, can I ask you something?"

The Hunter sat up and gave her a nervous smile. The red creeping up her neck did not help her efforts. Physical contact outside of combat always made her uncomfortable. That was it. "Of course, what's wrong?"

"What happened earlier?" Weiss asked. She bit her lip before elaborating. "When you stopped our fight?" She amended. Her brow creased.

It was Ruby's turn to bite her own lip. She really wasn't sure. "I don't know. I just sort of panicked. I can handle fights. If I'm finishing them. I wasn't pulled right into it though, and I didn't want either of you getting hurt. I just sort of shouted." Ruby remembered that cool rush enter into her body.

Weiss nodded and gave her a soft understanding -almost thankful- smile. "I appreciate that." She pulled her hand away, but chose to stay on Ruby's bed. "I saw your eyes turn red. It hasn't been the first time."

The crimsonette pictured her reflection in her mother's sword the one night. Blood red orbs stared back at her through the silver blade. "Yeah, that happens," she admitted. "It's kind of a family thing." She took a deep breath, preparing her explanation. "My father always told me it was related to the magic lines in our family, but it never really made sense. You see my cousin, she also gets red eyes, though they're normally lilac. My dad and her mother are related, and they both have red eyes, but that's just their color, they don't change. I guess that only means we wouldn't know if they did."

Ruby shook her head. She was exhausted, but she didn't want her friend to worry. She had seen the clear fear it caused her once before. There was no need to repeat that, especially if the woman had managed to make it all the way to find her, fight for her, and come back with her. "The part that makes it weird, not make sense, is that he always says it isn't from him, but from my mother."

"Your mother has silver eyes I take it?"

"Yep!" Ruby said with a pop. She frowned. "See what I mean?" Weiss nodded in affirmation. " The Hunter sighed and fell back down on her bed. "That doesn't matter though. We can think through that any time." She picked around at her waist earning an indignant squeak from her roommate to which she simply rolled her eyes. "For you, and me," she held up two bottles. Passing one to Weiss than taking one for herself. They were tiny vials, filled with a curious red fluid that had a soft barely noticeable glow to it.

"What is this?" Weiss said. Her nose scrunched up and she eyed the concoction wearily.

"That cure I promised you!" Ruby said sitting up once more, this time with a sincere smile. "I meant it when I said I'd get it for you. I'm not going to let some fear of infection hold you down and get to you. You seem okay, but father always said it never hurts to be safe in our line of work." She pulled the cap off her own vial and motioned for Weiss to do the same.

The sorceress in all her might, timidly removed the cap and smelt the brew. Ruby rolled her eyes again. "Go on, princess. It's fine, I promise." Weiss huffed but Ruby's warm attitude won her over. The heiress downed it in one go. "Told ya so," she goaded.

"Whatever," Weiss replied.

Ruby downed her. The liquid, which always remained warm, washed down her throat. It's familiar heat instantly filling her with a sense of relief. Nothing bad would come out of that terribly encounter now. "It's always better to be safe than sorry," Ruby repeated. "And I got more than enough from Blake's shop to last us a few encounters. Though hopefully we won't get so close to anymore vampires for a while. I've had my fair share now, I think." Ruby stood to take off the rest of her gear and slip into some night clothes.

"I couldn't possibly agree anymore," Weiss said. She looked over Ruby, her curt smile turned down rapidly. "Ruby are you alright?"

"Yeah, why?" the Hunter asked. She felt suddenly feint. She swiped at her brow to find it covered in seat. Looking down her hands were shaking. Her slightly sun kissed skin paled. She noticed a stream of something wet making its way down her corset. Pulling the black piece apart as swiftly as her shaking hands would allow she saw it was blood. Her own. She followed it up with a deft hand to her neck. First to where that multi-colored vampire had bit her. When that turned dry, her bandages very much as clean as they were when she left Blake's shop, she checked the other side.

She pulled her now wet hand away. Quicksilver looked over the crimson that stained her shaking hand. The other one grabbed at her neck and pulled away to the same. Her years old pain began to burn, not sharply, but as if someone was pouring warm water on it. "Well, Holy Mother Julia, this is bad."

She made to sit down but couldn't before she was curled over their wash basin. Her stomach betraying her for the second time that day as she emptied what little she had left. The softly glowing cure coming up, mixing with the blood seeping from her neck and that on her hands. The two fluids bubbled and hissed. They mixed only to burn away at one another. "What in the six hells," the crimsonette muttered.

Weiss was behind her, hands on her shoulders to steady and comfort her. "Shh, it's okay. Relax," she cooed.

Ruby could tell she was just as confused as she was. Possibilities ran through her mind, but only two came up. The potion was bad, but she saw it mixed perfectly herself, and Weiss was still fine. Which only meant one other option… Quicksilver stared down at the two crimson fluids hissing and fizzle with one another, one glowing softly, the other tainted with a black ickor.

Quicksilver looked up at crystal blue. Those eyes were truly like chips of ice, Ruby thought. Silver turned hard, before melting into a bloody red. "Kill me."


Yes it is supposed to seem jarring, not the end, but the section with Blake and Weiss. That's intentional. I'm trying to avoid long and drawn out fights. Sometimes it's needed, but most of the time, I don't feel it necessary, as it becomes monotonous between sections of a story when it happens. You can only write how Ruby violently murders Yang in so many different formats. (I'm kidding!) Sorry. Anywho.

Hello again! Happy Days and the such. I made my 30 day deadline none of you knew about. I'm trying to get a chapter out a month, and plan to increase from there. I hope you all enjoyed this one, I'm working towards moving the story along and getting to points I've been meaning to. Things have been moving slowly, but I intend to do a little better pacing while working in the confines of my -average- writing and story telling capabilities. All in all, I'm happy with most of this chapter.

~Review Time~

LatiKing, I am now there! On Ao3. I enjoy it. Except I've only put this story up!

Rivian Azure, I do love Neo. She will be around more often and will be as terrifyingly mute as I can make her!

Hellwyrm, oh you are such a delight I can't directly say anythin, much like with Reqper's reviews. I am on Ao3 now. As for the smut, I'll have it under a different story "Hotel's Citrus Selection" most likely, and I'll make mention in my AN's here and on there where they fit into the story. I don't want to put anything directly in, just for the sake of easy posting on both sites. (Also because some arent' going to be cannon for the story for sure XD)

KibaPT, I thought the same thing. Irritated Heiress and Lioness aren't good.

Grimm Reqper, I think this will give you some nondirect answers. Good ol'Hotel answering you but not actually doing it.

Guest 1, I agree with you on Ao3's search engine. Ugh.

Guest 2, you are right... I mean I can't say you're wrong. That's what it is. XD When we visit it, the idea is of a large town built into a mountain side, but mroe on that eventually!

Trewill91, I agree. 3

iamking, you're great. No but thank you. I need the simple motivation like that sometimes for these things.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed. Both positive and negative reviews fuel me. There are things I can't or won't change of course, but I take it all to heart and mind for when I plan future stories. A lot of feedback I've gotten here and even recently on Ao3 are actually going to be put to use when I rework Jungle of Ice soon... and actually publish it.

Please feel free to review ,rant, and comment. DM too! Whatever you'd like.

-Hotel Juliet