"Babe, come to bed tonight! You always sleep on the couch!" Lapis yelled from the bedroom. "Fine! Coming... This is going to be a sleepless night..." Peridot whispered to herself. Peridot walks into the bedroom. "FINALLY!" Lapis said, relieved. "Heeey Peeeriii?~ wanna get... Cheeky?"Lapis whispers in Peridot's ear with a smug look on her face. Peridot is now breathing hard, Felling pale, sick, nauseous. "Honey?" Lapis says to Peridot, concerned. Lapis sits Peridot up in her arms. Peri?! Peridot faints in Lapis' arms. Something tiny, blue and shiny drops out of Peridot's hand. "Hmm?" Lapis murmurs. She picks it up off the bed and lays Peridot down gently. She looks at the object. "it's a... Pacifier? Why would she have a- does she still use it?" Lapis thought out loud for a few minutes and Peridot woke up. "What?" Peridot looked faint and tired and confused. "where's my-" she says. She looks at the object in Lapis' palm. "oh- oh no." Peridot?" Lapis says worried. "so you found it, huh?" Peridot says, embarrassed. "It's okay, but why do you have it?" Lapis asks gently. "That's the part I feel uncomfortable telling to you." She replies. "Peridot please. I wanna know." Lapis pleads. "fine. I still use it. I can't sleep with out my dummy. It's like your Teddy-Bear." Peridot blurts out. "oh. Well, that's okay. Here. You can have it back. It fell out of your hand when you fainted, that's all." Lapis replies. She gives the pacifier back to Peridot. "I only sleep on the couch so you won't know my secret." Peridot confesses. "Well, now you can sleep with me. Because I think it's cute and I don't mind." Lapis says. "well then, goodnight." Peridot says with a tired smile. "goodnight cutie pie." Lapis says with a yawn. Peridot puts her dummy in her mouth and begins to drift off... "Peri?" Lapis asks. "why was the dummy BLUE?" "Because of you... I Threw out my old one and got a blue one and it makes me dream of you, and sometimes you and me"... Peridot says. "that's so sweet., goodnight." Lapis says. "Goodnight." Peridot says, puts her dummy back in her mouth and hey both drift off to sleep... ◼