AN: I'm using movie images for Clarisse and Luke but other designs for some of the other characters. Also this is movie ages so Percy is sixteen in this chapter.
Legend of the Destroyer
Chapter 1
"Is something wrong Ms. Dodds?" he asked warily, following his rather biased teacher back into the Greek artifacts exhibit.
"We know you took it." She growled angrily as he looked confused, he hadn't stolen anything. "Just tell us where it is and I might go easy on you." Judging by the look on her face she was lying and wanted to murder him in the bloodiest and most painful fashion she could.
"Listen," he tried to reason with the, clearly insane, math teacher, slowly backing up towards the door "I don't-"
"Time's up!" she cackled gleefully, her skin bubbling and bulging before ripping apart as a monster was in its place, the torn clothes and scraps of 'skin' dissolving into mist as she let out a hissing roar at him, her mouth full of wicked razor sharp teeth, a whip of fire in her hands.
"Holy-" he exclaimed, falling back as he scrambled away in a crab walk, the insane monster cracking her whip as two giant demonic wolves came out of the shadows "And she has friends, of course she does." He cursed the universe as he looked around, hoping one of the walls had a sword or something he could use to at least get away.
"What ho Percy!" a familiar voice yelled as he looked over his shoulder to see Mr. Brunner wheeling into the room along with Grover and a blond guy he didn't recognize. As Mr. Brunner called out the crippled teacher threw a ballpoint pen at him, his hand reaching out to snatch it out of the air reflexively.
The moment it touched his hand though the pen gave off a brilliant, almost blinding, light that escaped from the fingers that were closed around the pen before becoming an ancient Greek sword, a Grecian word he somehow knew spelled Riptide etched along the blade. He didn't have much of a chance to examine this, or wonder how much drugs someone used to spike his lunch, when the two wolves lunged at him, their mouths wide, slobber dripping from their gleaming fangs.
Leaning back in shock he fell down, his arm coming up with the momentum of his fall causing the first of the giant wolves cut its stomach open on the blade, causing it to burst into dust. Scrambling up to his feet Percy put the sword in front of him just in time for the second wolf to lunge, impaling itself on his weapon as it too burst into dust, the golden powders mixing as he turned to face the winged demon who was glaring angrily at him.
"Oh," she hissed as she took a step towards him cracking her whip as she went "you shouldn't have done that."
"I'd have to disagree with you there." He snapped back "I'd rather not become a chew toy."
This just irritated the monster further as she lunged at him, swinging the whip at him as she did so. Feeling an instinctive urge, he followed it and leapt to the right, just barely managing to avoid Ms. Dodds' lunge as she showed barely any loss of momentum, pivoting on her foot to swipe at him with her claws, the talons digging five gashes into his chest as he yelled out in pain. The demon grinned as she brought the talons up to her face and licked some of the blood off of them "Hmm, delicious." She grinned.
"Okay…that's nasty." He scowled, readying the sword as his body fell into a stance he had never seen but somehow felt right.
"Die!" she yelled as she lunged once more, this time throwing her whip at his legs while spreading her wings wide. He couldn't go to the right, he couldn't go to the left, and he couldn't go down. Going back would just delay the inevitable…so, tensing the muscles in his legs, he went up, somehow leaping higher than should be humanly possible as the monster seemed to turn her head to gape at him in slow motion…right before he threw the sword like a throwing knife, the blade piercing through her face and imbedding itself in the marble floor as Ms. Dodds turned to gold dust around it. Percy never got a chance to feel elation as gravity asserted itself and he landed on his ankle, hard.
"AGH!" he yelled, clutching the broken joint while the three from the doorway rushed over.
"Damn Percy!" Grover said wide eyed while the blond guy started checking his broken ankle "Since when did you know how to fight like that?"
"I don't." he groaned in pain at the inspection of his broken bone, trying to use pressure to stop the bleeding of his chest "I just went with my instincts."
"It's a good thing you did Percy," Mr. Brunner told him seriously "I'd hate to see what would have happened to you if you had ignored them. You're just lucky that Alecto underestimated you."
"A-who-o?" he asked at the unfamiliar name before biting back a yell when blonde guy put his ankle in a make shift splint.
"Sorry," the guy shrugged apologetically before handing him a small bottle of a golden liquid "it needed to be set. Drink this and it will help it heal."
"W-who are you?" he grunted, taking the bottle but not drinking the unfamiliar substance.
"His name is Luke Castellan." Chiron told him "He was brought here to help get you to safety. And as for your earlier question the woman you know as Ms. Dodds is actually named Alecto, she's a Fury."
"...What the hell got put in my lunch?" he demanded as the three sighed, as if they knew they had a long story ahead of them.
-Lou Ellen-
Laying down on the roof of the front porch for the big house she lazily flipped through one of the spell tomes her mother had given her for her birthday last month. A rumble of thunder overhead drew her attention as she looked up to see the sky surrounding the camp dark with thunderclouds, each of them rumbling with fury but no lightning struck forth. At the same time the sea churned and frothed, stirring itself into agitation but not enough to pose a danger to any upon it. The weather had been doing this for the past few weeks, ever since the Winter Solstice when the gods had their big meeting so she assumed Zeus and Poseidon had gotten into, another, fight.
"Hey! Chiron's back!" one of the campers near the boundary shouted, his voice carrying as others soon took up the call and rushed to the road where Chiron, as well as Luke, Grover, and a new Demigod, would soon be pulling up in the camp van.
Admittedly curious herself she closed her book and leapt down from the roof, using a spell to halt her descent just before reaching the ground and gently lower herself to the dirt. "Show off." Her friend Annabeth snorted with a teasing smirk as they walked towards the boundary.
"You know you love me." She grinned, getting to the front of the circle along with the other cabin leaders.
"Yes but I honestly have no clue why I do?" the daughter of Athena grinned, bumping her with a shoulder.
"Oh, Annie," she put a mocking hand to her chest "I'm wounded."
"Don't call me Annie!" Annabeth snapped as the van pulled to a stop and the four occupants clambered out, the new guy with a slight limp as she guessed he got hurt fighting his first monster. The new guy was tall, she noted, with wild black hair that flowed back slightly as if he'd spent all day running his hand back through it. He had piercing green eyes that twinkled with happiness and mischief in equal measure along with a playful, easy going smile. To top it all off the guy wore a black leather jacket with hellhound heads on the shoulders, the mouths acting as shoulder pads and the eyes glowing a faint red. Given the fact that it was still summer she assumed that it was a monster drop item and kept him cool regardless.
"Welcome back Chiron." She said with a grin at the old horse man who gave her a tired grin in return.
"Well young heroes," their teacher said drained "I am tired and must retire to get some rest. I assume the rest of you can look after young Perseus here?"
"Don't worry Chiron," Clarisse, the head of the Ares cabin said with a smirk "you can count on us." Chiron must have been too tired to notice her smirk or remember Clarisse's 'initiation' that she tended to put new demigods through as the old centaur just gave a tired nod and, clambering out of the wheelchair, walked back to the big house. All eyes looked to see what would happen as Clarisse approached the new guy, her demigod siblings standing ready in case she needed a hand dragging him off or preventing others from stopping it. Luke stood next to and behind Percy but wasn't moving to stop this while Grover was looking between the new guy and Clarisse nervously.
Clarisse stopped a step away from Percy, giving him an appraising look before she smirked and nodded to his ankle, "I can't leave you alone for five minutes, can I Perce?" she grinned as she, along with everyone else in the camp, felt a collective feeling of 'huh?'.
"Oh come on Claire," Percy grinned playfully "I need every excuse I can get to keep you around me."
"C-Claire?" one of Clarisse's brothers snickered before yelling when Clarisse spun around and broke his nose.
"Stuff it Mike," the leader of the Ares cabin growled "only Percy's allowed to call me that."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." She held up her hands "you two…know each other?"
"Yeah," Percy grinned, limping over to Clarisse as he put an arm around the girl's shoulder "I met her back when I was thirteen in the candy shop my mom works at."
"I had just gotten back from a mission to eliminate a harpy in Central Park." Clarisse explained "And I really needed something sweet so I found this little shop called 'Sweet on America' and decided to get a snack. Percy was in there talking to his mom on her lunch break."
"We started talking as Mom got her order together," Percy picked up "and I decided to ask her out to lunch. In all honestly I expected to get punched."
"I considered it, still do sometimes," Clarisse grinned playfully "but I decided 'what the hell' and said yes. We had a fun lunch and I agreed to meet up with him again later. That's why I take so many trips and missions to the city, to visit my boyfriend."
"Whoa, hold up." Annabeth held up a hand "I thought you said it was just lunch?"
"It was…at first." Percy confirmed "But then that one lunch date became two. Then three. Then a few dinner dates and some couch movie nights and we were an official couple."
"That's right, which means he's off limits girls." Clarisse send a dark look at the single demigoddesses, mainly the Aphrodite cabin ones. "By the way," Clarisse turned to glance at Percy's ankle "how did you hurt yourself anyway?"
"I was fighting a," Percy turned to Luke "what did Mr. Bru-…Chiron call them?"
"He fought Alecto and a couple hellhounds." Luke answered both Percy and Clarisse "And didn't realize how high he could jump. Combine that with gravity and you have one very broken ankle. I was able to set it and use some nectar to heal most of it along with the gashes in his chest but the rest will need to be done by one of the Apollo Campers."
"Take him to the infirmary when you're done and I'll take care of it." Michael, the leader of the Apollo cabin, promised before going off, probably to get supplies.
"So that where you get the jacket?" Clarisse asked, tugging the, admittedly cool, piece of clothing.
"Yeah," Percy grinned, stealing a kiss from Clarisse as the girl returned it "that and a sword that Chiron gave me."
"Well you'll have to show me what you can do later." Clarisse grinned "You're gonna be on my team for Capture the Flag this week."