Summary: Visitors and surprises

Disclaimer: Forever owns nothing.

Chapter Three

Munakata sat at his desk paying mind to nothing but his puzzle, unaware of the two figures watching him. The spirits of HOMRA's deceased King and vassal made themselves comfortable with a tea party for two.

"More tea, King?"

Mikoto simply nodded. "Should I be concerned that he hasn't noticed our presence?"

As he mixed the tea powder making sure it was well incorporated, Totsuka glanced over at the Blue King and shook his head. "Maybe he's just really into puzzles that he blocks out his surroundings."

"S'pose that's why he never picked up most of my calls."

Totsuka smiled. "Well, you did prank call him once... twice... three times!"

He held up three fingers and received a snort in return. The bubbly man's smile grew wider. "Shall we tell him now?" He asked, looking at the puzzle-lover again.

"Might as well."

Munakata felt the temperature in the room rise and looked up to greet the spirits standing before him. "Suoh, Totsuka. What brings you two to my office this fine day—assuming you aren't here to haunt me."

Mikoto returned the smirk he was given. "You aren't even worth haunting honestly."

"Really now? Why is it that this is the 5th time you've shown up this week?"

"6th you mean." Totsuka piped in, grinning ear to ear.

"Ah, you're right."

A cough from Mikoto stopped them from reminiscing about the other five times.

"Don't look so embarrassed, Ki—Ow!" Totsuka rubbed the top of his head.

"Just tell him already..."

"Fine, fine." Totsuka looked him dead in the eyes and said, "It's coming!"

Munakata tilted his head slightly. "Oya? What is?"

"The Rise of Bangtan!"

It was so quiet you could hear Fushimi clicking his tongue miles away. Munakata coughed to mask his surprise. If it had not been for some of his men mentioning the group during the past few months, curiosity wouldn't have gotten the best of him. "So beware of fire, Munakata-san."

"Our boys are goin' to—"

"Don't you dare, Suoh."


"I know what you are about to say—And where in the world did you get a cigarette?!"

"Had it on me...?"

Sharp, violet eyes stared intensely at unfazed, golden orbs as the latter simply blew a puff of smoke. "Burn it up."

Totsuka let out a cheery laugh while watching the Blue King shake his head in discontent at his own king. Just like old times.

Benzai and Akiyama began to question how they got here. One minute, they were going about their duties. The next, they found themselves having dance practice.

"Remind me again how it came to this." Benzai asked his partner who was working on his footwork.

Akiyama paused from the routine and stood up straight. "I'm not exactly sure, but it's kind of fun."

"I guess."

They had been standing outside guarding the gates when the core members of HOMRA approached them. The Blue clansmen glanced at each other. Their visitors quietly watched their little exchange, waiting to see what they'll do.

"What business does HOMRA have here?" Akiyama finally asked.

"Dancing." Eric and Yata deadpanned. Shouhei and Bandou grinned like idiots while Fujishima and Kamamoto tried not to laugh.

Benzai raised a brow. "Um, what?"

"You heard us." Yata said, putting his fists on his hips.

Izumo drew in a breath and started explaining the situation. "You see, Yata got a call from Domyouji telling him to come over, and to invite the oth—Well, us."

"And Dewa's just here for Enomoto." Eric slid in, earning himself an elbow to the ribs courtesy of Chitose. He in return got his foot stomped Anna. Dewa just watched the vicious cycle. But where was the lie?!

Before Benzai could further question them, an energetic voice caught everyone's attention. "HEEEEY~! YOU'RE ALL HERE!"

Domyouji stopped right behind the gates to catch his breath after running all the way to greet them. He beamed at everyone once he calmed down and exclaimed, "Let them in!"

Again, the two standing guard looked at each other. Seriously, what was going on? Without further ado, they let the Red clansmen through. Akiyama faced Domyouji and realized he wasn't wearing his uniform. "What are you doing in gym clothes?!"

"You can't expect me to practice in uniform can you? Also," The redhead grabbed both him and Benzai before they could protest. "You're coming too!" and dragged them to where the others met up with Enomoto.

That's exactly how Akiyama remembered it an hour ago.

"Hey Goto," Fuse called to the oddities collector. "Where the hell is everyone?"

Goto looked up from the report he had been writing and glanced around the empty room. "That's funny—I was sure someone else had been here."

A chill ran down Fuse's spine. "Don't say things like that."

As if on cue, Kamo entered and handed him a piece of paper that was left on the kitchen counter. "I believe Domyouji wants us to meet him in the east wing."

When they got to the area, they began walking around because the note never mentioned which room. Fuse rolled his eyes. "I'm not even surprised."

"This better not be one of his hide-and-seek games." Kamo shook his head at the vivid memory of the last one. They all had gotten quite a long lecture from lieutenant Awashima.

Goto stopped walking when he heard a faint sound coming from the room next to him. He pressed an ear up against the door to hear music. The handle began to jiggle and he stood back. On the other side was Fujishima. Goto just stared and nonchalantly said, "Hey."

The duo behind him stiffened. A million thoughts ran through their heads. Why was a member of HOMRA here? Where was Domyouji? Was this a setup? Suddenly, the "missing" Blue emerged from behind HOMRA's gentle giant as cheery as ever. "I was wondering when you guys would get here!"

Kamo gave him a stern look. "Explain."

The redhead pulled him and Fuse inside before anything else was said. Fujishima watched them for a second before turning to an unfazed Goto. "So you wanna come in?"

"That's enough, Fushimi-kun." Awashima warned. "There's no use in crying over spilled milk."

"Tsk," the third-in-command rolled his eyes. "Who the hell's crying?"

Fushimi slumped down into a chair. He had been letting out his frustrations by tossing knifes at a dart board. The case of flaming mixtapes had been dropped and he couldn't believe he wasted all that time for nothing. Though, chasing Chitose around was fun—he had to admit. With a sigh, the young man left in search of something else to do. When he got to his room, he noticed a note stuck on his door. Fushimi opened it up to see a doodle and meeting place. He clicked his tongue knowing who left it and went to find him.

Munakata met the young man along the way. They were in the middle of the first floor when Fushimi told him a note said to meet here. The Blue King was amused much to Fushimi's dislike.

"What?" asked the second Megane Brigade member.

"I thought it funny that you didn't just crumple the note and throw it away." Munakata smiled at him. "You sure have changed, Fushimi-kun."

Fushimi didn't say anything. As he stared at his king, he noticed Kuro the cat making its way towards them. Munakata turned around and swept the cat up when it got close. Violet eyes glanced at the note attached to the ribbon around its neck. He removed the note and handed it to the person it was addressed to. Fushimi unfolded it and raised a brow. This one said to read it out loud.

He sighed. Whatever Domyouji was up to, he didn't like it. Fushimi looked at the note again and coolly said, "Bultaoreune."


All the core members of Scepter 4 and HOMRA came out dancing. Both Fushimi and Munakata froze. Kuro jumped out of the king's arms and ran back to the filing room. Anna was filming the whole thing as Awashima stood beside her watching in amusement. The spirits of Mikoto and Totsuka did the same. The Blue King recovered from shock and started admiring the performance. Fushimi just watched, dumbfounded by what was happening. When it all ended, he didn't know whether he was angry or impressed. They were all looking at him now. His lips slowly formed into the usual scowl. The guys became nervous, except for Izumo who was currently chatting with Awashima.

"Tsk." Fushimi closed his eyes and reopened them. His scowl turned into a grin. "I'll forgive you."

They laughed as a wave of relief washed over them.

"But not today."

Domyouji stopped laughing and ran for it.