Thanks for all the reads, follows and reviews guys and girls! =)


"I knew you would have questions that Jasper wouldn't willing to answer, especially about himself and since I know him and all of his secrets I decided to come and answer them for you. Like for instance he used to-" Alice began until I coldly cut her off as I sat up in the bed.

"Alice kindly SHUT UP! If Jasper has anything he want's to tell me about himself HE can tell me. I don't need you to tell me secrets about him and if I'm being honest I'm kind of disgusted that your trying to. Maybe it's just me but when someone confides in you its not so you can go and tell other people about it." I stopped here to take a breath which allowed Alice time to speak up anger causing her face to screw up making her look ugly,

"Listen here HUMEN. If I want to talk YOU SHUT UP and let me! I'm better then you in every way and if I wanted to I could snap your neck here and now! So believe me when I say if you so much as LAY A FINGER on-" Alice's rant surprised me but what or should I say who, shut her up surprised me even more. "You swore you would leave Gemma, Bella and Charlie alone Alice." Edward said as he kept his one hand clamped over Alice's mouth and used his other hand to pull Alice away from my bed-side which she had stomped over to while ranting. Alice managed to get Edwards hand off of her mouth and she turned on him angrily,

"Jasper is MY mate! MINE! And now he want's to abandon me because of some stupid little human girl?! You of all people should understand Edward! Where's your mate Hannah? Oh that's right she DEAD because she was a stupid human you refused to change and the Volturi killed her! Seriously I can't believe how easily you accepted Bella into your life, she's a stupid human ape to and-!" Alice snarled angrily cutting herself of mid-sentence as she shoved Edwards hand off of her waist and turned back to me.

Edward seemed to reel backwards in pain at the mention of his dead human mate and I felt shock and disbelief surge to the forefront of my emotions as I stared at Edward, ignoring Alice who had vanished from my hospital room leaving Edward and I alone.

"Edward..." I trailed off not knowing what to say, it was obvious that Edward hadn't wanted to talk about his mate and I didn't want to force him to but I now had so many questions about his interactions with my sister. Edward gave me a pained smile and he vanished from the hospital room as well, leaving me alone with my swirling thoughts.

"Seriously what is going on here? Am I just high on the morphine and dreaming all of this?" I wondered bewildered as I stared at the place that Edward had just vacated. Deciding to just go to sleep and hope that everything was fine when I woke up I laid back down in the hospital bed and closed my eyes. Soon however the drifting scent of fresh pizza caused my eyes to fly open and I turned to look at the window just in time to see Jasper and Jacob both come through it. Jasper holding the pizza while Jacob was holding what looked like a coffee cup from my favorite place and the unmistakable package of a cream-cheese frosted brownie. *At least if this is a dream the calories wont count.* I thought as I watched the two of them rapidly approach me both of them looking a little agitated as they glanced around the hospital room before giving each other a look that seemed to carry a silent conversation. I brushed off their strange vibes and pushed the button causing the bed to rise into a sitting position before I dug into the warm pizza that Jasper had laid onto my lap.

"Gemma, was-..did anyone else visit you while we were away?" Jasper asked me as I chewed my warm mouthful of cheese pizza. Raising an eyebrow at his question I finished chewing and swallowed before I nodded,

"Yeah Alice and Edward showed least I think they did. Honestly I'm still questioning myself on if this is real or just a morphine dream." I replied before I took another bite of the pizza. I saw Jacob and Jasper exchange another look and rolled my eyes at their secretive behavior, regardless of if I was awake or sleeping their behavior would get old very fast I decided as finished off the piece of pizza and after wiping my fingers and mouth I opened the brownie container.