35 Years ago: Memories



Chapter 1.

Neah is 7, Cross is 7, Allen is 6. This is in second grade.

Neah´s Perspective

It was early in the morning. I was walking to school. I had a 20 Minute walk. I was not in a good mode and pouted. „I wanted to stay by Mana!" thought I angry. It wasn´t fair! Mother said Mana was better so I asked if he could go to school with me together but she said No because even when he was better, he was still sick. She wouldn´t let me stay with him! Said that if I refused to go to school, she wouldn´t let me play the piano. That´s blackmail! I sighed angry. It wouldn´t do any good if I was angry during school. My teacher, Miss Corewine, would only try to talk with me about my problems. I rolled my eyes. Like I would talk to her about something. She was a strict teacher and enjoyed the suffering of others. „Would probably laugh if someone was killed before her." I muttered under my breath. She was his math teacher. She often made fun of the students that came late, were talking in her class or she just didn´t like. I was one of them. Wasn´t I lucky? Now, that I am thought about it. I am not really liked by teachers…. My Math teacher doesn´t like me, my Science teacher is an asshole. I mean, I only blew up the lap once! I also apologized! But nooooo. He just had to make it his life goal to ruin my remaining school time. The only teacher that liked me were my P.E teacher and my Music teacher. I really loved music! I was a prodigy at playing the piano. The other kids were jealous of me for that.

I only had one friend. His name was Marian Cross. He was a very rude kid. I often teased him about his name. He would swear like a sailor. We met during our first school year. In Science. I was his partner when I blew the lap up. He laughed his ass of when the teacher yelled at me. After the lesson he started talking. We somehow became friends. Don´t ask me how it happened. I saw the school getting nearer. I was a little late so I started running. Our school wasn´t really that big. It was normal. We had a field at the back. I ran through the hallways and came to a stop before my classroom. I had one minute left. I sighed in relief.

I opened the door and made my way to my seat in the back. I sat in the last row. Marian and I were seperated. He was seated by the window. We had a empty desk between us. Marian gave me a smirk. „This time it was close, Neah." Commented Marian. I shot him a glare. He started snickering while I sat down. Marian had his feet on his desk. I put my chin on my hand and looked bored. The door opened and the bitch came in. She shot Marian and me a glare. Marian smirked at her and I waved my hand and grinned. She rolled her eyes. „Huh strange normally she would have called us out." I thought. It seemed like she was in a good mood. Marian looked freaked out. So I wasn´t the only one who noticed it. He took his feet of his desk and leaned to me. „Looks like she got laid last night." Whispered Marian with a grin to me. I tried to hold in my laughter, but failed. Bad. Miss Corewine slammed her books on her desk. BAM!

„Mister Campbell! If you find something funny, please share it with the class." Demanded she. „Uuoh it looked she´s in a bad mood again." Deadpanned I. I shook my head. „Well, when you don´t want to share it, you can do double homework." She said with a smile. The devil I tell you. I just nodded knowing that it wouldn´t matter if I argued with her. She seemed satisfied. She walked in front of the board. „Good Morning class, I have to announce something." She greeted. Bad news. She looked happy about it. Marian and I shared a look. „We have a new student, please come in Allen!" She called for someone outside the door.

A boy with a brown high short ponytail came in. He had two long bangs that framed his face. He had round glasses on his face and you couldn´t see his eyes. He wore a dark vest over a long sleeved white shirt, brown pants and a red ribbon. He looked a bit girly and weak in my opinion. He was short too. He walked to the front. He bowed. „My name is Allen Alexander Walker. It´s a pleasure to meet you." Said the new kid. Wow, so polite. He would perfectly get along with Mana. Marian looked bored at the new kid. He didn´t like over polite people.

„You can sit down between Marian and Campbell." Said Mrs. Corewine sweetly. I gagged inwardly. So she liked the new kid. I raised my hand and hid an amused smile behind my hand. Marian´s eye twitched. He hated his given name. Mrs. Corewine knew that. That´s why she only called Marian by his first name. It riled him up quite a bit. The new kid walked towards us and sat down. He gave us a smile. The lesson continued.

3rd Perspective

Mrs. Corewine explained multiplication. Marian was asleep on his desk behind a book. Neah looked bored and Allen took notes. „So that will be all for today." Finished Mrs. Corewine. All the students stood up and went to their next lesson. P.E.

They went outside to the field. They changed into their P.E clothes. Shorts and a Shirt. The girls and boy´s had together P.E. Allen had permission to wear his glasses in P.E. „So, we´re running today!" yelled Mr. White. He was a tall man in his late 40ies with black hair. „Run four times around the field and no slacking!" demanded Mr. White. The girls and a few boys groaned. They lined up. „Ready, set, go!" Mr. White gave the Signal. All ran. After the second lap, the girls were tired. Mr. White said they could stop since they were girls. They sighed in relief and watched the boys run.

Cross, Allen and Neah were the first one to finish. „Good job!" praised Mr. White. Cross and Neah walked a bit further away from the girls and sat down. Allen sat down a few feet from the girls and the other two. „Didn´t think the shrimp would be so fast." Remarked Cross. He was a bit out of breath. Neah nodded. „You weren´t the only one who thought that he would be slow." Responded Neah. He wiped sweat of his forehead. Neah pointed at the rest of the boys that were running. They were shoting death glares at him, Cross and Allen. Cross smirked arrogant.

The girls were shooting Allen brief looks. „Isn´t he pretty?" whispered a girl with short two brown pigtails. The others nodded. „He was so fast! Like Cross and Neah." admired a girl with short black hair and blue eyes. „And he´s cute and smart!" added another girl. She had long wavy blond hair and green eyes. Allen always knew how to answer to Mrs. Corewine´s questions. The others agreed. „Let´s make a little Fanclub!" suggested a girl with straight light brown hair. „Yes!" cheered the girls. Allen shot them a embarrassed smile.

After the boys finished they could go change. They were walking towards the changing room. They had to share the field today with the first graders. Allen saw how three boys picked on another boy. Allen went over to boy. The three boys walked away after they shoved the boy to the ground. While Allen walked over to the boy he tripped. His glasses fell on the grass. „Oh man…." Sighed Allen. He took his glasses in his hand, dusted himself off and walked over to the boy on the ground. The boy had short black hair and green eyes. He had freckles on his face. Allen held a hand out.

„Here. Let me help you up." Said Allen with a smile. The boy looked up. He blushed. The boy thought Allen was a girl with his big silver eyes and girly face. His height didn´t help. „Ah, n-no, there´s no n-need too!" protested the boy. Allen shook his head. „No, I insist." Stated Allen. The boy took Allen´s hand. Allen helped him up. „There you go!" replied Allen with a gentle smile. „S-So pretty! I like this girl!" thought the boy dazed. Nobody helped him before! And now such a pretty girl helped him up! Allen waved a hand in front of the boys face. „Are you alright? Hello?" asked Allen with a frown. The boy came back from his dream world. „Ah, Yes! Thank you very much….?" Began the boy quickly. „Allen, Allen Walker." Answered Allen with a grin. „Thank you Allen! I am Daniel Lankford!" said the boy. „That´s a nice name! When you have problems again you can come to me!" replied Allen with a serious look. Daniel nodded shyly. „Like I could worry such a nice girl like you." Thought Daniel with a smile. He thought he had a crush.

Allen was stastified. He took his glasses and sat them on his nose. He waved a hand. „See you!" yelled Allen. He sprinted into the boys changing room. Daniel watched till Allen was gone. „W-Wait? Wasn´t that the boys changing room?! Don´t tell me-!" thought Daniel in panic. „I have a crush on a boy, a really nice and pretty boy." Whispered Daniel stunned. He shook his head. It wouldn´t matter if Allen was a boy! He was so nice to him and pretty! He still liked him the same. „Allen Walker." Repeated Daniel dreamy.

By Neah and Cross.

They went outside after changing. „Hey wait up Cross! Campbell!" screamed a boy with red hair and black eyes. He had two other boys with him. Neah and Cross turned around. „What do you two idiots want?" asked Cross bored. Neah sighed. „You think you are so cool! Just because you are sporty! We are here to teach you a lesson!" exclaimed the boy. He was the leader. Cross and Neah rolled their eyes. „You take the right one and I the left one." Suggested Neah happy. He was pissed off. Great, now his clothes will get dirty and he will get at least a bruise. Mother and Mana wouldn´t be happy. Cross cracked his knuckles and smiled a sadistic smile. „You got it." Replied Cross. „Ha! And what about me?" sneered the leader. „You are last." Answered Neah and Cross at the same time.

After 10 Minutes.

„Ow,Ow…" moaned the boys on the ground. They had black eyes and were bruised all over. Neah dusted off his clothes and took his school bag. Cross kicked the leader one more time and picked his bag up. „They never gonna learn." Complained Neah. He had a few bruises here and there. „No, because they are fucking retards." Growled Cross. He had a split lip and bruises. „Mana and Mother are going to kill me." Whined Neah during there home walk. „Take it like a man, Neah." Sighed Cross. He was holding his school bag in one hand over his shoulder. They were at a crossroad. Cross wanted to walk to the right but Neah grabbed his arm.

„Oh no, when I am going down, I am going to take you with me." Stated Neah like a fact. He smiled sweetly. Neah dragged Cross to his house. „But, I can´t swear there! Your mother is going to skin me alive if she hears me swearing!" protested Cross. He tried to brake free but Neah held his arm tightly. „Not my problem~!" sung Neah happy. „fuck, let go asshole!" demanded Cross angry. „Nope!" answered Neah with a grin. So wide it would have split his face. „I will buy you two new Piano Exercise books!" promised Cross. He tried his last resort. Neah stopped for a moment. He considered it. „Two new Piano Exercise books or Marian´s suffering…." Thought Neah serious. He smiled and began walking again. „Nice try but no! Bribing isn´t going to work not this time!" announced Neah sadistic. „Your suffering is so much more fun!" thought Neah. „I hate you." Growled Cross with a pout. „Love you too!" yelled Neah. He began skipping.