Chapter 9
The sound of the bell ringing filled the school, signalling the end of the day. It also signaled the final few weeks of the seniors of the school. Stretching her exhausted limbs Lacus reached behind her "Oh man" she yawned "Time to prepare for exams.."
"You tell me" Amanda replied standing beside her friend.
"Did Emily leave already?" the pink haired girl asked collecting her things
The friend nodded "Yeah, she's coming over to my house later, do you want to come too?"
"To study?"
Her friend nodded in affirmation "Yes ma'am"
Lacus smiled "Yes please, when am I able to come?"
"Emily is coming after dinner, so probably around then. Maybe you could tag along with Cagalli, I know she may need our assistance"
A lighthearted giggle escaped from Lacus' pink lips "I'll ask her when I see her". Getting up from her seat, the two began to slowly walk out of classroom and into the crowded hall of the school.
Navigating through the mass cluster of students, they eventually stumbled towards their lockers and an awaiting Kira.
"Hey-o" Kira said waving at the two girls.
Returning the wave Amanda said "Wassup dude?"
"Just chilling, ready for exams?"
She shook her head "I may need your help with stuffs"
The boy smiled and pointed to his girlfriend "No worries, you got this person to your left"
Amanda quickly went up to Kira and whispered "But you're smarter than she is"
"I heard that" Lacus replied giving her friend the look of disappointment.
"Not coming over then?"
Kira shook his head "I would love to, but I cannot fit it in with my schedule"
"That's very unfortunate"
He walked over to Lacus and smiled at her "So that means you're going?"
The pinked girl nodded as she placed her books into her bag "After dinner"
"Alright see you later" Amanda said over the loud cries of students, she slung her bag over head shoulder and began on her way out.
"See you later" Lacus replied, while Kira only wave.
"Did you bring your car today?" Lacus asked slowly standing back up with her bag over her shoulder
Kira shook his head "Nah, I walked today"
She nodded "Walking it is!" she reached for Kira's hand and began to lead him through the crowd of students and out the school entrance. Quickly the two walked passed through the parking lot and down a neighborhood street.
During all their years in high school, never once have they saw anyone from their school take the path through the forest. Although, the path was really out of the way and almost nobody knew the path was there, it was always easy for the two because not only was it a shortcut to their homes but it also allowed Kira and Lacus to have their alone time together. Something they always liked having, even when they were with the friends. Like they have done for the past four years, they approached the fence that guarded the path and carefully they slipped past the rusted, worn fence and began to do something they were all too familiar with.
Enjoying the beautiful cool shade the forest provided from the hot summer sun. Slowly the two walked under the canopy of leaves. Surrounded by bright and vibrant greens, the faint sound of a nearby creek whisked through the different trees, providing some much needed calmness in the lives of both Kira and Lacus.
"It's always beautiful this time of year" said the pink haired girl who looked up through the little gaps of the canopy
"Yeah" the boy added, reaffirming the statement. His hands deep inside his shorts pockets as he jumped from boulder to boulder down the path "I'm going to miss this.." he muttered to himself.
"I'm going to miss it too" Lacus replied
Kira stopped and turned his attention to her "You heard me?"
To which she only nodded, the boy smiled and continued jumping from boulder to boulder.
Lacus watched as her boyfriend jumped from side to side, making sure to say on the boulder he landed on, she couldn't help but smile "Kira wait" Lacus insisted, noticing that he was getting further and further away from her.
The pink haired girl began to lightly run towards him "You're too far ahead"
"Oh sorry" the boy waited until Lacus was beside him once again before they continued on their little walk together.
"We're coming to a close aren't we?" Kira asked jumping over a fallen over tree that blocked the faded gravel path. He turned back to the girl that followed him and held his hand out.
Smiling Lacus took his hand and with his guidance, she too jumped over the fallen tree "Our school year is coming to a close, yes" letting go of Kira's hand, she dusted off her outfit before returning to Kira's side. The two smiled at each other and continued on their walk.
"Are you ready for your exams?"
The brunette nodded "Of course I am, I have to write them all this week"
"This week?" the girlfriend asked giving her a boyfriend a confused look.
Raising an eyebrow, the boy pinched the bridge of Lacus' nose "Yeah, did you forget, I'm moving to the PLANTS after next week"
A frown found it's way onto her lips "But graduation is that week"
"Yeah, I'm not going to the graduation" replied Kira who began rubbing his head out of sheer embarrassment.
"Kira!" moaned Lacus who grasped onto his arm and began to squeeze hard "I don't want you to leave.."
Kira kissed the top of her head "Then come with me" he whispered teasingly
"You're mean" she replied lightly hitting his chest
"And why's that?"
"Because you know, I can't get into your university"
"I know" Kira replied, reaffirming Lacus' point. A light pout escaped from her pink lips as they grew nearer and nearer to the entrance of the path. As they grew closer to the exit they continued the silence that surrounded them, enjoying every moment together because they were now running on borrowed time. The pink haired fixed her posture and was now resting her tired head on Kira's shoulder as their arms and fingers became more intertwined with one another.
"You've been rather clingy lately" the boy whispered, finally breaking the silence between the two.
"Good" she replied moving closer to her boyfriend.
"And you've been rather distant recently" she added gazing down at their intertwined hands. Lacus gave them gentle squeeze, which Kira happily returned.
"Oh really, how so?" he asked
The girl shrugged her shoulders "Something just feels off"
Have you finally heard my cries?
"I assure you, everything is fine" the boy replied reassuringly.
"Like today, you stood in front of me most of the time, only did you look at me when I called your name or wanted to feel loved" she whispered
The boy frowned "Sorry I made you feel that way, just things have been real chaotic with moving and such"
Lacus sighed "I feel like there is something you're not telling me Kira"
Will you be the one to break through?
Kira leaned in and kissed the top of her head "We're okay, okay?"
"You say that, but I'm having a hard time believing you.."
The two walked in complete silence, the air around them, suffocating and restricting. The happy mood that was once there, vanished as quickly as the breeze, in and out as if it were never there. Lacus and Kira were about to clear the entrance of the forest path they walked when Kira felt Lacus stop suddenly.
Turning back to face her, he asked "What's up?"
Lacus pointed to Kira's wrist "Why is there more?" she whispered not once taking her eyes of them.
"Uh, these? Don't worry about them, it's just a little hiccup is all" he exclaimed trying to pulled Lacus' attention away from his 'injured' wrist.
"Kira, tell me" she demanded
The boy sighed "I'm fine, Lacus" he insisted tugging on her hand urging her to keep walking.
"Don't you lie to me!" she yelled
"I'm not, I really am fine"
"No you're not!" she yelled throwing Kira's hand away from her "I hate it when you lie to me!"
"Who said I was lying" Kira asked frustratingly, taken aback by Lacus' actions.
"I said that you're lying. How could you be fine if your wrist looks like that!" hot tears began rolling down her pale skin cheeks.
"This doesn't involve you Lacus" replied a stern Kira.
"You said you would tell me everything, but what are you doing? You're keeping more and more things away from me!" screamed Lacus no longer being able to hold back her emotions, she reached for Kira's shirt as she tried to grab hold of it, to steady herself. "I knew there was something off about you! How dare you lie to me!"
"Enough!" Kira yelled swiping her hand away from him "Stop yelling, it's helping nobody."
"I want to know everything, it's hard being your girlfriend when you don't let me comfort you" she pleaded
A long sigh escaped from Kira's lips "I told you it doesn't concern you"
"What do you mean by that?!"
"I mean if I wanted to tell you I would tell you, but I didn't want to tell you because it doesn't concern you. It concerns me. This is my problem not yours, stop budding into business you have no business to take part in!" he yelled.
Out of sheer frustration; anger and sadness Lacus yelled "Sometimes I don't even know if I want to be your girlfriend anymore!"
Kira stared at her wide-eyed shocked by those hard hitting words that fell from Lacus' lips.
I guess you didn't hear my cries in the end
The pink haired girl covered her mouth and began to shake her head "K-Kira I didn't mean to say that" her frail body beginning to shake realizing that she had said something she shouldn't have ever said, she stretched out her hand and reached for Kira.
"Don't touch me!" Kira yelled
"K-Kira I didn-"
"Don't touch me!" he yelled once more holding his hand up to his crying eyes "I hate you"
"P-Please Kira I didn't mean to say that!"
He brought his gazes up and glared at her "You never meant to what? Scream at me?! Say those words to me?! What did you mean?! You say you want to help, this and that but all you have done thus far is escale a out of control problem!"
"I'm sorry!" she cried, she tried pushing herself towards Kira only to have him push her away.
"I thought I had you to trust! I hate you!"
This is our final goodbye
"But you!" he yelled pointing at her "Are exactly like Chris and his stupid group of friends!"
I'm sorry it had to happen this way
"Please listen to me! Please!" Lacus begged holding onto his arm
There really is no one in this world that means good
"I've had enough!" Kira yelled pulling his arm away from her.
"Please Kira, I need you! Please don't say you hate me!" the pink haired girl cried trying to force him to stare into one another's eyes "I don't want you to hate me, please!"
Our memories I cherished are now forever ruined
"Goodbye" he said not once looking at her
"Please kira! Listen to me please! I can't lose you!" Lacus said, tears rolling down in her face in a long continuous stream. She kept trying to plant kisses on Kira's lips but never once did he kiss back. He just stood there blank, emotionless, and broken. "Please don't leave me!"
Finally perking his head up "You know maybe Chris is right, maybe you would be better off with him" he took one step away from her and pulled a saddened smile onto his face
"Kira please!" she cried pushing herself back into his arms
Let's pretend that I never existed I think it'll work better that way"
"Please don't say that! I can't lose you Kira, please!" she cried digging her face into his shirt, she felt her heart being ripped out of her very being. Through all the times, the two of them have known each other since they were little kids and now everything was ripped away from her because she said those few words.
"I know I shouldn't have said those words, I didn't mean them! So please, please don't leave!"
"I'm sorry" he prompted up Lacus' head and kissed her on the forehead paralyzing Lacus "My final present for you" he whispered. He slowly let go of Lacus' face and ran. He ran as fast as he could run, away from the place that he called home, from the place where all his memories were made, now and forever last in the waves of time. Tainted by the events of today and those that will come in the near and distant future "I'm sorry"
Until we meet again my beautiful flower
Author's Note
There you have it! Fragile Heart: The Suffering Soul has indeed, come to an end! Now you may be wondering why the chapter is so short, and the answer to that is because once you run out of ideas for your main story it is impossible to drag it on. I personally didn't want to drag on the story any longer, I thought this was the perfect note to end on. Also, in case you didn't know, I write a chapter, month-by-month. So thinking of ways to further the development of the story got harder and harder as each month went by.
This chapter marks the 9th month of me working on this story. A remarkable achievement! I would like to thank all my readers for the support, it means a lot. I will see you in the second book (Which will be twice as long, chapter wise and word count wise). Just thought I'd let you know!
A prologue for the first book will be published before September for your viewing eyes! Stay tuned for that.
Until next time,
- OOCentral